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    Cities in the Astral

    The Roof is not Exotic Enough?

    by , 04-14-2015 at 06:28 PM (549 Views)
    04/12/15 I was in a very stable lucid and flew up to a 3rd floor window, 'knowing' a sexy woman would be up there. I caused her to come over to the window and she opened it. Just for fun and to be challenging myself, I put my knees against the window sill but leaned back reclining over thin air. I caused her to lean out and pleasure me orally. It was very real feeling and the DC was truly sexy. What fun. I just leaned back over the air and enjoyed for a few minutes.

    Finally, the DC stops and looks up and speaks, "are you just going to have me suck your $%^# all day? Why don't you take me somewhere more exotic at least?"

    I thought this was funny, so why not do it? I pulled her naked through the window and onto my lap, inserting myself inside her. Nice, very real feeling including warmth and moisture. I started to float with her there and levitated up to the roof. I pictured it as a fancy brass clad roof with style. We land and I lay her on her back and start 'stuff.' She does not prevent me, but she stares at my and mutters, "I ask you to take me somewhere exotic, and you f%k me on the roof?"

    I asked where she wanted to go and she tells me Italy. I do not mind, as I plan on continuing to do what I want on the way there. I pull her down into my lap again and am inside her. I levitate off through a mist and see forest scenes and decide that it has magically transported us to Italy. We are surrounded by vague shapes of what looks like a carnival, and I try to picture Rome.

    She says (still mounted on my lap) "This looks more like Mexico than Italy"

    I try not to let the dream guide me towards that. "No clearly it is Italy" however, now a man is walking by in a sombrero and "La Cucaracca" is playing. The scene is now vivid and clearly Mexico. I float us back up into the air and through the mists and forest again, and land in another city. This time I succeed at making it Rome. We float up to examine the rose window of a building, but the dream is destabilizing. I dismiss the image of the DC and reduce all the input down to a small area. I pluck a blade of grass out of no where and examine it closely. Nothing but my hands and a blade of grass. It works and the dream is stable. I am up in the sill of the window. The DC is gone and I land on the floor of the building. It hs amazing hard wood and I look at design for a brief moment. The dream starts to go ustable and I shift out of the dream into some other sleep phase.
    FryingMan likes this.

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    1. FryingMan's Avatar
      love the pushy DC dialogue! I really actually wanted to converse with my DC-gf who was riding on my back while I was flying in my LD last night but I had to practically scream at her to respond and all she said was "yes" twice in a totally fake voice. That was the first time I ever included a DC "in" on the knowledge that I was dreaming and she seemed entirely unimpressed (or too overwhelmed to answer?!) haha.
      Sivason likes this.