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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. 01/07/12: No dreams

      by , 01-08-2012 at 10:43 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Here is another day with no dream recall. When I woke up this morning I thought I remembered something, but my kitty wouldn't let me focus on it long enough to get hold of the memory. Oh, well... that's the cost of waking up next to a cute face each morning... and it's sooooo worth it!
    2. 01/06/12: Persistent Memories

      by , 01-07-2012 at 06:27 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Note: I will continue to keep this streak going, moving now to 4 days of consistent entries. This time I had a dream, but a nonsensical one, but I said I would post those, so here it is.

      Persistent Memories
      I am at James' house, he is my ex-boyfriend. I look around and I see no sign of Tina, who is the woman he dumped me off in favor of. I am in James' bedroom and we are both sitting on his bed. He is showing me a collection of weapons he has gathered over the years. Some of them are swords, some are knives, some are guns. I am getting bored with this, but I try to be interested. I notice he is pointing one of the guns at me. I tell him not to do that, even if he thinks it's not loaded it could go off. He says he wouldn't pull the trigger by accident… and then pulls the trigger. A small projectile pops out of the gun and bounces off of my arm. It is about the size of a pencil eraser and soft. I realize he is pointing a toy gun at me, it is only a replica of a more dangerous gun. He fires several more of the projectiles at me, it tickles a bit and I laugh. I realize I have been at James' all day and I need to get home. For some reason he has to take me home. I am riding in the back of his pickup truck with a couple of hobos, the window on the back of the cab is open. I ask why the hobos are back there and he says they're there just in case the truck gets stuck, they can push it out of the mud. I look at the sky and see no sign of rain, but I don't question it any further. We get to my house and I get out of the truck. James gets out and gives me a hug and a kiss, tells me he loves me. Something is wrong with that… it sounds hollow to my ears even though I'm not lucid and I have no memory of what happened in my waking life. He says he will talk to me later before getting in the truck and leaving. I find myself thinking he doesn't love me… I must have remembered just a bit of my waking life.
    3. 01/02/12: Cultists on Ice

      by , 01-03-2012 at 05:06 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Note: It is my New Year resolution that I will make a daily entry in this journal whether or not I have a sensical dream, even if it is only to post an entry saying I didn't have any dreams… I need to get back in the habit of posting regularly and hopefully back in the habit of lucid dreaming, since I have been having some serious problems with that lately. So to get started…

      Cultists On Ice
      I am with my friend Alicia and we are talking about what we are going to do tomorrow. She says she won't be available as she is going to an ice rink to volunteer her time helping with the senior skate. She doesn't go into much detail. For some reason I don't want to come right out and say I want to come, so I instead hint about it a lot. I drop some very obvious hints. It is clear she is getting the hints, she just doesn't want me to come. Why? I am a bit annoyed by this situation, and we part ways. I go home to bed, as it is getting late.

      My alarm goes off here, waking me in bed. I hit snooze and fall back asleep…

      I sit up in bed and look at the clock. It is so early, several hours before I normally get up. Why is my alarm wrong? I am not sleepy, so I get out of bed. I think I'll go check out the event Alicia is volunteering in whether she wants me to or not. I go to the skating rink and go inside to see what is happening. There is a special skating session going on for senior citizens, specifically incontinent ones. A volunteer has to follow each skater around and clean up any messes they leave behind. Um… yuck… ever heard of adult diapers? I sign up to see if I can find Alicia. I follow an elderly woman around as she skates until she finally has an accident and leaves a puddle of urine behind her. She seems not to notice she just peed.

      I leave the rink to get some supplies. I find a group of people in red cloaks talking, they are all wearing a strange symbol around their necks. They are talking in a strange language. I immediately get the idea they are members of a cult. Alicia is involved with a cult? I have to find Alicia and tell her what is going on here, I just hope she won't be too annoyed that I followed her here. I get out of sight of the cultest before they see me. I watch them for a bit longer and I see them all putting on skates. They head out to the ice to perform some kind of weird ritual that is done in ice skates and on the ice, right in front of everyone with no one being the wiser. One of them slips in the puddle of urine I was supposed to clean up and goes down with a stream of expletives that makes the elderly people on the ice gasp.
    4. 12/26/11 Data Center, Lord of the Flies

      by , 12-26-2011 at 11:34 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Donut Data
      I am in my car and on my way to work. I have a job at a data center at a hospital. I didn't really want to take such a position again, but I felt I had no choice since I haven't been finding a job in computer or game design. I get to work and I park in a parking garage that seems much larger than it needs to be. I realize I forgot my lunch. I work nights, so it isn't really lunch, but I know I will be hungry. I also have no money. It's ok, I think, I'll just jack someone else's lunch. No one will ever know it was me. I don't stop to consider that the other person will be hungry or that there might not be anyone else's lunch available… I go to the data center and get ready to start working. There are other people there with me, but they are not computer operators. They are going about other business. I fill out a couple of forms I need to complete before starting the nightly backup. As I fill out the forms I wonder if I am getting it wrong. The form looks different somehow… In the data center I find a box of donuts being kept warm on the exhaust vent of one of the computers. I take two donuts. An idiot comes in and starts eating donuts in the data center, dripping jelly everywhere, including in the computers. I hear jelly sizzling inside the circuits, but nothing goes wrong. I head to get the backup tapes, hoping I can get a backup of the data and get out of there before the computers take a major jelly-induced crap.

      Lord of the Flies
      I am in a strange place, I look around and see it looks like the interior of a volcano or something… actually the entire area is filled with volcanoes. The sky is filled with black clouds and there are actual rivers of flowing lava coming from some of the surrounding mountains. The result is that the landscape is bathed in an eerie reddish glow. Somehow the air isn't choked with smoke, though, most of that seems to stay in the upper atmosphere. Maybe kept there by wind currents? There are cloaked people around me, eleven of them to be exact, standing in a circle around me. I realize I am lying on a bed of soft grasses and hay, and the people around me are chanting. It's as if I can hear a song playing in my head… Iron Maiden's "Lord of the Flies" is clear in my mind. I feel healing energy washing over me, and I know they are trying to help me feel better, I am feeling better already… more motivated, less depressed. I relax and let them do their ritual.

      I don't care for this world anymore
      I just want to live my own fantasy
      Faith has brought me to these shores
      What was meant to be is now happening

      I've found that I like this living in danger
      Living on the edge it feels... it makes me feel as one
      Who cares now what's right or wrong it's reality
      Killing so we survive wherever we may roam
      Wherever we may hide we've got to get away

      I don't want existence to end
      We must prepare ourselves for the elements
      I just want to feel like the storm
      We don't need a code of morality

      I like all the mixed emotion and anger
      It brings out the animal the power you can feel
      And feeling so high on this much adrenalin
      Excited but scared do you believe what we've become?

      Saints and sinners
      Something within us
      We are lord of the flies

      Saints and sinners
      Something willing us
      To be lord of the flies
    5. 12/05/11: Sweet Amber

      by , 12-06-2011 at 12:57 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      I am in my bedroom. I come out into the living room to say hello to my mother. She says the cat is outside and I need to help her catch her. I go out the front door, which is standing wide open. There is a cat on the deck, but it isn't one of the cats I have right now. It's a cat I lost several years ago, a cute little tortoiseshell named Amber.

