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    1. Nothing Special

      by , 04-04-2019 at 07:55 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      .. and yet I finally recall a few lol.

      I dreamed my kids were young. My eldest had a strange bony growth extending a bit from above his ankle yet well below his knee. It was knobby with one end jutting just a little higher than the rest. Zee had to see a Dr too, but I no longer recall what for.

      In another dream, my kids were still young (younger than the first). I had to move in with my grams. We were going to live in her closet. I was worried because I had taken a job at a book store, while there in the past, but I never showed up or called. [I still don't understand that dream. It's recurring, yet I've never even applied to work in such a store].
      I was also going to college (journalism, I think), but I was worried for a similar reason.

      In the last dream, I was young. I was with my mom and we were looking for a store. She cut off someone in a green car. It was a very close call and he honked at us. She went into the store (appliances, I think), and I stood outside eating cream...
      which actually ties in to an earlier dream.

      I was at my grnadmothers. There was a large gathering. I wanted some ice cream, and there was a large freezer with a vast selection. I chose "cream", which was sort of between ice cream and whipped cream lol. I wanted some berries to go with it but couldn't find any.
      Then I saw most of the dishes were dirty. Even the ones that had recently been washed, were dirty, which annoyed me.

      The last dream is a tidbit. I was standing beside a car. A man drove over to speak with me. We were opposing lawyers. Or I was a student, or both. He was nice enough but drove off forgetting his phone. I picked it up to give it back, but he was suddenly there and took it.
    2. Disturbing fragments

      by , 10-20-2018 at 05:21 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      My dreams were excessive and vivid last night... but I only recall fragments and I'm sort of thankful for that

      Early on, there was a sex dream with me and my step-dad.
      There were dreams of being lost while driving and while riding a bike... of a mall and other large buildings.
      I remember scenes from a beach and tornados.
      Then there was a strange dream of people passing between realities in order to stop dangerous events from happening. One guy was flung beyond the range of their device. (I was him in the dream). He landed next to a hatch in the sand at a beach. The waves were insane and one of them opened a hatch. There were land mines inside, and every time a wave crashed into the silo like storage area, one of the mines would be flung out and it would detonate. 3 other people showed up. One of two of them died from the mines. "My" friends ended up coming to my aid and extended the range of the reality devices. But I woke up before the dream could progress.

      Then there were weird TV Ad type clips of ways to commit suicide. None of them were pleasant in the least. One that I recall, was of making a deep slit in your side to pull out some of your guts. Then you fed it into a device connected to a toilet. Once the tension was just so, you would rubberband and hit your head on the ceiling, making yourself pass out, while the device continued to churn your intestines into sausage.

      The last dream was semi-pleasant. I was lost and took a back road and ended up near my grandmothers house. I told someone else whose house it was but she didn't believe me. We got closer, then went inside. I started pointing out the furniture which had been favored by different members of the family (my grams took care of her 3 mentally retarded brothers). I expected to see my Uncle Eddy- the only family member still alive today IRL. Instead, I saw my grams. Only, she looked exactly like me when I was in my 20's.
      She was wearing a shirt that tied in the front to show off her stomach and I saw several beautiful tattoos.
      Then the dream jumped some and I was at a board game or something and there was real money tucked at a corner. I wanted to steal it, lol, but then it disappeared.
      Later, my grams came to me and asked if it was mine. I opened the bills and there was a lot of money there (big bills) and some of them were foreign. I told her it wasn't mine (in my mind, pocking $5. is much better than pocketing $20.+)

      I recall snippets of shopping; of being in a different country and worrying over my vape supplies.
      Oh yes... then I was in another country, but I was having horrific headaches, so I went to the hospital. I was given an occipital blocker and there was much confusion over paperwork, payment and insurance.
      I recall snippets of my old Congregation; and more dreams of extreme weather... and something about my kids and the destruction of homes when they were little and resentment about it all.
    3. Extreme Fragment

      by , 10-09-2018 at 06:13 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I woke up because of that name. I had been having a Sherlock dream (from Elementary). He was looking into something with his former Scotland Yard friend. They found a manifesto or something which was signed with that name. Sherlock looked to Watson. He knew his Scotland Yard friend was being trolled. He later explained to Watson it was because of that name... "A Lesser Man"

