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    Percy's Void of Thoughts

    Welcome to My world!

    1. Zooming the mirror

      by , 06-23-2015 at 09:47 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Zooming the mirror (DILD)


      This was a very long and most of it, personal, but there was a lucid part of the dream and I remembered to do the advanced task since it was undone, so I am sharing this part:

      After coming out from the house since I needed to go to the big event I wondered if I was ready and all set. As I was gliding I saw a lot of lights and circus-alike tents. The entrance was like an old creepy campsite welcome sign. There were some pot-a-potties nearbie and I did not recognize the place so I turned lucid.

      I looked up into the sky, and as usual, it was full of stars, I wanted to take a flight but I remembered I had my advanced task undone. So I got into the pot-a-potty and on the inside it was huge and like a normal bathroom.

      I looked myself into the mirror and at first nothing happened, but then, the top of my head started to inflate like a balloon. I wondered if I could change myself entirely if I looked away from the mirror and started at it again, so I did. I saw no changes, other than being deformed and/or having a lot more facial hair.

      I wanted to see if I could be absorved by the mirror somehow if I started at it, which I did for quite some time. Nothing happened other than a "zoom" effect on my reflection.

      A little after I left the bathroom satisfied with the task completed.

      Lost lucidity shortly after and/or woke up/dont recall.
      lucid , task of the month
    2. Soccer, UFOs and more soccer

      by , 06-12-2015 at 09:48 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Soccer, UFOs and more soccer (DILD)


      Been extremely busy doing many new improvements in my business and other personal stuff. Finished yesterday and already worked back on dreams Did the basic task here.

      I was in some place and there was a soccer goal and I told myself why not doing some keeper training. Someone started to shot some penalty kicks and other type of chuts and I was doing pretty well, blocking all the soccerballs from hitting the goal. I felt happy and suddenly, a couple small kids spawned and started to throw soccerballs at me as well. I stopped them all.

      After a while doing this, some random soccer players came and started to throw a massive amount of soccer balls, but I think I blocked them all as well. One of them told me that they were going to come tomorrow and use additional balls such as baseballs, footballs, tennisballs, and more... I was wondering that it was such a crazy challenge.

      This turned me lucid, but I was enjoying very much my dream, so I kind of said, "Alright, I will just spawn some goal keeper gloves to be able to have better control of my skills." However, I failed. I tried to do it a few times, but when I looked to my hands, I had no gloves on. My hands and fingers changed almost every time I looked at them, just hopping for some gloves. I went outside and I saw a tree and remembered the basic task.

      I climbed the tree (hopping to find some gloves) but no gloves. I saw my surroundings. It was a busy city in terms of buildings and lights, but it was silent. I also saw the sky. It was night and it was beautiful. I felt like taking a flight, but wanted to do the soccer thing. However, I saw a few clouds with the shapes of UFOs, some of them where amazing. The UFOs were real, as they had lights and everything, but they were made out of clouds. I decided to fly to one of the UFOs but as I approached at it, it vanished.

      I decided to land and look for my gloves. I saw two female characters who appeared to be attracted to me, as they were staring at me in a sexy stance. I approached at them and said, "Do you have my goalkeeper gloves?" One of them said, "Yes, here:" She spawned some gloves similar to these:

      I put my gloves on, but it was super hard to puy them on.
      I lost lucidity at some point, and after a while, I was able to get my gloves on, but now I was in the car, my wife was driving and we were in one of the north San Diego neighborhoods. I saw Gianluigi Buffon moving in a huge house:

      I told my wife to stop as I wanted to meet him. We got inside the house and it was under construction still. I was hopping to meet Buffon so he could sign my gloves.
      I figured that since the gloves were dream-gloves I wouldn't need to return them and if I held tight to them, I could take them out from the dream world to the waking word. We got inside the main lobby of the house and I saw a TV in the distance showing The Simpsons. I was waiting for meet with Buffon until my wife woke me up.
    3. Ayahuesca in the fancy hotel

      by , 05-23-2015 at 10:40 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Ayahuesca in the fancy hotel (Non-lucid)


      I was visiting a nice hotel with my wife and a friend, Stephanie. I believe that we were with a couple more friends. We went to a big meeting room that looked more like a theater with several different levels. The carpeting was red and there was a lot of lightning.

      There were six people on the podium and they were all meditating and chanting mantras. They were with a shaman and I felt that it would be a great thing if I was there with them. We were sitting and looking at the ritual, the energy was amazing. After a while, I could see they were boiling different plants and I told Stephanie, "They are brewing ayahuasca, I bet! Dang I so want to be in there " Stephanie got very excited and told me, "We will trip on ayahausca soon. I will call my shaman and we will have a ritual together." I felt happy and excited.

      Time lapsed and suddenly, they were done and I saw a different shaman offering the leftovers to people, but apparently everybody was rejecting it until he got to us. I was a little surprised that he was offering such a potent DMT brew to random people. It looked totally not like the real thing, but more like some very think green soup. It felt very gross to me and I was not feeling having a thick ayahuasca, like the taste is bad enoug, lol.

