Fragment of Dreams
I had a lucid dream. I only remember fragments of it. I was in some communal house and for some reason I realized I was dreaming. I walked out the door or through the wall. There was a grassy field and a light granite path. I tried to stabilize myself, I think I looked at my hands and prayed to stay in the dream to explore. I walked on the path and looked around. Then I slipped into some other regular dream. I'm sure there was more to the dream, it just slipped from me.
I am at some college. I think its University of Pittsburgh (where I went), and I am standing on a tile floor asking a woman if I am registered. Its the "Im at school and don't have my schedule" dreams. All I remember is the person found my file and said I needed to reapply. That's all I remember. Had this dream a few nights ago. reocurring, but each time the setting is slightly different but always school. I hope that next time I realize I'm not a college student and go and explore the campus and ask to sit in on classes. It would be a fun scene to explore. Anyone have any college or high school lucid dreams? Any signs I should look for to remind myself that its not even what university of pittsburgh really looks like and that it must be a dream?
I was at an orphanage. It was like I was watching a movie (this happens often. I wasn't one of the players). All the children were Thai. One was adopted. I forget if he or she was male or female - maybe that part just doesn't matter. Then, that one wanted to see his or her real mom. And then she showed up, with white skin that looked wrong, as if the Thai skin was dyed white. She looked like a monster. She looked like she was wearing a costume, someone else's skin. I interpreted this dream to be a vision for all mankind: those who don't believe in Jesus, who love evil and hate good, who have lust or greed, they are wearing a costume of evil, and they merely need to shed that second skin, take off that costume, and accept Jesus as their Savior and say goodbye to sin forever.
6/132017 I was on a balance beam in front splits. I saw the beam and felt the splits, though I didn't feel like I was stretching. The beam was a tannish color, like most balance beams are. Then the dream slipped away, and I was surrounded by black and thought I was in Greenland. I thought it was near Russia. I was talking to some woman about New Zealand. I thought, 'I have to fly to NY to practice getting on an airplane.' I forgot that Peter wasn't in New York yet, I called him, which I normally wouldn't do because part of me is afraid of him. I realized where he is really living. I thought about getting my passport out of my safe, even though I lost the key to it. 6/16/2017 I was walking with a random guy outside. I think he was a symbol for my twin Stephen. We found a bright blue pool, still waters. The guy suggested going in and I said it's illegal we'll get caught. There was a black, grayish gate/fence. The fence was straight, not in a circle. There was no barbed wire on the fence. Suddenly, we were in the hotel that the pool belonged to . We asked the people if we could buy the pool. They said yes it/s 10,000 dollars. We said okay we put the money in your crack account. I don't remember what the hotel looked like. 6/20/2017 I was at a peaceful, light blue beach. I didn't see the sand, just the water There were no waves. I swam and walked around. Lots of people were in the water. I think it was a Florida beach, I've had Florida beach dreams in the past. Michael, Simon Peter, Jenn, and Andrew were there. Before being in the water we were in a random house or hotel. Then suddenly we were in peaceful water not thinking about the sharks that might be near us. Then suddenly someone announced that there was a crocodile in the water. It was huge, bigger than most crocodiles, and was red with bright yellow eyes. It wasn't moving, it was just there. I knew I was faster than it. I tan out of the water. All I was thinking about was getting to safety and getting my family to safety. And all the other people in the water. Part of me was afraid and I should have become lucid, but I didn't. I was/a,m faster than the crocodile. Is the crocodile my shadow side? A symbol for my fears, a symbol of whatever is blocking my family from being who we really are, my dark side, weak, unable to move compared to the bright blue waveless water representing my peace and tranquility? I found the shore and suddenly we were in a hotel room. A window was open and I was falling out of the hotel, head first. My waist up was in the air and my feet were in the hotel. Michael grabbed my legs and helped me get back in the hotel room. There was a bed and a couch visible. I knew the couch could roll out as a bed. I knew there must have been another bed somewhere. Jenn and I were arguing about who would sleep in the bed and who would sleep on the roll out couch. The fight subsided and I told her that I'd take the couch. I assumed we weren't in Florida anymore and were in New York helping Peter move in to his shared house in NY for graduate school. Maybe the beach was a NY beach, but I'm pretty sure it was FL because I've had FL beach dreams before, though those dreams happened a long time ago, The dream was both nightmarish and peaceful. I'm praying I have the dream again and become lucid and explore the sea and the monster crocodile and fly down from the window doing a flip and not getting hurt. Alas, that didn't happen. A different night I dreamed I was at a martial arts cult like group. They were teaching me martial arts and weird things happened. The dream slipped away all I know is they tricked me into thinking there was one true martial art. There's one true God, but as for martial arts, all of them work. I just happen to choose Kung fu and Okinawan Karate.
