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    Thread: Lucid Dares

    1. #1
      Member Achievements:
      Tagger First Class Made lots of Friends on DV Referrer Bronze Populated Wall Vivid Dream Journal 10000 Hall Points Veteran First Class
      <span style='color: #9900CC'>~Dreamer~</span>'s Avatar
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      Aug 2012
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      Talking Lucid Dares


      I'm going to start by assigning dares for 3 DV members to complete in a lucid dream.
      Once they complete their dare, they can assign dares to 3 members of their choice.
      - It's fine to choose the person who dared you in return.
      - If someone you dare declines to participate, you can choose a different member to dare instead.
      - If you don't hear from the person for a month, you can choose a new person to dare.
      - Remember to tell the members you dare to check out this thread!

      Please also include a dare at the end for anyone to complete, so new people can join the game!
      - Multiple people can complete the same dare
      - You must have the dare in mind prior to completing the task (coincidental task completion doesn't count)

      Make sure you post your LDs here upon completion!

      I DARE:

      CanisLucidus: Do a 'super advanced fart' from Ginsan's challenge

      Sensei: Provoke a weak DC, but lose the fight

      PercyLucid: Summon a fist-sized bee and make friends with it

      Anyone: Get naked in front of a DC

      * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *


      Dares for Anyone:
      These dares do not expire and can be completed by multiple members.
      (assigned by the members listed)

      • Get naked in front of a DC (Dreamer)
      • Call Sensei on the phone (Sensei)
      • Jump inside a picture of your choice, what happens? (Hukif)
      • Eat a food you hate in waking life. How did it taste? (Dreamer)
      • Let yourself fall from a great height and hit the ground at full speed (Xanous)
      • Summon Nfri and describe how he looks (Nfri)
      • Induce a dream within a dream, Inception style (Maxis)
      • Recall a dream you wish you'd been lucid in. Re-enact it, but lucid this time! (SammyTheSnake)
      • Fly into the sun (CanisLucidus)
      • Summon a Boggart (Harry Potter.) What does it morph into? Once this is done, you must either defeat it using dream abilities or confront it and make friends with it. (PercyLucid)
      • Do a 'trust fall' (free fall backwards) into the arms of the nearest DC. Did they catch you? (Dreamer)
      • Do something in order to draw to you as much police as you can and become a major threat to them. Then go ahead and eat a Star (from Mario) and you cannot die! (PercyLucid)
      • Find a mirror and talk with your reflection - bonus if it answers you a question you care about! (StephL)
      • Make a vocal sound that isn't possible in waking life - either take on the sound of an animal/machine, or create a completely new sound with your voice. (Dreamer)
      • Batman VS Superman. Who wins? That is up to you, but you must become either Batman or Superman and defeat your opponent. (PercyLucid)
      • Following the steps from Skull Kid, command the moon to crash on Earth. (PercyLucid)
      • Visit a stadium full of people and by all means convince them that you are a God. You can use powers but they should adore you. (PercyLucid)
      • Remote control a DC with your mind. Order the DC to do something funny or inappropriate with your mind, and observe as he/she completes the task. (Hyu)
      • Atlas the Greek god who holds the sky of the world has fallen sick. Replace him or heal him to save the world from catastrophe! (Hukif)
      • Open a portal by any means. Where does it take you? (PercyLucid)
      • Visit a fictional world of your choice. Become their ruler by non-hostile actions. (PercyLucid)
      • Face an attractive DC and refuse to have any interaction with her/him. (NyxCC)
      • Cause a volcano to erupt by any means you like and enjoy the spectacle - I'd try to fly about close to the crater while doing so, but it's okay to just watch from a distance! (StephL)
      • Take a nice flight at night and enjoy the beauty of downtown. (PercyLucid)
      • Dive deep into the ocean and report your findings. (PercyLucid)
      • Have a nice dialogue (or a fist fight, up to you) with a random Dream Character. (PercyLucid)
      • Steal a car and create a major accident at the freeway. (PercyLucid)
      • In your next LD, pick one spot pleasing to you and *really*, *deeply* look all around at the dream environment, describe at least 20 different objects you saw with great detail. (Fryingman)
      • Ride a dolphin while it's jumping out of the water. (Dolphin)
      • Put some flowers on the graves of a cemetery at night. (Box77)
      • Dream in slow-motion! Jump and "run", watch other DCs interact, finally choose one, and fight her/him - all in slow motion! (StephL)
      • Find area 51 and make friends with an ET. (PercyLucid)
      • By any means, enter the vault of a bank. Besides cash, you find some interesting stuff. What did you find? (PercyLucid)
      • Wherever you go, walk backwards and see what happens. (Box77)
      • Taste a rainbow. (TotM throwback!) (Dreamer)
      • Use telekinesis. (PercyLucid)
      • Create your own orchestral theme music, that follows you wherever you go, reacting to your actions and feelings. (Jenkees)
      • Surf a wave near a beach. (dolphin)
      • Visit the 5th dimension where time and gravity becomes physical and you can change it at will. (PercyLucid)
      • Use your phone as a catalyst for dream control. (Sensei)
      • Grow as large as a building and stomp around (Marce)
      • Summon an Angel and hang around with it. (PercyLucid)
      • Create a Tsunami. (PercyLucid)
      • Ride the most insane roller coaster you can imagine. (PercyLucid)
      • Visit a big city at night. Provoke a blackout. What happens? (PercyLucid)
      • Visit Jupiter's great red spot. (PercyLucid)
      • Create a major Earthquake.(PercyLucid)
      • Use any map of the world (can be electronic) to teleport to a desired place. (Dolphin)
      • Have a dc give you a massage. (Dolphin)
      • Find a mirror and use your hand(s) to rearrange your facial features! (blobularwindmil)
      • Inhale some helium or any lighter-than-air gas and float into the sky. (spellbee2)
      • Drink a whole bottle of Vodka. (Box77)
      • I dare anyone to summon 3 objects. One must be blue, one yellow, and the other red.(sivason)
      • Summon a computer with Windows 2020. How does it look like (PercyLucid)
      • Enlarge your body size like Alice by any means! (Nfri)
      • Meet Sensei in a dream (Sensei)
      • With a remote control, change the channel, the whole dream needs to chance. (PercyLucid)
      • Save the life of a DC (PercyLucid)
      • Play Jumanji (PercyLucid)
      • Collide the moon with the sun. (PercyLucid)
      • Turn a DC into a blob of jello and take a bite. (blobularwindmil )
      • Go into the future, and buy a recently-released album. What's on it??? (littlepooky04)
      • Transform into a coconut and in that form knock down a dc. (Dolphin)
      • Play one round of truth or dare with a dc. (Dolphin)
      • Go to candyland and eat some delicious candyland food! (AnotherDreamer)
      • Play your favorite video game in a dream. Teleport there, or just play it on a console, whichever way you feel comfortable (Sensei)

