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    Cities in the Astral

    Dream Aquarium

    by , 06-04-2014 at 06:08 PM (887 Views)
    06-03-14 I got up after 7 hours sleep and read about June's TOTM. I decided to go for the bonus aquarium task. I laid in bed on my back and put a pillow over my eyes and ears (noisy here at the apartment). I started counting in my mind and focused on each point of my body starting with the toes and relaxing each as I moved up. I went through this twice, then moved to a mantra. When I was seeing H.I. I moved to my side and transitioned into a dream.

    I could see images and they seemed to be from above looking at a house or something with little detail. I decided that for this task aquarium must mean a big public aquarium like they have in big cities, so that this image must be the outside of a large building in which I would make the aquarium. I created a multi level mansion kind of feel and teleport inside the building. I am up on a balcony that wraps around the inside of a huge building. The balcony has fancy wooden guard rails.

    Now for the aquarium. Hmmm, perhaps it should be in a swimming pool? Yes, a very monstrous swimming pool, that is the idea. I go over to the edge and expect the entire floor to be a big pool and it is. I jump from the second floor and drop in feet first. I plunged down under water, but have no need to breathe so I stay under water. I want at least one shark, and a shadow becomes a shark swimming towards me. I clarify in my mind that the shark is not a man eater. I want this to be an aquarium people can swim in, so I add a few happy tourists swimming across the surface. Now for fish; I start to imagine schools of fish and they appear. I add a school of large angel fish and something like Moorish ideals. I look the other way and add a school of grey bat fish.

    The big swimming pool is complete with fish and sharks, but I want to do a whole public aquarium, so I teleport up onto the lower level deck. I go through an outer door and create an outside garden area with smaller pools. I add some people looking into the pools. It looks very nice (I wish I had stayed and added specific things in the pools, but had more work to do). I turned around and went back inside and up a grand stairway. I had some fun creating a bar/dining area with lots of tourists, then moved on along the hall and made a game room. I could not understand what the games were, but the kids were having fun, and that is what a public aquarium is all about.

    Now I have this all going in one visual field (except the outdoors part) and it seems I could add another level. Now, I can see that another grand stairway winds up higher. Suddenly IRL a garbage truck is servicing the apartment complex and I am about to wake up! No! Redirect, quickly! A window,' look, that garbage truck is in this dream' Of course a big aquarium will need garbage service. I look out the window and make a garbage truck appear. See? No external noise, all in the dream, do not wake me up! It works. Now the public aquarium has poor sound insulation and I pretend this is an issue to talk to an engineer about later. Yes, clearly we need sound proofing which explains why I am likely to still hear this dream garbage truck for the next few minutes.

    I go up to the third floor. I create a shopping area and decide to get a nice suit so a shop keeper in a fancy suit comes up with a mirror and we discuss what I should wear. I transform in the mirror and go with a dark jacket and purple shirt.

    That is the extent of the aquarium I created, after that I maintained the LD for about 15 minutes to half an hour and just walked all around interacting with DCs, and eventually took another swim.

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    Updated 06-04-2014 at 06:22 PM by 12783



    1. Schmaven's Avatar
      That's some pretty amazing creativity with how you transformed a noisy environment into the dream! I like to do that with snoring - it is not snoring at all, but rather, the fabric of my reality tearing apart, or all my bad habits being torn from my mind. It never keeps me up at all now.
      FryingMan and Sivason like this.
    2. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      Great to see your noise technique in action! I read your thread about it a while ago but I haven't tried it myself yet.
      Congrats on the task - you thought of everything!
      FryingMan and Sivason like this.
    3. FryingMan's Avatar
      Yup, I'm in awe of such awesome and creative dreaming....
      Sivason likes this.
    4. StephL's Avatar
      Oh how wonderful!!
      I am so happy you liked this idea and made something so beautiful and that you are so good an LDer that you could actually stay there and enjoy your creation for an extended while!!

      Edit: Do you think, you could visit your aquarium again in another dream?
      Sivason likes this.
      Updated 06-07-2014 at 01:51 PM by StephL
    5. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      What a great technique! Half of the time the noises I think I'm hearing from the outside world are fake anyway, so a mind over "matter" technique like this should be even that much more effective.

      Super advanced stuff, sivason, impressive!
      Sivason likes this.