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    My paranoid adventure into the mind.

    Night of April 11 2015

    by , 04-12-2015 at 02:01 PM (415 Views)
    Too much drinking

    The dream started with me in a very simple room. 4 walls, 1 roof, and 1 floor, and nothing else. Though I had the feeling that it was a police interrogation room as one of the walls had one-way glass (I couldn't see through it.) and a door next to it, and I couldn't open it. I remember having a bottle of alcohol in my hand and I remember being drunk. Suddenly, I started to question my reality, asking, "Why do I think I'm in reality?" and also saying, "I could be dreaming." and then I continued saying my mantra which is "I'm dreaming". All the while looking at my surroundings. When I looked at my hands to do an RC (Though I couldn't really see them well as it was blurry (or I just don't recall the image of my hands)), I realized that I was dreaming. Then I said "I'm not going to do anything in the dream because I feel too drunk". I can't even believe myself anymore ;_;. I continued drinking and eventually woke up.

    Well that was exciting and unexpected as a first (recalled) lucid dream! I feel as though I was only semi-lucid in the dream. I think I've been doing my RC's wrong. Usually, I do what I've been doing in my dream while trying to remember what I did 5 minutes ago. Then I proceeded to that RC and repeated my mantra. Of course I've been putting the thought that I REALLY WAS dreaming during these procedures, but it didn't really take full effect in the dream. Maybe it was because my hands were blurry, should I combine the hands RC with another one, or change my Reality Checking procedure? Or am I right, but I need to give it more time?


    I turned off my laptop the wrong way (Did it abruptly by pressing the same button you use to turn it on). I felt afraid that it would damage it. (Dream Fragment).
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    lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment


    1. JadeGreen's Avatar
      I realized that I was dreaming. Then I said "I'm not going to do anything in the dream because I feel too drunk". I can't even believe myself anymore ;_;. I continued drinking and eventually woke up.
      I guess you were not fully lucid because of the dream alchohol. I've had a couple experiences with dream alcohol (despite being under-age, and never having drank before in my life.) and it can really mess with your head.
      ParanoidLlama likes this.