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    27 Jan: Fugitive in a Dune like scenario

    by , 01-27-2019 at 09:24 PM (292 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

    Big buildings, a sense of being wanted and chased down. I see agents coming for me, run to a car and drive off. On the fringes of the city I meet some other fugitives, we head for a desert area, where people mine and have an independent life. They welcome us to their city. The whole place seems like a scenario from Dune, We decide to just stay hidden at the mines (working there), until we gather some money to then leave to even more far away. We know that agents infiltrate this city looking for fugitives and we can't risk it.

    We owe taxes. A lady goes in our place to settle the debts for us and once all is paid, we finally go back home. (Not sure this dream was continuation of the other)

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    Updated 05-27-2019 at 09:32 PM by 34880

    non-lucid , dream fragment
