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    Thread: A recurring DC in my dreams which doesn't behave like any other DC's

    1. #26
      Luxembourg <span class='glow_006400'>Hyu</span> is offline
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      Wow, this sounds really interesting.
      There's so many things related to lucid dreaming I don't know about yet.
      I'm looking forward to become better / more experienced at it, and learn about all these wonderful things.
      I can't wait for my exams to finish so I'll have time to focus on it.

      Dreams are simple.
      It's the painfully simple things the human mind cannot comprehend.
      After all your mind is trained to understand the complexity of the waking world,
      not the simplicity of the dream world.

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    2. #27
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      Quote Originally Posted by Hyu View Post
      Unfortunately I read your post only after meeting her again, I think my questions would have been more precise, had I read it sooner.
      Your description of a SG does fit remarkably well.
      As mentioned earlier, she did say that she was an inhabitant of the dream world, and she is very knowledgeable about it.
      She also has full access to all my memories, including all my thoughts and emotions.
      Mate, every dream character you create is an inhabitant of the dream world and would be knowledgeable (if you assigned that attribute to them) about that dream world because you created it and the the rules within it. Furthermore, every dream character you create has access to all your thoughts and feelings. They are, for goodness sake, parts of you! They're all a reflection of yourself no matter how fragmented and slight each of them may be in their representation of your greater personality.

      It worries me when people are so quick to equate stuff like this to some crazy, mystical, supernatural, apparition.
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    3. #28
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      Quote Originally Posted by Foul View Post
      Mate, every dream character you create is an inhabitant of the dream world and would be knowledgeable (if you assigned that attribute to them) about that dream world because you created it and the the rules within it. Furthermore, every dream character you create has access to all your thoughts and feelings. They are, for goodness sake, parts of you! They're all a reflection of yourself no matter how fragmented and slight each of them may be in their representation of your greater personality.

      It worries me when people are so quick to equate stuff like this to some crazy, mystical, supernatural, apparition.
      I couldn't say that better.
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    4. #29
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      Hmm To me it sounds like it is you. The you in a dream may not really be you. The real you might be a dream character you meet. She sounds like she must be you and yes she belongs in the dreamworld because you are here in the real world. She is able to wake you up and hear your alarm because her senses are tied to your body. And you can feel eachothers thoughts without truly knowing exactly what it is. Have you ever just felt sad or felt happy and had no idea why? I believe that would be kinda like meeting her in your waking life.

      Try putting your consciuosness into her. try merging with her. You have all the knowledge that she has already but you have projected it into her. take it back but not forcefully you dont want to end up in a war with yourself.
      Hyu likes this.
      I accept that my reality is always a dream so if something changes I know I'm right.

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    5. #30
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      I personally feel that since she's been in your dreams enough times, you already expect her to revisit you, and that's why she keeps reappearing.. It's pretty much a habit..

      Hmm, this is definitely interesting though...
      Maybe get to know her a bit.. Aside from the obvious, you know?
      Ask her some specific questions... And see what she says..
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    6. #31
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      Quote Originally Posted by Foul View Post
      Mate, every dream character you create is an inhabitant of the dream world and would be knowledgeable (if you assigned that attribute to them) about that dream world because you created it and the the rules within it. Furthermore, every dream character you create has access to all your thoughts and feelings. They are, for goodness sake, parts of you! They're all a reflection of yourself no matter how fragmented and slight each of them may be in their representation of your greater personality.

      It worries me when people are so quick to equate stuff like this to some crazy, mystical, supernatural, apparition.
      It worries me when people are so closed minded. Nobody can really say with any certainty what anything from a dream means or is. I'm not saying my belief lies one way or another, but I'm certainly open to the possibility. Closing off a more spiritual hypothesis seems silly to me when you don't actually know any better than the guy looking for an explanation.

    7. #32
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      I'm not closed minded. I'm being rational.

    8. #33
      Luxembourg <span class='glow_006400'>Hyu</span> is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by Foul View Post
      Mate, every dream character you create is an inhabitant of the dream world and would be knowledgeable (if you assigned that attribute to them) about that dream world because you created it and the the rules within it. Furthermore, every dream character you create has access to all your thoughts and feelings. They are, for goodness sake, parts of you! They're all a reflection of yourself no matter how fragmented and slight each of them may be in their representation of your greater personality.

