Log 900 - The Sampling Extravaganza and Other Assorted Stories
, 10-18-2017 at 03:08 AM (642 Views)
Created Monday 16 October 2017
Got a few non-lucid dreams and a DEILD to note, along with a fragment. There was more to the non-LD portions that I've since forgotten by now.
Dream 1 - School Lunch Buffet Brawl
The visuals were a bit blurred. I was waiting in line in a buffet-styled outdoor school cafeteria. Instead of trays, each student was given round, sturdy paper plates. Items were already running low when I reached the serving area. Macaroni and cheese seemed to be among the most popular choice, so I scooped what I could before that ran out. I tried some, and found it to be extra cheesy. Following that, I poured in some soup broth (wha...?), and finally, a handful of steamed sausages.
I turned away momentarily, only to see that everything in my plate (sans broth) had been stolen. Angered, I rewinded time to discover the culprit. Turned out to be some tanned skinned punk, whose hand I found on my plate. I rewinded again to interpose, and yet, he'd the nerve to nab my stuff anyway. More time travel, this time to deliver a sucker punch. But, it seemed I got myself into a losing bout, the bully forcing me into the defensive. What's more, some other guy with curtained hair taunted me for my setback. In thoughtless rage, I went back to sneak attack the both of them, only to get into an even more embarrassingly lopsided fight.
Not much else occurred before the dream ended.
Dream 2 - Market Psycho Wave
Scene 1 - Supermarket Food Samples
The visuals were mostly clear. I was browsing around a supermarket at nighttime. Thanks to semi-awareness, I effortlessly floated around the aisles, if just to go around and sample snack foods. When I reached the meat aisle, I tore out some steaks and sausages from their packages, then used magic fire to cook these instantly.
Unknown transition.
Scene 2 - Law and Order - Paranormal Investigations
The visuals were a bit blurred. This depicted an episode of Law and Order. During prepping, exec ADA McCoy was pressuring an unnerved witness to speak truthfully, but he realized someone had since coerced them into silence.
Cut to McCoy in bed, where he's rudely awakened by police. Much to his disbelief, they showed up to arrest him for murdering someone and leaving their body out in a grassfield. Prime evidence included blood-laden muddy shoes found by the cops in Jack's home.
But, it seemed the police knew this was all part of a much greater conspiracy. It so happened that an evil psychic kid has been hypnotizing people into committing murders in their sleep, to which McCoy became an unwitting puppet. Despite knowing as much, the cops had no way of arresting the boy for doing such, let alone finding him...
Later on, both cops and lawyers agreed to a risky gambit: setting McCoy free without cause in hopes of somehow luring the kid. Around this point, I manifest as an incorporeal figure. Through telepathy, I instructed McCoy to go to a suburbs, to which he reluctantly complied. It was then that the evil kid probed Jack's mind again. This time, Jack was one step ahead, for he somehow figured out how to mentally shield himself in short notice. As he did, I locked on to the kid's telepathy, which in turn let McCoy figure out the helloin's whereabouts.
Unknown transition.
Scene 3 - Lake Waves
The visuals were blurred. I was swimming at the center of a park lake during twilight. Various other familiar figures were there with me, though I don't recall specifics. Not long into this, huge waves formed, and battered everyone out to dry land. I was steadily catching on to this absurdity, but not before larger tides literally knocked me back into reality.
Scrap Group 1
Attack on Titan related dream.Spoiler for major spoilers:
Dream 3 - The Sampling Extravaganza
The visuals were mostly clear. I was browsing the very same supermarket from before. Soon, I overheared my Aunt Karin and Uncle Able joking about off-brand cereal, though they quickly rescinded their words. I then see bags of such foods on a rack nearby. One interesting variety had chunks of chocolate and normal (off-brand) Rice Krispies Treats. This somehow grants awareness instantly. I tried some, finding it tasted as good as expected, though, as with food in other dreams, it melted and vanished much too quickly. Indeed, this was true for cookies, chips, and other snack items I sampled.
After some careless flying throughout the aisles, I went directly to the meat cuttery for some protein. Behind the counter was a man who looked extraordinarily similar to James Avery (aka "Uncle Phil"). There were black plates nearby, which stored what seemed to be beef nigiri. I ate some, when I discovered this was actually shellfish. 'Mr. Avery' wasn't unhappy that I touched something without permission. "Oh sure", he complained, "just take whatever you want."
To patch things up, I tried summoning a copy of what I ate. But, whether gesturing, staring, or through command words, nothing of the sort occurred. I then tried feeling things out on the plate. As it so happened, this was the surface of a hotplate. What's more, that mere tap caused it to short-out in dazzling sparks. Despite the jolt, I was completely unharmed. "Heh, no summoning.", I comment. "But hey, at least I'm invincible."
Next, I held onto exposed diodes, electrifying me further, and creating an more spectacular, iridescent display of electric orbs. I stared at those that fell on the plate, when I realized these had formed a single word: wish. Anxious seconds were spent trying to think of something, but I resigned myself to whatever came in mind. "Mechaz0r!", I shout. Not sure why I thought of Duelyst, having not considered it in a while, but oh well.
Suddenly, the structure begins rumbling, while a familiar tune sounded in the background. The title song for Power Ranger's, to be exact. For extra amusement, I had it seamlessly switch to the Broforce theme. This, in turn, caused a huge karaoke screen to rise up behind the meatcutter's counter, though tiny, illegible text rendered that terminal moot save for the extravagence of it all. As I prepared to sing, a number of other patrons (mostly college/university-aged kids) flocked in to chant along with me. Despite many of us being off-tempo, it was a whimsical moment all the same.
The tune got about halfway before I awakened abruptly.