Back to sleep.
I am going around the street, become lucid and decide I will be doing the task/dare given to me. Raise my hands and start to draw a world-creating symbol then think about it… game yeah.
Stop and then continue walking, some people just look at the weirdo who was playing with the air which I find funny. Continue walking until I find a shop then enter and ask the keeper if he got any horror games “Yes, for what console?” he asks me “Oh… I don’t care?” tell him and he rolls his eyes then tells me to please leave if I won’t be buying anything.
I kind of ignore the guy and proceed to search for whatever looks like horror, find Silent Hill so pick whatever is closest to it then go to the guy and tell him I want that game “This?” he asks me “Is anything wrong with this game?” “It is a cheap copy of Silent Hill” he says and then points to the other side of the store, no idea what for but he does “I just want a horror game, come on” he just puts it in a bag and tells me the price, so I pay with diamonds then ask him what’s the console this works on “PC” he says while trying to understand how I paid with that.
Just teleport out of the way to a random meadow and then make a computer, connect it to the ground and put the game on, the thing starts. There is some mist and it clears quite quickly, there is the entrance to a town and the game asks if I want to start, say yes and then wait a bit.
Some images flash of people in a room, nothing too horrible? Just enter when the intro is done, not going to bother reading that within the dream or at all, too boring. Start to explore the game and then remember I am supposed to be locked inside, so do that at a random stop and then continue, nighttime in a ghost town apparently and no nothing jumping at me, how boring this game is…
Back to sleep.
Leaning against a wall and resting, become lucid while getting up and feeling my weight. So now what… oh yeah the game, when I look around realize that I am still here; this is both good and bad, have to finish this thing as soon as possible.
So I am in a ghost town and this is supposed to be a horror game. Go to the local hotel and see if I can find someone in there, nobody inside. The place looks quite normal and doesn’t even have that scary atmosphere that these kind of games should have, what now?
Continue lodging random houses but there is nothing at all, a few ones have stuff broken and lying on the ground, as if the owners had gone out in a hurry maybe. There is no hint in this damn game and if I scan this will end too quickly, GAH!
Stop to think and then look around; what now… oh yeah. Fly a bit and then look around, what do I see? Most of the buildings look normal except for a very big one that is glowing in a grey light.
Go back down and then walk over to that building. The thing is much bigger from up close, enough to be half the town by itself? Knock on the front door but there is no response; notice that it is glowing because of the moonlight reflecting on it so it isn’t all that strange a place other than being big.
Just get over the fence and then walk up to the entrance, knock on the gate and wait a few seconds. There are some cracking sounds coming from inside but nothing other than that; open the door myself and go in “Anyone here?” ask while stepping inside.
The door closest itself so I look back a bit “Now this feels like a horror game!” tell myself, ok then nothing to worry about. The door makes more sounds, like I need to look at it for something to happen so do just that and when I turn around again… there is this man without a face just a lot of hair that could be mistaken by guts coming off his head. This obviously frightens me and next thing I know is that my arm just went through its skull.
Take my hand off the guy and look at it falling to the ground, twitch for a bit and then bleed to death or whatever “Sure hope this isn’t a la RE” seriously, if this is like that game where the final boss appears at the start this will be so much bull…
Wait for a second and the game doesn’t finish so assume I just killed a random character. Look properly at the room I am in; this thing has nothing within, it leads to more rooms though. One room to the left and another to the right, then broad stairs right in front of me mansion style that lead to even more rooms, there seems to be dust everywhere and there were paintings from the look of it but they are gone now.
I walk over to the left door and see some blood, a few tables and then a few books on the ground, also one of the paintings was there. The painting was of a monster-like creature, so assume that these things come from the paintings.
Mover over to the door and try to open it, but it won’t budge. Could destroy this whole place but… no. Hear something and look up, there is a thing on the ceiling and my instinct is to jump over there and face the creature, it was bearing its teeth against me apparently? When the thing realized that I was up there floating next to it, it jumped back and then ran away… ok?
Went over to one of the rooms and then saw a small wardrobe and used it to hide, was about to wake up and didn’t want to stay anywhere else in the house.
Back to sleep.
I feel heavy, obviously this means I am dreaming so try to get up. The heavy feeling won’t go away… there seems to be something on top of me, assume that it is a pillow and I am in a FA so just throw it away and see some doors open… oh the wardrobe.
