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    1. Most terrifying lucid experience for me.

      by , 03-14-2011 at 08:36 AM
      The dream seemed to last forever. I think I got to the middle of it and that's where I pick up on remembering. We're in our trailer house, with our son who is 5 months. It's how it was when I went to bed an hour ago, but my son had just learned to crawl and he was crawling around everywhere and picking things up. There were people in our kitchen for some reason, and it's really late at night, and they're all playing some kind of RP board game. But they won't talk to me cause they are "sticking to character" which was kind of pissing me off. anyway, my dream is creepy and for some reason it feels like the world is ending. I'm feeling really scared. My fiance and I are standing by the door which is shut but unlocked and our son is on the floor next to me. We hear a woman's voice talking to someone and they're right behind the door. I locked the deadbolt then and stepped back from the door. She said something about me locking it and I grabbed my son and walked toward the hallway. (I was feeling so scared, my eyes are watering just typing it.) I started telling my fiance, come on, let's go to bed, they can't get in. He seemed amused by the people trying to get in our house.

      Then I remember the people all got up to leave and went to the back door, I was being really sarcastic towards them and I said "Oh, they'll sit in my kitchen and have fun but they won't even say goodbye." I started cursing at them and yelling, they weren't too happy about it but kept to character anyway. They went out and I opened my front door, the women were gone and it was sunny out. The people had come around the house this way and I was still shouting at them and they started cursing back at me. I walked back in the house and noticed we had a screen door, which we don't have in waking life. I notice a couple of jungle animals run by, then a smaller giraffe and a tiger running side by side. The Tiger though, unlike the giraffe, was enormous and ferocious looking. I told my fiance to look at this freaking tiger but he acted like it was no big deal and kept playing on the computer. The tiger picked up on my voice and started to stalk over to the front door. I started shouting at my fiance saying he's coming for us, but he still just sat there, in shock. I had a few pens in my hand. The tiger came inside and was walking towards T who was paying very little attention to it. I threw a pen at it and it seemed to annoy him, I ran around T towards the knife set we have but before I could make it the tiger was staring me down in the face.

      Quite literally, the thing was on top of me and huge, the size of a fucking rhino. It was right then that I had realized I was dreaming. I thought about waking myself up, then decided to face it. I reached up and as I did it gave me a confused but still very ferocious look. I started scratching his nose and trying to play with him, for a split second he seemed like he was still going to tear me apart and I almost thought the dream was real and that this was the end of the world. Then all of a sudden this enormous tiger was an enormous dog and it started licking me. After it morphed, of course, I felt extreme relief, but I also decided this dream had been too much for me and I woke myself up on purpose, which is pretty much the first time I've ever wanted out of a lucid dream, especially after I had JUST become lucid. As I started to force myself awake, I saw other creatures' outlines forming and I think one was a dinosaur.

      Updated 03-14-2011 at 03:09 PM by 38721

    2. Smoke Two Joints at Night

      by , 03-07-2011 at 04:49 PM
      I went to bed with the intention of becoming lucid, but it didn't work. However, I did dream lots and lots about marijuana. My friend J and I were trying to get high. We drove somewhere, found my fiance and his mom and we smoked. Then all of us had to be very careful driving home, I guess I was a little drunk too, cause I was worried about the cops cause I'm underage. There were cops pulling people over everywhere for the littlest things. They must've been bored, is what we thought.

      The next thing I remember was my fiances mom asking us how we decided to get married.
    3. Hmmm.

      by , 03-06-2011 at 05:50 PM
      I had a dream about this guy that's always been a total douchebag to me. He wanted me to call him so we could talk about an unresolved issue. He was living in a garage. The strange thing was he wanted me to call when I heard a certain song on the radio. I can't remember the song, but it was very familiar. I heard the song come on and I called but I hung up on him cause I figured he was just going to criticize and harrass me like he always did.

      The second part I remember, me and my finance were almost completely naked and what we were wearing were not clothes, but we were trying to sneak down the hallway from one room to the end of some house. We walked by a bedroom with a bathroom in it and he told me to check it. I woke up.
    4. Dreams are strange things.

      by , 02-26-2011 at 07:49 PM
      I was being accused of some murder and was trying to clear my name. These ladies kept referring to me as "it" and I got really upset about it. We were walking through some mall that reminded me of a wax museum. Somehow I found the answer I needed to clear my name and it was done.