      I am not witty in the least. My dream tugged at the name and how it "should" have been spelled instead- Alessir, perhaps; Alesser? So that's what ended up waking me

      I managed to get in 6 hours 38 minutes of sleep AND I only had 3 apnea events an hour. Woot/Woot!!
    4. Insanely trippy

      by , 08-15-2018 at 05:49 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      A whole lot f snippets from my last 2 hour stretch of sleep.

      Men were running around a town, looking for deer to have sex with. A man found one dead and was disappointed. I was a disembodied watcher and I wondered “does it really matter?”

      A woman did something to a tiny pond beside a trailer. Branches grew and grew then spelled out the word “Carrot” [thanks CSI] then the branches went inside the trailer. The woman was excited and in bed. She pulled back the covers for the branches to join her.

      I was disembodied but landscaping or terraforming a great stretch of land. It was in a checkered pattern of crimson and dark green. Someone was disappointed, saying I ruined their work (I think the person was my DIL)
      I recall a giant T-Rex in the distance. He was wearing a sunflower umbrella over his head.

      There was a battle and bombs were thrown at little flying beasts and something else. I was with 2 or 3 others and we were trying to get to chests which held health potions and weapons. But we kept getting froze in place by some monsters attacks.

      I took some people to a house. There was extensive damage and they worried about wood rot. I opened one cabinet and found a small box inside. I opened it and found a note “Zhaylin. It’s so nice you came back to us.”
      [Huh. I’ve never been Zhaylin in dreams before.]

      That last dream was part of a whole complex story which I remember very little of. There was a great multitude of kittens in the streets. Some were sickly, some healthy. My daughter Miley was driving us out of the cursed town in an 18-wheeler and I cried and begged her to watch out for the kittens. I think there were also puppies.
      Words were written into the mud of the town. They were dire warnings of one sort or another.
      There were bodies of people and I character hopped a great deal.

      A family was being attacked by its own members. A little girl was thrown off a boat and suspended in a bubble of water with her hand outstretched, begging for rescue.

      Another snippet was being in a store, running, hiding. We found someone who also needed help but we were at odds until a common enemy was heard in an aisle. We wore hats, bowed our heads and had an impromptu religious service of song, prayer, joined hands. It was tomdisguise our identities [thank you Castle Rock]. One person was kicked in the shins when he got too carried away.

      The man was the father of one of the people. He followed someone into a restroom and said something along the lines of he never thought he’d see is son in a dress and wig, but he’d still recognize him anywhere. He inquired of his wife and daughter who went missing with the son.

      That’s all I got...

      Oh yeah. In the terraforming bit, I also removed a section of land which I noticed diverted some water. I wore a very long sash of sod, so I took it off and tried to repair what I ruined. There were animals playing around me. I worried they would fall off the cliffs but I was also a little scared of the animals. I cants really remember what they were though.

      And at some other point, I dreamed of my p-doc. I was acting loopy and talking about all these miracle drugs and foods and he was trying to talk sense into me.

      Now, that is it, I honk lol

      Updated 08-15-2018 at 05:54 PM by 23745

    5. Super Jumbled Mess

      by , 07-19-2018 at 02:06 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I slept off and on to the extreme last night.
      I got a lot of dreams as a result though.

      I wrote them in my "Day One Journal" on my iPad, so I'll just copy/paste here.

      "Strange dream. I was part of a Bible study. It was set up a lot like a family study, but it consisted of the Congregation. A little boy cut himself and his sister offered a bandage only it had the US flag on it so they got into an argument about it. The dad was running the meeting and he said he was whitelisting her(meaning banning her from participating- which isn't a thing) which caused another argument. A Scripture was cited for us to look up. It was in Timothy, but I kept losing it as I flipped through my Bible.
      Then my FOV changed and I was actually watching it on TV.
      I was very excited about that and told hubby. JW's don't have TV programs. I even told him about an app that had just been made which is made up of games for kids.