      It worries me when people are so quick to equate stuff like this to some crazy, mystical, supernatural, apparition.
      Sure, this is a very reasonable explanation for the events that have occurred, I fully agree with that.
      However, I've been having lucid dreams all my life, hundreds if not thousands, and I have never experienced anything even remotely close.
      Does that mean I should immediately conclude that I experienced something "spiritual"?
      Of course not, and I don't.

      However, I do consider both possibilities.
      This is why I'm trying to do some research on the subject, and why I created this thread on the forum.
      I'll admit though, I'm really starting to believe that she may be a spirit guide (or something alike).

      Quote Originally Posted by Foul View Post
      I'm not closed minded. I'm being rational.
      In my humble opinion, it is impossible to draw a rational conclusion on the subject.
      There are no scientific facts to rely on, so I can only draw conclusions from my own experiences, and they tell me she's different and she's something special.

      You have decided what you believe, I on the other hand am not really sure yet.
      I don't think this makes you close minded or anything, but it doesn't make my approach unreasonable either.

      Dreams are simple.
      It's the painfully simple things the human mind cannot comprehend.
      After all your mind is trained to understand the complexity of the waking world,
      not the simplicity of the dream world.

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    9. #34
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      Quote Originally Posted by Foul View Post
      Mate, every dream character you create is an inhabitant of the dream world and would be knowledgeable (if you assigned that attribute to them) about that dream world because you created it and the the rules within it. Furthermore, every dream character you create has access to all your thoughts and feelings. They are, for goodness sake, parts of you! They're all a reflection of yourself no matter how fragmented and slight each of them may be in their representation of your greater personality.

      It worries me when people are so quick to equate stuff like this to some crazy, mystical, supernatural, apparition.
      You apparently do not understand the difference between DCs, a SG, your Inner World, and the Dream Plane. I will explain it.

      A DC is something created by your subconscious, or if, you're lucid, your conscious. A SG is not something created by you, but rather an actual entity that resides on the dream plane. Now, your Inner World is basically your own dream bubble, sorta like your house. Now, the Dream Plane is something you can access when you leave your "house", which the SG can access anytime she wants (either the "house" or dream plane). So, really, a SG is in a way a part of you, but not in a way that DCs are. Similar to a relationship between a mentor and a student, which can be strong at most times. DCs are your own creation, SGs aren't.

      Do your research before coming to conclusions so quickly. Also, you can't be rational with this subject because it is in a dream setting, and dreams are in no way rational. You should be able to say that yourself, as you should have some form of dream recall at this point.

      Also, I'm not equating it to be something supernatural, I simply narrowed down the possibilities until I got to something supernatural. Neither a DG nor a DC adds up to what he described, so I firmly believe it is a SG.
      Last edited by Snowboy; 11-24-2010 at 04:44 PM.

    10. #35
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      Quote Originally Posted by Snowboy View Post
      You apparently do not understand the difference between DCs, a SG, your Inner World, and the Dream Plane. I will explain it.

      A DC is something created by your subconscious, or if, you're lucid, your conscious. A SG is not something created by you, but rather an actual entity that resides on the dream plane. Now, your Inner World is basically your own dream bubble, sorta like your house. Now, the Dream Plane is something you can access when you leave your "house", which the SG can access anytime she wants (either the "house" or dream plane). So, really, a SG is in a way a part of you, but not in a way that DCs are. Similar to a relationship between a mentor and a student, which can be strong at most times. DCs are your own creation, SGs aren't.

      Do your research before coming to conclusions so quickly. Also, you can't be rational with this subject because it is in a dream setting, and dreams are in no way rational. You should be able to say that yourself, as you should have some form of dream recall at this point.

      Also, I'm not equating it to be something supernatural, I simply narrowed down the possibilities until I got to something supernatural. Neither a DG nor a DC adds up to what he described, so I firmly believe it is a SG.
      Oh I get it. And In my opinion it's nonsense.
      And as for telling me to do my research; I refuse to read books written by hippies who can't accept exactly how bland they, in fact, are.
      Furthermore, I suggest you check out some Jungian theory before you try to throw your weight around as the character he's describing comes close to fitting the persona's proposed therein. Carl Jung is thought to be one of the most well known pioneers in the field of dream analysis, the fact that a large majority of people on this website overlook his work is amazing.

