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    Cities in the Astral

    09-11-12 Six hours of Lucid Part 2

    by , 09-12-2012 at 08:40 PM (559 Views)
    This was a DEILD from part 1. I screwed around with flying aand exploring roof tops and basic stuff for awhile, This was a fairly long sequence, but most of the detail is confused. There was a section where I walked through a building and entered a mens public rest room, but a woman was in there. I figured this was a throuw back to odd dreams I had as a kid, based on shyness or something, plus maybe my body needed to pee. I turned and waked out. I ran into another woman and talked to her for a minute, but she seemed like a basic uninteresting DC. I was suddenly in the house belonging to my friend's parents, and a baby in a high chair had turned on a faucet which was overflowing a sink. i turned off the faucet, and went outside.
    It was lovely outside and the trees were real looking.I levitated in a cross legged yoga pose and fflew around for quite awhile. I explored the face of buildings in some quaint business district, but eventually got bored of that kind of stuff.
    I decided to challenge myself. I brought my body into clear focus. I was cross legged and levitating while moving forward. I started making magical hand gestures (mudras) while canting Nom Myoho Rengai Kio over and over. The hand gestures where vividly clear and the chanting was coming out as real audible sound. Eventually I decided to challenge myself even more. I started levitating up side down while moving forward down the street in a cross legged yoga pose while doing both the mudras and the mantras. This worked well and was kind of fun.
    While levitating down the road upside down and doing the other stuff, I had been using diffuse vision to keep the scene stable, by also keepingg awareness on the road. The awareness of the scene had degraded into just the branches of some trees flying by to create the scense of motion. As soon as I noticed that my head was brushing across the ground, and I decided to just land.
    I decided to allow my brain to randomly create a scene with no expectations, just to see what popped up. I was laying on the ground and stood up on a pleasent deserted country road with wooded rail fences and quaking aspen trees. I just took in the beauty of the scene for a minute, when I noticed a young boy watching me. He started to hurry off, but I wanted to see what the DC would say if I talked to him. I caught up with him.

    The DC told me "swimming in the cretetousis sea is very dangerous,"
    What? He repeated that my plan to swim in the ancient see was very dangerous. OH! That was the dream task of the month! Hey thanks random little kid DC! I floated up and sure enough there was a sea shore. I walked into the calm water and explored an under the ocean world. I do not remember how long I played around under the sea, but maybe it could not have been more than 2 minutes, certainly not more than 5, but my recall is a bit confused at this point. I do vividly remember a portion of it. I was looking at small sea life, like minnows and plancton when something stirred in the sand and suprissed me. It was a vividly colored mix between a sea cucumber and maybe a lobster. It darted into a small opening in the reef. Other sea life started going into the opening. 3 other largist critters went in, but I only remember one was a giant herit crab with purple legs.

    I came up out of the water, to find a pirate ship. I decided to screw with the pirate ship, because this was supposed to be an ancient sea, and not a pirate dream. I flew above the scene and attempted to summon a giant lobster. Hundreds or thousands of large lobsters swarmed the ship. Itried again, and a true giant lobster came up from the sea and crushed the ship in its claws.

    Other minor scenes happened, and the dream eventually ended with me and two DCs having a picnic by the sea, eating lobsters. I remeber using TK to pull some peaches from a tree and we sat aand ate peaches for a couple minutes. I only mention this beacuse they were incredible! The juice ran down my chin and thee tecture was so real and the taste was close to as vivid as real peaches. Often dream food comes out bland, but not these peaches.
    Dur~30-45 minutes?

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    1. Xanous's Avatar
      You are a beast! Nice dreaming marathon!
    2. Chimpertainment's Avatar
      millions of peaches.. :)