This thread is for competition suggestions. Feel free to throw any and all ideas and thoughts! Some premature suggestions below for any upcoming comps if using the classic format:
Day Time Practice points
• Meditation ½ point/1 Point/2 Points
• Reality Checks ½ point/1 Point/2 Points
Induction and Recall points
• Catch a False Awakening 2 Points
• Double for first time ever inductions
Dream Control points
• Extra for first time ever control
• Unspecified Dream Control 5 Points -> 7,5 Points
Other points
• Drawings 1 Point
• Self Improvement Team Score Bonus 20 Points
• Dream Theme 5 Points -> 3 Points
Spoiler for Classic Competition Re-Formated:
Day Time Practice(Beginner and Intermediate only!)
• Meditate (Brief/Medium/Long) - ½ point/1 Point/2 Points (Only counts once per day) Brief <10min, Medium <20min, Long 30min+
• Reality Checks (A few/Some/A lot) - ½ point/1 Point/2 Points A few <10, Some <25, A lot 50+. Tip: No use stacking them in a short period of time, won't improve lucidity.
Induction and Recall(Beginner and Intermediate only!) In order for you to get points for an LD, you need to write it in your DJ on DV and post the link here.
If it is your first time ever completing DILD, WILD, DEILD/Chaining or Catching a False Awakening you get double points. (eg. DILD = 20 Points, Chaining = 4 Points etc.) Only the first Chaining and Catching of a False Awakening is doubled. Counts once per Induction per competition.
• Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - ½ point If you think more than 2 fragments are from the same dream, count them as 1 Full Dream instead.
• Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
• First DILD of the Night - 10 points
• Subsequent DILDs - 5 points
• First WILD of the Night - 10 points
• Subsequent WILDs - 5 points Note: DEILD after a non-lucid dream counts as a WILD
• Chain a Lucid Dream - 2 points (Max. 10 points) Return to a lucid dream after a brief awakening mid-LD. A DEILD chain is over once you are awake long enough to write down the dream.
• Catch a False Awakening - 2 points (Max. 10 points) Continue or regain lucidity during a false awakening.
• WBTB (success or failure) - 2 points (Only counts once per night)
Dream Control Tasks
IMPORTANT! - Points don't stack for completing a single task that falls in multiple categories (i.e. Normal Dream Control, Task of the Month/Year, Personal Goal, etc.). Instead, it counts for the highest-scoring category. If you complete the same task multiple times, then it can count for the additional categories. For example, if you complete the weekly challenge of "Transform into your team's creature", it only counts for the 20 points for the Weekly Challenge, and not an additional 10 for the advanced control task of full transformation. However, if you were to complete the transformation a second time in the same dream, you would then score those 10 points. Note that this new rule does not apply to 3-Step Tasks, as those have always been purposely stackable.
Each task can be completed once per dream/chain.
Advanced versions of tasks earn points instead of basic versions, not in addition.
If it is your first time ever completing the task you get 5 Points extra.