      The next dream was about apocalypse. I had been driving in my car when I had been told to turn around, so I turn and start going back the other direction. Then I see all these cars start pulling to the side and parking and getting out. I did the same, because I figured there was something up ahead again. Then everyone started grouping up and walking. Then some cars that hadn't seen the parked cars crashed into a wall, followed by three semis. When I saw the first semi I started running, because I noticed it had been carrying gasoline. There was no explosion when it wrecked though.

      I found myself in a shop with a few others and we were planning on where to go. I decided we should go to my grandpa's house in another city because it had an attic that was very secretive. We started talking to the other businesses around us, to see if they would come, and all but one would come. The lady that didn't want to join up had this back pack on and she was telling us that it was her time now, to travel and see the world.

      I don't remember much else, even though I know more happened. Even though I wasn't lucid, I felt like I was consiously controlling my dream to an extent, like running when I saw the semi.
    5. My Own Kind of Disturbing

      by , 02-24-2011 at 07:51 PM
      I was pregnant for the first time (I have a son in real life) and me and T were going to have a girl. We were fighting over something, vaguely remember it being something he would have to go get that would take 4 hours. I think I ended up riding along with him and a friend. That's when I went into labor.

      It was really weird though, kinda twisted. I was delivering my own baby, what was in front of me was some weird creature out of Aliens and I have no idea where that came from. The baby died. I was really upset, but T was going around talking about it very lightly, kind of like shrugging it off. And everyone around me was acting like it was no big deal. I remember getting ready to get out of my car and I just stopped and looked around, then started crying really bad.

      I go inside this house, thinking I would be alone. I had a being "single" mindset for some reason, like because we lost the baby we wouldn't be together. I walk in to my ex's mom and dad. They're asking me what type of liquors I want with what kind of pop to chase. I told them it didn't matter, just lots of liquor. Then I realized they just wanted to party, they didn't care about what happened. I started to walk to the bedroom when a kid I used to go to school with stood in my way. He wouldn't let me through. I looked out the window and saw lightning and could hear thunder. I woke up.

      (When I woke up, say 5 this morning, I was feeding my son and it began storming halfway through, really bad. Not really weird, I knew it was going to storm last night.)

      I went back to bed and had some more dreams. I can only remember bits and pieces though. Ever since I stopped writing in my dream journal, I haven't had good recall. I'll have to start up again. I was doing pretty good.
    6. Johnny Bravo?

      by , 01-25-2011 at 05:21 PM
      I was in a car with T and he was driving me to work. We left about two hours early cause I knew it would take awhile, we got a bit down the road and I planned on getting ready in the car but I realized I forgot my uniform so we were going to turn around, but I don't think we did. Next thing I knew we were at this place and this girl was complaining about something and we were drawing somebody. I got to his hair and realized it was Johnny Bravo.

      I don't remember much else.
    7. Whatever.

      by , 01-19-2011 at 06:01 PM
      Ughk. I just typed my dream up and then my page went back to a different page and I lost everything I typed.

      I give up.
      Summing: The country Chad was next to Arizona, guy got a purple truck, mom took some of my lortbas.
    8. Guns, Cigarettes, Pools and a Concert

      by , 01-18-2011 at 06:50 PM
      I was with some girl who made special kinds of cigarettes and I was getting them for me and the boyfriend. I eventually bought some from her that were some kind of vanilla or something. Then I got my aunt to try some. We went to some kind of water park. It was like a safari themed, only it wasn't safari looking, it was gloomy and there were a bunch of hills. There was one big pool that everyone was in, but this girl told me there were others that you had to solve puzzles to get to. So we head out towards another one in my car and we're driving down this road. As I'm driving I notice I'm driving over a bunch of crazy looking machine guns and they're going off as I run over them. I decide to slow down and stop, I wanted to pick one up, but then I notice some headlights behind me before I get out. They saw me stop and I saw some light come on in their vehicle, kind of like a cop's search light, so I decide to keep going. We get to some little room with a little pool inside and we're supposed to get three kinds of candy matched in order to swim. But all we kept getting was candy canes. It was like a video game, cause there were little hovering question marks that we had to run into to get candy. We gave up and decided to go back to the main pool.

      Another point, I was hanging out with my ex boyfriends friends, they were girls. One of them seemed a little depressed and I guess she liked to practice magic, but my ex was being sort of mean to her, so I told her she could come hang out with me.