      Hyu, sweet dreams. I hope you draw a conclusion from your dreams that you can accept and work with.

    11. #36
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      Quote Originally Posted by Foul View Post
      I suggest you check out some Jungian theory
      How does that fit in with what he described?! I don't see very much connection whatsoever! I feel that a DG explanation would make more sense than that!

      First off, this isn't dream analysis. We are just trying to find an explanation for what she is. Second, I would like to know how he would feel very happy around a different part of himself. If it was his female persona then he would feel equal with her! Obviously he doesn't feel equal with her, so you can't really say that it is a female persona of him. You can't feel inequality with yourself, as it just doesn't make sense! If you actually read through my explanation of a SG and assume it isn't part of some dream plane theory and whatnot you might actually find that it fits his description of the character really well! And just how hard would it be to explain a female persona? In his most recent dream post he said that she said that it was too complicated for her to explain to him what she was. Like I said before, how is a female persona complicated? And how would they know more about the dream world as you? They're a part of you, they share the same memory and skills, so why should she be superior to him?

      Have fun trying to answer all of those questions.

    12. #37
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      More nonsense.

      You're assuming that one would not feel happy about having met or accepted or found a certain aspect of themself. You can't make that assumption.

      You can't feel "inequal" with a certain aspect of yourself? Well tell that to all the anorexics out there. Tell that to the people with Dissociative Identity Disorder.

      Yes she said it was complicated. But that can be explained by a thousand and one things, the first of which that springs to mind is that he's not accepting that certain side of himself and as such his dreams reflect a character, that represents that side of himself, that refuses to explain what and who she is and makes him figure it out as a way of forcing him to accept that side of himself.

      Who says she actually does know more about "the dream world" than he? However, lets not forget for one moment that this dream world is inside his head and that I'm claiming I believe she's a part of his brain or personality, she's bound to know a thing or two.

      Again, who says she's superior? And if she is, then he's making her superior.

      Answered. I had fun.

    13. #38
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      Quote Originally Posted by Foul View Post
      More nonsense.

      You're assuming that one would not feel happy about having met or accepted or found a certain aspect of themself. You can't make that assumption.

      You can't feel "inequal" with a certain aspect of yourself? Well tell that to all the anorexics out there. Tell that to the people with Dissociative Identity Disorder.

      Yes she said it was complicated. But that can be explained by a thousand and one things, the first of which that springs to mind is that he's not accepting that certain side of himself and as such his dreams reflect a character, that represents that side of himself, that refuses to explain what and who she is and makes him figure it out as a way of forcing him to accept that side of himself.

      Who says she actually does know more about "the dream world" than he? However, lets not forget for one moment that this dream world is inside his head and that I'm claiming I believe she's a part of his brain or personality, she's bound to know a thing or two.

      Again, who says she's superior? And if she is, then he's making her superior.

      Answered. I had fun.

      Oh well. I guess we're not going to get anywhere with this. Only he can truly figure out what she is because it is his dream. Let's just see what Hyu's opinion is on this matter.

    14. #39
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      Well I already wished him well.
      Quote Originally Posted by Foul View Post
      Hyu, sweet dreams. I hope you draw a conclusion from your dreams that you can accept and work with.
      I was going to leave it there until you jumped me. This is my last post in here. Again, good luck, Hyu.

    15. #40
      Luxembourg <span class='glow_006400'>Hyu</span> is offline
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      I'm thankful for all the responses.
      I think it is actually quite a good thing that both points of view have been illustrated in such detail in this thread.
      Whomever asking himself a similar question will probably find it, and be presented with both ideas.
      This way he or she will be forced to consider both possibilities, and not jump to the first conclusion he or she reads.

      Both your ideas fit my experience.
      Since both ideas make perfect sense, I can only rely on the thoughts and feelings I had during my last encounter with her,
      and I not feel like this is enough for me to draw a final conclusion.
      I stated before that "I'm really starting to believe that she may be a spirit guide (or something alike)",
      however I cannot really rationalize this right now, it's just a feeling, I cannot explain why I have it.
      I am looking forward to meeting her again, and hope that I will gain a better understanding by doing so.