Basic Tasks
• Reality Check / Stabilization - 1 point
• Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points
• Practice a Waking Life Hobby (Beginner and Intermediate Only) - 5 points
• Ask for Advice (Beginner and Intermediate Only) - 5 points (eg. ask a DC or electronic device)
• Eat/Drink Something - 5 points
• Use an Electronic Device - 5 points (doesn't have to work, just try)
• Use an Ordinary Object to Perform Dream Control - 5 points (eg. car, phone, watch, glasses, pen)
• Fly - 5 points
• Telekinesis - 5 points
• Super Strength - 5 points
• Super Speed - 5 points
• Gain Invulnerability - 5 points (must test to prove, eg. jump off a cliff)
• Basic Summoning - 5 points (eg. summoning from pocket / making someone appear from behind you / around the corner.) +5 points if it is a fictional character from a book/movie/TV show/anime or Dream Guide
• Basic Unsummoning/Banishing - 5 points (eg. look away and back to make something/someone disappear)
• Object/DC Changing - 5 points (change object/DC into something different, or change its size/shape.) +5 points if it is a fictional character from a book/movie/TV show/anime or Dream Guide
• Push your hand through a solid object - 5 points (note: 'pushing finger through hand' RC does not count)
• Partial Transformation - 5 points
• Invisibility - 5 points (must test to prove, eg. look at your body or sneak past someone undetected)
• Change Gravity - 5 points (doesn't have to be for everything, at least one object)
• DC Manipulation / Mind Control - 5 points
• Unspecified Dream Control (any powers not listed here) - 7,5 points
Advanced Tasks
• Teleport - 10 points
• Element Manipulation - 10 points
• Fully Phase through Big Solid Object - 10 points (eg. the wall, keep your eyes open)
• Advanced Flying - 10 points (flying at high speed / into space)
• Advanced Summoning - 10 points (make something/someone appear right in your direct view / summon something larger than human-size) +5 points if it is a fictional character from a book/movie/TV show/anime or a Dream Guide
• Advanced Unsummoning/Banishing - 10 points (make something/someone disappear right in your direct view / unsummon something larger than human-size)
• Mass Telekinesis - 10 points (use telekinesis on 5+ objects at the same time, or one enormous object - something that can't be lifted in waking life)
• Advanced Object/DC Changing - 10 points (change enormous object/DC into different object/DC, or many objects/DCs at the same time)
• Time Control - 10 points (speeding up/slowing down/stopping time intentionally)
• Full Transformation - 10 points
DreamViews Extra Tasks
Each unique task can only be completed once during the competition.
Task of the Season
You can complete more than one Task of the Season per Dream.
Beginner Tasks of the Season are only available for the Beginner tier.
You must complete each task in a separate lucid dream; you can't do more than one in the same dream or DILD/DEILD- chain. (Or as instructed in the ToTY rules; write your completed task down into your dreamjournal before you can start working on the next one.)
Dream Theme
If your dream (lucid or non-lucid) matches the theme, you earn an additional 3 points. Points for theme can only be claimed once per night. The theme might be open to slight interpretation (just keep in mind the Honor System).
Theme - 3 points: Theme
Persistent Lucid Elements
Points only start counting after the second occurance(occurances before the competition also count, and they can have happened in non-lucids).
Points for each persistent lucid element can only be claimed once per night.
Elements cannot be something that exist in real life as they are (eg. your father/your phone/your home/earth etc.)
Place and Realm do not stack.
• Meet a Persistent Dream Character - 5 Points
• Catch a Persistent Dream Element/Item - 5 Points (eg. a special gadget or a thing like that)
• Visit a Persistent Place - 10 Points
• Visit a Persistent Realm - 15 Points
Challenge Task
Points for the challenge can only be claimed once.
Challenge - Challenge
Beginner: 40 Points
Intermediate: 30 Points
Expert: 10 Points
Three-Step Tasks
Choose 3 different Dream Control Tasks from the Basic and Advanced Dream Control tasks above, excluding RC/Stabilization. DV Extra Tasks, Challenge Tasks, and Team/Enemy tasks can not be declared for the Three-Step tasks.
Beginner: Pick any of the Basic or Advanced Dream Control Tasks
Intermediate: At least 1 of the 3 must be Advanced Dream Control Tasks
Expert: All 3 must be Advanced Dream Control Tasks
Tasks must be completed in order.
Multiple tasks can be completed in one dream, but they can also be completed in separate dreams.
You may change tasks at any time, even if you are on task 2 or 3, as long as your updated task choices are posted before the night you complete them.
If you choose to include an Unspecified Dream Control task, describe your task here in advance.
In addition to receiving points for the Dream Control task, you will also receive bonus points:
• Complete first chosen task - 5 points
• Complete second chosen task - 10 points
• Complete third chosen task - 15 points
If you complete all 3 tasks during the first week, you may pick 3 more tasks to complete in Week 2. The same difficulty requirements from above apply.
Team Tasks
Asterisks* indicate that points can only be claimed for these tasks once during the competition.
