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    Just Another Dream Journal


    by , 06-20-2012 at 07:25 PM (484 Views)
    Dreamed I found a teensy alligator. He was eating a lizard (tail first) that was as big as he was. The alligator even "rolled" as if he was in water lol
    I picked him up and he bit me. It hurt a little at first, but I was excited to show him off, but he disappeared along the way.

    Then I saw a large fish. Myles was excited about his discovery and was carrying it around, cradling it and petting it lol
    I told him it was a fish and the fish was about to die. So we released it into a bathtub filled with water. Myles thought the fish was drowning because it kept leaning to the side and surfacing as if to breathe. I told him the fish was just looking for food.

    Dreamed something about driving and something about the Congregation, but I've forgotten the details.

    Dreamed all the kids wrote their father a letter. It was a bit like "This is your life", but mostly mean-spirited. Their grandmother and I were very disappointed in them.

    2 HOUR NAP

    Dreamed Roxanna died. I was very upset but I reassured others they had done the right thing by not telling me first. Juliet had been called in from NY to settle Roxanna's affairs.

    In another dream, a 6 year old boy attacked someone who was threatening his teenaged sister. When they got home, he told her he loves her and then he kissed her very intimated on the lips. She kissed him back but then gently pushed him away. But she thought "Damn, that boy can kiss!"
    She had just had a baby boy and thought about how nice it was to have both her boys love her so much they'd do anything for her.

    In another dream, there were 2 bears in my bed (a larger "normal" bed).
    They wanted to mate, so they kicked me out of the bed and I literally snarled at the male lol

    In yet another dream, I was in a stadium full of ppl. I took out a recorder (flute) at some point. Myles bickered with me about my finger placement. I didn't change it and when I blew a single note, it was very loud and VERY shrill.
    Then someone came along and made ppl move so we could squeeze in another row of seats. I helped move the chairs but I was still annoyed about the tight fit.

    I also dreamed I was at Grams old place and I was using something (?) to glide around the air with. It was like one of my bandanna's, only metal. I held it above my head and twisted my arms side to side above me. That lifted me off the ground. Then I would alternate a sort of "rowing" motion which lifted me even more and allowed me limited movement. I could only stay airborne for small amounts of time but it was great fun.

    5 HOUR NAP

    Dreamed I almost had sex. Forgot the details.

    Dreamed I was at a school and went into a co-gender restroom to change clothes. At first, my clothes were in a shopping cart. I looked for a stall and found 2 which were really gross. In a cleaner one, I struggled to wedge the cart in the doorway.
    Another woman was in the restroom wearing a bra top. She complained about her hair which was black and wet. She was combing her hair in front of a mirror and one of the plastic tips from her brush fell off.
    Then another woman came in and asked what we were doing. I quietly closed and then locked the stall to make her think I was using the restroom. She told us we had 5 minutes to get to class.
    My clothes were now in a box with me inside the stall lol and they smelled bad, so I sprayed some vanilla perfume on them.

    I woke up to another dead bird in my bed....... Grrr...

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