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    About faceonmars
    I developed guided imagery with natural sounds for sleep onset and lucid dreaming. I hAve had several dozen lucid dreams and I always wake up smiling.
    Sound Engineer, Website design, music, gardening
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    1. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by AURON On thread : Pain during Sleep Paralysis
      Try to divert your mind from it. HI and tactile sensations can be altered to a certain extent the same lucid dreams. It's a little more work, but keep in mind that it's literally all in your head and...
      Liked On: 07-26-2012, 06:35 PM
    2. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by Mancon On thread : Mancon's Simple Visualization WILD Technique
      For those who haven't seen my old WILD guide, view it here (http://www.dreamviews.org/f79/mancons-depth-wild-guide-119446/). ...
      Liked On: 07-22-2012, 01:29 PM
    3. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by USA On thread : Is this possible ?
      I've had a lucid dream before that was about and hour long, but it's just impossible for it to be days long. But you're other question about changing the enviroment, yes, you can change anything you...
      Liked On: 07-22-2012, 02:25 AM
    4. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by jamiealexander On thread : New lucid dreaming technique
      Hey, I've been playing about with a new lucid dream technique for the last 6 months. I call it the Lucid Trance. It gives me multiple lucid dreams per week. I'd love for some of you to give it...
      Liked On: 07-21-2012, 11:14 PM
    5. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by Jdeadevil On thread : A little help needed... about the theory behind MILD
      It's difficult to explain in words, but I'm going to have a shot anyway. Here's a web definition of visualization: "A mental image that is similar to a visual perception" Your perception to the...
      Liked On: 07-20-2012, 04:30 AM
    6. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by Iapetos On thread : Start Dreaming in the Relaxation Stage!
      I am not sure if this works, but it doesn't hurt to try right? ;) On my latest WILD attempts (before bed) I have noticed that I start daydreaming unaware, I am not even in REM I am in the...
      Liked On: 07-19-2012, 02:20 AM
    7. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by SantaDreamsToo On thread : Almost WILD-ed (first try... but i have questions)
      lucky you :D I personally love the vibrations, (iv never called this a vibration but judging from what your telling me mine are too :P) usually right as I’m entering a LD I feel a surge go...
      Liked On: 07-18-2012, 08:59 PM
    8. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by Tucane On thread : Almost WILD-ed (first try... but i have questions)
      Sleep Paralysis is a controllable dreamstate, much like LD. I would call it the worst kind of Lucid Dreaming:). In fact, it is LD by definition, awareness during REM-sleep. It is a dream, we are...
      Liked On: 07-18-2012, 08:59 PM
    9. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by mdspencer68 On thread : I think I just had a LD
      First let me start off with saying that I posted a couple days ago, questioning if I came close to a LD. Most of the responses said that I had a LD. One felt I had a semi-LD. I'm not sure which it...
      Liked On: 07-15-2012, 07:41 PM
    10. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by Robot_Butler On thread : Odd WILD Attempt
      Are you sure you were really awake? It is easy to get fooled by false awakenings, so be sure to perform a reality check any time you get out of bed. Don't give up when you WILD. If you get...
      Liked On: 07-14-2012, 10:53 PM
    11. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by Robot_Butler On thread : Lucid dreaming / Sleep paralysis
      It is easy to enter a lucid dream directly from sleep paralysis. You have to stay calm, which can be difficult if you are hallucinating something frightening. Instead of trying to force yourself to...
      Liked On: 07-14-2012, 05:32 PM
    12. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by poke it with a stick On thread : Mindfulness cultivating Lucid Dreams
      there is a difference between 'being aware' and 'paying attention'. The latter is active and ultimately impossible permanently, as you discovered. The former is essentially passive. Alan Watts...
      Liked On: 07-06-2012, 05:57 PM
    13. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by LWA On thread : Observation re mindfulness vis a vis LD practice
      After an LD dry spell of a couple of months or so, I was reminded that practicing meditation while going to sleep might be helpful, so two nights ago, I chose sounds as my object of awareness while...
      Liked On: 07-06-2012, 02:26 PM
    14. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by gab On thread : DEILD questions
      1. I think we wake up after REM stage, which is at the end of each sleep cycle. So if there is more dreams in one REM stage, we probably wake up after the last one. But this doesn't mean, we can't...
      Liked On: 07-06-2012, 01:37 AM
    15. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by Burke On thread : DEILD questions
      1. After each REM period (dreams) we enter an extremely light sleep and sometimes wake up but we then just fall asleep afterwards which is why we don't remember it. It doesn't seem to happen all the...
      Liked On: 07-06-2012, 01:37 AM
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    View faceonmars's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Donna Summer's Death and My Dream

    by faceonmars on 05-27-2012 at 02:41 PM
    How dreams incorporate our waking experiences has always amazed me. Here is an example from last night. We all know that Donna Summer died a few days ago, right? Two nights ago I bought a 'stuffed' chicken and bacon pizza from DeMarco's. Yesterday we received a hot weather advisory... the first truly hot days of the year are upon us where I live which concerned me as I needed to do some serious yard work. The dream: I was in a pizza parlor when suddenly a music video broke out in front of me. The song went something like this [I]~ I need some Hot Stuffed pizza this evening~ I want some Hot Stuffed pizza tonight![/I] and so on. The tune was Hot Stuff by Donna Summer. I realize now that this was a commercial for a non-existent product called Hot Stuffed Pizza. It is quite interesting how the brain puts these things together in dreams. I would have thought I would become lucid during this vivid dream but it did not happen. Anyhoo, just thought I would share that.