      Amber is sitting on the deck and washing herself, looking completely unconcerned. I head for the kitty to pick her up, but she gets up and jumps off the deck into the grass below. I go down off the deck to try to catch the cat. There are some kids in the driveway playing with a basket ball. I am afraid they will scare Amber. My mom asks how they got in the yard. One of them says there is a gate in the back that is open. I don't remember there being a gate… My mom says she wants the kids to leave before the dogs come out. She opens the front gate to let the kids out. I am yelling to her to not open the gate yet, I haven't caught Amber. I think there is more chance of Amber leaving if the gate is actually open. She doesn't seem to be paying attention to me. I feel something by my feet and I am relieved to see Amber is now rubbing against me and purring. I wake up and find out my waking life cat, Midna, is right by my face and purring loudly.
      Tags: amber, cats, chase, kids, midna
    6. 12/03/11: Pop Quiz, Oblivion

      by , 12-03-2011 at 10:46 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Pop Quiz
      I am in my car and driving down the street that leads to my house. The street has recently been widened, but in the dream it was just a 2 lane road curving through the desert. I come to a place on the road where they are doing some road construction. It looks more like road destruction. The road is really torn up. I follow the detour for a ways and I see the entire road has been torn out, the rest of it is made up of a series of dirt tracks and detours. In the middle of all of these dirt tracks I find the place I am heading. It's a school. I go inside and sit at a desk. It turns out there is a test today that I forgot to study for. Damn… what am I going to do now? It turns out we can use resources, like books and stuff. I have my laptop. I open the computer, which is where my notes are. I am taking the test with the aid of my laptop when it starts raining… inside the classroom! The electronics in the room are all sparking and smoking. I hide my laptop under the desk where it won't get wet. But damn… this means I can't use the computer for the test… I'll flunk for sure. I continue trying to write on wet paper.

      Bandits in the Trees
      I am in a game of Oblivion, exploring through a forest with thick foliage. I am in sneak mode, making sure no one can see me. I know no one can see me, it's as if I can see the eye icon in my mind… and I see that it is faint, indicating that I am not being seen by anyone. I sneak through the foliage until I spot a couple of bandits in a clearing beside a tent. They are sorting through a couple bags of what I know are stolen goods. I take aim with my bow and an arrow, and I get sneak attack bonus damage on the first of the bandits. Of course now they both attack me. One of them attacks with a bow and arrow, the other comes at me with a sword. I use my shield to block an arrow coming my way and attack the bandit coming at me with a sword. After a short fight I win at which point I throw a few fireballs at the archer, who is still attacking me. Soon he is toast. I collect the loot off of the fallen bandits and search the camp for more loot. I find some gold and other assorted loot. I then continue sneaking through the trees until I find a ladder going up a large tree very close by. I start climbing the ladder into the upper branches of the tree. Someone is calling to me from down below. I look down, and there is a man down there calling to me that I am crazy to be climbing this tree. He says I am a sitting duck up there if one of the bandits spots me. I ignore the warning and continue. I swing along horizontal ladder rungs that are running under one of the horizontal branches, then climb more when that branch turns up. I enter a tree house at the top of that branch, and it is quite a tree house. I start searching through the place, and taking whatever I decide is useful or of value. It is the bandit's hideout, after all, it's ok to be stealing from bandits.
    7. 12/02/11: Shopping at Ross

      by , 12-03-2011 at 02:54 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I am with Alicia at the mall, it looks like the bigger mall in our area. We are walking around and shopping in random stores. Alicia wants to go in and look at some clothes at Ross, so I follow her in and start browsing. I remember that they have some good prices on purses, so maybe I will get a new one. I show Alicia my old one and I tell her I'm going to look for a new one because the old one is getting pretty ratty. She says ok, and I head over to the area where they have their purses. I get to where their purses are supposed to be and my attention is drawn to one that looks nice. I take it down and look at it closer, but I decide it doesn't have enough pockets to sort all my crap. I put it back and look for more. I realize there are hardly any purses there on display. I wonder where the rest of them are. I look a bit more and I find only a couple other purses that aren't at all what I want. I finally ask a store employee where the purses are. He says they aren't going to carry purses any more. This makes me mad, how can they not carry them? I am feeling madder than I would normally be about such a thing. I start yelling at the employee. I ask where I'm supposed to find a purse at a reasonable price if they don't carry them? He says it's not his business. I am pissed at Ross and I start making a mess. Knocking over displays, throwing their merchandise on the floor… making a scene. Someone says something about turning a fire hose on me. I keep making a mess and someone squirts me with a garden hose that has almost no pressure to it. My feet get wet.
    8. Recent Dreams

      by , 10-13-2011 at 09:47 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Task of the Year: Nightmare On Elm Street
      I am in high school, walking down one of the hallways with lockers on both sides of the hall. I am looking for my own locker, and I can't remember where the locker is, but I know I am late heading to my next class. I am getting frustrated with finding my locker and feeling rather stupid… but finally I find it. Great… now I can't remember the combination. I take a hair pin from the floor and start trying to pick the lock to my own locker. It opens and I see my books on the bottom, and there is a kid that looks to be about 8 years old impaled on the coat hanger on the back of the locker. And he is still alive, he is weakly trying to get down, blood coming from his mouth in strangled gasps… A gloved hand explodes through the boy's chest, there are knives on the glove like in Nightmare On Elm Street. The boy's body is broken in half and pulled through a hole in the back of the locker. I look through the hole and see something on the other side, a figure that has some resemblance to Freddy Krueger, but is even uglier and more disgusting… he is eating the flesh off of the boy's arm. He looks up at me and snarls in a horrible grin. Thoughts of Freddy Krueger lead to thoughts of dream demons and thoughts of dreaming… I can fight this guy… this is my dream! I move closer to the hole in the locker and Freddy reaches through to grab hold of me. I grab his hand before he can stab me with the knives and I will not let go, I twist it in a martial arts move and flip him over. The glove comes off in my hands, he glares at me and the dream shifts.

      I am now at what looks like a mining site of some kind, I am still holding Freddy Krueger's glove in my hands, but now I see that I am not alone. There are a couple of men there with me, they are getting really close and hot and heavy with each other. They are kissing very passionately and feeling each other up… then they see me and cool it a bit. One of them, a black guy, says the two of them are ready to come out of the closet. Where did Freddy Krueger go? I don't care if these guys are gay or not… I want to find that dream demon. Well, I don't have long to wait. The ground starts to rumble and shake and then a huge worm / snake thing with the face of Freddy Krueger erupts from the ground and bites on to the black guy.

      The other guy, a white guy, screams no over and over again, jumping up and down in place like a scared little girl. I still have Freddy's glove… I use the glove and sink the knives into the neck of the worm thing, making it roar in anger and pain and spit the guy out. He is covered in brown goop but seems unharmed. The guy's boyfriend hugs him and now they are both covered in goop. I am focused more on Freddy. He is trying to maneuver around and bite me, but the knives of the glove are imbedded in the thing's neck and I am holding on to that. So his moving around succeeds only in cutting him deeper. I focus on the song Damage Inc. by Metallica to send fire energy right through the glove and into the worm creature. The thing erupts into flames from the inside out and is gone in a blaze of fire which somehow doesn't burn me. I look to see if the two men are alive and they are making love on the ground… naked… covered in goop… yuck… not something I want to see so I wake up.