      Links to 'anyone' dares completed by:
      Nfri [get naked]
      Maxis [fall from a great height]
      SammyTheSnake [fall from a great height]
      FryingMan [get naked]
      PercyLucid [eat a food you hate]
      PercyLucid [fall from a great height]
      PercyLucid [trust fall]
      PercyLucid [get naked]
      PercyLucid [talk to reflection]
      PercyLucid [call Sensei]
      PercyLucid [Induce a dream within a dream, Inception style]
      PercyLucid [Jump inside a picture of your choice, what happens?]
      PercyLucid [Wherever you go, walk backwards and see what happens.]
      Jenkees [get naked]
      Xanous [Use your phone as a catalyst for dream control]
      PercyLucid [Summon Nfri and describe how he looks]
      PercyLucid [Fly into the sun]
      PercyLucid [Face an attractive DC and refuse to have any interaction with her/him.]
      PercyLucid [Use your phone as a catalyst for dream control]
      blobularwindmil[trust fall]
      sivason [fall from a great height]
      PercyLucid [Drink a whole bottle of Vodka]
      Sensei [Use Telekinesis]
      Dreamer [Fall from a great height]
      Dreamer [Get naked]
      Dreamer [Use Telekinisis]
      PercyLucid [Meet Sensei]
      Dreamer [Create your own orchestral theme music]
      Sivason[Get naked]
      Sivason [Inhuman Sound]
      Sivason [Open a portal by all means]
      Sivason [Have a dialog or a fist fight with a DC]
      AnotherDreamer[Use Telekinesis]
      AnotherDreamer[Get Naked]

      Dares for Members:
      Active and completed dares, including links to completed dare reports.
      (assigned by the members listed)

      • Fly into space and meditate in the black vacuum. (Nfri)
      • Fly through the Bermuda Triangle. Where does it take you? (PercyLucid)
      [Completed Explore a light-painted forest/jungle with glowing plants and animals (could be similar to the night time scenes of Pandora in Avatar) (Jenkees)
      [Completed]Summon ~Dreamer~ and ask her to give you a dare. Fulfill whatever she requests. (Dolphin)
      • Find, tame and ride any large carnivorous dinosaur! (blobularwindmil)

      • Surf on a rainbow. (Box77)

      • Re-meet the "wind god" and kick his arse for smirking at your girly throw. Bonus kudos if you can beat him in some amusingly ironic way. (SammyTheSnake)
      • You are Medusa. Challenge your curser (Athena) and turn her into stone. Then claim her throne. (PercyLucid)

      • Take lucid mushrooms and describe the effects. (Dreamer)
      • Visit the Amazons and find an undiscovered "magic" plant. Then summon me and we make a tea out of it. (PercyLucid)

      • Perform an Assassin's Creed "Leap of Faith" into a pile of hay. (spellbee2)

      • Find a big box and open it. What do you find? (PercyLucid)

      [Completed ]Make the sun collide with Earth. (PercyLucid)
      • Take the ancient elevator to the core of the Earth, who or what do you find there? (PercyLucid)
      • Grand Thef.... auto? Nope! Plane! Rob a commercial plane (Jumbo pain bonus) Make sure to take off with or without passengers. (PercyLucid)
      [Completed ]Turn a mountain into liquid. (PercyLucid)
      [Completed] Fly like a bird and then poop on a bald guy's head from the sky. (AnotherDreamer)
      • Make a dc scared enough to pee their pants. (Dolphin)
      • Get sucked up into a tornado... made of jelly beans! (AnotherDreamer)
      • Get on DV and then on this thread in a dream and then read the dream that you put up as completing this dare. (Sensei)

