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    Dream-self says no to lucidity. =/

    by , 12-12-2011 at 06:34 PM (601 Views)
    I didn't get much sleep last night. I remember one dream and pisses me off. I "woke up" on my couch and instantly knew I was dreaming before I even looked around. I knew I was dreaming because I could feel this dread and I want to say "fear" but it was just a heavy feeling, being in the dream. I've been wanting to become lucid, but when I was presented my chance, I didn't actually want to be in the dream. I was irritated rather than excited.

    The second I was lucid I got up and walked to my front door; already wanting to wake up. I don't know why I went to the door, but I guess in the dream I knew it would wake me up if I opened it; so I did, and woke up.

    It's like my dream-self doesn't want to be lucid. I felt completely different about lucidity when I was in the dream than I do in waking life. Any thoughts as to why this happens? Is my subconscious telling me that I don't need lucidity right now, but sleep? That is how I interpret it.

    [Two finals down and three to go; wish me luck.]

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    1. MissLucy's Avatar
      Well, what if you would use these lucid dreams to revise your study material? It's been proven that imprints had in dreams tend to stay with us, and answers have been found, and solutions to problems, so.. ..give that a shot? Maybe your dreamself will be less annoyed?
      Suena likes this.
    2. Suena's Avatar
      My dream self and I don't get along during classes. She wants me all to herself or nothing apparently.