I try to look at the thing I threw away, it looks like clothes, look up and see a head hanging down… a woman’s head. Get scared again and back off then notice I threw off the lower part of the woman, sucks!
Poor little girl, I pick up her belongings that look expensive, somehow feel like I can take them with me to reality. Throw them off when I remember that isn’t possible and then just continue walking.
Some more ghost things show up, but I keep one-shooting them all… start to think that I won’t be enjoying this game much because I keep destroying everything on sight before actually learning anything, in fact starting to get bored already. Technically not my fault, because I only destroy out of fear… should probably stop expecting to be frightened, that would help I am sure.
Back to sleep.
Reading a small paper I found on the ground, become lucid while reading the thing… so it says that I have to find a room to stay alive, it was written by… not accustomed to this game world.
Some monsters show up while I am reading the diary of this dead girl, and they pretend to stop me from reading further “Shut it, I am reading” tell them, but they continue walking around me, one puts some claws around my neck and face and starts to press them against my face.
“Off boy, I am reading” tell it and continue reading, the thing presses harder but can’t go through my skin… ok it won’t stop and I can’t read with a damn claw poking my eye damn it! Grab the hand of the thing and rip it off then continue to read, apparently there is a room on the top floor where you have to get in order to be saved, once you get there however you can’t fall asleep or eat or go to the bathroom and become a ghoul in essence.
The damn monsters continue to attack me more and more so I start to make spikes with the wooden floor and stab them and continue reading; the girl got bored of that place and decided to escape by dying at the hands of the monsters of this mansion. Ok so I get to the top floor and win the game? Easy.
Start to go up, I notice that most of the rooms are filled with monsters and as to make one choose the safe path they are arranged, the safe path however is difficult and can one-shot normal people, how cool.
Since one of these has a trap that opens by entering, no monster goes inside. You need to go in a group and one person has to die for this to work. Monsters work alone so they all die.
Anyway when I go in this giant iron thing falls on my head and breaks… I continue to walk then hear movement, a girl and her father are there along with a dead body “Someone came!” they say and go greet me, then stop and look at the broken metal thing in horror “OH NO!” they say “This has been broken, we are all going to die!” they continue to shout to someone and so I slap them.
“Shut up, they will come” tell them, the father gets all angry at me and starts to attack me… sure thing why not attack me more thank you very much. The man says we have to move out of here or we will die; I tell them that we should go to the top room but they disagree and say that there is another monster there, we can’t go there.
I mention that we should move to the next door and close the door, monsters won’t be coming in since they believe that thing will kill them and there won’t be prey to pursue, so it is safe; they agree with me and we all move over there, only a small rat at the other room which I kill before the girl gets to scream her ass off.
Back to sleep.
So I am below a lot of curtains, take them off and notice the weird weight of these, alright I am asleep.
Take the curtains off then realize they were heavy because of all the dirt and blood; cool I didn’t realize this before going lucid! So the girl and the dad are at the other side, hiding under even more dirty curtains and trying not to draw attention.
I tell them we have to keep going, but they say that this is their place to be at, they have to be here. I try to persuade them and then they start to be passive aggressive and I get mad at them… “Don’t bother, NPC should be left to die, yes” kept that in mind and left.
There were some creatures here and there, but they all were blind so just walked on the roof and everything was nice, also notice some other diaries next to them; maybe the game was supposed to be followed through the diaries? And when you read through the needed part a monster would show up and interrupt until you solved the mystery and found the next diary?
Either way, only one stair and one room standing in my way to the final room to get out of this place. The stairs were made of guts so it was slippery, and there were some kind of blood banshees screaming over the place; ate them all and continued all the way up.
The next room, only a small hallway and a big thing with claws and mouths everywhere… was I supposed to bring a weapon with me? Didn’t even look for that ha! When that thing jumps at me I close the door, which the thing bites off and throws back, when the thing does that I push it slightly and it goes flying all the way to the final room where it dies instantly.
The people at that room are happy/sad that I did that and want me to stay out, so just teleport inside. The game notices me that I have won, some stuff starts to display in the screen and it shows that getting out of here alive is going to be the second part of this game, it even points to a webpage where it can be bought at.
Back to sleep. (DEILD)
I was not going to leave without destroying the damn house, annoying game with bad graphics and storyline I didn’t understand because everything was killed on sight and stupid NPC things that made me mad… so proceed to destroy everything on sight, crush the house down and let everyone out to roam free at the town before waking up.