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    Nef's dream journal

    1. Mom kept interrupting

      by , 04-12-2018 at 03:26 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      I got lucid , thought of calling up N ,first I grabbed the phone , then for some reason I pointed my two fingers like a pistol or radio , and raised to my ear , I associated it with a means to communicate , and it worked. Soon I heard her voice saying she doesnt know who I am or why am I talking to her. I wanted to explain her what's happening, but mom suddenly came in saying she left something at home so she came back for it and kept talking to me until I couldnt talk to N. Then I tried again once she left, and called N again, she popped up in the door talking to me once again I was like jesus christ mom go ..

      Then I woke up to a noise

      Tbh I don't really think that it was N herself,but I still tried to call her to see what happens, I should've asked her to open a portal to me lol
      Tags: calling, lucid, short
    2. Park

      by , 04-07-2018 at 11:27 AM (Nef's dream journal)
      Had a very vivid dream ,where I could speak in rhymes with ease. I walked through a park where was statues and buildings of different periods of human history.

      I was really relaxed and had a good mood.
      Tags: park, rhymes, walk
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Dissappointment

      by , 04-04-2018 at 12:29 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      ܢܖܣܒܠ ܒܘ̄ܠ*ܬ݈ܡ
      ܐ ܟ̤݈ܠܼܕܥ݈ ܐܫ ܐ̄ܬܬ ܘܠܬ܀ܘܠܡܥ ܪِܢܕِܝܘ**ِِܢُِܢ܀ܘِِܓܪِ ܐِܓٌܬܬ ܘ̄ܠܬَܢܩ܀ܕِ ܘ‏*݈ܠ݈ܡ݁ ܢܡ ܘܠܬ ܪِܢܕܒِܢ܀ ܥܠܡ ܘِِܓِِܪِ ܐِܡِܠِِܩܣِܡ ܥ݁ܓ݈ܝܱܢ܀ܢܖܥܣ ܡܓܩِِܪܕِܝܬِ ܗܓ ܐِܡܠِܩܣِܩ ܐ ܐܪܪ݈ ܐ݈ܡ݀ܬ ܡ̄ܢܕ̄ܬܬ ܀ܡ݁ܪِ ܐܝܬ ܡ̄ܢܕܬܡ ܢܡ ܀ܐܝܬ ܡܢܕܬ݈ ܗ ܐܩܩ̄ܪ ܡ̄ܫܬ ܠܦܩܣܩ ܐܝܝܠ ܐ ܨܒܒܠ ܐܩ݁ܬ ܡܱܪ ܪِِܓ ܐ݁ܫܡܪ ܀ܐܩܩܪ ܡِܓܥِܠِܢܬ ܐِܝ ܐ݈ܝ
      ܐ݁ܝܡ̄ܫ ܨܩ̄ ܀ ܡ̄ܢܕ݈ܢ̄ܡ ܫِܡ ܩِܠܠ ܡ݀ܢܕܩِܬܬܘٓܬ ܡِܓܬِِܦܬِܡ ܀ܐܝܬܱܢ ܦِܠِِܒܪܕܬܡ܀

      ܐܝ ܥܠܡ ܐܝܝܠ ܝܱܪ݉ܠܬ ܗ̄ܓ ܐ ܪِܡِِܢ̥ܪٓܠ ܒܣِِܠܬِܡ܀܀ܐ݈ܩܱܪܡ݀ ܐ݀ܫ ܬܘ̃ܪܬِِܢ݁ܩ ܪِܡِِܠܢ݁ ܩِܠܠ ܫ ܩٓٓܝܕِܢ݁
      ܐِܓ ܥ̄ܒܒ ܥ̃ܒ̃ܐِِܪܬ
      Tags: persal
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. ܪ̃ܒًܕ ܖܠ̄ܡ

      by , 04-01-2018 at 03:24 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      ܢܪܣܒܠ ܙܱ̇ܬܣ̄ܬܬܡ ܒܠܡܥً ܡܘܠܬًܦܠܥܶܪ ܥܱ̇ܬܼܶܩܒܱܢ
      ܒܱܠܱܡًܩ̄ܪ ܢܶܦܶܨ ܢܶܲܒܶܢ ܥܡܠًܬܥܬܬ ܐܡً ܡܶܓܠܦܬܬ

      Updated 04-01-2018 at 03:39 PM by 92016 (ܟܬܒ)

      Tags: persal
      non-lucid , dream fragment