Divebombing Zombies
, 11-14-2010 at 02:37 PM (701 Views)
Dive bombing zombiesI'm in a bar in my home town, hanging out with various people I know. I leave with Jason and Rosein, and Jason buys various sweets at the bar on the way out. Once outside, we're attacked by zombies and various other undead, vampires included.
Clarity: 5/10
Sleep: Good
Sleep Position: Right Side (Left Brain)
That's enough to tip me off that I'm dreaming. I try to fly, levitate off the ground, begin to pick up a little speed, then lose it and slump back to the ground. I try again, this time with a running start, and I leap into the air like superman. Again I pick up a bit of speed, then begin to slump to the ground. So I arc my body so that I curve upwards, gaining height and speed. My flying finally sticks.
I don't do much with my lucidity other than dive bombing zombies. I fly at them and punch them in the head, fly off gaining height, and zoom in on the next zombie.
Fragments: Allin
I'm hanging out with Allin, even though we've sworn to fight each other. The weather is hot, and I spot a nice little curl in the rapids below us and want to go for a swim. I think it's awesome getting to swim this late in the fall. As we leave to go get changed into shorts, Allin asks me about the fight. I tell him it probably won't happen now that we're getting along. But he really wants to fight, in a friendly way. I think of the damage I could do to him, and think a friendly fight is a bad idea, but eventually agree to it anyways.
Fragments: Sherman
I'm riding in a yellow sports car with Sherman at the wheel when we spot a police cruiser up ahead getting ready to pull us over. We pull into a gas station with some horrible nonsensical plan to avoid them.