      Dreamed also of getting ready to take a trip with hubby and also about zombies and a building catching fire before I could completely loot it.
      Also dreamed a tiger killed a baby elephant which was playing in someone’s yard.

      I fell back to sleep a couple more times. The last dream was of traveling with a large group that my parents and Rochelle were part of. We had to walk a great distance. Oh yeah... in one dream or another, I was at my Grams house. I was trying to staple a picture I drew onto an entertainment center. It was to conceal the area where the Tv goes. Later, in that dream, I was scared and looking for kids. They were in that hidie-hole. I dreamed of hamsters. Some were on the floor dead. One looked dead and was covered in fleas. It appeared to have no mouth so I was going to kill it to put it out of its misery. But then the mouth appeared. I was looking for things of sentimental importance at Grams house.

      While we were traveling, I saw a huge tornado form in the distance. We ran in the opposite direction, looking for a large tree. But then it was like it never happened and we continued on our way. There were cats everywhere. A couple got ran over despite trying to call them over and also warning the vehicle. We got onto a large vehicle at some point. Maybe a train? Because the next thing I recall was being lead by a turtle down a rollercoaster type track. There were no rails and I wondered how we didn’t jump the track when we came to a huge dip. The view was beautiful and I wished I could have taken a photo. It was over too quickly though.

      Then I saw a caricell (the thing with horses that take kids round and round) in the distance yet on a road. Then I realized I was on it and I wondered how we were getting anywhere.
      We passed the same gun shop a couple of times. There had been a robbery and a fatality.
      I got separated from my mom and Rochelle at one point. Someone went into some water to look for them. I just back tracked, on foot, to the beginning of the journey and found them. I was exhausted from all the walking.

      Someone lost their ID and couldn’t continue. The husband was furious and sad and scared. He gave the guards his ID and said he was staying with her.

      The dreams (of my memory of them, lol) are a jumbled mess. There was a lot more- speaking to people about the tornado; walking for what felt like forever; seeing my uncle Hank; a woman with a broach; my Grams house being packed for a move; almost getting into a fight with a woman because my bag was stuck on hers; speaking about religion and the resurrection during the walk and a guy commenting that I had a lot of knowledge (to which I disagreed but his friend shook her head yes that I did) but my application of the knowledge was all wrong and then there was a weird comment that I must get a lot of male callers; I was freaked out a few times, thinking I lost my e-cig.

      Weird that all of that was dreamed about in the span of under 2 hours!!!"
    6. All over the place

      by , 12-29-2017 at 06:16 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      My dreams were all over the place last night.
      I dreamed of driving down the road, trying not to run over white snakes. Some had been previously hit and there were snake parts strewn across the road. The snakes were in a feeding frenzy and there were dead baby rabbits on the side of the road.

      In another dream, I was in space on a space ship. There was a huge fan-blade type contraption outside the ship which was nearly as big as the craft itself. I used the blades as a ramp to pick up speed. In part of the dream, I was in a small pod. In other parts, I was just in a suit. I marveled that evolution/adaptation may make it possible for future generations to forego the suit entirely.

      In another dream, I was driving and being followed by a van. I managed to get inside the house and I let my dogs (3) outside to a fenced in yard. The side opened on the van and I thought he was going to try to grab me. He came right into the yard and handed me some mail, lol, and told me I did very well. Then he threw the neighbors mail into the road, cackling like a crazy person.

      In another dream, I was some girl who was told my boyfriend had just been raped. ??? I don’t recall much about that one. There was a lot of drama and heartache though.

      In another dream, I gave birth on the same day as my former best friend. I tried to hide the fact because there was a wager about who had sex when we weren’t supposed to or something. She walked in on me right after the delivery and we laughed about it.