      [Completed]Find a Romanesco and shrink yourself to a size, or enlarge the vegetable to such a size, that you can climb about on it - bonus if you change it's colour! (StephL)
      [Completed]Ask someone to help you out to put on a pair of shoes. (PercyLucid)
      • Find the necronomicon (Book of the Dead) and read a page or two. Raise some zombies if you can. (PercyLucid)
      • Control the Statue of Libertity and animate it. Make it walk around New York downtown. (PercyLucid)
      • Travel to a castle and save a princess who's trapped there. Take her to a forest and give her a kiss. (Dolphin)
      • An alien invasion is taking place. You are Planet's Earth #1 Diplomatic. Bring peace. (PercyLucid)
      • Save civilization from a massive meteorite about to collide Earth. (PercyLucid)
      • Enter a room full of DCs and freeze time to pause them all. Move someone into an awkward/incriminating position, stand back, and unfreeze. Describe the DCs' reactions. (Dreamer)

      • [Completed] Do a 'super advanced fart' from Ginsan's challenge. (Dreamer)
      • Take a large bite out of a DC and chew. How does human flesh taste? (Xanous)
      • Morph into Arale Norimaki and fly like her (farting.) You must fly using only farts. (PercyLucid)
      • Take your exploration of lucid bodily functions to the next level and do a Super Advanced Poo... mousse style! (Dreamer)
      • Become a white wolf and use your instincts to look through the eyes of the moon, what do you see? (Hukif)
      • Ask a DC to provide you with an idea for a video game, or alternatively an interesting video game mechanic, and report back. (Hyu)
      • Construct the ultimate teleport device/machine and use it to go to a place of your choice. (NyxCC)
      • Friend? Foe? You realize that (choose any character, real or fictional -please, kid boo would be epic!-) is testing your dream powers... you must fight him/her/it on the ultimate dream battle.. but unfortunately, you perish. (PercyLucid)
      • Stand on the edge of a more than 15-story building and take a step to the front to have a walk on Lilliput land. (Box77)
      • Grow a beard and show your son. How does he react? (Jenkees)
      • Look at the moon the sky in great detail, see if you can change its phase while you watch. (Sivason)
      • Find a pool or stream and see how realistic you can make the water. Try to feel temperature, wetness, and so on. (Sivason)

      • Turn into Cthulhu. (PercyLucid)
      • Trigger California's overdue Big One quake. (PercyLucid)
      • Have a piece of bacon stand up and sing you a song. (Dolphin)

      • Manifest Manei and challenge her to a duel. (JadeGreen)

      • Ask a dream character where all of the "action" is and to go where they direct you (Marce)
      • Find a battlefield and get involved in the war. (PercyLucid)

      [Completed] Humankind is polluting the water. You are the king of the dolphins and you swear vengeance to human kind. Start by destroying a coastal city with your army of dolphins. (PercyLucid)
      [Completed] Meet with the statue of the Commendatore in a graveyard and ask him to take you on an adventure in hell. (Dreamer)
      [Completed]Visit a different planet, made out entirely of water -or any element in liquid form- entirely, even better. Share your findings and the beings you find there. (PercyLucid)
      [Completed] Meet Ruto, the queen Zora and make her give birth to a dolphin. (PercyLucid)
      [Completed] Witness a conversation between your past self and your future self. (Box77)
      [Completed] Look at the surface of the ocean (with rain falling on it), from 20 feet below the surface. (Sivason)
      [Completed] Transform into something that is not a dolphin Sensei
      [Completed]Create a cyclone of water over the ocean and swim up to the skies or down to the depths. (blobularwindmil )
      [Completed]Bring some Barbie dolls to life and see them interact with one another. (littlepooky04)
      [Completed]Be pampered by a large team of servants that will do anything you ask of them. (AnotherDreamer)
      • Find Amelia Earheart and ask her why she disappeared. (JadeGreen)
      • Go to your first... Lucid. Not the first lucid, but the lucid dream that made you look up dreaming. Then make everything happen the way it happened the first time, but to a different version of you (the version of you back then). (Sensei)

      [Completed] Fight Sensei in a dream. (Sensei)
      • [Completed] Find a DV person, and kiss them! (Hukif)
      [Completed] Shave all that beautiful purple hair off by any means necessary. What does bald Dreamer look like in the mirror? (Xanous)
      • [Completed] Visit a purple universe. (Maxis)
      [Completed] Build a couch fort with me. Once we are safely inside, blow it apart with a Super Advanced Fart. (CanisLucidus)
      [Completed] Visit an old school hospital and ask the head-doctor to give you a complete checkup. (PercyLucid)
      [Completed] Grow a pair of proper wings - with feathers, or membranes like a bat or a dragon, or like an insect if you like - and fly about with them! Bonus if you soar high in the sky and look at the clouds from above! (StephL)
      [Completed] Enter the enchanted forest and beat whatever mystical creatures are protecting it. Then find me waiting at the Crystal cave at the bottom of the forest. Let's explore the cave! (PercyLucid)
      • Pay attention to your vision and see how it changes/enhances what you see. (Hyu)
      • The jigsaw is onto you! Get inside of it and solve it from the inside out. Make it at least have 4 pieces. (Hukif)
      • Communicate with a tree and share its wisdom. (NyxCC)
      [Completed] You must complete a minimum of three dares (personal, anyone or a mix of both) in a single lucid. (PercyLucid)
      [Completed] Extend your hand in front of you and pick up with your fingers some distant objects of the dreamscape as they were miniatures. Try to do the same with a DC. (Box77)
      [Completed] Find Brad Pitt and stalk him wherever he goes. (littlepooky04)
      • Make poop go up your butt and upwards through your digestive system. When the mush reaches your mouth, chew on it and take the newly formed food out of your mouth, give it to a dc and make them eat it. (Dolphin)
      [Completed] Confront your bully, Pee, and tell her how she makes you feel. (AnotherDreamer)

