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    Just Another Dream Journal


    by , 03-13-2011 at 10:18 PM (327 Views)
    After I wrote my last entry I fell back to sleep and didn't wake up until 3:30! I couldn't believe how late it was.
    Hubby called as I was putting my night shirt on (I sleep nude). I arranged to pick up $50. then I left right away. Which sucks because I had an awesomely epic dream.

    All I really recall of it was creatures and watery passages. I watched a show called Primal yesterday that featured caves and a watery passage. And before I went to sleep, I started watching a show called Monsters that had octopus looking aliens floating in the sky.
    Both those movies appeared in the dream in one fashion or another.

    Toward the end of the dream, I was trying to catch smaller alien creatures. Sometimes they looked like fish, other times they were furry-ish. I was capturing them with my ex-husband.
    There was a baby in the dream at some point. I was teaching it about the history of the family and showing it how to swim from one passage to another. Opening certain latches would cause water pressure to build in other areas. There was a feud going on over one of the houses connected by the passages.

    I really wish I had taken the time to record these.
    Oh well...

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