Hey everyone! So I have been trying to lucid dream for about six months now. For the first few months, I kept trying a couple methods, but then I eventually stumbled upon DEILD. I tried it the first night and I had my first LD! I only used a mantra and woke up in the middle of the night, staying still and keeping my eyes closed. I then thought about my previous dream and in about 5 seconds, I was in my lucid dream. (I did a reality check to make sure) I didn't even open my eyes, and it still felt like real life. I then got really scared, since it was my first LD, and forced myself to wake up. But after that night, I am having trouble having DEILDs. I can still wake up in the middle of the night with my eyes closed, but sometimes I move. Also, I am unable to concentrate on previous dreams for some reason. I think it's because I can't just relax and trust myself to concentrate enough, but I also think I try too hard to concentrate sometimes. Like my heart is beating and I just get really worried that I won't get a DEILD that night. I really don't know what to do, It's been many months now and I have not had any other DEILDs. How do I just relax and concentrate on my previous dreams??? Thanks. |