• Meet a teammate - 7 points (once per dream/chain) Each additional teammate in the same dream/chain - 3 points
• Have your teamfriend complete a lucid task excluding RC/Stabilization(in-dream)* - 10 points
• Have a teammate teach you something* - 10 points
• Have a teammate take you into their dream(figuratively)* - 15 points
Enemy Tasks Note: "Enemy" refers to a member of the competition on a different team than you.
Asterisks* indicate that points can only be claimed for these tasks once during the competition.
• Meet an enemy - 5 points (once per dream/chain) Each additional enemy in the same dream/chain - 3 points
• Fight an enemy - 10 points
• Fight one or more enemies with your teammate(s)* - 20 points
• Convert your enemy to an ally* - 10 points (enemy must start out hostile)
• Convert multiple enemies to allies in the same dream/chain* 20 points (enemies must start out hostile)
Stack bonus
Beginner and intermediate only:
• Fight an expert enemy* - 30 points
Expert only:
• Fight the whole enemy team simultaneously* - 30 points
Personal Goals
Choose your own goals to complete in a lucid dream.
Unlimited additional goals can be selected, but only ONE per night can be claimed for points.
Each goal can only be scored once per competition.
Goals must be different from other tasks in the competition, eg. "telekinesis" is not acceptable. More specific/unique versions may be okay, eg. "use telekinesis on a DC" - ask if you're not sure whether it's too similar to another task.
Goals must require some degree of thought, not just things you might accidentally do in a dream anyway.
You can find some ideas in the Lucid Dares thread under "Anyone Dares".
Post your intended goals in this thread (wrap in spoilers if the list is long). Goals will only be awarded points if they are posted in advance.
• Complete a NEW Personal Goal - 15 points (something that you have never done before in a lucid dream.)
• Complete an OLD Personal Goal - 10 points (something that you have already done in any previous lucid dream, including outside of the competition.)
Dream Journal Points
Points will be awarded at the end of the competition for posting comments in other contestants' Dream Journals. Only DJ entries containing dreams from the competition are included.
Only one comment per DJ entry will earn points (a conversation on the same entry will still count as one.) Add these to your posts as you go. Include how many DJ comments you made each day in your scoring posts, and I will add them to the scoresheet.
• 1 point will be awarded for every 3 DJ comments.
This is just a little kick to get people posting in Dream Journals. I feel a lot better about writing in a DJ knowing that people are going to read and comment on it; I am sure others feel like I do. It isn't worth many points because this is a dreaming competition, but it could add a few bonus points to your final score.
When posting comments in a DJ, it is helpful to "like" the entry so that the member will get a notification on DV. You should also "like" any comments on your DJ when you read/respond to them, so that people know you have seen it.
Make sure you read the dreams so you can make a comment with some substance (more than a quick one-word comment.)
• Post a drawing of your dream! - 1 Point (Only counts once per night)
Tier Bonus
The top scorers in Beginner and Intermediate league earns a bonus for their team based on their position.
Self Improvement Bonus
Those who manage to score higher than their highest score in the previous competitions (held by me) earn a bonus for their team.
[B][SIZE=3]Day Time Practice[/SIZE][/B] [I][B](Beginner and Intermediate only!)[/B][/I]
• Meditate (Brief/Medium/Long) - [B]½ point/1 Point/2 Points[/B] (Only counts once per day)
[I]Brief <10min, Medium <20min, Long 30min+[/I]
• Reality Checks (A few/Some/A lot) - [B]½ point/1 Point/2 Points[/B]
[I]A few <10, Some <25, A lot 50+. Tip: No use stacking them in a short period of time, won't improve lucidity. [/I]
[B][SIZE=3]Induction and Recall[/SIZE][/B] [I][B](Beginner and Intermediate only!)[/B][/I]
[I]In order for you to get points for an LD, you need to write it in your DJ on DV and post the link here.[/I]
If it is your first time ever completing DILD, WILD, DEILD/Chaining or Catching a False Awakening you get [B]double[/B] points. (eg. DILD = 20 Points, Chaining = 4 Points etc.) Only the first Chaining and Catching of a False Awakening is doubled. Counts once per Induction per competition.
• Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - [B]½ point[/B]
[I]If you think more than 2 fragments are from the same dream, count them as 1 Full Dream instead.
• Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - [B]1 point[/B]
• First DILD of the Night - [B]10 points[/B]
• Subsequent DILDs - [B]5 points[/B]
• First WILD of the Night - [B]10 points[/B]
• Subsequent WILDs - [B]5 points[/B]
[I]Note: DEILD after a non-lucid dream counts as a WILD[/I]
• Chain a Lucid Dream - [B]2 points[/B] (Max. 10 points)
[I]Return to a lucid dream after a brief awakening mid-LD. A DEILD chain is over once you are awake long enough to write down the dream.[/I]
• Catch a False Awakening - [B]2 points[/B] (Max. 10 points)
[I]Continue or regain lucidity during a false awakening.[/I]
• WBTB (success or failure) - [B]2 points[/B] (Only counts once per night)
Dream Control Tasks[/B][/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]IMPORTANT! [/SIZE][/B]- Points don't stack for completing a single task that falls in multiple categories (i.e. Normal Dream Control, Task of the Month/Year, Personal Goal, etc.). Instead, it counts for the highest-scoring category. If you complete the same task multiple times, then it can count for the additional categories. For example, if you complete the weekly challenge of "Transform into your team's creature", it only counts for the 20 points for the Weekly Challenge, and not an additional 10 for the advanced control task of full transformation. However, if you were to complete the transformation a second time in the same dream, you would then score those 10 points. Note that this new rule does not apply to 3-Step Tasks, as those have always been purposely stackable.
Each task can be completed once per dream/chain.
Advanced versions of tasks earn points instead of basic versions, not in addition.
If it is your first time ever completing the task you get [B]5 Points[/B] extra.
[B][U]Basic Tasks[/U][/B]
• Reality Check / Stabilization -[B] 1 point[/B]
• Interact with a Dream Character - [B]2 points[/B]
• Practice a Waking Life Hobby [I](Beginner and Intermediate Only)[/I] - [B]5 points[/B]
• Ask for Advice [I](Beginner and Intermediate Only)[/I] - [B]5 points[/B] (eg. ask a DC or electronic device)
• Eat/Drink Something - [B]5 points[/B]
• Use an Electronic Device - [B]5 points[/B] (doesn't have to work, just try)
• Use an Ordinary Object to Perform Dream Control - [B]5 points[/B] (eg. car, phone, watch, glasses, pen)
• Fly - [B]5 points[/B]
• Telekinesis - [B]5 points[/B]
• Super Strength - [B]5 points[/B]
• Super Speed - [B]5 points[/B]
• Gain Invulnerability - [B]5 points[/B] (must test to prove, eg. jump off a cliff)
• Basic Summoning - [B]5 points [/B](eg. summoning from pocket / making someone appear from behind you / around the corner.)
[I][B]+5 points[/B] if it is a fictional character from a book/movie/TV show/anime or Dream Guide[/I]
• Basic Unsummoning/Banishing - [B]5 points[/B] (eg. look away and back to make something/someone disappear)
• Object/DC Changing - [B]5 points[/B] (change object/DC into something different, or change its size/shape.)