      Dreams are simple.
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    16. #41
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      the inequality with self that you are worried about Snowboy is very possible. I have been walking around at complete war within me. different aspects of my personality keep trying to push through and become dominant. I would love to meet myself in a dream maybe then i could sit down and talk out my problems.
      I accept that my reality is always a dream so if something changes I know I'm right.

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    17. #42
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      WOW! im very interested in this story. Heres a list of things you need to ask her:
      1:what is your name?
      2: are you related to me?
      3: are you my spirit guide?
      4: (if not) can you please explain who you are?
      5: do you exist out of the dream world?
      6(for proof of existence) what is your phone number?

      i highly reccomend you ask those questions. add me as a contact, I really want to see how this goes!
      Never complete a goal without a dream in mind ~Toorisutan

    18. #43
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      Quote Originally Posted by onyxfyre View Post
      WOW! im very interested in this story. Heres a list of things you need to ask her:
      1:what is your name?
      2: are you related to me?
      3: are you my spirit guide?
      4: (if not) can you please explain who you are?
      5: do you exist out of the dream world?
      6(for proof of existence) what is your phone number?

      i highly reccomend you ask those questions. add me as a contact, I really want to see how this goes!
      That is a nice set of questions! The only one I think wouldn't work would be #6. It is very hard to remember exact numbers and text.

    19. #44
      Luxembourg <span class='glow_006400'>Hyu</span> is offline
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      Yeah, I'm definitely going to ask her most of these questions.
      Not so sure about the phone number though, if she really says that she's a spirit I doubt she's going to have one.
      I have to get up early the next 2 days, so I won't be able to wbtb, so I highly doubt I'll meet her again before the weekend.
      Arg, I can't wait...
      Dreams are simple.
      It's the painfully simple things the human mind cannot comprehend.
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      not the simplicity of the dream world.

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    20. #45
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      Quote Originally Posted by Hyu View Post
      Not so sure about the phone number though, if she really says that she's a spirit I doubt she's going to have one.
      Well, now, sure there is! Just dial DRM-983-1265 to get hold of the dream world operator then ask for your spirit guide's phone number!

    21. #46
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      haha, im going to call that number right now!
      jk, anyway yes I do agree with you on the phone number thing....you never know though, could be a shared dream (which im confused about because they dont sound real but I heard people say things about them). Well I cant think of anything, except where she lives, but that would be difficult to remember too. Other then that, I highly reccomend those questions!
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    22. #47
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      A spirit guide makes sense to me as well. If you're looking for more information on what they are, many new age spirituality sites or books have information on them. I'd be very interested to find out how any more meetings with her go, so make sure to keep us posted.
      Good luck with finding things out.

    23. #48
      Lucid BAWS PXUmais's Avatar
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      Very Interesting story. (BTW, the wall of text was what motivated me to read it).. I loved the obscurity and the fact that it was open to interpretation.

      I hate it when people declare that rationality is the absolute and "correct" way of thinking. In a way, perception is fundamental.
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    24. #49
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      Woah that sounds like an amazing experience, I hope something similar happens to me. :/

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    25. #50
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      She has all the hallmarks of someone between lives that knows you, through and through, like a past life wife. From what you have said she knows you very well, seems to be in love with you, is pulled to you after you enter a dream (that's a biggie really), knows how to communicate telepathically and does so intentionally (which tells me she is not a fellow dreamer), and also seems to be waiting for you to come to realize who she is but next question should be "how do you know me?" Be prepared if you ask this question to be shocked and a little overwhelmed. She is handling you very delicately so whatever she needs you to realize is probably very big and very unexpected.

      I know you are all blown away by this experience and are not sure just what to think about it all, but consider also that she has needs too! This may well be a case where YOU are the one that actually needs to help HER. Let her know that you want to help. The reason I say this is because she seems to be waiting for you to realize more and more about her, but to what end? I think it is because she has something to tell you that you need to remember. She is very very smart and I am sure you can feel her radiating this. She not only realizes that you are lucid dreaming but knows how to wake you up as well which leads me to believe that she knows that she can tell you a million things when you are not lucid and you wont remember a thing; she is only interested in you remembering whatever it is she has to tell you and that what she has to say is very important.
      gab and Yukita like this.

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