      In another dream, I had a “three-way” (didn’t dream of the actual act though lol). I got lice really bad and was trying to hide it but felt irresponsible for not telling my bedmates.

      Another dream was standard zombie themed.

      Another one was of some battle between tribes or factions. I was a young boy and I ran off with a young girl. We jumped off a massive cliff into some water to make our escape.
      A leaders son was killed in the battle and he was overcome with grief and remorse because he permitted it to right a wrong.
    7. Another lost dream

      by , 10-25-2017 at 06:45 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      and this one was so awesome too.

      I remember a toddler. Only she was really 35 years old. She was pretending to be a child to influence someone of power.
      I vaguely recall a coup (sp) between leaders and a shooting which was a play for escape only the wives of 2 allies were killed in the confusion.
      And that's pretty much all I recall

      Then the zombie dreams overwrote it It was decent as far as "same ole, same ole" goes. The bases were pretty cool and the zombies were almost all feral (meaning they run day or night instead of only at night. It's a video game thing). I kept running out of ammo and running circles around them and parkouring out of their reach.

      As I woke up from that dream, I figured out (or possibly figured out) who one person on my server is. I put out an invite over FB (IRL) for my 7 Days to Die server. Everyone was accounted for except one. But it's password protected and only a handful of people (on Steam) know what I use. I'm going to have to ask him when I get on lol

      Another tidbit of a dream involved me clubbing animals. Only, they wouldn't die. Even though I clubbed a dog until it was disfigured, it still followed me around loyally which made me very sad. And then I clubbed my favorite cat, Simon, and he too wouldn't leave my side. I was afraid of the animals and sad I had to kill them. I have no idea about that dream.
    8. Blah

      by , 10-19-2017 at 08:48 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I keep getting woken too quickly. My daughter's been popping in my room every morning... the puppy wakes me with his barking every afternoon.

      Tidbits I've recalled have been of having a failing pregnancy. Either the fetus isn't doing well and I loses it (only for it to come back stronger), or it gets stronger on its own.
      I never have a "pregnant" belly, but I can still feel it move and I push on it to encourage activity.

      Other tidbits have been standard zombie and building dreams.

      Yet others, are just hints of dreams: space, wormholes, agricultural and terraforming. Those are the dreams I wish I had remembered the most.
    9. Grumble/Grumble

      by , 10-15-2017 at 05:43 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I SO wish I remembered more of last nights dreams!!!

      I recall a man somehow tied in to me. He had cucumber slices on his face and many, many eyes.

      In another dream, there were people with a third eye in the center of their head... but one boy, from the US didn’t have a true eye. When you first saw him, he had just a slight bump, but then it got bigger and bigger. It was some kind of wart. It expanded out, almost like a horn, it got bigger still until it was larger then everyone in the audience and consumed the boy. It looked like neither a horn nor a wart. It was ridged where it kept expanding, but it was expanding at the base.

      Another dream was a zombie dream. But it was more old school video game meets zombies meets real life. I was in a swarm of zombies, weaving through them, trying to reach giant crystals for a speed boost what game did that come from? Sonic? Mario Cart?

      Oh yeah, in yet another dream I kept passing signs in a foreign language. I kept asking a guy to translate them for me.

      Oh yeah (again lol) in another dream, I was at my Grams house. My uncle was apologizing for not improving the yard. I was confused why he was making a big fuss about it. It was there yard. If they wanted dog and horse poop everywhere, there wasn’t anything I could do about it. My Grams explained it was because of the kids who play in the yard, and also because they weren’t allowed to park along the road any more....then I was swimming and my uncle was upset because I was too pretty and getting too much attention which was making him jealous (my Uncles IRL were mentally disabled. The uncle in the dream was like a mesh of those 3 in one).

      Another dream was about brothers. One was beating the other and one was being sexually abused. I recall them scurrying through a small window, running, getting into trouble but that’s it.
      That’s been a strange, recurring dream lately. I keep dreaming about brothers and sexual abuse.
      In a dream earlier this week, I dreamed a man went back in time so he could rape his younger self. What the heck? I can usually tell or guess the origin of my dreams...