      I told the shaman, "Well, I actually ate manchego cheese at lunch, so the MAOi is going to make puke big time!"
      (There are certain foods to avoid for 4-5 days before an ayahuasca trip due the MAO inhibitor.) We went outside and he gave me some tools and all the leftovers because he realized that I was ready for another ayahuasca journey and that I was spiritually awakened enough.

      I took everything with me and showed my wife, who freaked out a little but was happy for me.
    4. Emptying the lake = Undin Entite

      by , 04-28-2015 at 06:17 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Emptying the lake = Undin Entite (DILD)


      I was flying and I believe it was to Geneva as I was going to be teaching there for a few days. Suddenly, I freaked out because I noticed I had no luggage with me. I also looked at a bag and apparently, i only had clothes. I did not have any of the manuals I wanted to give to my students and I neither had my signing bowls / crystals with me. I felt terrible until I noticed and wondered how did I get into the plane, and wondered about my passport too.

      I did a reality check and turned lucid right away, as not only my hands were weird, but despite the plane flying and making its regular noise, the inside of the plane itself looked like a bus. I felt very relieved and very happy because it was all a dream and well, I was lucid. I decided to take a flight to make the dream stable as usual, so I went to the front of the bus-plane. Now, it was like a plane as I could see the locked cabin and the exit door was on the left, as usual on the planes. I opened the door and one fly attendant freak out (Funny how my subconscious knows opening the door of a flying plane is a bad idea...) but I opened the door anyway (which looked like the front door of a house.)

      Nothing happened to the plane, I think it either vanished or flew away, but I glided through the clouds and even though I felted tempted to go to space, I wanted to do the ToTM Bonus, which was awesome this month. As I was flying, I saw a lot of mountains and a lake. I landed next to the lake and imagined water coming out from my hands. At first, nothing happened, but after a while, water and ice were coming our from my hands. I froze everything around and also flooded a forest. I was not sure if it was rightly done, I felt so, but I also felt it could be a false memory, so just in case, did the other way around.

      I imagined water and ice again coming out from my hands and I pointed at the lake. I visualized a bubble absorbing all the water in the lake until I saw something like this:

      I found it funny, because it is an enemy from a final fantasy game (a very nasty one actually, Undin Entite for those final fantasy fans) however, it did not attack me or anything, it was just floating above. I looked at the lake and it was completely empty, but funny enough, I saw what looked like treasure chests, even though I believe they were empty.

      After a while of observing this scenic view, I saw a weird light in the sky and flew to it. I believe I lost both lucidity and recall from here.
    5. Shuffle of dreams - summary only

      by , 04-26-2015 at 05:36 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Shuffle of dreams - summary only (Non-lucid)


      As usual, I am missing to write a ton of dreams... I am traveling and that halves my time, so I summarize a few ones from previous days:

      - There was a military boat with all the evil of the world. I had a cannon to sink it and all the evil of the world would end.

      - I could "bond" with birds holding them on their paws. I did with a tiny bird and I could fly, the little bird lifitng my wight.

      - I was a monkey in the sabannah.

      - I had people sleeping in my own hotel room.

      - I merged somehow with a video game and I saw giant creatures around buildings.

      - I saw a huge forest that had a ton of Ganon walking around. It was dangerous to go around even though they did bother no one. People ended up killing them and I felt how pathetic was the human being.
    6. The Love Chamber ~ With a Goddess.

      by , 04-07-2015 at 10:33 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      The Love Chamber (Non-lucid)


      There was some sort of love chamber. Said room would make the most romantic experience ever, as long as a couple entered it, of course. I was competing for it, as I liked a girl who liked me also, but I had my doubts, as she liked another guy also.

      I talked with that gal a lot, and I believe we kissed, but I saw her kissing the other guy too. That guy's friends were making their best for me to not connect with that gal.

      I wanted to go to the chamber, and some people was distracting me with science projects and pushing me, but I finaly made it. It seems that she was going to pick me afterall and there was some deal of going inside with a calculator and a notebook. The other guy told me I could go fetch mine (someone stoled it from me.) And he would tell the gal to wait for me. Of course I knew this was a hoax, so I said, "Screw the mats thing." The gal came, she was like a goddess, defenitely not human as she has a thick white aura and was very tall. She hugged me and said she picked me.

      We entered the love chamber. The energy of the room was massive, smell of incense and a very romantic music hard to describe. It was candlelight lit... We sat together, looked into our eyes and...
      sadly woke up.
    7. Seeding a planet

      by , 04-07-2015 at 10:32 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Seeding a planet (Non-lucid)


      I traveled back and forth to a new planet. It was much alike Earth, but much larger and not populated. I had to seed this planet alongside other ET beings.