      I am in a strange underground cavern which I somehow know is located underneath MoSh's inner world, and things have gone very wrong there lately. I look around and see I am in what appears to be a central chamber with many smaller caves branching off to the sides in various directions. Data is suspended in the middle of the room by a vast array of colorful wires which seem to be connecting him to every corner of the cavern and beyond. I have the idea that all of these twisted wires and cables are connecting Data to every aspect of MoSh's inner world. But there is something wrong. Data does not look right, in fact he looks stark raving mad. His eyes have a flashing red glow to them, there is smoke rising from several of the places where the wires are connected to him, and he is laughing maniacally. He seems to not have noticed me. I move towards Data, wondering what is wrong, and he finally notices me and announces I have great timing and I am about to witness the birth of a new era, where all will be perfection and there will be no flaws. Wtf? Apparently Data has lost it… I ask him what he is talking about… he said everything that is flawed will be purged and replaced with pure perfection. I notice that he is also talking strange… "All in the-the-the world that is fla-a-awed will be pur-pur-ged and repla-ce-ce-ce-d with pure per-fect-fect-perfection!" Stuttering beyond belief. Maybe he has a virus? But there's no way he could have a virus… he has penticon CPUs… they don't get viruses, do they? Only one way to find out. I use the penticon processor I have implanted in my head to generate nanites. I send the nanites through one of the cables near me that is connected to Data. Apparently Data registered the intrusion at the last minute, he tries to block the nanites out by disconnecting many of the wires, but it's too late. The nanites are already inside. And there is a virus! The virus has programmed Data to see all biological living beings as flawed and thus must be eliminated, he apparently tried to eliminate Asuka… where is she now? Data doesn't know. That could be a good thing… the last Data saw she was ok at least. I direct the nanites to delete the virus from Data's programming and restore him to optimum operating conditions… and then stick around and act as an anti-virus for Data in the future.

      Sweet Sacrifice
      I am in a forest walking along a path that has been clearly marked out through the trees. The path looks heavily traveled, there are many footprints heading both directions. I follow the path for a short ways and find there is a small town at one end that looks like something out of a RPG fantasy game. I decide I want to see where the other direction of the path leads before talking to anyone in the village, so I turn and leave before anyone sees me. I hear someone over there is arguing… and I listen in… and it seems some woman is pissed off because she doesn't think her son should be the one to be sent to satisfy the demon… I follow the trail in the other direction, maybe I can see what is going on. The trail leads through a very pleasant forest, the sounds of the birds singing, the wind in the trees… someone screaming in agony… wait… not such a nice sound… I hurry along the path and find a shrine at the end of it. There is a woman there, she looks like a hooker… scantily dressed and appearing sexy, long black hair, unnaturally white skin, bright red lips…

      and there is a young man chained to what appears to be an altar. He sees me arrive and can't seem to decide if he wants me to help him or run for my life. The woman has razor sharp finger nails and she uses one to cut a square of skin off the man's chest which she eats in the manner a seductress would eat a particularly tantalizing piece of chocolate. The man screams in pain, which she seems to enjoy as much as the food. She asks if I came to watch or if I want to join in. She laughed. She said leave or I would be dessert. I tell her that could never happen, she can't take me. She seems annoyed at the challenge… she says she hasn't had a fool villager challenge her for a long time, this will be fun. She attacks me, her finger nails grow into massive talons, apparently she thinks she will just rip me open. Epic fail. I form Witchblade into a sword and relieve her of her head. How pathetically weak for a demon… I set the prisoner free just before I wake up

      EVE: Fox In The Hole

      I am inside a game of EVE Online and I am flying a drake loaded down with heavy missile launchers. Furthermore, I am pissed off. I am pissed off at another player by the username of Foxtrot 02 for recently putting me in a very uncomfortable position involving secrets and backstabbing against the CEO of our online corporation… that gets too convoluted to get into here, suffice it to say I am out for blood. I am flying my drake from asteroid belt to asteroid belt in the solar system Kaaputenen which is where Fox usually hangs out. I finally find him in one of the asteroid belts in his retriever mining some pyro from a couple asteroids.

      Normally I am not in favor of attacking an unarmed mining ship, but in this case I make an exception. I open fire on Fox's retriever with a barrage of missiles. He launches his drones, but the drones are barely launched before my missiles wipe his retriever from existence. Fox's pod is now floating in space. Boom! I blast the pod before he can warp away. In the chat window I see Fox is cursing fluently at me, I tell him that's what he gets for the position he put me in. He says I will pay for that and then goes silent. Shortly later Fox warps back into the asteroid belt, this time he is in a tengu…

      which is an advanced battleship. Wait a minute… Fox can't fly a tengu! But there it is… While I am wondering how it is even possible he blows up my drake. I launch in my fire valkyrie instead of my pod, however. Now it is his turn to pull a "wtf" and have the hesitation prove fatal. I blast his tengu into debris. I then blast his pod. Ha! That's twice, Fox! I blasted you twice! Ship and pod both times! You should count yourself double podded!
    9. Dream Update

      by , 10-07-2011 at 12:52 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      10/06/11 Monday

      Football Rocks
      I am in my own house, sitting on the couch watching a football game. It is the Dallas Cowboys vs. some team I can't remember, but I remember thinking the other team must not be very good. The Cowboys are kicking the other team's ass, and the Cowboys aren’t even doing very well. My mom actually seems disappointed that the Cowboys are winning when they haven't earned it. I am annoyed at her being hypocritical so I get up and leave the room. I go outside into the desert around our house and start looking around. Something seems off, but I can't place what. I pick up a couple of rocks and see that they are uncommonly shiny. I decide to keep them. I find a larger rock that is really pretty. It is a bit too large to take back. I pick it up and see it breaks easily, so I take a small piece of it. Someone else is in the yard with me and he says if everyone takes a small piece there will soon be nothing left. I tell him it's on our property, no one else will be taking any, and I won't take any more. He doesn't seem to believe me. I put the small piece of rock in my pocket and continue looking around the yard.

      Secret Gifts
      I am in Bookman's with Alicia, and we are browsing for stuff to buy. She is looking around in the books and I am checking out the video games. I find a game for the PSP that is a sequel to the game Prototype I have played on my XBox. I pick it up and look at it to see what it is about. I am thinking I have read that in the new game, the main character from the first game is the bad guy… and I don't like that idea… But this game says the player is still playing as Alex Mercer. The only thing that stops me from buying the game is that it's a side scroller, and that doesn't appeal to me. I put the game back and look some more. I find yet another installment of Assassin's Creed. It doesn't say what system it's for… so I look for someone to ask. Weirdly enough I find an employee dressed as an assassin from Assassin's creed. I try to get his attention, but he is set on ignoring me. I have the crazy idea I am not really there. I try to get Alicia's attention and she responds right away. So the guy is just being a jerk. I try to get his attention again and he finally responds. He says the game is not for me and ignores me again. What an ass…

      Assimilated Virus
      I am in a video game, and I am fully aware it is a video game… beyond a shadow of a doubt. It is an awesome virtual reality game and I want to explore it fully. I am walking down a busy street with lots of people. I also notice there is a heavy military presence there, many soldiers are walking the streets. The civilians don't seem to notice this as strange, though some of them do seem a bit nervous. I wonder why. I head down a side street to try to clear my mind away from the crowd. There is a suspicious man there, he is watching me. I am not worried about it. This is just a game. Instead I investigate him, which seems to take him a bit by surprise. It doesn't seem to bother him much. He grabs my arm and stands there with a puzzled look on his face. I get a report from the nanites in my system that he tried to infect me with a strange virus. Epic fail, the virus has already been neutralized. I tell him his plan was an epic fail… have some of my infection… and he is infected with nanites… too bad I wake up before I find anything else out.
    10. Catching Up On Dreams

      by , 09-30-2011 at 09:33 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      EVE: War Sucks
      I am in a game of EVE Online. I am flying my drake in low security space, I know I am looking for trouble. I wonder if maybe I should've brought a smaller ship. Griefers might be afraid a drake might fight back. But I'm looking for a specific griefer. Back Hoe is his username. I finally find the system he is in. I call him out in local. I say I challenge him to a fight, my drake vs. whatever he has. He agrees to a one on one. I arrive and find there are somehow three of him all out there at the same time. So much for one on one. Well, I also got a secret. I launch my Fire Valkyrie from my drake. He can't seem to hit that no matter how many of him there are. I blast all three of his ships and then triple pod him when escape pods launch. Ha! The joke is on him. 3 vs. 1 but it was him that didn't have a chance!

