I've been doing multiple-hour practically continuous sessions of ADA/RC-location for the last several days. Always asking myself critically, "where is this place?" "Where was I before?" and frequently declaring, "I'm dreaming!", doing nose pinch, and hand inspection. Always thinking about LDing, checking DV posts, etc.
Got some exercise yesterday. At bed-time, and I'm tending to get to bed earlier successfully (before midnight I consider "early"), I'm falling asleep almost instantly fairly consistently now. Which is great, there's nothing I like less than lying awake at bed time (or any other time).
I'm not setting strong intention to wake up after each dream recently. In fact, I think I only managed last night to do "I have interesting and meaningful dreams" last night (I've been having boring dreams lately so I want to get back to my wild and wacky, two nights ago I did have a more "normal" dream-like dream (rather than just standing around talking to people)), and I think "I remember my dreams" but I didn't make it to "I wake up after every dream,remain still, and recall it." Frankly I'm not too excited about waking up after every dream these days -- my goal is to get lucids without night-time wake-up technique (thus the ADA/RC approach).
A pattern has been developing for the last week, which is I'll wake between 5-6 hours after bed with recall (sometimes more, sometimes less, but always something), I voice record it, and after this I try to go back to sleep and just can't make it back in. I'm trying for generally at least 2 hours to get back to sleep then I just get up to make sure I'll be tired for the next night (and to get the body used to getting up at a particular time / regular schedule).
My previously developed back to sleep technique is just not getting me there. Could be a more active mind with my new job, or something else, perhaps the tail end of the jet lag. I do get HI each time usually, but I become alert when these occur, even though I try to slip deeper. I'm "trying not to try" but that's tricky!
I could try not recording, (or really try to stick to key words, a few seconds, instead of several minutes), or setting intention again to wake up after every dream. Maybe different wording would work better, "I notice when a dream ends" instead of "waking up after every dream".
Yeah I know they'll come it's just frustrating that I seem to have to keep "starting over" after I get every good batch of LDs.... it's like 20 steps forward and 19 steps back.