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    1/14/16 Competition Night #4 (2016 Lucid #6, #7)

    by , 01-14-2016 at 07:06 PM (419 Views)
    Lazy journaling strikes again, but this time it didn't claim quite as many point victims - just some earlier non-lucids. Mainly I just forgot some minor transitional details of the lucids I had. It's not my fault it's cold outside of my comfy blankets...

    After my WBTB, I'm at my old high school, hanging with some friends. We're jumping around the flowerbeds for some reason, when I realize this seems fairly odd. I think immediately to RC by trying to fly, but I can't quite get it right at first. By now, my friends are all wondering what I'm doing, so I say I'm trying to make sure I'm dreaming. I keep jumping, and each time I get a little higher. I've notice by now that my friends are all trying to do the same thing, so I finally have the idea to flap my arms to maintain my height. It finally works, until I get high enough to prove to myself that I can fly, after which I fly off to somewhere else.

    I woke up here, because I heard someone coming down the hall (my mom actually confirmed that she went in the bedroom next to mine, so it wasn't just an FA). I stayed up for a few minutes, before rolling back over and going to sleep. I had some definite WILD transitions, possibly some of the cleanest I've ever had. I'm now lying on the ground in this warehouse-like building, so I get up and try to remember what I wanted to do next. I recall my second step of my 3-step task is to teleport. I'm not great at teleporting, but I remember wanting to try it with a portal gun, which usually works in my dreams. I reach into my pocket and pull out the gun, even though it looks and feels more like a rolled-up umbrella. I point it at a brick wall near me and shoot, making the firing sound effect with my mouth. Nothing happens. I try two or three more times, but still nothing. I then tried my old method of drawing the portal on the wall, but even that did nothing. Well, gotta go with the golden rule of lucid dream control - fake it 'till you make it. I charge at the wall where I placed my portal and dive into it. There's a short second where I'm surrounded by blackness (the loading screen as I like to think of it), until the scene appears around me. I'm now at my old house. Well that went better than expected.

    I remember my next task that I wanted to complete - summon KestrelKat from my team. I don't even remember what methods I try to use to summon her, but nothing works. Meanwhile, my dad walks in and asks me to help him with his medicine. He hands me his pill bottle, and I read the label:

    Directions: Add one Kestrel and stir with warm water.

    I bust out laughing. The dream was basically making fun of me for not being able to summon KestrelKat. I lose control of the dream and go into a non-lucid.

    I'm helping out at some drama and dance competition at my church. My pastor asks me to take some chairs inside that had been out in the parking lot, so I roll them inside. There's a ton of groups in each room practicing, and every time I try to pass through a doorway to the next room, someone stops me and tells me I can't go in there. I tell them that I'm just passing through, putting some chairs back in the sanctuary, so they let me through. After dropping them off, I get back to the main stairwell, where I see two of my friends dressed up for their skit - one is dressed as an older lady, and the other as her obnoxious teenage daughter. I wish them luck on the competition, before eventually waking up.

    WBTB - 2 pts
    First DILD - 10 pts
    RC/Stabilization - 1 pt
    Flying - 5 pts
    First WILD - 10 pts
    Teleport - 10 pts
    2nd Step - 10 pts
    1 NLD - 1 pt

    Night 4 Total - 49 pts
    Competition Total - 90.5 pts

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    Updated 01-14-2016 at 07:34 PM by 63804

    Tags: competition


    1. ExothermReacton's Avatar
      The directions on the medicine bottle were genius. Your subconcious knows humor obviously.^^
      That was a great night by the way! 49 points is quite a lot.
      spellbee2 likes this.