      Then I was with my aunt and uncle again, my uncle said he was going to some concert later and I really really wanted to go cause they were playing Tool and System of a Down. I couldn't go though.
      Tags: nonlucid
    9. Strangeness.

      by , 01-17-2011 at 06:12 PM
      First dream I was at my former employers house, he was having some New Years party and I had my kid there and everything. It started storming really bad and me and my boyfriend and everyone else were told to go to the kitchen. Suddenly we're in a school, because there are two teachers, one male and one female. The female lady is being sort of mean to me, so I told her she couldn't be that way and be a teacher. She kept saying things to piss me off, finally I just went to the male teacher and told him what was going on, my boyfriend was defending me.

      I became lucid in another dream, I was in some kind of indoor zoo and I was going to feed a hippo, then the hippo jumped up on the ledge to get the food and he was massive, more massive than a normal hippo, I was very scared. I tried pushing him down anyway and it worked, then I started running down these stairs and that's when I became lucid. I turned around, thinking I'd just make it disappear and then there was a fox there, and I started petting him. I ran into my friend a few minutes later and asked her if she was awake or dreaming? She said no, she told me she was a dream character or I told her she was, I can't remember. Then I was watching a parade. I crawled into a limo where these two gay guys had just gotten married and just rode around with them for a bit.
    10. Beer, Storms, Babies, and LSD

      by , 01-14-2011 at 03:18 PM
      First dream of the night consisted of only thoughts. I just remember waking up around 4am thinking that he needed to turn in his points he'd earned. I had a mental image of a board game. (I think this was because me and my b/f were playing Life before we went to sleep)

      The second dream, I found myself putting my son back to bed (which I really just did) and I was lying awake in bed trying to sleep again. Then all of a sudden someone knocked on the door. I cursed and got up and went to the door. My friend, we'll call her Dylan, was there with quite a few other people. They all started coming inside. At first, I was just mingling with them, I had no idea why they thought it was okay to just come in my house and party while we were trying to sleep. They all started drinking, and rolling joints.

      I walked around the house (which I think back now, was actually my mom's house, but ours in the dream) and realized that I only knew a few people. I went back to my sleeping boyfriend and realized that my mom was sleeping there too. (must've realized in the dream that it wasn't my house and expected to see her) I could tell that they were having troubles sleeping because of the noise, and I didn't know what to do. My b/f, for name's sake, we'll call him Bob, he got up and got a beer. So, I start walking back to where the living room is and find a small round table, with some interesting looking people around it.

      This girl, I remember she was a white haired blonde, she was rolling a suspicious looking joint. She handed it to me and before I took a hit, I asked her if there was anything else besides THC in it, she shook her head and said no, so I took a huge puff. As I'm passing the joint to the next person I notice a color-changing line running through it and I glanced back at the girl and she said, oh yea, you're going to feel really good after a few minutes. I realized then that it was LSD. ()(I don't even know if you can smoke LSD, or cut it with THC, but... anything is possible in dreams right... and I can dream, right??) I was excited and also very pissed off at the same time I wanted to punch this girl but she had walked into the next room. I followed her then and asked why she lied to me, and she said she didn't. Apparently, I had never asked her if there was anything else in it.

      I started to worry how I was going to take care of my son when he woke up if I was tripping. I went to Bob and told him what happened, he told me to not worry about it. I went and grabbed a beer and sat on the couch, thinking things over. I figured I'd go talk to Dylan and figure out who that girl was cause I wanted to beat her ass. I found Dylan in the kitchen with two guys. I told her what happened and she just gave me this helpless look. I told her never to bring a bunch of people I don't know to my house with a bunch of drugs. I told her that she was always welcome, but her friends were not.

      I started walking around the house again and I ran into a girl I went to High School with, I told her that she was welcome here since I knew her. I walked again and found another old friend, told him he was welcome as well. Couldn't recognize anyone else. I remember searching for that girl again, returning to the living room and asking about her. I mentioned something about this really cute guy everyone liked to Dylan and then told everyone to get out, please.

      After they left, the house was a mess, I went back to bed I guess because when I woke up my bed was outside of the house, still with my boyfriend and my mom and my baby was at the foot of the bed in his crib. Only, it had stormed while we were sleeping outside, and even though it was winter, I thought, it was very warm, so I wasn't worried about my baby for a minute. Then I noticed all these trees dipping down that seemed to have been hit by lightning. I looked toward his crib and saw that it was slanted, like two legs on one side broke off. Bob hurried to his crib and pulled him out, he had bruises all over his face. I remember thinking, how the hell could I have let that happen to my baby. I felt so shitty, I didn't understand how we got outside. Bob said we needed to take him to the hospital, as he got things together, I was looking for the baby tylenol, he wasn't crying but I was afraid just in case.