      • Play a song that doesn't exist, on an instrument that doesn't exist in waking life. (Dreamer)
      • Dive deep into the ocean and get singing lessons from a Mermaid. (PercyLucid)

      • Stop the time and examine a DC. (Nfri)
      • Travel to the future and report your findings. (PercyLucid)
      • Become a tree; try to feel your branches, leaves and roots as a part of you. (blobularwindmil )

      [Completed]Create fireball and throw it. (Nfri)
      • Find an Earth Elemental or a Stone Gollem. Obliterate it using only fire (engulf it.) (PercyLucid)
      • Create the ultimate beast. Fire, Wind, Water, Lightning, Darkness and Light... the ruler of the elements. Bring mayhem with it. (PercyLucid)
      • Serve yourself as a special dish and let be eaten by these beauties. (Box77)
      • Go to a restaurant, demand a deviled egg and eat it. (Dolphin)
      • Drink milk from a females tits and describe the flavor. (Dolphin)

      • Find a house cat, then cause it to grow really huge. (Sivason)
      • Find a pool or stream and see how realistic you can make the water. Try to feel temperature, wetness, and so on. (Sivason)

      • Transform into a lion and in that form kill another animal or dc. (Dolphin)

      • Engage in hand-to-hand combat with a ninja dragon. (SammyTheSnake)
      • A world ruled by ninjas you say? So be it! Make sure it happens, by all means! (PercyLucid)

      • [Completed] Lock yourself into a video game until you beat it. (Sensei)
      [Completed] Make that the entire world turn into a videogame. Be the villain and defeat the hero. (PercyLucid)
      [Completed] Find a DV member and kiss them! (Dreamer)
      • Make out with a DV member. Take note of their appearance and personality and describe what you remember. (Dreamer)
      • Jump on a trampoline and see what gravity is like. Then step off the trampoline and jump on the ground. How does it feel? (Dreamer)
      • Revisit a memorable childhood dream and have a conversation with the younger version of yourself. Ask if the child-you has anything he needs to tell you. (Dreamer)
      • Summon Freddy Kruger and ask him to teach you how to harvest a sleeping soul. (PercyLucid)
      • Create a new type of videogame console. Describe it (graphics, games, etc.) (PercyLucid)

      • [Completed] Confront Faye about her recent behaviour. Tell her how she's been making you feel. (Dreamer)
      • Turn into a maniac and obliterate all your enemies... vent off well (PercyLucid)
      • Drive down the freeway and provoke a major accident. (PercyLucid)

      • Summon a random animal. What animal shows up? Ask it a question. (PercyLucid)

      [Completed] Meet Jack Skellington(Sensei)
      • Take Santa's job and deliver presents to the world. Visit at least 4 different countries.(PercyLucid)
      • Draw something and make it come to life. (blobularwindmil )

      • Shrink yourself down to fairy size and explore the wattle tree from your first LD. What creatures call this place home? (Dreamer)
      • Grow giant, massively giant to the point you realize and witness that the Universe is just an atom of something much greater. (PercyLucid)

      • Defeat your stress-related disaster dreams. Conjure up a tsunami / hurricane / monster / armed psycho / whatever scares you. Stand your ground, smile, pacify, befriend. (SammyTheSnake)
      • Jump into the 2012 movie and stop the Earthquakes. (PercyLucid)

      • Visit an alien planet by any means you like and explore - tell us about it's flora and fauna and find a creature to communicate with - what does it have to say? Just assume you'd have an inner alien language interpreter - but doesn't matter if it fails to work... (StephL)
      • Who is really up there? Demand yourself to be taken to Source/Highest Light/God, whatever. Who or what do you find? (PercyLucid)

      • Ask to a DC, "What do I have to do next?" Do as told and report it. (PercyLucid)
      • Sit down, relax and meditate (Nfri)

      • Summon or find your Spirit Guide Mike. Tell him to show you something amazing. (CanisLucidus)
      • Open a portal to another place and go through it. (Hyu)
      • Ask for your Dream Guide to teach you a dream technique that you have a hard time mastering. (PercyLucid)

      [Completed] Use a random username generator and see what name your dream invents for you! (Dreamer)
      • Befriend a mystical, mythical, or simply nonexistent animal. (AnotherDreamer)
      • Go on a hot date with a celebrity of your choice. (AnotherDreamer)

      • Passionately make out with a male DC. (Dreamer)
      • Make a bi-sexual porno with orgasms (both sexes) as well as a lot of playing time... but as you well know, males have a harder time to have multiple orgasms, so you must be a female in the dream! (PercyLucid)
      • Look out for an alien (must not be human/humanoid) and have sex with it. (PercyLucid)

      [Completed] Turn a dream upside down! (Dreamer)
      [Completed] Rewind the dream (dream events will go backwards, instead of forward.)(PercyLucid)
      • Once lucid, erase the dream until you are in a empty white endless space. You may re-design the dream if you want (not required.) (PercyLucid)
      • Dig a tunnel to the center of the earth and swim in the lava! (blobularwindmil)