      EVE: Betrayal
      I am in low sec space in my drake, looking for someone to fight, preferably some asshole who likes to pick on those weaker than themselves. I scan the system and locate a tengu. That's a pretty powerful ship so I warp to the location to see if he attacks. It turns out the player is Xenoace, who is a member of a friend corp. Oh, well. No fight there. But I was wrong. He attacks me and blows up my drake, this took me by surprise. My Fire Valkyrie ejects instead of my escape pod. This clearly surprises him. That's a fancy pod, he says. Now it go boom. He's trying to warp scramble me, but I don't have any intention of running. I attack Xeno's tengu an blow it up. His pod ejects. I hesitate just a bit too long and it warps away before I can pod him. Why was Xeno attacking me???



      I Am Sailor Moon
      I am Serena Usagi, also known as Sailor Moon . I am meeting with the other sailor scouts and we are discussing how to keep the silver imperium crystal safe. Every time I start an idea Rae says it's a dumb one. She follows that by insulting me a lot. No one is objecting. I get pissed. I finally throw the crescent moon wand at Rae and tell her fine, if everyone there hates me so much, I quit. Rae can be leader, she can be the new Sailor Moon. I'm out of here. I leave in a huff, almost in tears. I am near a plant shop when I hear something. I follow the noise. A weird mutant plant woman is attacking Rae, who is in Sailor Mars form now. The plant woman has Rae cornered. Hey! Double ugly weed bitch! Over here! She glares at me then comes at me. I turn and run, I have no wand to transform with. I go to the plant shop. Where is your weed killer? A shelf of Weed-B-Gone. I take several. Plant bitch is here. I spray her with weed killer. The weeds all over her die, leaving a disoriented woman. Rae comes. She says that was the second dumbest thing I have ever done... the first being when I left... I interrupt. The dumbest was ever thinking I could have a real friend. Fuck off, I'm still out of here. I leave, I am still pissed. I ignore Rae calling me to stop. I wake up feeling so very isolated, so alone.



      EVE: Revenge
      I am once again in a game of EVE Online, I am in my Fire Valkyrie. I am hovering outside a station where I know there are several assholes holed up. The list on my screen shows Back Hoe, Menardii, Draco, Marley... and a couple others. They are all showing as war targets. I wait for a bit and finally Back Hoe tries to leave. I blast him... ship and pod. I wait some more. Draco tries to leave. I blast him, too. Ship and pod. This is amusing. They are cursing at me in local chat. I don't respond. I warp away. One of them tries to leave again. I warp back so fast. Boom, I blast Menardii... ship and pod. You guys are screwed. Whenever you step out of the safety of that station I'll be here to pod your asses! I will be here and POD YOU every time! How do you like it, assholes? It sucks to be you!



      Pokémon Hunt
      My mother and I are in a forest searching around for pokémon, my mother is looking to catch herself one. My mom says what she really wants to catch is a pikachu. I remind her we already have a pikachu back at the house, in fact we have several of them. She says one can never have too many pikachus. We have pokéballs and my mother asks me where she should look. I tell her most of the pokémon will be in the tall grassy areas and in the bushes, most of them will be hidden from sight. They don't realize we aren't there to hurt them. My mom and I look for a while longer, I really want to find a feline pokémon. My mom surprises me when she throws her pokéball. It opens up and successfully captures a pokémon, though I don't get a good look at it before it vanishes inside. She asks how she's supposed to convince it she will be nice to it. I tell her she has to be friends with it. She opens the pokéball and reveals the pokémon she caught. It is about the size of a house cat, but it is a bug type… it looks like a lady bug with iridescent spots. The pokémon flies around my mother a few times as if assessing her, deciding if it will trust her. It apparently decides it likes her energy because it lands beside her and seems relaxed. My mom is ready to go home even without a pikachu. I say I'm going to keep looking for a feline.


      Summer Gift Day
      I am at school, it is like a high school, and it is the last day of the year before summer break. The entire school is participating in a secret gift-giving event. Everyone will draw the name of another student and then give them a modestly priced or homemade gift. I figure that since I am so extremely popular (NOT!) I'll probably get someone's dogs shit wrapped up in a brown paper bag. But I'm not going to do that. I don't know what the person would like… I get a name of someone I don't know. Gloria. I decide to get her a gift card from somewhere that her money might go a bit farther than with new items. I will get her a gift card from Bookman's. If she likes books, she's set. Music, movies, video games… Alicia is there with me and she thinks that is a good idea. We are leaving for Bookman's when someone tells us not to be late for graduation.



      Cleaning House
      I am in a large house, more of a mansion than a regular sized home, and I am exploring the place. The entire house is really creepy, it looks abandoned and haunted. But I somehow know it isn't supposed to be like that, there are people who live here, or there are supposed to be. I wonder if they are still here with the mess. I start cleaning up some of the mess I find around, doing so seems to brighten the place up a bit. I open a door that is on the third floor, thinking I will find a room. But instead the door leads to empty space, an exterior door on the third level of a house that doesn't lead to a deck or a stairway, just to a three story drop. Well, that seems odd, I wonder if I should put a warning sign on the door or maybe board it up so no one opens it and strolls through… only to find themselves in mid air. Outside it is dark, there is a breeze blowing through some large trees. A rather nice view if someone would just put a deck there. I go inside and continue cleaning the place up, I am actually making some decent progress. I wonder where the people who live here are… have they left? Will they come back?
      Note: After I woke up I got the feeling I had been inside MoSh's inner world.



      Save Me
      I am in MoSh's inner world, this is something I do not question at all, and it doesn't lead me to do a reality check. It seems perfectly normal for me to be there. I look around, trying to get my bearings, wondering where MoSh and Asuka might be… and their kids, too. Right now I don't see anyone… but wait… I do. There is a strange woman standing alone in an open area of dirt. I can hear her crying. She says she only wanted a safe place to hide, she didn't mean to cause any harm… really… she just wants to be safe… I wonder what she is talking about. Is she somehow responsible for the problems going on in here lately? Could it be an accident? She says she needs help, someone to save her… but she's not sure if she is worth saving. She says probably not. Some weird things erupt from the ground at her feet, wires and such are forming all over her body, it makes her look like some kind of strange robot. She is screaming the whole time that happens, then she suddenly attacks me. I am forced to fight her, and I finally use a water based spell that is shorting out the robotic circuits. The wires retreat, pulling back into the ground. The woman is also gone, now there is a little girl huddled on the ground sobbing. I try to approach the little girl but she disappears before I can reach her.
    11. 08/30/11 Collected Dreams

      by , 08-31-2011 at 03:35 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: I have been extremely busy lately, not having much of any time to journal dreams, so these are dreams from the past several nights.

      Fooled Again, The Lost Mew
      I am meeting my ex boyfriend James at his apartment, it seems he has wanted to meet in person. I have finally agreed to do so. I am waiting there for him in the living room, he has stepped out for a few minutes, and I am looking around the room at all of the things he has there. Mostly collectable toys. Predominantly Transformers and Star Wars toys set up in some very interesting displays. James returns to the room, and I notice he is dressed very nicely as if for a hot date. He takes out a single red rose and hands it to me, the rose smells almost intoxicating.

