03/04/12 Non-lucid Vivid Apartment
, 03-05-2012 at 11:26 PM (397 Views)
This one is kind of a lucid, but I won't count it. In the back of my mind I knew it was a dream, but not enough for me to count it. The picture is pretty HD though. Enter a crowded apartment with two woman and interact. The land lady enters and says some one reported two prostitutes entering the building. The women are insulted. I go out on the balcony and we are about 5 stories up. Vivid veiw of a river and the city beyond. Then I am in the city and trying to look across and up to the apartment. There is a hot dog vendor and this part of town is run down. As we walk back to the apartment some how, there is a area where bones stick out of the wet clay. I examine a small spinal column. Dream ends.