[I][B]+5 points[/B] if it is a fictional character from a book/movie/TV show/anime or Dream Guide[/I]
• Push your hand through a solid object - [B]5 points[/B] (note: 'pushing finger through hand' RC does not count)
• Partial Transformation - [B]5 points[/B]
• Invisibility - [B]5 points [/B](must test to prove, eg. look at your body or sneak past someone undetected)
• Change Gravity - [B]5 points[/B] (doesn't have to be for everything, at least one object)
• DC Manipulation / Mind Control - [B]5 points[/B]
• Unspecified Dream Control (any powers not listed here) - [B]7,5 points[/B]
Advanced Tasks[/U][/B]
• Teleport - [B]10 points[/B]
• Element Manipulation - [B]10 points[/B]
• Fully Phase through Big Solid Object - [B]10 points[/B] (eg. the wall, keep your eyes open)
• Advanced Flying - [B]10 points[/B] (flying at high speed / into space)
• Advanced Summoning - [B]10 points[/B] (make something/someone appear right in your direct view / summon something larger than human-size)
[I][B]+5 points[/B] if it is a fictional character from a book/movie/TV show/anime or a Dream Guide[/I]
• Advanced Unsummoning/Banishing - [B]10 points[/B] (make something/someone disappear right in your direct view / unsummon something larger than human-size)
• Mass Telekinesis - [B]10 points[/B] (use telekinesis on 5+ objects at the same time, or one enormous object - something that can't be lifted in waking life)
• Advanced Object/DC Changing - [B]10 points[/B] (change enormous object/DC into different object/DC, or many objects/DCs at the same time)
• Time Control - [B]10 points[/B] (speeding up/slowing down/stopping time intentionally)
• Full Transformation - [B]10 points[/B]
[B][SIZE=3]DreamViews Extra Tasks[/SIZE][/B]
Each unique task can only be completed once during the competition.
[B]Task of the Season[/B]
You can complete more than one Task of the Season per Dream.
Beginner Tasks of the Season are only available for the Beginner tier.
• [URL=""]Task of the Season[/URL] (Summer 2023)- [B]15 points/task[/B]
Task of the Year[/B]
You must complete each task in a separate lucid dream; you can't do more than one in the same dream or DILD/DEILD- chain. (Or as instructed in the ToTY rules; write your completed task down into your dreamjournal before you can start working on the next one.)
• [URL=""]Task of the Year 2023 (Roguelike Dungeon)[/URL] - [B]20 points/task[/B]
[B][SIZE=3]Dream Theme[/SIZE][/B]
If your dream (lucid or non-lucid) matches the theme, you earn an additional [B]3 points[/B]. Points for theme can only be claimed once per night. The theme might be open to slight interpretation (just keep in mind the Honor System).
[B]Theme - 3 points:[/B] Theme
[SIZE=3][B]Persistent Lucid Elements[/B][/SIZE]
Points only start counting after the [B]second[/B] occurance(occurances before the competition also count, and they can have happened in non-lucids).
Points for each persistent lucid element can only be claimed once per night.
Elements cannot be something that exist in real life as they are (eg. your father/your phone/your home/earth etc.)
Place and Realm do not stack.
• Meet a Persistent Dream Character - [B]5 Points[/B]
• Catch a Persistent Dream Element/Item - [B]5 Points[/B] (eg. a special gadget or a thing like that)
• Visit a Persistent Place - [B]10 Points[/B]
• Visit a Persistent Realm - [B]15 Points[/B]
[SIZE=3][B]Challenge Task[/B][/SIZE]
Points for the challenge can only be claimed once.
[B]Challenge - [/B] Challenge
[B]Beginner:[/B] 40 Points
[B]Intermediate:[/B] 30 Points
[B]Expert:[/B] 10 Points
[SIZE=3][B]Three-Step Tasks[/B][/SIZE]
Choose 3 different Dream Control Tasks from the Basic and Advanced Dream Control tasks above, excluding RC/Stabilization. DV Extra Tasks, Challenge Tasks, and Team/Enemy tasks can not be declared for the Three-Step tasks.
[B]Beginner[/B]: Pick any of the Basic or Advanced Dream Control Tasks
[B]Intermediate:[/B] At least 1 of the 3 must be Advanced Dream Control Tasks
Expert:[/B] All 3 must be Advanced Dream Control Tasks
Tasks must be completed in order.
Multiple tasks can be completed in one dream, but they can also be completed in separate dreams.
You may change tasks at any time, even if you are on task 2 or 3, as long as your updated task choices are posted before the night you complete them.