      Damn, I think, he has never been this romantic when I was dating him! I start to wonder if he has broken up with his wife and is expecting I will be dumb enough to trust him again… which I know I couldn't do even if I really wanted to. I need to step away to clear my mind, I go to the bathroom. I have to pee. The toilet is broken, so what now? I pee in the sink, thinking James probably doesn't have the money for a plumber. I completely rinse the sink down and wash my hands before returning. Tina is now there with James, and I immediately know they are up to something and I am the butt of their latest joke. I tell James to get fucked and leave the apartment, feeling mad at both him for doing it and me for falling for it… or almost falling for it. I walk down the halls of the apartment for a bit, I find MoSh also lives in this apartment. He is out in the halls looking for his mew. He seems mad at me for not finding his mew yet. I say I'll help him find his mew. We search, I am climbing up on stair railings and into other odd places to reach other odd places such as ventilation shafts where I can look for the mew. A couple times I end up in a tight spot and I have to turn back. In one tight spot, however, I pull out a mew.

      I take the mew back to MoSh. I think he'll be happy, but he still seems mad at me for taking too long. I am depressed. I pull out my cell phone and think I can call a friend. Should I call Alicia or Tigress? I am thinking I'm not sure if I should bother either of them with my problems…

      Murder by Mail
      I am in a hospital of some kind, but this time I am not there to work a job at the hospital. What I am doing is trying to solve a murder, we know the suspect is somewhere in the hospital, but not exactly where. I am with my supervising detective, who just happens to be Horatio Cane off of CSI Miami, sunglasses and all.

      We go over to the reception desk, and I look around for any clue that might have been accidentally left in sight. Horatio approaches the man at the desk and takes off his sunglasses before fixing the man with a firm gaze and stating that the man already knows why we are there. The man plays dumb and says he has no idea, even I can tell he is lying. The mail carrier comes in and puts some stuff on the desk in front of the man, who tries to get Horatio to go away because he is busy. That is completely ineffective, instead Horatio insists on talking to the man in private. The man glances nervously at a small package that was delivered with the mail. He then goes when Horatio gets more insistent, saying the alternative is they go downtown to discuss this. I look over at the small package, I want to know what is in it. I go over to take it but I see there are people watching. I look at it, but I can't see where it is from even. The man and Horatio return, Horatio says we will search… starting with the front desk. He produces a warrant. I take the small box now and open it, the man gets annoyed. There is a strange puzzle game inside it… though the man seems really upset that I saw it. Horatio is looking at a surveillance video with a really grainy and crappy picture. He asks if I can enhance the video quality to make the person in the video identifiable. I use a computer I have in my pocket to link in and do it remotely somehow. The man in the video is the man at the desk. He tries to run, but he is also a rather fat guy and makes a very clumsy effort to run… Horatio arrests him. I look at the novelty game a bit more, and I discover it is broken. I wonder why it was so important to that man…

      Staying On Track
      I am at my current house, and I am there with my ex boyfriend. He says he will spring for pizza if I go pick it up, and I think pizza sounds good, so I agree to do that. He says I'll have to ride my bike down there so he can pick me up on his way back to the house. He says he has to go home to get something quick. I tell him that is bullshit, I can drive myself down there and get the pizza and drive back… and if he wants a ride to his place, I can drop him there on the way and pick him up on the way back. He says no, and I really should ride my bike. I leave in the car and drive to Pizza Hut to pick up pizza. I find that Pizza Hut also sells a bunch of other stuff, a lot of toys and candy, but I just pick up the pizza. On the way back home I have to wait for a train and I start eating pizza while I wait, I rearrange the remaining pieces of pizza to cover the fact there is a piece missing. When I get home there is a train track right in front of our gate to our yard… um… where did that come from? I enter the yard and find I have to cross several more sets of tracks just to get to the carport. There are several train routes going right through our yard! I notice one of the tracks runs right along our porch in such a way it looks like the porch could be used for a boarding platform.

      I see a train coming and I am prepared to see how loud it will be… but it diverts onto a different track before it reaches the house. I notice it is getting dark, and I see James coming back. He is at the gate, so I open it. He starts to drive in but then gets stuck on one of the tracks. When he tries to get off, he gets turned around strangely and drives down one of the tracks and out of the yard. I wonder where he's going to end up…

      I am at a neighbor's house, and it turns out that Alicia's friend Anita lives there with her children. In waking life Anita has two boys, but in the dream Anita has two boys and a little girl about 8 years old. I am over at Anita's house hanging out with Anita and Alicia. There is a storm starting up outside, Alicia says she needs to get home, and she leaves. I am about to leave when it turns up that the little girl is missing. It seems everyone went out for a picnic today and the girl is now gone. Everyone is worried about her, there is talk of a child molester in the area, and fear that he has taken the girl. So we start looking for any trace of the girl, though I figure if the molester has her then there isn't really much chance of finding her around the house. I am searching through some areas of the house that seem more like an old warehouse than anything. I hear someone in there, and I see a creepy guy heading out the back way. I follow him outside into the storm, and then around to the back of the house. He is the primary suspect in the child molestation kidnapping cases. He stops and I confront him directly, telling him to tell me where the girl is, and tell me now. He motions me closer and I do so, waiting for him to speak. Instead he stabs me in the gut with a knife he had hidden in his sleeve. The wound has very little effect on me, which shocks the man. I respond by driving my hidden blade into his side. I ask him again where the girl is. He says this is impossible. I stab him again, where is she? He finally tells me where she is, he says she's in the wood pile, but we'll never reach her before the water in the river rises and she drowns. He laughs maniacally… My next stab to his throat shuts him up. I hurry towards the river where I know there is a pile of wood being stored. The water has almost reached the wood. I start moving the wood pieces with strength I didn't know I had, and I find the girl pinned near the bottom, alive. I pull her out and take her back to the house, out of the storm. Everyone is so happy to see her, but it is time for me to go home. The shoes I have on are falling apart, I can't walk in them anymore, and I have to walk home. I look around for what I thought was a long time, thinking I had a spare pair somewhere around there. I can't find them. I do find a pair of pink boots that are Alicia's. I decide I can wear those and return them to Alicia the next time I see her. They fit perfectly. I put them on and get ready to leave for home.
    12. Still More Harry Potter...

      by , 08-15-2011 at 06:05 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      08/11/11 Thursday

      Harry Potter
      I wake up in bed and realize it is time to go to school. I don't really want to get up… But I drag myself out of bed. This is the next day of final exams. I have an Algebra final and a History final. I am sure I'm going to flunk the History final, all those stupid dates I can never remember. Oh, well, better get to it and get it over with. I go out to breakfast, which is waffles! Yum! I eat waffles with my dad and a friend who has been visiting. My father is James Hetfield, my friend is Harry Potter. I finish getting ready to go to class and head out, walking to school with Harry. I have the feeling we are being followed, being watched. By something or someone unfriendly. I look around, but everything looks normal, it looks like a normal morning in a normal neighborhood. I still can't shake the feeling. Still, nothing happens, and we get to school ok. Dudley looks absolutely miserable, he isn't even paying much attention to Harry and me, he is harassing some geeky looking kid for test answers, I think he is afraid of flunking. The day passes slowly even though it is a shorter than normal day, final exams have a tendency to seem that way. But I finally find myself walking home with Harry Potter. I still have the feeling we are being watched… and this time I would have sworn I saw someone hiding in the shadows on the way home…

      Visiting MoSh
      I am in a house I recognize, though I know it is not my own. I do not live there, it is a house belonging to a friend of mine, who I have come to visit. My mind is a bit foggy… I came to visit MoSh! MoSh and Asuka! I am already in the house and I see Asuka in the other room, so I go in there and say hi. She says hi, then she says MoSh isn't here yet. She says MoSh doesn't really need to worry, she is doing fine, but that's ok to go ahead and have some healing. She says she thinks MoSh should be in on it, though, he's been stressed. I say ok, then we wait for a bit for MoSh to show up. MoSh finally shows up, at which point we go out into the garden area behind MoSh's house and have a mutual healing. Basara shows up just as we are about to begin and joins the group.