      We were creating animals. I could see that this planet looked like the Earth even the layout of the continents, but it was green and clean, it was amazing, air was pure. There were some super sonic planes that traveled from the US to Europe in seconds (remember, the planet was larger than Earth, so US-Europe distance is much larger)

      Some guy wanted to implement money in this planet, but myself being the highest authority I said no... money only brought corruption. I flew above this planet a lot to check out how it was going. I saw some massive buildings, up the clouds and realized it was once populated.
    8. Venomous scorpions and the tiny elevator

      by , 04-07-2015 at 10:31 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Venomous scorpions and the tiny elevator (Non-lucid)


      Something related to hotels, I visited many of them. They had a room with the most dangerous insects known to men. To my surprise, one of them was a crab, apparently, it had an extremely powerful venom coming out from the spikes of the top of it's shell.

      However, all these bugs where friendly to me, as they knew I had once a pet scorpion and took good care of him
      (this is true in waking life) so they would crawl on me and never sting me. I still did not trust the crab, since it was not an insect type.

      I was going to school or something, maybe an university. There were some tiny elevator,about a couple feed between the doors and the back of it, I could barely breath and yet, I took it a few times. There were some flying lessons and I had a ton of friends. One girl had a crush on me and my wife was upset.
    9. ULTRA-INCEPTION: ToTM Done ~ Over 15 FAs, 10 lucids and non lucids in one single dream

      by , 03-31-2015 at 06:14 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      ULTRA-INCEPTION: ToTM Done ~ Over 15 FAs, 10 lucids and non lucids in one single dream and dreams within dreams (DILD)


      I have a long load of dreams to upload, but since this is a ToTM I must now. Been busy and I am behind in writing everything down. This was a very strange dream, a mix of astral projection, lucids, non-lucids and waking... I ended up very confused when I woke up for real.

      I had a FA in a big hotel room, I believe I was in Australia. This was a very long dream and I lost some of what happened, but a weird wasp stung me and layed some eggs under my skin. Said eggs hatched almost right away and I started to feel very sick. I went to the ER and I was told that surgery was needed. They needed total anesthesia and I was worried because I just ate. I figured I was going to get sick big time once the procedure ended. I realized that I was probably going to astral project due the anesthesia. When they administred it, I passed out and suddenly, found myself floating above my body.

      I was dreaming of an Astral Projection, but non lucidly. I was flying around and I passed out again.

      I had a series of FAs and falling asleep several times, like a big loop.

      At some point I did a RC and realized I was dreaming. Despite being lucid, I was still buying that my physical body was receiving surgery. I was in a big house and I took a flight to make my dream stable. The sky was clear and I could see a very bright light. It reminded me of the Bonus task of the month, to visit the ISS and watch a sunrise over our planet.

      Flying to space was pretty easy for me and soon, I got to the ISS. As I was approachng at it, it looked like the real thing, but then, suddenly it morphed into something like this:

      I was standing on the edge of this station and I could see our planet and a very bright light on the very edge. I saw the Sun rising right behind the Earth and the beams of light from the sun had a few different shades of yellow, white and red. I was happy to accomplish the ToTM Bonus so I decided to complete some dares, however, I passed out again.

      I had another FA, I was in a room and I realized it was not the hospital. I turned lucid and double checked checking my hands. I could hear a lot of noises, like hospital noises despite I was outdoors in another dream. I started to worry about the surgery and lost lucidity.

      I had another few chains of FAs
      small lucids passing out and more non lucid dreamlets, all with brief real awakenings (in my real bed) and installing back to dreaming.

      I had another layer in the same dream where I was projecting myself and I saw my body, almost wrapped up with the surgery. I had x-ray vision and I could see how they removed all the parasite eggs from my body. I also saw my stomatch, still full with food and I knew i was going to puke everything and feel horrible once I woke up from the surgery. I could touch other people while in this ghost form and they would feel me, but not see me, I was fooling for a while.

      I FAed in the hospital bed, and I was feeling pretty bad. I passed out.

      I had another FA in vegas.
      I had a short lucid and I quickly passed out once again to find me in another false awakening.

      I had then again another FA in my car. I was parked in front of a Wallgreens and my wife was in the passenger sit (I was driving asleep? lol)
      I turned lucid out of all the non-sense, but my wife told me that I was not dreaming and prevented me to do a reality check. I knew this was not my wife because we encourage each other to do a RC.

      Other FA in a room.

      Another FA in a different room, outside a building at night. There was a car parked and they asked me if I enjoyed my trip. Apparently, they caused all of these dream to happen, it was a company called, "9 clairvoyants dreamer"

      I woke up for real.

      I did over 15 different RCs where all gave positives (I was awake...) but still I felt afraid I would be fooled again. I went to pee and wanted to go back to bed, I knew eventually I would be 100% back in the waking plane.

      Updated 03-31-2015 at 06:17 PM by 31830

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    10. Mirror to the world o' jell-o to mirror the dark realm

      by , 02-28-2015 at 09:19 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Mirror to the world o' jell-o to mirror the dark realm (DILD)


      Been very busy with dentists and literally swamped by readings and healing sessions, I have hours worth of dream in my paper journal and I need to update here... but this one has to come as it is the ToTM!

      I was going to some meeting with a friend. It was some sort of meeting to do a banishing ritual in a house, as they had some evil spirits messing up with their lifes and I had to get rid of them. My twim flame was with me to do the work and we were driving to the house. Out of this, I turned lucid because I realized that it was a different car that my own or my twin's, and upon checking my hand, I was able to validate that I was dreaming.