If you choose to include an Unspecified Dream Control task, describe your task here in advance.
In addition to receiving points for the Dream Control task, you will also receive bonus points:
• Complete first chosen task -[B] 5 points
• Complete second chosen task - [B]10 points
• Complete third chosen task -[B] 15 points
If you complete all 3 tasks during the first week, you may pick 3 more tasks to complete in Week 2. The same difficulty requirements from above apply.
[B][SIZE=3]Team Tasks[/SIZE][/B]
Asterisks* indicate that points can only be claimed for these tasks once during the competition.
• Meet a teammate - [B]7 points[/B] (once per dream/chain)
[I]Each additional teammate in the same dream/chai[/I]n - [B]3 points[/B]
• Have your teamfriend complete a lucid task excluding RC/Stabilization(in-dream)* -[B] 10 points[/B]
• Have a teammate teach you something* - [B]10 points[/B]
• Have a teammate take you into their dream(figuratively)* - [B]15 points[/B]
[B][SIZE=3]Enemy Tasks[/SIZE][/B]
[I]Note: "Enemy" refers to a member of the competition on a different team than you.
Asterisks* indicate that points can only be claimed for these tasks once during the competition.
• Meet an enemy - [B]5 points[/B] (once per dream/chain)
[I]Each additional enemy in the same dream/chain[/I] - [B]3 points[/B]
• Fight an enemy - [B]10 points[/B]
• Fight one or more enemies with your teammate(s)* - [B]20 points[/B]
• Convert your enemy to an ally* - [B]10 points[/B] (enemy must start out hostile)
• Convert multiple enemies to allies in the same dream/chain* [B]20 points[/B] (enemies must start out hostile)
[B]Stack bonus[/B]
Beginner and intermediate only:
• Fight an expert enemy* - [B]30 points[/B]
Expert only:
• Fight the whole enemy team simultaneously* - [B]30 points[/B]
[B][SIZE=3]Personal Goals[/SIZE][/B]
Choose your own goals to complete in a lucid dream.
Unlimited additional goals can be selected, but only [U]ONE per night[/U] can be claimed for points.
Each goal can only be scored once per competition.
Goals must be different from other tasks in the competition, eg. "telekinesis" is not acceptable. More specific/unique versions may be okay, eg. "use telekinesis on a DC" - ask if you're not sure whether it's too similar to another task.
Goals must require some degree of thought, not just things you might accidentally do in a dream anyway.
You can find some ideas in the [URL=""]Lucid Dares[/URL] thread under "Anyone Dares".
Post your intended goals in this thread (wrap in spoilers if the list is long). Goals will only be awarded points if they are posted in advance.
• Complete a NEW Personal Goal - [B]15 points[/B] (something that you have never done before in a lucid dream.)
• Complete an OLD Personal Goal - [B]10 points[/B] (something that you have already done in any previous lucid dream, including outside of the competition.)
[B][SIZE=3]Dream Journal Points[/SIZE][/B]
Points will be awarded at the end of the competition for posting comments in other contestants' Dream Journals. Only DJ entries containing dreams from the competition are included.
Only one comment per DJ entry will earn points (a conversation on the same entry will still count as one.)
[U]Add these to your posts as you go.[/U] Include how many DJ comments you made each day in your scoring posts, and I will add them to the scoresheet.
• [B]1 point[/B] will be awarded for every [B]3 DJ comments.[/B]
This is just a little kick to get people posting in Dream Journals. I feel a lot better about writing in a DJ knowing that people are going to read and comment on it; I am sure others feel like I do. It isn't worth many points because this is a dreaming competition, but it could add a few bonus points to your final score.
When posting comments in a DJ, it is helpful to "like" the entry so that the member will get a notification on DV. You should also "like" any comments on your DJ when you read/respond to them, so that people know you have seen it.
Make sure you read the dreams so you can make a comment with some substance (more than a quick one-word comment.)