      08/12/11 Friday

      Final Final Exam
      I am on my way to school on the last day of class, the last day of final exams, then no more… then we get a summer break! Yay! I am walking to school with Harry Potter. This time I am absolutely certain that we are being watched and followed, and I am getting sick of it. This has been happening all week, who the hell is out there? What do they want? I look around very closely, trying to see who might be there. Harry notices me acting strange, and he is watching me closely. He finally asks what I am doing. I tell him I saw someone back there, I want to know who it is. I see movement in the shadows, and I head over there to see if I can find out what is going on. There is a bit more movement, but when I get there I don't find anyone. Apparently they saw me coming and don't want to be seen, that just makes them even more suspicious. I am getting a bad feeling about the place, though, as if there is an aura of dark energy remaining. I start thinking I need to get back to Harry, he shouldn't be out there alone, what if they're after him? I go back out to Harry, he is waiting impatiently, he says we'll be late if we don't hurry. I continue to the school with Harry, and the feeling that we're being followed has passed. The dream continues, but the only thing that happens for the rest of it is I go to school and take a bunch of dumb tests before meeting Harry and going home. I am actually a bit surprised, but I don't notice the feeling of being followed on the way home. Maybe they decided to quit since they'd been spotted… well, if that's all it took to make them back off, maybe they weren't really any kind of a threat after all. Somehow I am not completely convinced.

      Wet and Wild
      I am with Alicia and we are at a water park of some kind, though it isn't one I have ever been to before. I look around at the array of slides everywhere, and lots of people having fun. We climb to the top of a tall tower that several of the slides come off of. I ride one first where it is a really steep drop, I ride it on a large inflatable tube. There is a period of near free-fall and then it feels like I am gliding over the surface of the water like a hovercraft. That's how fast I was going. I get off, then follow Alicia back up. We get on a narrow yellow slide. This one is unusual in that there are numerous points along the slide where it is possible to change slides, to hop from one to another, or veer off on a side slide. I jump off of one and end up on a platform with water falling all around it. The platform is rotating, and I wait for it to get to the right spot to get on the next slide. Alicia is waiting for me at the bottom, she is having so much fun. I am, too. She says she wants to try one of the other series of slides. There is the yellow one we went on, then a larger green one, and an even larger blue one, I want to go try the blue one next. But for some reason they are announcing on the loud speaker that we all have to go home…

      08/13/11 Saturday

      The Man In Black
      I wake up in bed with a feeling of incredible freedom… I roll over and think I don't have to go anywhere or do anything today. If I really wanted to, I could stay in bed all day. Of course I don't want to spend the entire day in bed… this is the first day of summer vacation, there's no time to waste. I get out of bed and get dressed, I want to go outside and do some stuff out there before it becomes unbelievably hot. I find Harry Potter in the other room, though he doesn't look too happy. I ask him what is wrong, and he says he would prefer to spend the summer here but… I ask what the problem is, nothing here to stop him. I am wondering why he seems to be looking for problems with his staying with me instead of going back to the Dursleys. I say if he really wants to go back, I'm not going to stop him… The two of us go outside for a short walk, just enjoying the weather… which is very nice. We have walked a short way when someone steps out of the shadows… It is a man dressed in black, all black, black jeans, black shirt, black hoodie. His face is in shadows and hard to make out. He has a gun pointed at Harry and me. Harry asks what he wants, says we don't have much money. He says he had wanted to find Harry alone, but he doesn't really care, it's just one extra bullet. He fires his gun at Harry, I use telekinesis to stop the bullet in mid air. I do that without even thinking about it, after all there wasn't time to think. The bullet is now hovering about an inch in front of Harry's face. Harry is staring intently at the bullet, clearly unable to believe what just happened. The killer fires three more quick shots, all three bullets are hovering in front of Harry now. I fire the bullets back at him with telekinesis. One bullet hits him in the left shoulder, one in the right, and the others in the torso… he does not go down. I tell Harry we need to get out of there, we head back towards the house. I look back and see the cloaked figure finally fall to the ground. I wonder if he is dead. Well, there's nothing to tie Harry and me to him. We get back to the house, and I tell my father what happened. He says it looks like it is starting. I ask what is starting. He says the reason I am here, of course. Harry is wanting to know what is going on. Hetfield says he will tell us everything, just give him a bit of time to sort through things… we'll talk later.
    13. So Much Harry Potter

      by , 08-11-2011 at 04:42 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      08/05/11 Friday
      I am in school, I know it is Friday, and I am impatiently waiting for the class to come to an end so I can go home. I fidget in my seat, willing the time to go by more quickly, completely ignoring the paper in front of me. I have all weekend to do that homework, there's no hurry. Something hits me in the back of the head, it is a wad of paper. I pick it up and look at it. There is a note scrawled inside that says, "You are having a cow." Wtf? I look around the room and see there is a boy a couple rows back from me looking at me. He points at me and mouths the word 'cow' very clearly. Weirdo… The bell finally rings and I get up to leave. I brush up against someone as I'm gathering my things and she gives a mock scream. She says something contaminated touched her and she needs to be disinfected before she catches whatever it is that makes me so gross. Another idiot. I already know for a fact that the school is full of idiots. I ignore the idiots and leave the classroom, heading for home. In front of the school there is a group of five boys picking on one boy. Bunch of cowards… I head over to the group, I recognize the boy getting picked on… and I know I don't like being picked on, so neither does this boy. One of them, a particularly fat one, is saying the smaller boy probably wets the bed, how pathetic is that? I comment it is about one tenth as pathetic as a group of five idiots picking on one person. The fat one turns around and says no one asked me, so get lost. I apologize for my mistake… six picking on one, since the big one is clearly fat enough for at least two boys. The fat kid says he isn't fat, he has big bones. I say wow… he'll never have to worry about breaking a bone, then… those bones aren't big, they're HUGE! The fat kid says he's not opposed to hitting a girl, so get lost before he beats me along with Potter. I say I'm not opposed to kicking him in the… wait… Potter? Harry Potter? He looks at me blankly. Does that make you Dudley Dursley? Yeah… who wants to know? I tell him I read about him in a scientific journal… the first known human being to exist with absolutely no brain at all! He says that does it, I'm going to get pounded. He takes a swing at my face, I catch his fist in my hand and twist it over into a very uncomfortable position. He lets out a cry of surprise and a bit of pain. I tell him he has one chance to run home to his mommy before I kick him in the nuts so hard they get lodged in his fucking nostrils. Someone is coming, it is a teacher, asking what is going on here. Everyone is instantly on their best behavior. Dudley whispers to Harry that he will get it later on… and then to me that I will get it tomorrow. Um… tomorrow is Saturday, retard… I won't be seeing you… Harry says that was worth it to see Dudley get shown up by a girl. I invite him to come to my place. He says he can't come home with me every day forever. I ask why not, my dad won't mind. And it's not like his aunt and uncle give a shit… He can't argue with that, and we head back to my place together. I tell him there is a technique to being able to fight people like Dudley… and I know someone who can teach him if he wants to learn. He seems very interested.

      08/06/11 Saturday
      I am in the back yard of my own house, though it is not the house I live in now, it isn't even a house I recognize. My father is there with me, in fact, my father is James Hetfield from Metallica. Also there with me are Harry Potter and Vegeta from Dragonball Z. Hetfield goes into the house, leaving Harry and me there with Vegeta. Vegeta is giving us a martial arts lesson. He says it doesn't matter how large your opponent is if you know the right techniques to handle ourselves. So we spend a while out in the back yard working on exercises to get in shape and martial arts techniques. I am thinking I am at least getting some exercise for a change, and maybe this time I will even be able to stick with it. Somehow, even though Vegeta and Harry Potter are there with me, and James Hetfield is my father, it never occurs to me that I might be dreaming until I wake up.

