My deepest lucid was when I truly though I was trapped in a lucid dream and had died in real life while sleeping. It started as a sort of run of the mill, wobbly lucid, but as I continued it got stronger and stronger and stronger and more and more clear until it was almost indistiguishable from waking life. I was in a beautiful gated community whose houses were vibrantly red clay and every accessory from countertops to fridges was brand new. I opened the door to find two gentlemen returning from a round of golf, chatting happily. I waved and they stopped briefly to wave back, then continued talking. I continued outside and saw that the community was nestled a on a cliff right at the edge of the ocean; there were flowers everywhere in flower boxes and community gardens, and everything was just SO happy and bright. I was on a loop or a cul de sac, and in the middle of the loop was a beautiful garden and a sign that read "Eternal Community". As an RC check I looked away, scrambled it in my mind, and looked back. "Eternal Gardens." Now that spooked me.

I decided I was getting nervous and chose to wake myself up. My eyes pop open and I stand up from my bed. I am in a red clay house with beautiful furnishings. I walk outside to see two gentlemen returning from a round of golf. I don't wave this time and they continue on. This happens six more times. Eventually I walk to the garden in the middle of the cul de sac and pick a flower, slowly realizing I have died and this is heaven or some form of afterlife. I look at the flower I picked and I can see a tiny universe contained in its bud. I stare intently and demand that I am returned home. I zoom through the flower, into the universe within, into our galaxy, solar system, and eventually into my house and sleeping body. I struggle for what feels like forever to awaken myself out of sleep paralysis. My girlfriend is screaming and the walls are melting. I demand to wake up and eventually I sit bolt upright in my real bed with a gasp.

That dream... changed me.