      The dream quality was okay, not amazing so I took a flight to bring more quality into it. After flying for a while, I recalled the ToTM so I landed in some suburbian area. Most of the houses were brown and white with small bushes and cacti as their front yards. I went to the house I had the closest to me. I opened the door (I believe it was like an indoors door, a regular door to a bedroom) and luckily, I was able to open it with no issues apparently going on.

      Inside the house, there was a small dog, who apparently was super happy to see me. The house did not have a lot of furniture, but it did have a x-mas tree and a lot of crystals, mainly quartz. I went to a couple rooms to find no one, but furniture. The house looked like one of those model homes that you can see when you want to buy a new house, as each room was featured with one theme and it was spotless and lifeless.

      Satisfied with the basic done, I looked for the bathroom (I believe there was a mirror in one of the bedrooms but did not think of it.) I placed myself in front of the mirror and pushed it with my hands and head. At first nothing happened, but then it felt like jell-o and it started to move in an odd way. I started to fly through it and I got inside of the mirror. Everything was super blurry and wavy and I almost woke up. After a while, I was in another room, said room was very old, dusty and very dark, even though I could see fine. There was a huge wardrobe that had one old school creepy mirror:

      Much more creepier and very dusty but can't find a better one. This whole world was made of jell-o as all the stuff was waivy. I thought of exiting the house as it would be cool to see the world I was in, but I decided to go through the creepy mirror once more. I was able to easily get inside this one and I was in a void of nothingness... all darkness, I could feel wind in my face, as now I was flying, but it was all blackness until I woke up.
      Tags: mirror, totm
      lucid , task of the month
    11. FINAL NIGHT: Trump card!! 14 WILD Yo-yo combo effect! (Not chained) Farming big points!

      by , 02-07-2015 at 07:16 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      FINAL NIGHT: Trump card!! 14 WILD Yo-yo combo effect! (Not chained) Farming big points! (WILD)


      This was an awesome night in terms of pointage, even though I would have chosen other tasks while lucid, and definitely, not to break lucidity so many times, but I had to do what I had to do! This is a list of several WILDs, will put them in one entry so it is best known what is going on, and as a nice memory for my future.

      This chain started after about three hours or sleep, I could not recall anything but a couple fragments related to the tournament. I felt the pressure of the last night so I did a WBTB while meditating, focusing and incubating for this.

      Note: this are ALL different dreams, and they are NOT a chain of WILDS, as I wrote the dream down between each dream and did a mini-wbtb between each.

      WBTB (+2 pts)
      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      First WILD (+10 pts)

      Reality Check (+1 pts)
      Advance Flying (+10 pts)
      Teleport (+7 pts)
      DC Interaction (+2 pts)
      Eat something (+4 pts)
      Advance Telekinesis (+10 pts)

      Suddenly the vibrations ceased and I found myself with the eyes open and having a blurry vision. I realized I was dreaming, but I still did a reality check to make sure, upon doing it. I took of and decided to fly up to space. There was a big mass of clouds, it was a foggy day and I could feel humidity, but after a few moments, I was out in space, flying at hight speed. I recalled this was the last night and I had to focus, so I stopped flying and I decided to teleport to a beach. As usual, I closed my eyes and visualized a beach, appeared at one with red sand. It was full of people and I saw a very hot DC in topless. I said, "Look, you are hot, but I am on business." I rubbed myself againts here and just moved away. I then grabbed a sandwhich from a bag I saw around, and it tasted like a burger, a very well done burger. I tried telekinesis and lifted a couple of chairs that were around, I kept focusing on more and more chairs levitating with easy success. People was screaming and I think some kid said, "Stop it!!" I thought it was enough and I decided to wake myself up to follow my plan.

      I woke up and wrote this dream down, just keywords to not waste time, and layed down to WILD again. I thought I would fail, because it took be a bit longer time to WILD than I thought, but I was able to do it. This was about 5 minutes dream.

      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      Successiive WILD (+5 pts)
      Reality check (+1 pts)
      Advance Flying (+10 pts)
      Teleport (+7 pts)
      Phase through objects (+8 pts)
      Super Speed (+4 pts)
      Unespecified dream control (+3 pts)

      I was back in my bed, wondering if my WILD worked. I could not feel any of my cats nor my wife in bed, so I did a RC and found my hand to be like a hologram. I took of quickly and start to fly. It was night this time and not cloudy at all. Instead of going to space, I just flew at high speed for a while to score well the advance flying. Some time passed and I decided to attempt to teleport while I was flying, so I closed my eyes and visualized to be taken to a random place. I heard a bird so I opened my eyes, while still flying. I was above a huge forest, while apparently, no one appeared to be there. I saw a ton of trees and I imagined I was a ghost and I could phase through them. I never closed my eyes while doing this and even though some trees apparnelty were shaking, I did phase through them without breaking them. I landed and started to run at super speed to score some points with success. I saw a lake and I had a false memory that breathing underwater scored 30 points so I got pretty excited as I jumped inside. I started to breath and while I choked at first, after a few moments I was able to breath. I felt this was enough and I woke myself up again.