      08/07/11 Sunday
      I am in the back yard of a house that is clearly not one of the places I have ever lived in my waking life, but it is familiar to me as my home. This entire dream consists of practicing martial arts with Harry Potter, Vegeta is the instructor. For some reason it never once occurs to me to do a reality check…

      Note: In spite of doing reality checks periodically during the day and telling myself to do them when I am dreaming, I never seem to do them anymore. If anyone has any ideas on how to get back into the habit it would be really helpful, I used to have frequent lucid dreams and now they're gone…

      08/08/11 Monday
      I am in bed and waking up, the alarm is going off, I don't want to get up… it is too early… why is my alarm going off now?! I sit up and look around the room, there is some light coming in the window, but it is clearly still early in the morning. I drag myself out of bed and get dressed before dragging myself out to the other room. Someone speaks to me from the door, says this is the last week of school, come on, get out of bed. School… wtf? I have school? What is going on? I sit up and get out of bed, not sure what to think. I get dressed and when I go to brush my hair I see I am about 11 years old. My mind just falls into the routine of going to class now, all thoughts of dreaming gone. Eat breakfast, walk to school. I am walking to school with Harry Potter, who apparently spent the night at my house last night. The entire time I am walking to school I get the strange feeling that someone is watching us… following us… am I just being paranoid? Nope. About half way to school a group of five boys blocks our path, one of them is Dudley Dursley. They seem ready for a fight. Dudley says no one humiliates him in front of his friends… I say no need to, he makes a complete fool of himself on his own. He turns red and says he's going to pound me… then he comes at me. I use leverage and strength I didn't realize I had to flip him over and onto his back, then I step on his fat neck. Try that again I'll rip your dick off and shove it so far up your ass that you're giving yourself a blowjob! All five of them look shocked that a girl just did that. While they are shocked, Harry and I continue to school where all my classes go predictably boring. My last class is over, and I am ready to head home… but wasn't I supposed to meet Harry and walk home with him? I look around for Harry for a while, then I finally find him. I'm not sure what made me check… but I find him in a dumpster. He has had his ass kicked… by Dudley and his gang, no doubt… I help Harry out of the dumpster, at first he is mad at me, saying Dudley was beating him because of me, then he is upset, saying he tried to use Vegeta's techniques, but they didn't work… I tell him it takes time to train to fight. I focus on healing a couple of his injuries… the healing works. We walk home together, I am plotting revenge on Dudley, but Harry wants to learn to fight and take care of things himself.

      08/09/11 Tuesday
      I wake up in bed and know right away that it is time to go to school. Time to get up and get ready to go. I pull myself out of bed, I currently have no awareness of my normal waking life, and no idea that I could be dreaming right now. I come out of the bedroom and have breakfast, I don't want to go to school, I never do, but this is the last week. Yay! I am walking to school with Harry Potter, and it feels like we're being watched. This seems to be a common occurrence now… nothing happens before we reach class, though. No one shows their face. I wonder if it was Dudley and his goons, and they are too cowardly to show their faces. Most likely. Classes today are preparation for the final exams, so there isn't much time to think about anything else. I get really bored with going over material for final exams and I end up doodling again, though this time I am more careful about getting caught. I am doodling plans for a puzzle game I have had in mind, though I am not entirely sure what I plan on doing with the idea. I will figure out that part once I have the idea finalized.

      08/10/11 Wednesday, Dream 1
      I am in an office, I am there for a job interview. I have no memory of how I got to be there, and I can't even remember what job I am interviewing for. Of course this results in me being about ten times as nervous as I usually am at an interview, and that is never a good thing. I look around the office a bit, it is a really fancy office. I am there by myself, I wonder when the person interviewing me will arrive. I get nosy and look around on the desk. It is a massive mahogany desk, clearly an antique… it is well polished and there are many items on it. I note the items consist of some antique looking pens, a couple bottles of ink, several rolls of parchment, and what is most notably absent is a computer of any kind. Actually there is nothing electronic at all. Weird. I sit there and wait for a few minutes until the door finally opens and a man walks in. I do a double take as I recognize the man, it looks like Professor Dumbledore. I am doing a double take when he comes over and says he's sorry to have kept me waiting, there was some urgent school business to attend to. He introduces himself and says he is pleased to meet me, Quintus has told him a lot about me. Quintus? I am wondering who Quintus is, Dumbledore continues. He says Quintus has said I have held such positions before and performed admirably in them, and he is inclined to believe Quintus since they have been friends for so many years. Who the fuck is Quintus?! I am struggling with this question, but Dumbledore doesn't seem to notice, he keeps talking. I am hardly hearing what he is saying, though I am somehow answering, not even aware of my answers. Finally I am leaving the office, and Dumbledore is saying he is required to speak with someone else, but he really feels he has already made his decision. I wish it was that easy to get a job in my waking life…

      08/10/11 Wednesday, Dream 2
      I am in school, I am taking a test. It's a final exam. In this dream I spend the entire day going to two different classes and taking final exams, then the school day is over. I get to go home early, though the idea is for me to go home early and then study for the final exams still to come tomorrow. What fun, I am so glad class is almost over for the summer. Outside of the school I meet up with Harry Potter, and we are walking home together. Harry says something about that he really should go home one of these days… he can't move in with me permanently. I ask why not, as long as my dad doesn't care… and it seems pretty clear that his aunt and uncle don't give a shit. Harry says the Dursley's would probably be glad to get rid of him. I say then the problem is solved. Unless someone complains, there is really no reason he can't just stay with me… unless he really prefers living with the Dursleys. He said no, he would not prefer that. I say let's get home, I need to do some studying for our final exams tomorrow. Maybe we can help each other out. Sure, sounds great. The whole way home I can't shake the feeling we are being watched, though I never see any sign of anyone following us. I wonder if Dudley might be a problem… it seems Harry notices me being paranoid. He says if I'm looking for Dudley, don't worry, Dudley is still back at school trying in vain to finish a final exam… when he probably got stuck on the first question, the one where he's required to put his name.
    14. 08/03/11 Orphan, Harry Potter

      by , 08-03-2011 at 10:28 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: I am continuing to use the dream hypnosis programs, and from last night's dreams, it seems they are at least getting more interesting even if I haven't been lucid… One of the hypnosis programs I have is specifically for lucidity. I believe I will try that one next.

      I am on a street in a rather shabby looking neighborhood, it looks like the people there don't have a lot of money to keep the place looking nice. It does seem to me that there are things that could help it be nicer without spending money, though… I find a plastic bag and I start collecting recyclable trash that I find lying about. I can help clean the neighborhood and also help the environment by recycling… and if I find lots of aluminum, I might even be able to sell the cans and make a little money, too. With what feels like a win-win-win situation, I continue collecting trash. I am walking past a small house when the front door bursts open and a child comes running out, screaming.

      It is a young girl, looks to me like she is somewhere around 10 years old. She is screaming, and run straight to me, screaming something about someone trying to kill her. A man and a woman are following the child, they look about middle age, and the man grabs the girl. The mother says something about the girl always exaggerating, she's going to be grounded, not killed. But there is a look in the woman's eyes… and in the man's, too. A crazy look… these people are stark raving mad. They drag the screaming child back into the house. I'm not going to let this go, there is something very wrong happening here… do I have enough to call the cops? Probably. I look in my pocket for my cell phone… it's not there. Damn! Where is it? I certainly don't have time to go for help… I sneak up to the house and peek in a window. An empty kitchen. The door is unlocked. I carefully open it, I hear screaming inside, from down below. A basement. I go inside and follow the sounds of the screaming. I find the basement, which turns out to be a quite cozy and comfortable room, complete with a fireplace.