      Unless the brother dreams come from a show I was binging called “Bloodline”. Okay. I can see that giving me the brothers, it what about the sexual abuse? Maybe that’s coming from the news and all the allegations against Hollywood. Hmmmm...
    10. Extreme fragments

      by , 10-11-2017 at 06:35 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I don't know how much I'll be able to recall once I start writing. I had an extremely rough night and actually "slept" for 11+ hours. I feel very out of it and loopy (and headachy) right now.

      In one dream, I was driving and looking for something. I made a bad turn and ended up going up some courthouse steps, turning and going right back down. I felt like an ass. I stopped to ask for directions but 3 people were snubbing me for that illegal turn. One of them (the mayor I think), softened at the end and gave me directions to Hepzibah (where my bio-dad lived)

      In another dream, I was at some place ordering food with my eldest. I was having a Strawberries and Cream Tea. Don't remember the food. It cost $120. for 2 people. My son was crying afterwards. I thought it was because he was broke. We were in the car and he was crying about cutting someone out of his life because he loved her but she didn't think of him the same way. I was trying to give a personal experience about how we can't make people feel certain ways but that doesn't mean we have to cut them out of our life.... but there was a song on the radio and my son kept interrupting me because he wanted to hear it and see all the colors (?) I became mad at him because I knew he just didn't want to hear what I was saying, so I snapped and told him to listen to it on the internet.

      I had several Jehovah Witness dreams, about being back with the congregation, but I've forgotten the specifics.

      The last dream was of zombies lol. It was standard base building, parkour and fleeing stuff. Except one thing was odd. I had a little hidey-hole and was being over-run. I ran to it and realized I never upgraded it. Upgrading used a lot more resources and I was afraid I was going to run out. But as I went through the stages of wood to iron, clicking the doors and walls with my wrench, cartoon monster faces appeared lol.

      That's it.
    11. Tidbits

      by , 10-09-2017 at 05:46 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      Don't recall much about my dreams last night. The pup woke me barking his head off so I jumped out of bed

      I remember a terrifying yet mesmerizing spider/alien creature. I kept trying to take his picture, but he vanished. Then a narrator came on, saying the creature prefers jungle habitats. So then the dream takes me to several cities. Someone with me commented that the cities looked exactly the same. I told him that city planners tend to copy ideas and plans from cities that work.
      The last city was surrounded by lush jungle. I ordered some food. It was Oriental- noodles and rice and other stuff. They messed up my order and was giving me a surprise dish to take home as compensation.
      Then I saw the spider creature. He was huge and had double or triple the amount of legs. He moved more like an octopus.
      As I snapped his picture, his legs then body hardened and crumbled to dust.

      Another dream had the spider creature in it too, but it was mostly about animals- cats and dogs. I set a cat on to "mate" (a reference to a video game called Ark), but I realized 5 hours later that I forgot to turn it off and the poor cat had been "raped" nearly to the point of death. A puppy got loose and I was afraid the spider creature would eat him.

      Bah!- I had another tidbit but forgot it while recalling those other 2
    12. Very strange and dark

      by , 10-08-2017 at 09:16 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I almost forgot this gem. I just woke up from a nap and started playing a game in bed when it came back to me.

      I was on another planet. I was scouting and came across a bunch of kids (teens) who were knocked out, sleeping on the ground. I knew it wasn’t natural. Then a group of them attack my party with bows and arrows. I told my party to use none lethal force because they were children under the influence of something.

      Next thing I know, we,re at their base. I notice a secret access under the stairs after I spied several people coming out via it. I finally got it open and it’s an unfinished earthen tunnel littered with skulls. But I also see the remains of ?? What’s it called? Like stadium seating for football games and such. Then someone caught me looking and said he wouldn’t go in there if he were me.
      I took his advice lol

      The rest of the dream was trying convince people to leave their home. Their was something like a rabies or zombie virus going around.
      After some debate and heartache over some who stayed behind, we finally fled.
      Then I heard a small boy singing a song about his fathers (ancestors) as we passed the skeletal remains of a massive space station. I realized they had been stuck on the planet for generations.

