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    Just Another Dream Journal

    Old Friend

    by , 09-04-2011 at 09:15 PM (274 Views)
    When I went back to sleep from 1:30-3:30PM, I had a very detailed dream.
    I was in my hubby's yard. Rocky (the dog) had gotten loose, but he was just sitting in the yard. I sadly wished he would run off and find a new home or get hit by a car and die because he has such a sad, boring life with us. But he just happily wagged his tail, enjoying his few moments off his chain.
    I was having a hard time getting into hubby's house (I don't have a key IRL- hubby uses the garage as his door to inside). I eventually got in and all the kids (my youngest daughter and her friends) were in their old bedroom, smoking. I thought about telling them to quit because hubby would smell it and throw a fit, but there was a knock on the door.

    I went to answer and there was my son Myles and my bestfriend from my old Congregation with her young son. I'm disfellowshipped though, so we can't socialize IRL, but she can help and relay messages and such. So she told me she picked him up from school because he tore up his knee. Myles said something to her. She said he couldn't go to school tomorrow and I said there was no school to which she told Myles he got what he wanted then.
    I smiled and said "Yeah, he gets to stay in town and play Everquest." She told him she'd keep in touch and as she walked away, I told her we had no home phone. She said she'd just drop in then as was convenient. I said sure, but then I remembered my cellphone.

    They were walking the long way around the house to avoid Rocky. I raced to my car for one last look at her, thinking she must have my number. I got into my own car as a cover for my stalking lol. She drove off and I was sad from missing her. She and her son never got very close to me, so I didn't get a clear enough look at them in the dream.

    >> a very strange dream. I've been feeling sadly nostalgic lately- but about my stripper days. Strange how I would dream about my Congregation instead of the Pole (the only thing I liked about stripping).
    The rest of the dream, though came from:
    My daughter and her friends have been smoking so much, the house is foggy.
    I couldn't get ahold of my hubby the other night and I worried something had happened to him and I had no way of checking on him.
    Myles would love to play EQ2 and I've been overdosing on the game lately.
    Oh, and the male dogs really do have a boring, miserable life. I wish I could find someone to adopt them.

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