      • Astral project from within a lucid dream! Lie down, cause hypnagogic hallucinations, or illusions, maybe vibrations - achieve any aspect of classical WILD "noise", then leave your "physical body" with your "dream-astral-body", chord attached would be nice. Take a good look at your sleeping self! "Bonus" if you go on and leave, fly up into the night sky and travel through as many of the seven astral planes, as you manage: "...planar surfaces ..., separated by immense coloured "buffer zones". Higher planes have bright, colourful patterns, whereas lower planes appear far duller." (StephL)
      • Make you awareness go beyond lucidity (what is called super-lucid) where you are beyond the dream word, where you are just consciousness and meditate in the void of nothingness. (PercyLucid)

      • Tell Scott to meet me. (Sensei)
      • Visit the moon and find the training rooms up there (refer to WakingNomad) (PercyLucid)

      • Solve a crime with the Prince and Bee detective agency. (spellbee2)

      [Completed] Have a long, awesome, vivid LD (20 minutes +) without any supplements in your system. (FryingMan)
      • Once lucid, visited the University of Lucidity. Assist to a class where dream stabilization and anchoring dreams (to extend your lucids) are taught. Report your findings. (PercyLucid)

      • Use any means you like to get to the moon, watch our jewel of a planet rise in total blackness of space! (StephL)
      • Travel through a wormhole. (PercyLucid)
      • Visits the deepest parts of this planet's ocean. Report your findings. (PercyLucid)

      [Completed] Find the Great Pyramid, enter it, and explore the inside. (CanisLucidus)
      • Explore the hidden chambers of Machu Picchu and reveal its secrets. (PercyLucid)
      • Visit the center of the Earth. What beings do you find? (PercyLucid)

      • Summon or find a red panda and interact with it. (Sivason)
      • Find a pool or stream and see how realistic you can make the water. Try to feel temperature, wetness, and so on. (Sivason)

      Oneironaut Zero:
      • Fight Spiderman, no powers. (Hukif)
      • Provoke a cataclysmic event destroying Earth. (PercyLucid)
      • Stop the Silver Surfer from destroying earth, battle is the only solution. Powers are okay, but no one shot kill... make it a cool epic battle. (PercyLucid)

      • Visit one of your parallel dream worlds and bring back a forgotten memory from there. (Box77)
      • Eat a 1-UP Mushroom from Super Mario Bros. Describe the effects. (spellbee2)
      • Find Bowser and rescue the princess. What did Peach say or do? (PercyLucid)

      • Have a date with Humphrey Bogart, Frank Sinatra, Cary Grant, or Clark Gable. Props if they deliver a great line of theirs. (Sensei)
      • Manage to get yourself into the secret chambers from either the White House or the Pentagon, retrieve as much information and then send it to the Russians... make sure you are rewarded by the Russians in public and then go back to the US and tell everyone what you did. (PercyLucid)
      • The "Superbowl" of Quidditch is about to start. Your team lost the semi-finals and you hold grudges. Steal the trophy and defeat any wizards trying to stop you. (PercyLucid)
      • Go into a DC's home and break a glass object with a high note. (Dolphin)
      • Challenge Zeus to a battle for his throne. (PercyLucid)
      • Take raw cake mix and cause it to raise and cook in front of your eyes. (Sivason)
      • Find a pool or stream and see how realistic you can make the water. Try to feel temperature, wetness, and so on. (Sivason)

      • Become a ghost and possess a DC's body. (spellbee2)

      • [Completed] Summon a fist-sized bee and make friends with it. (Dreamer)
      [Completed] Revisit the blue room where you first met me in your dream (early 2011.) Get me to show you how I draw portals with my finger, then jump through with me and see where it takes us! (Dreamer)
      [Completed] Visit a zoo and describe the kinds of animals you come across. (That should be easy but I'm hoping you stumble across interesting or new species (NyxCC)
      [Completed] Stare deeply and close up into the eyes of a DC for one full minute, count to 60 to be sure you make it. Do not look away! You can make out if you want to (with open eyes) (FryingMan)
      [Completed] Go into a DC's brain and find a DC representing an emotion. (Dolphin)
      [Completed] Force a city and its inhabitants to age in front of you for some hundred years. I'm curious to know what could your mind will come up with when their age exceed the average life span. (Box77)
      [Completed] Walk backwards until you bump into something/someone. Turn around to see what it is. (Jenkees)
      [Completed] Darth Vader is hiding in a spaceship with evil plans. Find and defeat him to save humanity. (dolphin)
      [Completed] Find the creator of the dream you are in and ask what the dream means. (Marce)
      [Completed] Visit a big city at night. Then fly into a cloud, find some lightning bolts and throw them down at the city to provoke a blackout. (Dolphin)
      • Travel to Disneyland and ride It's a small world. Describe at least 4 countries you saw represented. (Dolphin)
      [Completed] Find/conjure a goldfish and swallow it whole! (blobularwindmil)
      • Summon very enormous massive building like a castle above the clouds or something like that (Nfri)
      [Completed] Play me in Yugioh! Make sure that it is a shadow game, and whoever wins gets the other person's lucidity for a week. Report differences in lucidity for the next week. Sensei
      • Look in a mirror and morph into someone else by changing the image you see in the mirror, (after changing the image your dream body should have taken that form) Sivason
      • Clone yourself, and then fight your clone. (spellbee2)
      • Go into the ocean, transform into a shark and in that form bite any mammal. (Dolphin)