      There is a screen over the fireplace, and the girl is inside. The man and the woman are holding the screen in place, keeping the girl inside. The man cracks the screen just enough to throw in a match… the wood inside bursts into flames. Without even thinking about it, I telekinetically throw the man and the woman away from the screen, slamming them into the wall, hard. I spot a blanket on one of the chairs and use it to extinguish the fire on the girl. The woman is coming at me with a knife. I throw her back against the wall. When the girl came out of the fireplace, she had succeeded in spreading the fire to a couple other places including a rug and one of the chairs. The fire is quickly spreading. I take the girl and hurry upstairs and out of the house. I am on the lawn in front of the house looking at the girl, seeing that she has some serious burns, when the fire department arrives along with some paramedics. It seems someone called the fire department, what a quick response! A fireman asks me if anyone else is in the house. Just the crazy psychos who were trying to burn this girl alive… the fireman is shocked and sickened. The paramedics take the girl off to the hospital. In time the fire is put out. One of the fire fighters says they were unable to save the parents. I wonder if they really tried… I decide I don't really care. I wonder what hospital the girl was taken to. I want to see if she is ok.

      Harry Potter
      I am in school, it is a normal math class, and I am taking notes. This is math I have learned before, and I actually don't know why I am even in this class. It is a basic Algebra class.

      Since it is easy for me, my mind wanders off and I find myself doodling on my paper instead of taking notes. I am sketching a picture of one of the space ships from EVE Online, and then I start making some modifications. I think I am coming up with a rather cool looking space ship when I get caught.

      The teacher is walking up and down the aisles between the desks and sees me doodling instead of paying attention, and she gets mad. She says I should go to the principal's office. There is a boy sitting not far from me who apparently had the same ideas as I do, he was also doodling. The instructor tells him to go to the office with me… and is there anyone else who thinks they don't have to pay attention? Some students snicker, a couple hide what they have been doing. The boy and I leave the classroom and head for the principal's office. This all seems odd to me, I glance at my reflection and see it looks like I am about 10 or 11 years old… and that is the age the other students look to be. I look at the boy with me, he has thick dark hair, and when he brushes the hair from his eyes I see he has a strange scar on his forehead, like a lightning bolt. Harry Potter! He asks what I was drawing. I tell him, managing to not react to the fact I recognize him. He says he was drawing a castle. He says that class is so easy, and the instructor is so boring. I agree with him. The principal addresses him as Harry Potter, that's really his name? And she addresses me as Raven Knight… one afternoon of detention for both of us. Harry doesn't mind. He says maybe that means Dudley won't be waiting for him after school. Math was apparently the last class of the day, so we go to detention together, and spend the time doodling some more. Harry's drawing of a castle looks awesome. He also likes my space ship drawing. We leave detention and go to leave the school. There are four boys standing around the flagpole. Harry groans. I ask if he wants to come back to my place, I could show him some of my drawings, if he needs a good excuse, we can say we're studying. He seems unable to believe I invited him, he asks if I'm not worried Dudley will see me being nice to him. I say of course I'm not. We head in the opposite direction, taking a shortcut across the athletic field to get to my house. We go into an average looking house not far from the school. James Hetfield is waiting there to greet me.

      He smiles and asks who my friend is. He says his name is Harry, I say we met at school today… I skip the detention part. I introduce Hetfield as my father. I ask Harry if his parents won't be worried. He says his parents are dead, and the Dursleys sure won't worry… they may be hopeful that he got kidnapped or killed. But we call them anyhow. I talk to Mr. Dursley. Harry doesn't want to. I tell him Harry will be spending the rest of the afternoon at my place. He grunts. I say Harry's staying for dinner. He grunts again, and says Harry can move in with me for all he cares, then hangs up. I tell Harry he has permission to spend the night. Hetfield looks over at me, but doesn't say anything.
    15. 08/02/2011 Space Games and Zombies

      by , 08-03-2011 at 05:11 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      To Infinity… and Beyond
      I am flying a space ship in outer space as in EVE online, though I am not flying one of the many EVE ships, I am flying my own Fire Valkyrie. I am flying through asteroid belts hunting pirates. I decide that the pirates I am finding in this belt are far too easy, so I need to go into a lower security zone. What zone am I in now? I push a couple buttons on my control panel and see it is a 0.8 zone, so it is really no wonder that the pirates here are easy. I decide to head into low security space, so I pull up a map that shows the surrounding solar systems. One of them is a 0.3 system, so I decide to go there. I locate the nearest jump gate and head over to the 0.3 space solar system, plotting a course to an asteroid belt as soon as I come out of warp. I ignore the usual warning from Concord saying they can't guarantee my safety in a 0.3 security space… When I reach the asteroid belt I am immediately greeted by the transmissions of pirates, and there are quite a few of them. One of them is a big one, yay! A fight starts, it turns out the smaller ones are still very easy to destroy… only the largest one takes any effort to get rid of. I fight the pirates and destroy all of them, then it is time to gather my loot. But I'm in my Fire Valkyrie… where am I supposed to put the loot? Fire Valkyries aren't chosen for their cargo space… I figure I'll take a look at what the loot is and figure out what to do with it. I check the large enemy first and see there are several pieces of expensive loot in there… I will make a load of isk off of this! Yay!

      Game On
      I am in an arcade, but the arcade is also a casino of sorts. There is a contest going on, and the jackpot is to be won by the first person to play a series of ten video games and not lose any of them. I decide I am going to accept the challenge, so I start off playing the games. It seems most of them are games I am able to play easily, though they aren't games I particularly like. I am on a winning streak, however, and there are only two games left… and they are both games I should have no problem with! The first one looks a lot like EVE Online, though it is a single player game. I get on the game and start shooting down the enemy ships. There is a kid standing next to me, the kid says I need to move and give him a turn on the game. I say I will in just a bit, I just need to score 100,000 points. The kid leaves and comes back with a woman who is an employee of the arcade. She says it is the kid's turn now, move. I ask if that means I won't be able to win the contest. She says the contest isn't won unless I win on each game in a row, so if I quit, I lose. I say I'll finish the round then, and then the kid can play. She says no, leave now or get thrown out. They're cheating! They're not letting anyone win the contest! I am annoyed at that. I step away from the game and lose, I am going to lodge a complaint. I'm not sure who to complain to… I am trying to figure that out when I wake up.

      Zombie Stomp
      I am at Alicia's house, and I know I need to get going home so I can get some stuff done. I can't remember what it was that I need to get done… but if I don't get to a computer soon, time is being wasted. For some reason she doesn't want me to leave until another of her friends arrives. Her friend is already late… I wish she would hurry up and come before it is too late. Finally we decide we need to go out and find Alicia's friend. We go out and get in my car, though we have to go back in the house for a few more items before we actually leave. I don't think anything strange about the fact one of the things we get is weapons. I select a katana that is particularly sharp, it will do perfectly. We go out and start looking for Alicia's friend. It is dark out, so I am having problems searching. We drive down an alley and find her friend surrounded by zombies. I do a double take at that and then I realize what the sword is for. Alicia's friend is up on a large dumpster trying to keep away from the zombies. I attack the zombies, though I think I am the only one who fights… but it is not difficult. These zombies are the slow moving dumb kind, and they have soon been relieved of their heads. I am trying to get Alicia's friend back to the car now, I want to go home and do something productive. She is being difficult, apparently traumatized from her encounter with zombies…
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