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    Cities in the Astral

    Bonus TOTM Part 1: Ophelia.

    by , 07-05-2014 at 12:54 AM (610 Views)
    07/03/14 WILD. I used the mantra again, "Take Ophelia and Gab to another planet." I kind of managed to complete the bonus task, but it was short and the only "fun" activity I shared with a DV member was being at a carnival with music for about 15 seconds. Good enough to qualify, but I followed it up with two much better LDs.
    I appear in a grocery store and immediately remember that I want to find Ophelia and Gab. I decide to use a basic summoning trick instead of creating them in front of me. I walk behind the customer service desk (the cashiers are shocked) and use the intercom system. I create the expectation that they are in the store and planned on meeting me here. I announce over the system, "attention shoppers, Would Ophelia and Gab meet Sivason at the service desk. Ophelia and Gab, please meet Sivason at the service desk."
    I look around and a pretty woman with long dark hair is walking towards me. I decide this is Ophelia. Now, the woman looks just like photos I have seen of Ophelia, and is smiling. She walks up and in the same voice as Ophelia starts talking to me. "Hi Sivason! Gab could not make it. She is blah blah and had to do such and blah." I did not understand what ever was said here, but decided to just accept that Gab was not coming.
    I seem to have forgot in all 3 of these LDs that I wanted to take them to another planet, but did remember we were supposed to do something fun (I hope that is right). I smile back and respond, "That is ok, maybe I can do something with Gab later. Let's go do something fun."
    We walk out of the store and I expect to see a carnival, so sure enough there is a small parking lot style carnival. There is loud music and an elephant, plus people and games. I stop and analyze the sound quality. So far the intercom and both of our voices have been near perfect, and yes, the music is too. Suddenly Ophelia says, "Sivason, I really have to use the rest room before we do anything. Let's go back inside first." I find this odd, but she is going so I follow her back into the store. She first opens a tiny door on the bathroom door and peeks through. (?, what ever). Then she says, "be right back," and goes in. I sit on the bagging area of a unused check stand and wait.
    Wait a second. Am I actually sitting around in a perfectly good LD waiting for a DC of a friend to use the potty? Just as that oddity strikes me I gain some bodily awareness and realize that I actually do have to go pee. Have I finished the goal? I guess we went to a carnival, but it seems like a stretch. I start to wake; should I DEILD? No, I need to go take care of this and do another WILD after and see if I can pick up from here. Which is what I ended up doing.
    I will type 2 more LDs from last night, all part of this Bonus task sequence, but at the moment need to go do 4th of July stuff with my wife.
    OpheliaBlue, gab and AlexaMtz like this.

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    Updated 07-05-2014 at 12:58 AM by 12783



    1. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      Lol. "!brb pee" sounds a whole hell of a lot like me

      Congrats on the TOTMs!!
      Sivason likes this.
    2. gab's Avatar
      Omg, you came to my grocery store!
      And next time, just look for me. I WAS there!

      Haha, congrats!
      Sivason likes this.
    3. Sivason's Avatar
      Gab, I figured out what happened. I am so sorry I missed you.

      Here was the problem: From the dream, " She walks up and in the same voice as Ophelia starts talking to me. "Hi Sivason! Gab could not make it. She is blah blah and had to do such and blah." I did not understand what ever was said here, but decided to just accept that Gab was not coming."

      My mistake, she actually probably said "Hi Sivason! Gab could not make it She is waiting for us in the wine isle and had to google what wine to pare with Mexican Kia."
    4. gab's Avatar
      Lol, that's very plausible. Very.