      • Change a glass of clear water into any mixed drink or wine, then take a sip and see if you can taste anything. (Sivason)
      • Find a pool or stream and see how realistic you can make the water. Try to feel temperature, wetness, and so on. (Sivason)

      [Completed] Unleash your inner sleaze on the nearest female DC. Do everything obnoxious that springs to mind - winking, wolf whistling, boobie honking, the whole shebang! How does she react? (Dreamer)
      • Make out with the Queen of England!! (note, she has to look like the real one!) (PercyLucid)
      • Visit a Tibetan monk and ask him to give you insight in something. (PercyLucid)

      • You witness a massive treasure, but you realize it is not as easy as that, and you fear that is Smaugh's treasure, however, you start feeling cold sweats as you see the dead body of Smaugh, torn to pieces... something is going on, something bad... until you hear a massive dragon roar and Tiamat starts attacking you. Defeat him. (PercyLucid)
      • Ascend to the gates of Heaven. It doesn't matter if it's your house, a building, a park, etc. Wherever you find yourself lucid, go upstairs and find a door there. Bonus if you knock on it and report what happened. (Box77)

      • Equip yourself with canvass and paints, create a picture and tell us what it looked like! If you can enter it like a portal - even better, but not needed to accomplish it! (StephL)
      • By all means, create colors and/or visual effects that are not capable by human naked eye. (PercyLucid)

      • [Completed] Provoke a weak DC, but lose the fight. (Dreamer)
      • Create a dream kid. (Hukif)
      [Completed]Let a Titan eat you. (Xanous)
      • Meet your past self, convince him he's dreaming, and teach him something LD-relevant. (Maxis)
      • Turn un-lucid. You cannot just lose lucidity randomly, you must, while lucid, request yourself to lose lucidity and hold the dream (and recall it) for a while, where you have no lucidity at all! (PercyLucid)
      • Visit Andromeda, where there is believed to be cat-like humanoid ET beings. Ask them to share their wisdom to you. (PercyLucid)
      • Enough stalling now, either: 1) find me in a LD and hold a lightsaber duel, or 2) call me via my amber trump and bring me through to you (or come to me). Bonus Goodness if then we both trump to Amber or call another (FryingMan)
      • Go to the temple of a Tibetan monk and get some tips for lucid dreaming. (Dolphin)
      • Drink a large espresso in a dream. Report taste and results. (JadeGreen)
      [Completed]Cause your visual field to slowly rotate 180 degrees, (do this by floating in air and causing your body to rotate to a fully upside down position while changing the visuals to be upside down) (Sivason)
      [Completed]Change night to day. (Sivason)
      • Find a pool or stream and see how realistic you can make the water. Try to feel temperature, wetness, and so on. (Sivason)

      • Have Jason catch you and try to count backwards from 1000 by sevens. Go through as much torture as you can and then finally... finish him off. Sensei

      • Deep in the ocean, there is a crystal city, with huge turrets and towers and a beautiful palace, populated by a sentient, translucent and bioluminescenct race of great wisdom. You are to present yourself to their queen and tell her about humanity's troubles, how our primitive ways of energy generation might kill both our people's planet, and plead for her to share her people's secrets how to generate clean energy from mere water with you. Let her show you one of their facilities and explain, how it works. (StephL)
      • Visit a planet (whatever planet, made up counts) and by all means, destroy it. (PercyLucid)
      [Completed ]Ask a DC to teach you a more profound Dream Yoga technique. (PercyLucid)
      • Who is behind door #1? It's you! Talk with a copy of you. (PercyLucid)

      • The human being believes they have the will do call your home, Pluto, a planet or just a rock. It is time to show to those Earthlings that Pluto is indeed a planet... and that Earth will cease to be one! (PercyLucid)
      [Completed]Transform into a cat and in that form kill a rodent.(dolphin)
      • Visit Planet X and report your findings. (PercyLucid)
      [Completed]Transform into a wolf and howl at the moon. (Dolphin)
      • Ask a DC to give you an acronym and use your lexical skills in-dream. Try to remember it when you wake up! (~Dreamer~)

      Fly to the clouds (Nfri)

      [Completed] Slap someone you care about. (Xanous)
      [Completed]Endure something fatal without dying, i.e. without the dream scene changing or waking up. Bonus points if you're a cat while doing so. (Maxis)
      [Completed]Find a huge chain watch (such as the one the rabbit has in Alice in Wonderland) and visit a busy town in rush hour. Start running like a maniac screaming, "I am late, I am late!!" and trample over other DCs. What happened? (PercyLucid)
      [Completed] Andromeda and Milky Way are about to collide with each other; survive and tell us what happens. (Hukif)
      • Teleport downstairs in one step. Bonus if you can do the same in the opposite direction. Tip: Don't think about it, just do it 'on the run'. (Box77)
      • Hit the triple 20 with a dart. (dolphin)
      • Matter is no more. Be a ghost and walk through things (without destroying them.) (PercyLucid)
      • Take over President Obama’s body, then breathe in helium and give a speech. (littlepooky04)

      • Find an egg, and watch an unearthly creature hatch from it - bonus if it's friendly and has a little chat with you! (StephL)
      • Become the Lord of Dragons and invade a major city. Bring it down to ashes. (PercyLucid)
      • Turn your whole dream in negative colors, then look into the eyes of a DC and ask him/her to do something creepy. (PercyLucid)