      I woke up and for a second I felt it was a false awakening, as they are very common for me, but I did a couple of reality checks and I was awake indeed. Took notes for my dream, went pee and went back to bed to perform another WILD. I was excited because there was still a long night to go. This dream lasted about 10 minutes.

      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      Successive WILD (+5 pts)
      Reality Check (+1 pts)
      Advance Flying (+10 pts)
      Dream Character Interaction (+2 pts)
      Use Electronics (+4 pts)
      Advance Summoning Fictional (+15 pts)

      I woke up in my old house bed, something extremely uncommon for me. For a second I felt happy because I was back in San Diego and not in Spain, but I did a reality check and saw my hand missing a finger. A bit of a bummer but good to reality I was going to score more points. I exited and as always in San Diego, it was very sunny and it was day, even though I could see stars on the sky and colored objects that I had no idea what they were but did not want to bother. I took once more a flight at high speed above and below the clouds. I also flew right above a huge downtown area (much bigger than San Diego downtown) and I decided to land. I saw a female DC talking on her phone. I demanded her to give me her cell phone. She insulted me and kept talking on her phone. I asked Freddy Krueger for help and he appeared right in front of me. I told the lady, "Your phone or else..." She started complained and gave me her phone. It was an old flip phone... I tried to call a random number and I believe google opened (somehow it was now a galaxy note) but someone in Spanish started to saying something despite I was talking in English. It made me laugh and I felt it was time to wake myself up, it felt a long dream to me.

      I woke up and I was still paralyzed. I did not want to do a DEILD because it was beyond my plan, as dream control points award only once per chain. I tried hard to move my legs until after a while, they moved. I wrote my dream down. This one took me 20 minutes, I was hopping for less, but it was okay. I drank some water, and went back to bed.

      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      Successive WILD (+5 pts)
      Reality Check (+1 pts)
      Dream Character Interaction (+2 pts)
      Basic Flying (+4 pts)

      I woke myself in bed and for a second I though I was still awake, I went to write a dream down but my lamp did not work. I found that to be odd so I checked my hands to find some thick and broken fingers.
      My wife told me where was I going. I told her that she was just a dream character and let me mind my business. She said, "Whatever" and went back to bed. I left the house and took of flying. It was super cloudy and foggy
      (my lucid cryptonite) and I could not make my dream stable. I tried to fly out of them but my flight was pretty lame. Shortly after, I woke up.

      This was a dream-loss, not intentional awakening. I worried I screwed my REM somehow, but I needed to push myself to the limits. This dream lasted like two minutes. I did a small wbtb to relax myself and went back to bed to keep WILDing.

      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      Successive WILD (+5 pts)
      Dream Stabilization (+1 pts)
      Advance Flying (+10 pts)
      Advance Summon Fictional (+15 pts)
      Personal Task (+15 pts)
      Incubation (+15 pts)

      I woke up in bed and my dream quality seemed to be high. I left my house and started to flying. It was night and a sky full of stars. I also saw a few moons and some fireballs, it was pretty awesome actually. I felt the dream quality was superior, but I wanted to make sure the dream was stable before flying to space. After a while, I got myself to space and I could see cities in space, outside of planet earth. I wanted to explore one of those cities. One of them, was like a big downtown that covered a huge floating rock. There was a cascade on one of the edges of the rock falling into the nothingness of space. As I flew into this space island, I remembered my personal goals, it felt a good dream for them and since I already had a few short dreams, I decided to work on this one. I imagined that there were pokemon in there.

      As I got closer, I saw some cartoonish animals, but they did not look like pokemon, but I didn't care and I landed. I saw what it looked like a Pokemon battle field and I tried to summon Sensei without success. Some random person appeared on the left side of the field and walked right in front of me. I told him to battle me, even though I had no pokemon but he said yes. I could not find a pokeball or anything, but I imagined a Litwick and a Bastiodon coming out for me. Only the litwick appeared:

      And he had some weird made up pokemon. I asked my litwick to throw a blast (so much for a pokemon attack) and I saw a little sphere coming out from the flame and exploding into the other pokemon. A few moments later, the guy in front of me and his weird pokemon was gone, and some sign said I won... lol.

      I thought this was good enough and woke myself up.

      Despite not being a long dream, I might have wasted a lot of time or forgot to recall a possible non lucid part, because almost 40 minutes passed when I woke up. I wrote the dream down and did about a 10 minutes wbtb while repeating some mantras to keep doing well. My excitement was very high, it was about 5am at this time so I could score big.

      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      Successive WILD (+5 pts)
      Dream Stabilization (+1 pts)
      Advance Flying (+10 pts)
      Phasing (+8 pts)

      This wild happened almost immediately, to a point that I really believed I failed it. However, I tried to jump and fly (yes, I was still in my room.) And to my positive surprise, I lifted and I was able to fly through the roof with my eyes open, which was pretty cool, as I thought I would just smash it as usual. I flyed at high speed and went all the way up to space. I wanted to do some space flying and I kept flying through for a while until I saw a wormhole. I flew though it and everything went very dark, and then I woke up of the sudden.

