Originally Posted by dolphin
The author of the SSILD technique says not to mess with it, but personally I've done a greatly simplified variation of it for the last couple of years and have enjoyed lots of success.
Simplified SSILD
1.Go to bed, and focus on what you're seeing, hearing, or feeling as you're falling asleep. No need to cycle between the senses; just choose one sense and stay focused on it until you fall asleep. If your mind wanders, redirect your focus to a sense.
2.Do your best reality check upon waking up. This is very important! Be diligent!
3.Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the night is over. No need to stay awake or write down dreams, but you can if you wish.
You can mix this with other techniques as well, as long you maintain all of the steps.
This technique mainly works by creating false awakenings, so whether or not you do a quality reality check upon waking up will often make or break your success. These false awakenings come somewhat randomly so you must be ready for them!
This technique can also cause random DILDs and WILDs.
Happy dreaming!
You see Dolphin, you are a very helpful and smooth aquatic sea mammal thanks for posting this as it helps beginner break free from the (sometimes) strict restraints that authors of various techniques put upon their instructions (dont do this, that or the other)
I find that most techniques need to be tweaked, twisted and adjusted to suit individual needs. I have (and am still trying) various variations of SSILD and here are a few other ideas that people could try
As we know, SSILD is made up from short (30 secondish) cycles of seeing, hearing and feeling. During the 'feeling' step focus on your hands, after a few cycles you should feel tingling and a real connection with both hands, at this point you could MILD an affirmation of 'next time i see my hands i reality check' This way you are completing your SSILD cycles with a sneaky MILD thrown in.
If its really late in the morning and REM is all around you then you could simply do your cycles and then as Dolphin suggested, take a step (seeing, hearing or touch) and simply stay with that sense, using it as an anchor until a dream forms. I personally like using the 'hearing' sense as I get humming in my ears in the silence of the night.
Just one other point, and this is mainly to help beginners that are not too familiar with false awakenings At night if you find yourself lying in bed unsure how long you have been 'awake' for, what method would you use to reality check? A lot of newbies dont want to do a physical reality check in case they move their real body and wake themselves up from what could have turned into a great OBE or lucid dream (never understood the difference really). I find that if i am indeed in a false awakening whilst lying on the bed then most anything can be used for a reality check. Try levitation or (as Dolphin has suggested to me in the past) try 'seeing' through closed eyelids by imagining your bedroom. You could also try rotating your body in a physically impossible way and if nothing happens after 30 seconds of these reality checks then simply 'get up' and nose plug.
Remember the mind is powerful. Experiment with SSILD, it contains the best ingredients (in my opinion) for successful DILD's and WILD's. I also use SSILD before sleep (for relaxation) and during the day as a SSILD session is extremely similar to a seated mindful meditation session (and we all know how powerful meditation can be for self awareness)
Please everyone, i urge you to use SSILD as a starting point in LD induction and then adjust it to your liking