A martial arts group was seeking me. They said they would teach me parallel bars if I started a martial arts school with them, and that I would feel an experience people felt like when/after they die. I wanted to learn parallel bars. In the dream it felt like a cult and I was afraid. In a different dream I was doing gymnastics and eating dark chocolate. I can't remember if I could taste the chocolate but I think I did a little bit, not the same as in real life. All else slipped away. Hoping to write my dreams down tomorrow morning. want to get back into my dream journal and get a lucid dream. Really wish the dream progressed to the parallel bars so I could experience them at least in a dream.
All I remember is doing a back walkover on a wooden beam. It just came naturally. I don't remember what else happened in the dream, but I am only 50% sure it was just a dream. Maybe God woke me up and helped me do a beam back walkover. Not sure.
I am in a house I've never been in. I just assume it's my real house. There is a fire and we all run out. Fire men don't come, it's just us. I run back in to get my journals. I come out and "Susan" is there. I run back in to get all of my leotards and I run out. I want to go back in to get my computer because it has my novels on it but I see the flames coming towards the front of the house (I live in an apartment/town house so I know it's not my real house now) and that the flames would stop me from exiting this time. Going into a burning building isn't making me gasp for breath so I should have become lucid, but I didn't. I stood outside with my journals and my leotards next to Michael or Gabriel looking like Susan and my siblings. We wait for the fire to stop, we don't call anyone. Then the house is back how it was, as if it was untouched, and we all go back in. I forgot this dream and remembered it when I was watching supergirl seeing a burning building. Sometime in the past two weeks I dreamt I was going out onto my deck. All of the decks were connected; there were no railings. Our neighbors were outside grilling burgers on the left side of the deck outside of their house. We're about to start to talk and then the dream changed. I remembered this one when I went out on the deck and saw that the decks weren't conjoined like in the dream.
Dream character Amy reappeared and reminded me of the ice-cream we ate together. I told her that it had been a dream, thinking the dream of Amy was real. She said, "No, it was real." And I believed her. This is a fragment of a larger dream. Wondering if Amy will be a dream guide sent from God. Looking forward to being in a lucid dream with Amy to see what part of my psyche and my spiritual life she represents. Since she was eating ice-cream with me I sense it means that God wants me to share His joy with other people, and that the eating of the ice-cream was platonic and not sexual at all.
I thought I was in Europe...Italy. I was in a house during a party eating good healthy organic food. Then we were all in my house eating food in my dad's refrigerator (this was a false wake up). Then I saw a purse that wasn't mine in my room. Then I was in a different house and a guy tried to rape me and I defended myself. I kicked him and grabbed his feet and pulled him down. Then I smoked weed with a peaceful guy. He showed me how to take a hit without burning my thumb. I really thought this was real, more than usual. The guy tried to rape me again and this time I let him, and later thought he had HIV. Later at night I saw huge rocks in my house. I don't remember but one was silvery and purple and translucent. There were some medium sized ones and some small ones. Demons made me put a lot of them in my mouth. I took them out of my mouth but swallowed a few. Again, I thought it was real and God was taking the rocks back. In another version of my series of rock dreams I was in a store and saw a huge purple amethyst. I wanted it but it cost about 2,000 dollars. If I'm right, it represents 2,000 years, that I am older than 2,000 years and that years = money. Dreaming about special rocks = being a precious gem of God. That I will find my gifts from God. Also smoking weed in a dream after a long time of not doing it in real life for a long time was very reassuring. I know once I smoked DMT with a girl in a dream. There were other dreams of rocks. The main difference was the rocks were different. Different sizes and colors. I wanted to keep them but I woke up and they were gone.
Updated 06-02-2017 at 07:56 PM by 93335 (remembered more)
I was in a mall with Michael, and we looked at different stores. I realized we were in New Zealand (currently I live in USA) and I didn't have my passport. We walked around and someone asked us for our passports. Michael showed them his and I showed them my hand, hesitantly, hoping they would see a passport. (In another dream, I was stuck in a preschool in England, and an evil British cop wanted to cut the kids to pieces, she looked like a grandma. I cut off her thumb but there was no blood, so I should have became lucid. It felt so real that I thought God had carried me there. Then I walked around and found a book shelf and hid there, and then I saw Stephen and he told me he tried to arrest her showing his CIA badge...he's not in the showing his hand and they saw a badge). They didn't see a passport though, and told us that I had to leave. We didn't listen to them. We said goodbye and walked around and then we were in Europe. I told my dad (Michael) that there might be concentration camps there, and I still didn't have my passport. I thought I have to get a locksmith to open my safe (I lost my keys in real life) to get my money and passport and social security card. Then I slipped into a different dream, which I don't remember. A long time ago, I dreamt that I was seeing an eagle and then I was in the eagle and was the eagle, and I flew for a while and felt powerful and afraid. Then I woke up. These are really just fragments there is really a lot more that I lost.