      [Completed] Walk into a deep enchanted forest and find an elven jollification - join in with their ethereal singing and elaborate dancing! (StephL)
      • Dive deep into the ocean and find a Sunken City. Mermaids live there. Join them and make friends. (PercyLucid)
      • Visit the Dwarfs and teach them to forge a new axe. (PercyLucid)

      • [Completed] Take your relationship with the ground to the next level! (Dreamer)
      • Dive into the sea and find the Rod of Earth. Use it to master the Earth Element. (PercyLucid)
      [Completed]Find a story in a dream (read, watch, listen, however you can) and tell us the story. (Sensei)
      • Command everything in your dream to do as you please. Share how did it go. (PercyLucid)

      • Walk on water, like Jesus Christ. (spellbee2)
      • Jump inside a volcano that is about to erupt. PercyLucid

      • Find your "Spirit Animal" (Marce)
      • Look for the Lion King (no need to be cartoonish) and defeat him in a fight. All animals should know all you king. (PercyLucid)

      * Members listed in red are not currently accepting any more dares
      Last edited by ~Dreamer~; 06-13-2015 at 05:27 PM. Reason: Updated Dare Archive

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      You know my only weakness!! But I sure will take this dare Might even cure my beephobia, lol... (or maybe not haha.)

      Count with it! 2-3 nights tops!
      Click the door... and welcome to my dream world!

      Lucid Dreaming: Natural - Lucid Dreamer since I was a kid.
      Astral Projection ~ Farthest reached: The Pleiades Star System.

      Official Dreamviews Toty 7 Lucid Tasks Challenges

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      Quote Originally Posted by PercyLucid View Post

      You know my only weakness!! But I sure will take this dare Might even cure my beephobia, lol... (or maybe not haha.)

      Count with it! 2-3 nights tops!
      Good luck, Percy!
      I know this bee will be friendly.

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      Quote Originally Posted by Sensei View Post
      Wooo Sensei, you rock!
      I look forward to reading your DJ!
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      Ha, love this concept!

      Quote Originally Posted by ~ Dreamer ~ View Post
      CanisLucidus: Do a 'super advanced fart' from Ginsan's challenge
      LOL. I've been called out! Challenge accepted! But I can't bear the thought of performing this Super Advanced Lucid Task without bringing along a friend.

      Allow me to illustrate:

      Prepare yourself!

      Dreaming Partner: Dreamer

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      Quote Originally Posted by CanisLucidus View Post
      Ha, love this concept!

      LOL. I've been called out! Challenge accepted! But I can't bear the thought of performing this Super Advanced Lucid Task without bringing along a friend.

      Allow me to illustrate:

      Prepare yourself!
      LOL, I had that one coming! Can't wait to read about your epic fart!

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      Yay! Not sure if it counts. I'll post it and see if you are satisfied.

      I am in a fight zone. I keep reseting and fighting over and over. I decide losing fight over Nyx task (should have done both. Maybe both of us lose! )

      I hit the menu and change the rules and teams. Myself vs my sisters and my grandma. One of my sisters is too strong, so I can't lose to her. It starts and my grandma and sister disappear, and my stronger sister flies up in the air. She summons a 747 and a tank and sense them at me. I pause everything and step on the cieling. I summon a fighter jet and direct it at the wing of the 747. It crashes and destroys both before it gets to me (time starts again) I run on the ground towards the tank and throw fire at it to screen. My sister comes down and I teleport and throw her at the tank. "Player down" pops up in front of me. I go near the tank, my other sister disappears. I summon a sword and feel a presence appear behind me. I grab and toss her in the air. Slice across neck. She disappears. "Player down" crosses the screen. Just grandma left. Gotta taunt.
      "Come on grandma! You can't beat me! I am super powerful in dream world, and this is a video game in the dream world, I don't think that you have ever played one! You should give up!"
      Silence. Not a good kind of silence, I start getting worried about her attack, I know it is going to be underhanded. I transform my sword into a dagger for closer combat. I walk around the burning tank. There are lots of weeds and things that she could hide in. I sense it, coming under the tank, it is small, but she seemed to have summoned it. I stab the dagger throough its tail and I see what it is it is funnel shaped and on one side has a mouth like a sarlacc. The blade in its tail slices clean through and out the back of his tail. I stab again and pin it to the ground. It stretches latches itself to my leg (this hurts a lot). A status bar comes up showing that I have been paralized and I hit the ground. I try to make an anti venom for the paralize with my mind, but as soon as I start decoding it, the status screen pops up another poison. As soon as I think about analyzing it, but it hits my veins like a cruciatus curse and I would scream if I wasn't paralyzed. I lay there for 30 seconds getting past the pain and as soon as I start thinking clearly I see two statuses pop up and my health bar is only 1/10 drained. I suddenly feel even more pain than before and my bar goes down to half. I can't even think clearly. I start working on my thoughts and finally remember that I can wake myself up, but I don't think that I have lost yet. I quickly develope an anti venom and mentally shoot it through my veins. Relief! I try to get the creature off of me, but the paralysis is still there. I am about to work on that when he shoots something that is immeasurably painful. I scream and realize that the paralysis is wearing out, and I see my health bar in the yellow. I move to the creature and he shoots more paralysis and a double shot of the last pain through my body. "Player down: Sensei" pops up and I wake up.

