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    Just Another Dream Journal

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    by , 03-19-2011 at 12:03 PM (330 Views)
    I went to sleep at around midnight and woke for the last time at 6:30AM.
    I didn't sleep well. I sweat a lot, then froze, then sweat lol. THen I laid on my ear too long and woke up in agony (why the heck does the happen? I'm the only person I know who has ever had that complaint!) It's the outside of my ear that always hurts. Then I finally woke up thinking one of the dogs was crying, but it was just my nose whistling lol

    I don't recall too much of my dreams.
    What I remember most is of being with my parents. They didn't want me hanging out with someone, so I was sneaking, but then I'd be gone too long and get yelled at. I walked a lot in the dream. One house I went to sold trinkets and mystery packages (like gaming cards) that had sexy stickers and whatnot inside them.
    One of my kids came along and tore up the place so I was kicked out.
    At some point, I was at an outside wedding. It was at a beach and I found some nice rocks on a beach. When I tried picking up a piece that was green but looked like tigers eye, someone else grabbed it.
    Then, on Oriental boy of about 4 ran to a woman holding his crotch because he had to pee
    I was with hubby and we followed the boy and his nurse inside. Hubby wanted a drink. The first place was off limits so we went to the next door.

    That's all I recall.

    >>I dreamed of my parents because I spoke with them before going to sleep. I dreamed of sneaking off to see someone because I snuck off to see someone last night, close to bed time (hubby's uncomfortable with me having friends, but someone we gave two puppies to had to give them back to us for awhile, so when I went to pick them up we chatted for a few minutes, then I worried hubby would be all grumbly wondering what took me so long to get a soda )

    Don't know what the bit about the trinkets or rock meant. If I remembered more of the dream, it would help.

    The fact that the boy was Oriental came from a conversation I had with my oldest son. I LOVE playing FaceBook Zuma. One of my "friends" scores over a million whereas I've only reached 1 m once! My son was picking on me, calling me a looser because I couldn't beat her, so I shrugged my shoulders and said "She's Oriental". My son was SUPER shocked because I never say such things and he said: "MOM! Now you're starting to sound like Myles" (my 16 yo who is sadly and strangely prejudice/sexist/racist/etc) So I said "What? Orientals rule at everything. She's just naturally better than me." Son then said, "Yeah, Americans naturally suck at everything."
    The fact the boy was holding himself probably indicated I had to pee

    That's it.

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