epic long continuous multi-scene dream
, 02-03-2014 at 09:04 AM (538 Views)
Not lucid but one of my most memorably long detailed, multi-scene dreams with scene to scene continuity. Probably 15 minutes subjective time at least.
00:00 Monday 2014-02-03
01:11 bedtime
1) Sitting at a table in a house with a guy I know, he has a black beard/mustache, I state his name in the dream (but don't remember). We're talking about something. I put a glass of wine for him on the floor behind his right ankle, he doesn't know it is there. He stands up from his chair and starts to step backwards, I say "no no no!" I know he'll knock it over and he does knock it over and the wine spills.
His wife came home and we talked about inviting them to dinner and we started talking to him about his schedule. He's saying he can't do it one day, or another day, I misunderstand I think he's talking about a dinner that he is putting on and I sort of wanted us to be invited to his place.
We go to the kitchen, where his wife is. We were offering him some soup. We brought big barrels of soup/stew was looking for a place to put it. I saw the sink, some cabinets, the garbage (underneath some cabinets) I filled up some containers to the brim with the soup. I felt bad about filling up his containers.
Sitting around a table talking, I'm trying to unlock my ipad, I can't get the 2nd or 3rd character of the code to enter correct, I try at least 8 times, getting very frustrated. I explain my inability to enter my code because my thumbs have to stretch very far in order to hit the correct letters on the screen.
I came back later to the kitchen and noticed the garbage can was filled to the brim with our soup, his wife had thrown it all away. It's time for us to go I offer to help take the garbage out since it's full of our soup., "it's the least I can do," he hemmed and hawed eventually said yes. We're going outside to the garbage, the house is on a hill, there are a lot of switchbacks in the path going up to the garage. We have to go all the way to one side to get to the gate, then walk through the gate and go all the way back the other way to get to the garbage. We reach the gate to the garage, and I play with the mechanism, I look closely at it and examine it. I think about all the different places where my friend could lock this gate, but I don't see two loops of metal close enough together to put a lock through. Perhaps drilling a hole may help. My wife walks by carrying a giant garbage can full of soup wrapped in plastic on her back like a camping backpack. I reach to her to help carry it but she pulls away and keeps going (I know she doesn't like me offering to help once she's already almost finished something).
We're looking at a fence railing and thinking that someone could lie on the fence railing and roll to the other side to get over it.
We're walking back down the hill to the house, it's very steep, and I start gliding in the air. I'm gliding and hovering riding the air currents, but staying more or less in the same place. I'm surprised that I'm not losing altitude and say so, my friend has turned into my waking life friend NM. I quickly gain some altitude even. I say that I have always loved gliding/flying since watching the show "The Flying Nun" as a kid. I love his hill, it's a great place to glide, he mentions that the thermals would be really good over on the highway since the heat radiating up from there is intense and you'd go "VOOM" straight up into the air. I think I could glide forever here! I could go over to the freeway and hit a thermal and get up really high and glide back to his house.
Back on the ground walking in to his front door, the path is very precarious, there's hardly anywhere secure to put your feet. The steps are decrepit and falling apart. The front door is a few feet higher than the path and beyond it, you have to really stretch your legs to get them into the door frame. NM is standing in the door to help me in, I'm trying to get a good foothold. I reach out and hook my elbows through the door frame and pull myself in, squeezing my NM. I think/ask NM wondering how his elderly parents could come to visit, they'd never be able to make it in the front door.
Back around the table with group of people, we're talking about a new company. There's one friend there, and also the inventor of the product at the head of the table. My friend announces he has bought the rights of all advertising of the product for the next several years. The inventor when he heard this was shocked, because he/the company needed to do this . Apparently everyone thinks that I gave this friend the idea of purchasing the rights to the product, I objects saying "hey, hey, it wasn't my idea!" Someone offered me a glass of wine.