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    non(ish) lucid Long Buffy and the End

    by , 11-25-2013 at 07:22 PM (361 Views)
    11/24/13 I came very, very close this time. I have been trying to have a vivid completely non-lucid with good recall. In this dream everything was vivid and as high quality as a decent LD. I remember parts of it vividly. I however di not know it was a dream through at least 80% of the scenes. In a 30 or so minute dream, I only reached semi-lucidity about 4 times and managed to let it slip away. The theme was post-holocaust in my home town. It went through at least 5 sequences. 1) trying to avoid detection from a group of thugs. Me and another carefully circled a building trying to stay on the opposite side. The dream looped here and this made me semi-lucid ("hmmm, dream is looping, how should I change this sequence, hide in the shadowy end of the pool. Stop it, just dream"). 2) Trying to sneak out and connect some kind of power line that would give us power stolen from Mountain Home (semi-lucidity "Boise has the hydro-electric dams, why would MH have power and not us? Stop it") Then thugs came and arrested me and carried me away to MH 3) In the MH head quarters. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is their boss (semi-lucidity- Buffy? Seriously? Stop it) 4) Having escaped and come back to Boise. Cousin Todd greets me and is obviously some higher ranking lieutenant. (semi-lucid- Todd would not be worth crap as a soldier, well maybe the idea is that he has not had access to drugs. Sure lets go with that line of thought. Stop it.)

    So, that was about 30 minutes of fairly stable vivid adventure, with almost no input from my conscious mind. I also avoided knowing it was a dream except for the 4 little slips. Even then I managed to ignore these slips and get back into the fun of a non-lucid adventure in the space of one or two mental sentences. Not bad at all.
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    1. StephL's Avatar
      Wow - impressive - far off my experience of course - but I love your enthusiasm with fighting off over critical reflection and suspending power over the narrative for a real immersion.
      Hach - expert-problems - but fascinating!