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    Competition Entry # 9

    by , 08-05-2014 at 12:40 PM (577 Views)

    Not that I gathered many points - but I gathered lucid time, for my meagre standards quite a lot of time, even.
    Did a WBTB, but again a short one, and not like planned...

    LD #1: I was standing in the atrium of a house, maybe 3 stories high, looked like an office-building, I don't know how I got there. But looking down the hall - it just simply struck me, that it was a dream. Forgot to RC, but did that later on. What was on my mind first, was that Maxis had lucid dared me to die and survive it like a proper cat should be able to do. But what I did first wasn't trying something fancy, nor going after my 5 senses, since I ended up in the void by interrupting what I was doing before and especially upon lacking input from a sense, I search. So I slowly walked out of the building, as if nothing had happened. And that was a good idea, when I came out, the dream had nicely stabilized.

    The idea had been to transform into a cat and then let myself get hit by a lightning strike. Somehow I had the feeling that I'm not up to full transformation, didn't dare try - and since I could also die and survive something as a human - I started weather-witching instead and conjured up rain and storm and darkness - but lightning eluded me. I was a bit afraid then if I'd get anything done and went flying - by jumping from a high cliff into something like a canyon. The plan was my 3-stepper super flight, into which I wanted to switch while in the sky, and maybe catch a deadly lightning strike under way. But - soo stupid - I suddenly had such an urge for the toilet, that it disturbed my air-swimming. Soo - what now, I think in mid-flight, and wanting to get something out of this LD in the last seconds, I grab my right eye, see if I can rip it out for the TOTM. Well I do - but not really - it stays on it's optic nerve, I get it out maybe 20 cm and then it bounces back in. No pain - no spectacular visual effects, either - but it feels slimy. Now reading back - I should have examined it further - what I can say, is that I saw it with my other eye, as a dark ball. Before I could go on and land somewhere and maybe cut it off with something, I felt I had to go so urgently, I woke myself up. And of course - nope - I didn't need a toilet irl - this happened several times before. Need to remember that once and for all - maybe stop moving my dream-body or just letting it go...

    Dream #1: It's back - the old house. This time, though, it had been ripped down except for a small part, and all the place around it had been sold and integrated into city-buildings on one side, on the other was some garden left. I was very happy to be there, to know it exists, but later on I found out that even that last bastion had been sold, and there was a party with the new owners moving in suddenly appearing in my and a friend's living there. We were just living there, and they came in all dressed fancily and with champagne glasses, we had to first find out what they wanted, I couldn't believe it nor accept it, but I had to in the end...

    Fragment #1: A woman stands at a table and wants to demonstrate something, takes her fingers and does as if it was a touch-screen and she would make the picture bigger. It screeched like hell, but that supposedly belonged to the new technology, where you could use anything as a monitor.

    I guess I know exactly where this is coming from - Sivason and the wet oil painting thing, which I mentioned yesterday...

    Fragment #2: Washing dishes...

    Fragment #3: A kid with a sick guinea pig, and I don't want to check it, because I'm afraid it bites, looking somewhat sinister

    Fragment #4: In a coffee shop, looking at the lots of cakes

    Again didn't dictate something - hence the fragmentation...
    And I try to keep that up - just pretending nothing would have happened upon lucidity, taking it slowly - that was good.
    fogelbise and ThreeCat like this.

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    Updated 08-05-2014 at 01:46 PM by 66050

    lucid , non-lucid


    1. greendrive's Avatar
      So I slowly walked out of the building, as if nothing had happened.
      That seems to be a good way to stabilize.
      I grab my right eye, see if I can rip it out for the TOTM. Well I do - but not really - it stays on it's optic nerve, I get it out maybe 20 cm and then it bounces back in.
      Way to go!! I do not think I will be able to even attempt this task.
      fogelbise and StephL like this.
    2. fogelbise's Avatar
      Great job Steph!! And a longer LD as I knew you would!!.and apparently so did my dreaming mind - you were featured in one of my non-lucids Steph. In it I read that you had 2 LDs last night, one of them longer! Wrong on the 2nd LD, but I don't believe in shared dreaming anyway...I don't think. Interestingly there was a small dark gray cat in my 2nd LD, perhaps a connection to your avatar and the earlier non-lucid...I usually dream of dogs which I assume is because I hear dogs barking during mini-awakenings. I agree with greendrive on the stabilizing.
      greendrive, ThreeCat and StephL like this.
    3. ThreeCat's Avatar
      I grab my right eye, see if I can rip it out for the TOTM. Well I do - but not really - it stays on it's optic nerve, I get it out maybe 20 cm and then it bounces back in. No pain - no spectacular visual effects, either - but it feels slimy.
      This is bad-ass. I like how you did not hesitate at all. I think that totally deserves wings -- and it seems that someone else does as well!

      Congrats on the longer lucid last night! I have also felt odd sensations in dreams -- vibrations and such -- that I attributed to my cellphone buzzing against me. But nope, not at all -- my cellphone was a good distance away! Great job on achieving ToTM!
      StephL likes this.
    4. StephL's Avatar
      Thank youhuu!

      Ha - that's funny fogelbise - I believe in wishful dreaming! And great when it comes true!
      And - I'm quite fond of the a bit gorier tasks - when in February it was about ripping (well - I did - cutting/taking/anything) out your heart to give it to somebody as Valentines present and I did - I guess I lost all restraints concerning self-mutilation...
      To be honest - I find this rather easy, because I only need myself so to speak.
      Crazy thing was, that was also in mid-flight, and I just threw it at a quite disgusted, fleeing DC, if I remember correctly...
      I read of Sensei having real pain in LDs, and I never had - not sure, if I don't want to keep it that way, instead of "learning to suffer". Not sure yet - but I can more or less do what I want up to now, and it doesn't hurt.
      greendrive and fogelbise like this.
      Updated 08-06-2014 at 12:52 PM by StephL