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      Quote Originally Posted by Sensei View Post
      Yay! Not sure if it counts. I'll post it and see if you are satisfied.
      Woah, that is intense and definitely counts!
      I would have chosen a different dare if I'd known it would be so painful!
      Hahaha, so funny that you chose your grandma!!

      So, who do you dare!?
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      dreamer: fight me in a dream.

      Hukif: lock yourself into a video game until you beat it!

      opheliablue: have a date with humphrey boggart, Frank Sinatra, Carey Grant, or Clark Gable. Props if they deliver a great line of theirs.

      everyone: call me on the phone.

      Getting better at taking pain is a dream goal, so no problems. I could have woken up at any time as well. so no worries dreamer.


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      Quote Originally Posted by Sensei View Post
      dreamer: fight me in a dream.
      Hahaha, you're going down, Sensei!
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      OMG I love this! I think I'll go for old Blue Eyes, or Clark Gable.

      Freaking cool thread Dreamer
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      Quote Originally Posted by Sensei View Post
      Hukif: lock yourself into a video game until you beat it!
      Dude, I do this on a regular basis!

      Spoiler for Dream/s:

      So um, what then? Does it count or...?

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      Quote Originally Posted by Hukif View Post
      Dude, I do this on a regular basis!

      So um, what then? Does it count or...?
      Haha it is hard to find something that you don't do on a regular basis. I like it! I do find it hilarious when DCs try to explain things to you, and when you try to take things back from sleep to waking.

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      Quote Originally Posted by Hukif View Post
      So um, what then? Does it count or...?
      Nice work, Hukif!
      So who do you dare?
      3 members of your choice + a general dare for everyone else.
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      Ah, daring.

      Lets see...

      Sensei - Create a dream kid.
      ~ Dreamer ~ - Find a DV person, and kiss them!
      OZ Fight spiderman, no powers.

      General - Jump inside a picture of your choice, what happens?

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      Quote Originally Posted by Hukif View Post
      ~ Dreamer ~ - Find a DV person, and kiss them!
      Haha, awesome. This will be interesting...

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      I have an awesome dare waiting for Xanous, so I'm eager to complete these dares soon!

      I'm off to bed now to kiss one of you.
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      Raised by: PercyLucid ✦ Adopted: lucidmats ✦ Dreaming Partner: CanisLucidus

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      Do we have to do the latest general dare to be able to post our own or is doing anyone enough?
      Previously known as areyoume

      "A winner has to speak not of the world as it is, but of the world as it should be!"

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      Quote Originally Posted by Kaenthem View Post
      Do we have to do the latest general dare to be able to post our own or is doing anyone enough?
      Completing any general dare will grant you entry - take your pick!
      It needs to be specifically for the dare though, so if you just happened to get naked in an LD, it wouldn't count as 'accepting the dare'.
      Sensei likes this.

      Raised by: PercyLucid ✦ Adopted: lucidmats ✦ Dreaming Partner: CanisLucidus

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      Okay, I'll post the full version in my DJ later, but here's the relevant excerpt:

      I decided the next DC I saw was going to be CanisLucidus to get my DV Members Dream Challenge points.
      I walked up to a guy and planted a big kiss on him without looking too much at his appearance. I looked at this face now and he was morphing into Canis, and within a few seconds he became fully Canis-like, in both appearance and energy. He had a bit of a curious look on his face.
      "That was for Hukif's dare, if you were wondering..." I quickly explained.
      He didn't looked phased by it and seemed keen to lead me somewhere. He grabbed my hand and began striding through the playground. I thought this was interesting because he's not usually so assertive. I'm not sure if he had a destination in mind, but the walk helped to ground me in the dream.
      I started thinking about other goals. I could summon Sensei for his dare, but I wanted to wait for another dream.
      (I did the TotM instead.)

      I DARE:

      Xanous: Take your relationship with the ground to the next level. You can dare a bonus person if you take this to completion!

      Hyu: Confront Faye about her recent behaviour. Tell her how she's been making you feel.

      Atras: Take lucid mushrooms and describe the effects.

      Anyone: Eat a food you hate in waking life. How did it taste?

      Raised by: PercyLucid ✦ Adopted: lucidmats ✦ Dreaming Partner: CanisLucidus

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      lol dreamer, your kisses come with a good deal of assertiveness.
      I imagine thats a good way to become lucid, too. Being kissed by random person and then hearing something dream-related.

      Awesome dream!
      ~Dreamer~ likes this.

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      Oh good God! I dont need to do this anymore but I guess Ill give it a shot. It might not be pretty though.
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      Quote Originally Posted by ~ Dreamer ~ View Post
      Hyu: Confront Faye about her recent behaviour. Tell her how she's been making you feel.
      This is fun. I accept your dare.
      Dreams are simple.
      It's the painfully simple things the human mind cannot comprehend.
      After all your mind is trained to understand the complexity of the waking world,
      not the simplicity of the dream world.

      - Yuya

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      Quote Originally Posted by Xanous View Post
      Oh good God! I dont need to do this anymore but I guess Ill give it a shot. It might not be pretty though.
      Quote Originally Posted by Hyu View Post
      This is fun. I accept your dare.
      Awesome guys, I can't wait to hear how you go!

      Raised by: PercyLucid ✦ Adopted: lucidmats ✦ Dreaming Partner: CanisLucidus

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