Originally Posted by Foul
Mate, every dream character you create is an inhabitant of the dream world and would be knowledgeable (if you assigned that attribute to them) about that dream world because you created it and the the rules within it. Furthermore, every dream character you create has access to all your thoughts and feelings. They are, for goodness sake, parts of you! They're all a reflection of yourself no matter how fragmented and slight each of them may be in their representation of your greater personality.
It worries me when people are so quick to equate stuff like this to some crazy, mystical, supernatural, apparition.
You apparently do not understand the difference between DCs, a SG, your Inner World, and the Dream Plane. I will explain it.
A DC is something created by your subconscious, or if, you're lucid, your conscious. A SG is not something created by you, but rather an actual entity that resides on the dream plane. Now, your Inner World is basically your own dream bubble, sorta like your house. Now, the Dream Plane is something you can access when you leave your "house", which the SG can access anytime she wants (either the "house" or dream plane). So, really, a SG is in a way a part of you, but not in a way that DCs are. Similar to a relationship between a mentor and a student, which can be strong at most times. DCs are your own creation, SGs aren't.
Do your research before coming to conclusions so quickly. Also, you can't be rational with this subject because it is in a dream setting, and dreams are in no way rational. You should be able to say that yourself, as you should have some form of dream recall at this point.
Also, I'm not equating it to be something supernatural, I simply narrowed down the possibilities until I got to something supernatural. Neither a DG nor a DC adds up to what he described, so I firmly believe it is a SG.