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    Chronicles of Ethos

    1. City of Mithril

      by , 07-16-2013 at 03:01 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)
      City of Mithril

      This dream started with Lucidis, Chris, and Claire entering the city they spotted in the previous dream. The city was built on a large oasis with the desert river running through the middle of the city. The city appeared to be mostly medieval in nature. The buildings in the city were made with a silvery-blue metal. It looked beautiful and it seemed magical. Within the city walls, it also felt much cooler than out in the desert.

      Having just come out of the desert, they decided to take the day to relax and enjoy themselves. Chris and Claire decided to head to the tavern and rest there. Lucidis however wanted to explore the city. He was more interested in interacting with the people and learning about the city. By this point Lucidis had completely forgotten about the heart stone.

      Lucidis wandered the city for a while and talked with a lot of people, but I won't go into too much detail. He learned that the city was built upon a mine that is abundant with a rare mineral known as mithril. Many buildings in the city were created with mithril, which was what gave them the silvery-blue look. I'm not 100% sure, but I think Lucidis also learned that the name of the city was Arinok, or something like that.

      Lucidis also heard some stories about people disappearing in the mines and about mithril mysteriously disappearing. There was actually more to it than that, but I can't remember the details. Lucidis interpreted this as a quest and decided he would investigate it the next day.

      The sun was beginning to set, so Lucidis went back to the tavern where the group would likely be staying for a few days. There were quite a few people there drinking and having a good time. They were likely there for some sort of fighting tournament that was to take place that night. Lucidis managed to find Claire relaxing at a table drinking what I'm assuming was wine. Surprisingly, Lola was there as well and talking to Claire.

      Lucidis ordered a glass of orange juice and sat down next to them. Lucidis asked Lola what she was doing in Arinok. She told him that she and Rick were investigating some of the strange things that have been happening in the city. They were related to the stories that Lucidis heard earlier. It was then decided that both groups would try to complete this quest the next day.

      Chris soon came back to the table and he looked pretty drunk. He said something about signing Lucidis and Claire up for the fighting tournament. Chris said he wanted to win the prize, but he was too drunk to participate. I can't remember what the prize was though.

      Dream time skipped a bit and a large boxing ring was now present on the far end of the tavern. By this point the semi-final round was being finished by Lucidis. The final round between Lucidis and Claire was about to start. Lucidis was excited for this because it would be his first time fighting Claire with her stasis armor.

      I'm having trouble recalling the fight, so I guess I'll just skip that. I do remember that the dream ended in the middle of the fighting.
    2. The Desert Camp

      by , 07-15-2013 at 05:01 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)
      The Desert Camp

      Lucidis, Chris, and Claire had recently crossed the border into Efile and set out to walk in one direction, which was south. I don't think they really knew where they were going. The map from "The Heart Stone" had no details relating to roads, cities, or geography. I wonder if it's a part of the world that people from outside Efile know little about.

      They were traveling through a hot sandy desert. They wore white hooded cloaks to protect them from the heat of the sun. Chris was also carrying a large backpack which likely contained traveling and survival gear. Traveling through the desert wasn't too difficult for them, though it certainly wasn't a walk in the park. It felt kind of like traveling through the desert in Journey (an indie video game).

      They didn't talk much and early part journey was pretty uneventful aside from sliding down large sand dunes. Lucidis and Chris found that to be fun. After traveling for a fair amount of time, Claire spotted something from the top of a large sand dune. She activated the visor of her stasis armor and used the binoculars function to get a better look at it. Claire then told Lucidis and Chris that there was a camp and river a few miles to the west.

      Initially Chris wanted them to keep traveling in the same direction to avoid getting lost and to get through the desert quickly. After talking it over, it was then decided that going to camp and following the river would be safer. They began to walk west towards the camp and dream time skipped here.

      It was now what I think was morning of the next day. Lucidis, Chris, and Claire had apparently stayed the night in that camp. The camp appeared to be the remains of an old abandoned military camp. It was mostly in ruins, but some of the structures were still in tact.

      Claire had asked for Chris and Lucidis meet her at a location a short distance south of the camp in the morning. Chris and Lucidis traveled there and what they found was a rather large obstacle/training course. It had what looked to be about a hundred stone platforms elevated above quicksand. The platforms were spaced apart with various obstacles such as rope swings, monkey bars, and balance beams between them.

      Claire told Lucidis and Chris to remove their cloaks and to start training. Naturally, Lucidis though training in the middle of a hot desert was ridiculous and protested. Claire told him it that it would help condition their bodies to the desert environment. She also threatened to shoot Lucidis, so he started training on the obstacle course.

      After training for some time, Lucidis made it to the far end of the obstacle course and stopped to take a breath. He looked out towards the river and followed the river with his eyes. He looked towards the southwest and saw what appeared to be silvery-blue towers shining far off in the distance. It looked like it was a city to him.

      Lucidis called to Chris who was navigating an obstacle a few platforms away. Lucidis pointed in the direction of the city and asked Chris if he could see it too or if it was just a mirage. Chris confirmed that it was real by saying that he could see it too. They worked their way back to Claire and told her about the city. They planned to journey to the city after that, but I think it was around this point that the dream ended.

      Updated 07-16-2013 at 02:08 AM by 32005

    3. The Heart Stone

      by , 07-14-2013 at 05:54 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Because I tend to dream from the perspective of other dream characters fairly frequently now, I feel like it would be easier to understand my dreams if they were written in some sort of first person third person mix.

      The Heart Stone

      This dream was from about 3 days ago, so I don't remember much of it anymore. I feel like it's important to the story though. Lucidis, Chris, and Claire were walking along a stone bridge above the sea. The bridge connected the mainland and a small island not too far off. On the small island was a stone tower. The tower was a sort of college where various things were studied and researched.

      Lucidis was holding and looking at a strange stone as they walked. It was blood red and you could see into it a little. It looked like there was something at the core of the stone, but it was unclear. Lucidis had apparently come acquired this stone on a previous adventure, but I can't seem to recall that moment. Lucidis felt like the stone had some importance to it. Chris had suggested taking it to a geologist so that the stone could be identified.

      Lucidis, Chris, and Claire crossed the bridge and entered the tower through an open doorway. They went down a set of stairs into a room below the tower. This was where the geologists did their research. There was only one man there who seemed to be the professor. He was sitting at his desk reading charts and graphs. He didn't notice them walk in until Lucidis placed the red stone in front of him.

      Lucidis asked the professor to identify the stone and asked what he should do with the stone. The geologist studied the stone for a moment with a lense. If I remember correctly, he said that it was a heart stone. He then said that it should be taken to Efile. Lucidis had never heard of Efile before, so he asked the professor what Efile was. He layed a map of the world across the desk and simply pointed at a part of the map. Unfortunately the map was somewhat blurry and distorted, but a white country labeled Efile could be found in the south east corner of the continent.

      There may have been other things that happened, but I think I woke up after looking at the map.

      Updated 07-16-2013 at 04:18 AM by 32005
