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    Benadryl dreams

    by , 09-14-2013 at 07:03 PM (492 Views)
    I've been taking benadryl to help me fall asleep. It also helps with my allergies so it's a win win. But it ALSO contributes to intense and vivid dreams.

    I was interrupted when I woke and came here, so I've forgotten a lot of what I wanted to write.
    The most impressive was, though, which I still recall is dreaming a was pregnant. It was a boy and I named him Zhaymis.
    Something happened earlier in the dream- I either got into a fight or an accident and I feared Zhaymis was dead. So I poked my stomach as I had done IRL when pregnant and I could see his foot and fist move beneath my skin. Of course, being a dream, he pushed too far out so that I could actually almost hold his fist lol, but it was an extremely enjoyable dream.

    The next thing I remember, Zhaymis had been born and my husband was holding him and admiring his deep green/blue eyes. Zhaymis' hair was darker than mine though. Hubby said he hoped the boy kept the blue in his eyes and I thought it would help my hubby to love him (my hubby has blue eyes) because the baby wasn't his. I recognized that his eyes would probably change color as most babies did and the dream ended with a touch of sadness.

    In another, barely recalled dream, I had to go away on a trip. I had a puppy and cats, my bird and some other animal I worried about. I scurried about trying to find someone to take care of them while I was gone. I found a couple kids who agreed, but then their father forbid it.

    And I dreamed something about food. I was in a huge shopping area and I had to leave one area for some reason, so I went elsewhere and I was trying to buy cherries and cream crepes but it was going to take 10 minutes to cook them.

    Another dream, which I wish I recalled more of, I was fighting monsters in a video-style dream. I could fly and I kept ending up in areas that were too touch for me. Oh yeah. But there was a bathroom scene lol. It was a person, though. There were a lot of changing stalls in the center of a room. The stalls were very long and had doors on either side. There were probably about 6 of them. I kept trying to anticipate my enemies movement and throw some sort of weapon at her when she got to the opposite stall opening. I hit her a few times, but she just kept coming.

    I also had a God-mode dream where I was teriforming some land. It was more involved than that but I've forgotten the details.

    That's it for now.

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