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    Just Another Dream Journal


    by , 06-04-2012 at 11:02 PM (311 Views)
    I dreamed of tornadoes again. I was on the balcony of some hotel when I saw them. Cocoa was with me and I was terrified that she wouldn't follow me inside, but she did.
    I slammed the door and we went to the far end of the room and kept very quiet. The tornado still managed to follow us.
    Thankfully, though, there was a small (sort of) trap door on the floor. When the tornado landed on it the floor board spun around and when it settled, there was no tornado but 2 knickknacks of kissing children (which I owned in real life a decade ago or so).

    Then I worried about my neighbor whom I had been speaking with just moments before fleeing the storm. I cursed myself for not sounding a warning.
    The neighbor was actually 2 doors down (but one balcony over lol). She and her mother were still on the balcony but completely uninjured.

    I also dreamed of being outside the trailer and seeing a bear cub. I worried about him and was about to usher him inside, but I recalled the mother bear is never far away. Instead, I went to a window and looked outside.
    Sure enough, his mother was outside. But not just her alone. There were 3 other mother bears with cubs of their own and one of the mothers was fighting off a pack of wolves.

    I also recall tidbits of flying, dead bodies, driving and food. I've forgotten the specifics however.

    Oh yeah, I also dreamed I was with a group of people. I asked how I could find someone to have sex with lol. I complained that I hadn't had sex for over 2 years. I don't remember any more of the dream though.

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