      I was feeling the pressure of the competition and most likely the reason I woke up prematurely. I wrote the dream down and drank some water, then went back to bed. This dream was about 5 minutes long.

      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      Successive WILD (+5 pts)
      Dream Stabilization (+1 pts)
      Advance Flying (+10 pts)
      Teleport (+7 pts)

      I had two false awakenings where I attempted to WILD, without realizing it was a dream until the third one, where I realized my bed was much more smaller than what it is in reality, turning me lucid. Dream quality was low, so I just started to fly as I left my home. It was night and it was super dark, there were no stars. I tried to fly to the moon again, but I would only see darkness, until eventually, I saw space and some stars. I then visualized myself teleporting back to my room. I did not teleport to my actual room, but to a different random bedroom and I believe that despite it was very dark, in the inside I saw sun coming out from the window. Decided to wake myself up.

      This was a super bad quality dream, but I was lucid as I kept thinking of at least scoring two dream control for points. I took a couple notes and after about 5 minutes, went back to WILD.

      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      Successive WILD (+5 pts)
      Dream Stabilization (+1 pts)
      Dream Character Interaction (+2 pts)
      Eat something (+4 pts)
      Basic Flying (+4 pts)

      I was at some hotel, already lucid. There were some nice dream characters serving food like if I was in bahamas. They offered me a small sample of coconut something I cannot recall. I tasted it and it was warm, but tasted like coconuts. I asked one of the DC if they had a pandora box, but they said they didn't know what food that was. I decided to just take a small flight around and wake myself up. I did fly up around the clouds at a normal speed and woke myself up.

      I quickly woke up, even though I had a couple false awakenings and almost forgot this dream. I took notes and went back to bed.

      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      Successive WILD (+5 pts)
      RC (+1 pts)
      Advance Flying (+10 pts)

      This wild worked instantly, as I had a false awakening almost right away and it was very bright outside. I knew it could not be day yet and upon doing a RC, I realized I was dreaming. I jumped off the bed and took of to fly. I decided to fly at high speed above town. It was chilly but it felt nice. I was hapy though because it was an awesome night for me. But felt I was getting tired. After flying a while, I woke myself up for the next one.

      No false awakenings after this dream. I took notes from the flight and noted about 3 minutes passed for this one. I was very relaxed so I just focusd in WILDing again.

      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      Successive WILD (+5 pts)
      Basic Flying (+4 pts)

      I felt myself floating and I felt it could have turned into an Astral Projection, but I focused in just getting into a dream. I was in the middle of the air so I just focused in flying at high speed while the dream lasted. It was not a long time that I started to see the dream very blurry and I allowed myself to wake up.
      I woke up to a short non lucid dream were I was accounting my points and saw that anotherdreamer had like 5,000 points that he did in one night. I found that insane. As I was trying to get how was that possible, I woke up for real.

      I went to my computer to see how things were and how many points anotherdreamer had scored, but there was no updates from him so I went back to bed to WILD.

      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      Successive WILD (+5 pts)
      RC (+1 pts)
      Teleport (+7 pts)
      Basic Flying (+4 pts)

      My alarm clock rang and my wife was already out of bed. I knew I was dreaming because it was Saturday and the alarm clock wasn't set. I checked my hands to make sure I was dreaming and indeed I was. I took of flying, but oddly enough, I had a hard time to fly. I imagined myself teleporting to a high building in order to jump off from it. I closed my eyes and jumped hard, and upon opening my eyes, I was on the top of a huge building, I believe it was the Trump Tower in Chicago. i jumped off and started to fly at a gentle speed. It was night and it felt good. I decided to wake myself up.

      I took notes from this dream and had to go pee again, then got back to bed to WILD again.

      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      Successive WILD (+5 pts)
      Advance Flying (+10 pts)

      After a while, I opened my dream eyes and I my vision was pretty bad, which it allowed me to know I was dreaming. I started to fly (I am unsure where I was, as it was super blurry) and I started to fly. As I was flying at high speed, I could see an image forming in front of my eyes, I had sound and feeling, but I was almost blind. I was seeing space and a ton of tiny planets. I was bigger than the planets and it was a weird experience. I could not control my dream very well so I woke up.

      I was pretty tired of this already, but I told myself that AnotherDreamer was probably busting his butt and I knew Sensei also had a trump card waiting for his last night, so I had to push it a little more.

      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      Successive WILD (+5 pts)
      Use electronics (+4 pts)
      Phasing (+8 pts)
      Basic Flying (+4 pts)

      I had a false awakening in a car, i believe it was a huge car because I was laying down. Based on what I could see, we were around Texas and there was a cell phone next to me. Not my cell phone, but still, I grabbed it and tried to turn it on. It made a lot of wierd noises and it started to vibrate super hard. I kind of freaked out for some reason and just decided to phase off the car and started to fly, which I successfully did. After flying for a little while, I woke myself up.

