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    Cities in the Astral

    03/06/12 Very Short WILD

    by , 03-07-2012 at 05:13 PM (483 Views)
    LD22: I had to take all the sleep aids again, so I am happy to have had even a short LD. I did a WBTB Wild at some point in the night and had a realatively easy entery in an LD. I started moving around before much imagery appeared. It mostly look like houses along a road. I stablized with my standard hand stuff. I remembered I want to do one of the tasks of the year. I have picked the atom bomb testing one. I start trying to warp the scene away from house and into trenches. I could now see a large black field with a trench and shadow like images of soldiers down in the trench. At this point the sleep aids got the better of me and I lost lucidity and recall. Dur~2-3 min.

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