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    Non-lucid psychic contact Very awesome!!!

    by , 11-26-2013 at 11:55 PM (701 Views)
    11/25/13 My latest goal has been to have a vivid non-lucid with high recall with no semi-lucidity. This is my first success and it was amazing! I am doing this because I think having too much control may keep me from interaction with my subconcious. My first success was mind blowing. Here it is.

    I hit a ten minute snooze and drifted off. No attempt to DIELD as I normally would. ~~~ I am asleep on the couch and hear a buzzing noise. It is electric hair clippers. Someone is trying to shave a little hair off my sideburns without waking me up. I do a quick Jujitsu move and have them prone on the ground with an arm bar and my fore arm pressed under their jawbone.
    I am actually freaked out and afraid. No lucidity- this is real!
    It is too dark to tell who it is. "Who are you!" No answer, but I think it may be female. "Who are you!" Two more times, panicky and loud.
    (try to get a touch lamp to work, but it barely lights up/ later in the dream I examined it and it was still not working)

    "I am Tanya!"

    I jump up and pull her up and hug her. "What are you doing in my house?!"

    "I wanted a sample of your hair (implied, for DNA testing). I am pregnant and you may be the father"

    Let me explain some facts. This scene takes place in my current front room. I am now 42. Tanya was my girlfriend when I was 15. Nothing about this triggered even a hint that it was a dream (a very rare thing for me). Tanya has been married for about 14 years and has two kids. We have not talked in over three years. The last time we were physical was about 22 years ago.

    Back to the dream~ I became concerned! I do not want to be the dad. Wait! We have not had sex in six months (false memory). Wait, there was that time on Halloween! It is x-mas now. (Fairly complex false memory).

    "You can't be pregnant. You are so skinny! Isn't it more likely your boyfriends. The guy you live with?"

    "He left me!"

    Oh no, I think, she is going to be a single mom, this is terrible. Could it be mine? I will assume not unless she really has a baby and they test it.

    Suddenly we are in the house I lived in when we were 15. My family is there. (This does not bring even a hint this is not real). She starts talking to my mom. I say, "we need to talk about this, lets go out back."

    We are now in the back of my childhood home. I see a big glass building that should not be there. Normally this would get me lucid, but my brain diverts me. I wonder how this building suddenly got here, but a my brain goes "the neighbors probably had it built over the weekend, do not let it distract you."

    She look me in the eyes and says, "I have been having a really hard time emotionally lately and just need someone to talk to."

    My alarm goes off and the dream ends...

    Here is the amazing part. I wanted to have a vivid non-lucid feeling that I could benifit from allowing my sub-concious mind to direct the virtual reality. This dream seemed profound, and I have a history of precog dreaming. I decided to contact Tanya on Facebook and see if she was ok.

    Here is what I posted:

    Hi Tanya. It has been so long since we have talked. I had a very vivid dream last night that had you in it. You told me you thought you were pregnant and that you were having a very rough time emotionally. I know it is just a dream, but you know how silly I am... Is everything OK? I hope so. I just wanted to say hi, and offer an ear if you are under stress. Best wishes, Eric

    Here was her reply:

    I love you Eric! Actually things have been stressful. My husband walked out on me some time ago and the divorce has been hell. I am getting used to being a single mommy. Overall I am happier now but it has been hard.

    I would not say it is astounding and proof of shared dreaming or anything, but it is impressive results for my little experiment!

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    Updated 11-27-2013 at 03:47 AM by 12783



    1. StephL's Avatar
      Oh - I would definitively call it astounding!!
      And how very wonderful that it not only worked out for you - but that this dream of yours had a direct after-effect.
      If you see this a precognitive or coincidental - you brought consolation and something totally surprising to be happy about for her - and that says a lot about you!
      Sivason likes this.
    2. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      It's great that you contacted her, Sivason!
      I have had quite a few precognitive dreams of this nature, where I get the feeling that someone needs help and it turns out to be the case.
      It has occasionally happened with people who I didn't know well enough to approach about such things, and I have always wondered whether they were just random dreams, or whether there was something more to them. I guess I'll never know...
      It's nice that you could offer your friend some support at a time when she needed it.