      After a few minutes I realized my baby was fine and didn't need the hospital, he was just a bit scratched up. So we're sitting in the house and suddenly my cousin's daughter (Gemma) is there (she is 3) and I'm watching her for some reason. I dressed her in this cute red dress and red heels (the last time I saw her at christmas, her grandma, my rich aunt, bought her a dress up kit, she looked so silly lol). Anyway, next scene, me and Gemma are in some store with a cart, waiting in line to check out. Her dad, my cousin, is in front of us and someone calls his cell phone. He starts explaining something about why he wasn't there, then I realized my mom was behind me and she started talking about that party. My cousin turns around and says shhh really loud.

      Pretty sure I woke up after this. Crazy dream.
      Dreamsign: Another storm. Beds go INSIDE of the house.
    11. Fail Recall - Just a bit of a dream

      by , 01-12-2011 at 09:24 PM
      I can hardly remember my dreams last night because I went to bed so late. But I do remember a bit from this morning.

      I was serving cups of coffee, talking to my ex-boss about when I worked at Sonic. I remember some negativity coming from some people I knew.
      Not sure if this is part of the same dream, but this guy and girl were trying to kill me...

      Dream recall is just not working right now.
    12. First Time I Stabilized The Dream

      by , 01-11-2011 at 08:29 PM
      I realized I was dreaming and decided the first thing to do was stabilize the dream since I had never tried it before. I rubbed my hands together and started feeling the texture of things. I was in my old high school with a lot of people around, since I knew I was dreaming I decided to run around naked and gauge people's reactions (sounded like a good idea, idk) People were laughing and were really shocked, then we all started heading towards this room and on the way I kept reminding myself to touch the walls and carpet to keep myself aware. Eventually I faded out of the dream and I had a false awakening into a normal dream.

      In this dream, this girl I used to go to school with was telling me some story that happened to her. We were standing in an elevator with a couple other people from school. I was listening to her talk and got bored and told her that she had already told me this story and in fact that we were standing exactly where we were the last time she told me. After I said that she changed into a former co-worker of mine, and the other people changed to two of my friends from where I live now. I started telling them about the lucid dream I had, although I think I left the taking my clothes off thing out, since I figured they might find that strange. Which it probably is strange, but I was thinking along the lines of I'm free lol. After I told them, they started to get out of the elevator except for me and my former co-worker, and after a minute of standing there wondering what happens next she asked me if I was going to get out. I said, oh yea... why stand in an elevator?

      I only remember vague feelings of the dreams I had after these.
      (The lucid dream lasted much longer than my usual lucid dreams. This is progress, thanks to remembering to rub my hands together. It really works!)

      Updated 01-11-2011 at 08:31 PM by 38721

    13. Meeting Maynard

      by , 01-10-2011 at 07:10 PM
      Maynard is at my house. He was being kind of stand-offish at first, but I eased up to him to say hello. I wasn't expecting him to talk to me, but he started to. I can't remember what he said () but we made eye contact and smiled at eachother and it felt really good. I remember thinking, wow, I actually got to meet Maynard from Tool. He was trying to find an address, I told him that my friend would be able to take him there or show him how to get there. He told me he had to go work on his new album for Puscifer. We went onto the porch to find my friend and said our goodbyes. There were other people around, like a small party was taking place at my house. I remember saying something to the other people and then walking back inside.

      Next thing I know, I'm driving somewhere with my boyfriend, and telling him about how Maynard was at our house and that we had had a moment together. I was telling him how excited I was that it actually happened. He seemed skeptical about the whole thing.

      I can only remember bits and pieces of other dreams. If they come to me I'll have to edit. That's all for now.
    14. Storm

      by , 01-03-2011 at 05:42 PM
      It was storming, lightning all around, and I was running around inside of a house that had a bunch of sunroofs. I remember there being people with me in the house, but I can't recall who they were. I looked up and I saw a bright white light right above me. It was beautiful, but I got scared of the lightning thinking I was going to get struck. I realized then that all the lights were on, and for some reason or another I needed to turn them off. So I started sneaking around from one room to another turning the lights off. I remember thinking to be careful because the lightning would find me...

      Dreamsign: Storms occur a lot in my dreams. Thank you, Kansas.
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