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    Injections, mushrooms and crabs

    by , 11-03-2010 at 04:14 PM (412 Views)
    Injected Again
    Clarity: 7/10
    Sleep: Good
    Sleep Position: Unknown
    I'm in high school, but enter a kindergarden class where they give us all injections to make us smarter. The shots work and then some. I notice the kids are moving things around the classroom with their minds. We all have telekinetic abilities!

    I lead the children through various exercises, making them use their telekinesis as a group. But our powers don't stop there. We can view and control things remotely, and do telepathic communication. I tell the kids next we're going to help someone with a test. I tell them to find someone taking a test, and they collectively choose a target. We begin to see the questions our target is facing on the test, and send him the answers. Unfortunately, all the questions are super easy, and I say to the class "Maybe we should have picked a harder test."

    A teacher enters, and I begin to explain to him our powers. I tell him it's like remote viewing, only so much better. I then leave with the teacher and we go to his house, where he demonstrates his abilities to his wife. He causes a pile of match sticks to form into shapes, but this freaks her out and she runs out of the house saying she can't handle this. The pile of matchsticks continues to grow and morph, making a recreation of the house we're in. Then I becomes animated, with little characters moving through it and building while the house continues to grow. Finally the house is complete, and the teacher's wife comes back in and loves the little match stick recreation.

    Mushroom Forest
    Clarity: 7/10
    Sleep: Good
    Sleep Position: Unknown
    Sean, Jay and I enter the woods from the train trestle, coming from the army base side of the river. As soon as we arrive on the other side of the river, I notice huge mushroom trees. They are basicaly giant mushrooms, or trees with caps instead of leaves. Since it's pretty late in the fall, these giant mushrooms are all black and rotted, but they are still pretty impressive for their sheer size.

    We come to a crossroads on the path we are following, and there are a bunch of green garbage dumpsters and electrical transformer casings. Inside the the dumpsters are huge crabs that feed of the the rotten vegetables thrown in there, and flourish all year long. I find it odd to have crabs in the middle of the forest in the winter, and wonder if they are good to eat. I get Sean to pull one out so we can look at it. I remember my uncle telling me he used to grow pot here, but there are too many people walking by to do that these days.

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