      I woke up to write my dreams down and I felt it was good enough to keep breaking dreams. I felt myself tired, so I wilded one last time.

      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      Successive WILD (+5 pts)
      Advance Flying (+10 pts)

      I had a false awakening at home and just exited the house. Some strange party was going on, but I kind of ignored it and just started to fly through space. It was a nice feeling and I landed in some weird planet, that had like cream instead of water and the ground was like very shaky. I kind of allowed me to be absorved by the dream, and I barely recall what happened next.

      I slept for about 90 minutes more and then finally woke up. I recall some fragments, but did not write them down and can't remember, so not counting points.
    12. Fly and running down the city during a nap

      by , 02-06-2015 at 08:20 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Fly and running down the city during a nap (WILD)


      2nd WILD (+5 pts)
      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      L-DEILD (Chain) (+2 pts)
      Stabilize (+1 pts)
      Advance Flying (+10 pts)
      Eat something (+4 pts)
      Invincibility (+7 pts)
      Phase through objects (+8 pts)
      Interact with a DC (+2 pts)

      Took a big while to perform my WILD, struggled for this one.

      Suddenly, my meditation reclining chair started to shake and I realized I was in a different room, knowing the WILD worked. The dream had a terrible quality and as soon as I tried to save it, I felt myself innevitable waking up, so I focused on L-DEILD to recover it.

      A few moments of darkness, I found myself next to a small city, with a few houses down the road and with huge gardens. I had crystal clear quality but I still wanted to make the dream stable, so this time I grabbed a branch and rubbed it within my hands. From there, I took off to fly. It was very warm and very sunny (while in waking has been cold, windy and rainy) so I decided to fly at super high speed through the clouds and feel the breeze.

      After flying for a while, I wanted to try super speed and run very fast, but for some reason I was afraid I would hurt my self or something, so I started looking for a star to give me invencibility:

      After a attempting on a few garbages around, I did find one and I ate it. It tasted like a marshmallow and I felt stronger, so I decided to run at very fast speed and tried to walk through the buildings. I was able to run through one building, but the entire building, was thick brick instead of being hollow on the inside (rooms, furniture, etc) The other buildings, I think broke as I hit the wall.

      I suddenly saw a cop saying that I was making a big mess and I had to go with me. I said to him that he could mind his own business and took of flying again.

      I wanted to do more stuff, but I either do not recal (I doubt it) or I just woke up, because I felt there was a lapse of nothingness followed by awakening.
      Tags: city, cop, flight, running
    13. Dueling Sensei to a "Yugioh the Gathering" duel

      by , 02-06-2015 at 12:37 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Dueling Sensei to a "Yugioh the Gathering" duel (WILD)


      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      1st WILD (+10 pts)
      RC (+1 pts)
      Advance Flight (+10 pts)
      Teleport (+7 pts)
      Use electronics (+4 pts)
      Advance Summoning/fictional char. (+15 pts)
      Meet teammate. (+7 pts)
      Incubation (+15 pts)
      Personal Goal (+15 pts)

      I decided to WILD and take the gamble of not writing my mini-lucid and hoping to not forget it. The WILD took a bit longer than I thought, but I was able to pull it off.

      I once again had a false awakening and I could see my DJ was gone, so I knew I was dreaming. I still did a RC just to make sure and then I took off to fly. I noticed that I was right next to a massive town, twice as big as Chicago, but with many more and taller buildings. I decided to fly at full speed, as it was night and the city lights were very cool.

      After a while flying, I felt well archored on the dream. I remembered my mantras of dueling Sensei for a Shadow Game so I tried to look for a store to be able to play a game, most likely, a store I play Magic the Gathering in waking life. After looking for a while, I realized that we needed a big place to make a duel since it was supposed to be like the anime. I visualized myself teleporting to a duel arena suitable for Yugioh. I closed my eyes and jumped (I was technically flying, but somehow I landed, or just skipped "frames" in the dream haha) I appeared for what appeared that Kaiba land or some weird place, because I saw a big Blue Eyes statue. There was a ton of people (real people) and a long line, but I just walked through some big doors and the security guard did not seem to care. I found a similar place like this:

      The funniest thing, is how real it looked. It was not cartoonish, it was metallic, like stainless steel and the computers had windows on them. I almost lost lucidity here, as I had to reality check a few times and remind myself it is a dream. I was alone in the room, but I called Sensei out a few times without success. I started to touch buttons on the computer and it made noises, the noises were familiar to some anime, but I believe it was not yugioh. After a few moments, I heard a, "Hey" and I saw Sensei on the other side of the table. I wanted to summon a referee too, because for some reason the computer did not work and I assumed a referee was needed. One sure appeared on the side of the field, but to my surprise, it was a referee from Pokemon anime...

      He looked cartoonish, despite everything else looked real. I shuffled my deck (which I believe it looked like Magic the gathering) and placed it on the computer and it turned on.

