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    Cities in the Astral

    03/09/12 Going to an ASTRAL Lecture DILD with other wordly stuff...

    by , 03-10-2012 at 08:41 PM (1148 Views)
    LD24:The 2nd ASTRAL REALATED dream in this journal... I am in a dream and have no memory of what led up to this. I am on very steep dangerous ground and loosing my grip. Someone is down below me trying to assist me, but they can't get up high enough to steady me. If I slipped, I could see very clearly a cliff below of huge proportions. WOW This is scary. Good time for a reality check! How lucky mt RC is levetation. I try to levitate and it works fine. Ok, I am now lucid, and the scene is not the least bit scary suddenly. I decide to become a bird and fly down for fun. It works quickly andI am a falcon. I bank and dive... and suddenly the dream changes into some phase that is not easy for me to understand. I am deprived of a dream body and am recieving some kind of instruction. The instrucor can not be seen, but can be heard and I could feel its presence. The instruction and other odd experiences lasted an undetermined amount of time. Did I learn something? Maybe so. I have found that often when I am lectured to by a dream entity it is so forigen to real life that it dose not translate well into waking consciousness. This episode had something to do with layering of the dream personality. A basic picture of how each thing with real existance in the dream or astral plain, is like multiple tubes of colored transparent plastic, that when viewed through each other would create a composet image of the entity.
    Does it make sense to me? Hard to say, I probably will discover some new power or way of doing astral dreams or a way of causing them, the next time it comes up. Dur~ ??? from 3 minutes up to 2 hours ???
    darknightedlady likes this.

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    1. darknightedlady's Avatar
      "real existance in the dream or astral plain, is like multiple tubes of colored transparent plastic, that when viewed through each other would create a composet image of the entity."

      I like that.
    2. AlexaMtz's Avatar
      In one of Carlos Castaneda's book I have found the analogy of someone that is able to take body of an eagle, was able to cross 10 worlds, more so, to take "apprentices" with you there also.