      At some point during that dream or another that followed, I dreamed of a deformed creature. He was upside down with his face and arms at his bottom. He bounced around eating sweets off the floor. Then he broke out a window to fight a few wolves and a bear.

      The other dream linked into the first. We were at a trading station and I was looking at all the goods, hoping to afford some things.
      Then we were on Earth, at a restaurant. There was a weird bug on me that looked like a cross between a spider and a blue lightning bug. I got up from our table to put him outside, then a noticed a second bug that was green and it looked like they were going to fight each other. I got lost on the way back inside.

      Strange dreams lol
    13. Dreaming again

      by , 10-06-2017 at 02:21 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      Now that I’m back to my own schedule, I’m dreaming a lot more and actually remembering them. I missed that so much.

      I woke up too many times throughout the night, so I mostly have snippets.

      I was a sea creature in one of them, swimming through the water at great speeds. I find a small squid like animal trapped in a net. I become myself again, and I pinch off the head of the squid to eat it, similar to a crawfish. But then the squid is a small woman. I pinch off her face and she then resembles an old woman. I pinch that off and she’s left with just her skull. I then feel sad for her and put the layers of her face back on (even though I had eaten them lol, they were in my hand again.

      In another dream, I was driving home and saw the smashed shell of a very large turtle on the tracks. His head was all that remained and I thought about stopping to put him out of his misery.

      In yet another dream, I was talking to someone about death or danger. I think I said I didn’t want to be caught unaware, that I wanted to know ahead of time so I could react. Then I see an ocean of water coming down on us. We were in a room. I looked at a teen boy and told him to keep it together; to take a deep breath and follow me as we squeezed out a doorway. He glanced back, as the three of us walked hand in hand through the door and he he saw a teddy bear in a sink.

      Turns out, the teddy bear was actually a baby he had been left to look after as we fled. I knew she must be dead, but we went back to search for her anyhow. A man cried that we must find her. We found a flipflop and there was some side bit about someone working machinery but we found her. She was alive but I knew she’d have impairments.

      There were many other dreams and snippets but I’ve forgotten them as I wrote this... except for men quickly spinning in circles (a sort of stress release in my dreams, though it’s typically me spinning)

      The water in my dreams came from 1) a Facebook conversation about a starfish out of water and 2) a show I’ve been watching that takes place in the Keys and has a lot of ocean and snorkeling scenes.

      The removal of the woman’s face hints at a removal of “masks” that a person wears and is very curious to me.

      Ah yes, I also dreamed of snakes. Huge python type snakes. One crawled on a man and bit him. A boy was hunting them but in trouble.

      I also dreamed of the Kingdom Hall; of cleaning it with a group and looking for some milk for Artie (a man).

      Okay, that’s it I think lol
    14. Jumbled Mess

      by , 02-10-2017 at 07:26 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I recall lots of fragments:
      living my new game Starbound- terraforming, fighting creatures; vaping in public and being charged a fee for "smoking" in a room; vaping in a theater and feeling the publics scorn; traveling abroad and running out of e-juice
      Ugh... there were so many others and just like that *poof*
    15. Loneliness and fighting

      by , 01-29-2017 at 09:59 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I had a strange dream about being in bed with my p-doc. We were just snuggling but it could've turned into more but I saw my hubby's lights come on across the field and jumped up terrified he'd see a different car in the driveway and come investigate. As the dream evolved, hubby didn't live there, my mom did. She knew who was over and she was furious because he broke into her house, knocked over the Christmas tree, stole 2 boxes of gifts and a loaf of bread. I kept trying to tell her he didn't do that, that he'd been at my place the whole time, but she wasn't hearing it.

      In another dream, some girl cut off her arm with a knife. I told myself that couldn't happen because it wasn't strong enough to get through bone, but it never occurred to me that I was dreaming
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