      A few more frames skipped or something, but I do not recall drawning and yet I had cards in my hand. Most of them looked like Yugioh. I had one card that said, "The shadow realm" but it looked like the Seal of Orichalcos. I recalled the game needed to be a shadow game
      (my subconscious does not cease to amaze me.) I placed the card on the table, the same way like if it was a Land from magic the gathering (insead of inserting it inside a side slot like in Yugiog) A huge mist surround us:

      I was looking for a photo of the shadow realm, and I just found a card that is actually "The Shadow Realm" WOW... I had no idea that such card existed lmao.

      A voice said, "Lucidity in stake" Suddenly, I saw what I believe was a dark magician, but it was a red one instead of the usual purple one, I believe in the early anime there was a dude with two red dark magicians. I had no idea how or when Sensei brought it out, but it was my turn and I had a Vindicate card in my hand:

      Despite not being a Yugioh card, I said, "Destroy your Dark magician" Suddenly, it exploaded (the dark magician was in front of me like in the anime, but for my Vindicate, I placed it on the graveyard like casting a spell in magic.

      I then looked at my hand and I saw what I believe it was toon world, but the photo of the card was my DV's signature... what a mess lol. I placed it on the table and the actual toon world came out like in the anime:

      For a higher pleasant surprise, it came with a prize, as I had also a toon ryu ran out and he was cracking up in laughter:

      I almost woke up again out of laughing myself too. I told him to attack Sensei and an explosion happened on his end. But after a while, he casted a Damnation (another magic the gathering card)

      And my toon was gone. I wanted to draw another toon, as I believe that my toon world was still out. I tried to see what were my life points with no luck. I pulled out something very weird, it was like the manga of Yugi as it had all these eyes that all egypcian rare cards have, but I cannot recall well what it was, but what i recall is that it shot like a ghost to Sensei and I heard the "ding" noise that the anime plays when someone looses a dual. I was happy because I won the duel and Sensei said something about his lucidity, can't recall well but he wasn't happy
      (Too bad I forgot to summon/draw a card for the Dark Fortress to hit another personal dare of summoning a big castle in the air.)

      Suddenly, the purple mist from the shadow realm vanished and I could see the blue sky (well... we were indoors before, but okay....) And I think I just took of to fly.

      Little shortly I woke up.

      Updated 02-06-2015 at 12:56 PM by 31830

    14. My cat ends my dream

      by , 02-06-2015 at 12:36 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      My cat ends my dream (DILD)


      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      2nd DILD (+5 pts)
      DC Interaction (+2 pts)
      Stabilize (+1 pts)
      Flight (+4 pts)

      I had a false awakening and I started writing down my previous dream. I planned to do a WBTB but I could not get out from bed. I was paralyzed. However, a moment ago I was writing a dream and I found the timeline to be impossible. I somehow turned lucid, but I could not do a reality check. The dream quality was terrible. My wife asked me where was I going and I told her I needed to fly.

      I exited the house and took of to fly. After flying for a while, I could see the dawn of a new day and I saw a beach. I wanted to approach the beach but I felt something hitting me on my legs (I was still flying) until I woke up...
      from my cat jumping on me.
      Tags: cat
      lucid , false awakening
    15. The moon turns off

      by , 02-06-2015 at 12:35 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      The moon turns off (DILD)


      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      First DILD (+10 pts)
      Use electronics (+4 pts)
      Interact with a DC (+2 pts)
      Stabilize (+1 pts)
      Advance Flight (+10 pts)
      Teleport (+7 pts)
      Basic Summoning (+4 pts)

      I was working on my computer doing readings. On my queue, I got a reading from some random user name sharing with me that she was in a lucid dreaming competition and knew if she was going to win. I found it funny because I knew I was in a competition and I felt it was a good reminder to do a RC.
      And so glad that I did since I was actually dreaming. I decided to look around my other requests to see what my subconscious created, but then, of course my e-mail started working awfully bad and I think the laptop restarted itself or something very strange.

      I was going to leave the house to take a fly, I saw my wife and said hi and I told her I was going to fly because it was a dream. She said, "ooookaaaaay...." I told her, thats fine, no worries, thanks for the two points. I kissed her and I left. I flew low to the ground in order to make the dream more stable and then took of to take a flight to space and visit the moon, as it has been a huge while I haven't gone there.

      After flying for a while, I saw the moon, but for some reason, it vanished, it was like I would get closer to the moon and it would just "turn off" and always be a moon, farther ahead. I did not want to waste my dream this way, so I decided to teleport, I visualuzed myself there in the moon and shortly after, I was like on the moon because I was no longer flying and all the ground was grayish. However, as I looked into the sky (blackness of space) I saw another moon and felt curious to visit it, but I passed for some reason.

      I wondered if WakingNomad, an old DVs user, was still around the moon, so I called his name. He appeared on the distance, so I count this as a basic summon. I told him about the metallic building located in the hidden face of the moon (old DVs users will relate to this)

      I took a flight, but I believe was in slow motion and I assumed it was because of the moon's gravity. I saw a huge building, made out of metall. I entered it and there were some strange noises, so high that I thought I would wake up, so I exited the building right away.

      I believe I was back on Earth, because the sky was blue and there were cars around, I cannot recall the surroundings well. This shocked me for some reason and I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid
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