    Visualization and Hypnosis to Induce a Lucid Dream

    by faceonmars on 08-29-2011 at 10:30 PM
    Anyone who has been reading my posts /replies in this forum knows I advocate visualization to induce lucid dreaming. I thought some of you might get a kick out of an article I wrote sometime back about hypnosis in general. Hopefully, some of you will come away from the article with a better understanding on how the sleeping brain works and think of creative ways to visualize yourself into a lucid dream experience.

    [B]Hypnotism Revealed[/B]

    "People have been using hypnosis for about 230 years to reveal lost memories or make suggestions to the subconscious mind. Franz Mesmer stumbled upon the technique in the 1700's (mesmerizing, animal magnetism) but proceeded to completely miss the point. James Braid, taking a more scientific approach, coined the term hypnotism in 1841. We all have the image in our collective conscious of the exotic gentleman with the swinging pendulum inducing a hypnotic state. He seemed to know something we didn't. Read on and that will no longer be the case.

    The human race experiences self-hypnosis every day. We don't think of it as self-hypnosis, however. We think of it as falling asleep. When we are awake and active our brains are in what has been termed the Beta brainwave state. When we are relaxed, watching television or looking at the ocean, our conscious mind slows down and enters the Alpha brainwave state. In the processes of falling asleep, meditation and hypnosis the subsequent state; the Theta brainwave state, is where all the magic happens. If the Theta brainwave state is allowed to occur then the Delta brainwave state (deep sleep) soon follows. If one accepts this scientifically proven brainwave transition to sleep then I suggest that this is knowledge we can use. In the Theta brainwave state one is neither asleep nor awake. The Theta state is a different level of awareness as our conscious mind has loosened it's control of the thought process. It is the inability to reach the Theta brainwave state that is the root of most sleep issues.

    [B]Simple Hypnotism[/B]

    To hypnotize someone (or yourself) one must induce the Theta brainwave state. This requires that you relax the subject and apply one simple technique. You must get them to visualize, via the mind's eye, something. One could hold up a non-threatening object; lets say a coin or marble, in front of the relaxed subject's eyes and suggest that they close their eyes and imagine the object in their mind. Have the subject then imagine a series of non-threatening objects... all while speaking in an unemotional tone. This monotone speech pattern is important as you do not want emotion to play a part in the hypnosis induction as it is counter-productive. If the subject is too relaxed (i.e. laying down on a bed) they might fall asleep so you must continually gage where they are at in the sleep process. Let me state, once again, that hypnosis and falling asleep are part of the same process.

    Once the subject is in the Theta brainwave state you can begin making suggestions. Common uses for hypnosis are smoking cessation, weight loss and anxiety reduction.

    [B]A brief theory about a more effective hypnosis technique:[/B]

    If one accepts modern sleep and dream theory then the induction of sleep after a hypnosis session could greatly enhance the effectiveness of the procedure. Modern sleep theory suggests that the human brain crunches data, during sleeping and dreaming, from our day's experiences; discarding unneeded information and assimilating important experiences. In theory, suggestions from a hypnotic session could take on greater significance if sleep were allowed to happen, even for a short duration, directly after the hypnosis.

    A word about why visualizing induces the Theta brainwave state and, therefore, the hypnotic state. In the rear of our big human brain there exists a smallish chunk of gray matter called the Occipital lobe. This area contains the Primary Visual Cortex and the Secondary Visual Cortices. The combination of the Secondary Visual Cortices is generally referred to as the Secondary Visual Cortex. When you visualize you are stimulating the Secondary Visual Cortex. Why is this important? Because this is the same area that is active in dreaming and dreaming is one of the first things our brains do when in the Delta(sleep) brainwave state. Visualization is part of the brain's process to deep sleep. To hypnotize someone, or yourself, you must willfully simulate the process of falling asleep without allowing deep sleep to occur.

    About Mass Hypnosis

    Lastly, when our minds wander we are in a form of self-hypnosis. Falling asleep during a lecture has as much to do with daydreaming as the subject matter of the speech. A daydreamer is stimulating the Secondary Visual Cortex and unknowingly beginning the process of falling asleep. If you do not want listeners to fall asleep then continually stimulate their Primary Visual Cortex with visual aids.( i.e. powerpoint presentations). The primary visual cortex is humming when we are in the Beta (alert and aware) brainwave state and processing the things we see with our eyes open. This also works in reverse. To attempt a mass hypnosis of an audience you must first relax them and then stimulate their collective visual imagination without external visual stimulation.

    You are now a Hypnotist. Congratulations! " :shock:

    Brad McBride (aka faceonmars)

    Lights on vs. lights off: Vivid dreams?

    by faceonmars on 07-19-2011 at 01:51 PM
    The best dreams come in the dark of night as light signifies to our brain that it is time to get up. Consequently, deep sleep and REM dreams are hard to come by in a lighted room. However non-REM dreams, which are very vivid, can be plentiful. This would include non-REM lucid dreams. I try to keep my bedroom as dark as possible simply because it is a better quality of sleep. But if something works for you I say go for it!