• Post a drawing of your dream! - [B]1 Point[/B] (Only counts once per night)
[B][SIZE=3]Tier Bonus[/SIZE][/B]
The top scorers in Beginner and Intermediate league earns a bonus for their team based on their position.
• 1st - [B]100 points[/B]
• 2nd - [B]60 points[/B]
• 3rd - [B]30 points[/B]
[B][SIZE=3]Self Improvement Bonus[/SIZE][/B]
Those who manage to score higher than their highest score in the previous competitions (held by me) earn a bonus for their team.
• Score Improvement - [B]20 points[/B]
[COLOR="#FF0000"][SPOILER tag here][/COLOR]
Hukif.......................903 (Expert)
Sensei....................686 (Expert)
Oneirin....................641 (Expert)
[COLOR="#FF0000"][/SPOILER tag here][/COLOR]
Overall these are some great ideas! If I were to run one of these competitions, I would probably implement most if not all of them.
I really like the daytime practice ideas! I got way into meditating a while back and would have been racking up the points!
I also find the "first time ever" points interesting because it might skew points toward beginners and make them higher earners compared to intermediates and experts who already have experienced many dream control actions. Then again the gap between expert and intermediate/beginner is so massive that it probably won't matter too much. It would still be fun to watch that play out.
Drawings would be fun too! It would be a good reason to get back into the habit. I always wondered how many famous paintings are inspired by, or are direct re-creations of dreams. I did use some AI in the past for dreams too, which could bring in a fun dynamic. I know I'd be more engaged to read the dreams of others if drawings/AI were present more often.
Score improvement bonuses are a cool idea. I already track my own scores 'cause honestly I don't think I'm touching expert level points anytime soon... but it is nice to see personal progress. When I saw some of the expert scores for the first time (and the level of control it implied), it kinda blew my mind.
One thing I'd suggest is that a false awakening bedroom probably shouldn't count as a recurring place (too common). Maybe we need more definition for what a recurring place counts as, and also, what separates that from a realm? My understanding is that a realm is a place one has created (like a dream palace) that one regularly returns to by choice, versus a recurring place is somewhere you mind tends to send you. Points could be awarded based on noticing the recurring place, or choosing and then visiting the realm.
Last edited by theshirecat; 09-22-2023 at 06:23 PM.
Maybe we need more definition for what a recurring place counts as, and also, what separates that from a realm? My understanding is that a realm is a place one has created (like a dream palace) that one regularly returns to by choice, versus a recurring place is somewhere you mind tends to send you. Points could be awarded based on noticing the recurring place, or choosing and then visiting the realm.
I was wondering about this one this morning actually. The lines definitely blur a bit! I like this suggestion though.
Definitely love all these! I especially like the drawing one, I'd love to see visual representations of people's dreams. I can't think of any suggestions at the moment, but if I do I'll post them here.
My suggestion is to expand a little bit "Dream Recall" section by adding "High detailed recall" that give additional 0.5p per non-lucid dream (so high detailed dream fragment have 1p, and high detailed NLD have 1.5p).
Manei has been saying for years that she doesn't like how comps always focus on just the end results and ignore giving credit to all the practice and work that goes into lucid dreaming. If the function of the competition is to work as motivation and self improvement rather than just executing dream control tasks. We were actually planning to draft and propose something very similar to this for a future comp but I'm glad to see we've been beaten to the punch. Here's to the winter comp.
I always had reservations of calling opposing players "enemies". Makes it sound like we're in some kind of death match. We should change "Enemy Tasks" to something less hostile, like "Opponent Tasks" or "Rival Tasks".
What if we added some kind of dream currency? Like gold coins or something - if you find them in your dream you can add them to your score.
That might be a different game idea altogether though - more of an ongoing thing, I don't know.
Something like that might be interesting, like maybe a DV coin or something?
I've definitely been in situations where I'm lucid enough to remember some goals but not would be fun to seed the idea that coins are hidden in our dreams throughout comp...
Last edited by theshirecat; 01-03-2024 at 07:50 PM.