Quote Originally Posted by Heavy Sleeper View Post
Lets hope the creators never find out about lucid dreaming. We would get people coming on the site asking us why we think we can control our dreams, thinking we are completely mad.
Yeah, look at what South Park have done to gingers... because of that show, I get so much shit, it's not even funny...

Anyways, lol, that inception move looks really interesting, but I doubt it has anything to do with LDing. Also, it seems like pretty much everyone blows me off when I talk about LDing, so I've given up. Except for this one girl, who says she has LDs every night, and she's really bored of them. LOL! I was like, wow I was so jealous. She could even control them and everything, so it was cool to actually be able to talk to someone about Lucid Dreaming, and not being treated like a weirdo.