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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-29-2024, 11:09 AM
      FryingMan replied to a thread Maple's Workbook in DILD
      Keep it up! I'm seven week in to my renewed practice, and I had 3 LDs in the last 3 days (2 LDs 3 days ago, 1 LD yesterday). Consistency is...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-29-2024, 11:07 AM
      LD #297 a couple weeks after #296, also a brief waking moment. I continue to practice the Four Foundational Practices of The Tibetan Yogas of...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-12-2024, 12:35 PM
      Competition night #14 (containing 00:00 2024-04-12) Final Night + all-day lucid presence day work - excellent: 2 + meditation 20 minutes...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-11-2024, 09:14 AM
      * basketball, playing vs. <my uni> team, they're all black and super tall, I think how I'll play against them. Coming on to the court someone says...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-11-2024, 09:01 AM
      Finally, a (brief) LD! Competition night #12 (containing 00:00 2024-04-10) + all-day lucid presence day work - excellent: 2 + meditation 20...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-10-2024, 10:26 AM
      Some late morning vivids, lots of wakeful time during the night Competition night #11 (containing 00:00 2024-04-09) + all-day lucid presence...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-10-2024, 10:25 AM
      Some late morning vivids, lots of wakeful time during the night Competition night #11 (containing 00:00 2024-04-09) + all-day lucid presence...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-08-2024, 02:36 PM
      OK getting back in sync! Posting the night's dreams the day-of and not later :) Don't want to go a full comp without LDs....do I have to admit...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-07-2024, 01:07 PM
      Dangit falling behind on entries, lazy! Now the days are a bit confused, not sure of order Competition night #7 (containing 00:00 2024-04-05) ...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-05-2024, 09:16 AM
      Competition night #6 (containing 00:00 2024-04-04) Epic non-lucids, dreams all night long, super high presence and vividness. 28 minutes of voice...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-03-2024, 10:18 AM
      Competition night #5 (containing 00:00 2024-04-03) Sleep ok but a dreaded "no recall" night. I'm in a weird place with recall right now. Day...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-02-2024, 02:53 PM
      Competition night #4 (containing 00:00 2024-04-02) Sleep much better! Recall meh, long slow hard BackToSleep battle after 6hr waking, but I had a...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-01-2024, 08:45 AM
      Competition night #3 (containing 00:00 2024-04-01) Terrible night. Tried a new WILD approach all night. Felt like I got zero sleep. Just a...
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    I practice Tibetan Buddhism in the Drikung Kagyu and Nyingma traditions. Enjoy reading. Late 30s
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    LD #38 and Eagle in Distress

    by KonchogTashi on 05-08-2015 at 02:35 PM
    night of 5/7/15

    There is an arsonist who has been burning buildings and homes down in my area. I am working with a DC to identify him/her. We go to our "dream lab" to work on the problem. The lab is accessed by falling asleep and then in the dream going to our lab? While in the lab at work a man appears to us and asks if we know where a certain person is at. We tell the stranger the location of the person he is looking for and he promptly disappears. After he leaves we realize that he must be the arsonist as there is no other way that he could know about our lab and how to get there. We also realize we know where he will strike next as we just provided him with the information. We leave the lab and instantly appear outside of a house. It is nighttime. I call up to an open window and my nephew appears. The arsonist has not yet struck and I feel relief.

    I am in my living room, it is dark, the only light is ambient light coming from the streetlights outside. I instantly realize that I am dreaming. I say "I am dreaming, I am going to walk over to the door and go outside." I find it very difficult to move, as if I am in water or surrounded by gel or something. I struggle against this for a few seconds and the dream starts to fade. I wake up and mentally review the dream. As I fall back asleep I catch some beautiful psychedelic HI.

    I am being carried to a beach on the back of a co-worker. We pass an old blue car. My oldest friend is seated in the driver's seat. I call out to him and he gets out of the car and joins us in our walk to the beach. Next we are outside of a blue wooden building. We all have large, strangely designed shotguns with rotating magazines? My friend says "watch this" and shoots an electrical wire protruding from the building. It emits some sparks and leaves a hole. I turn to my right and see a kite tethered to the beach, blowing in the wind. A large eagle swoops down and becomes entangled in the kite string. It falls to the ground, wrapped tightly in the string. I immediately feel that I must help the large bird. I walk over and pick it up, cradling it in my arms. I walk down to the beach, looking clearly into the birds eyes. I dip it in the ocean, baptism style to clean it off. I exit the water and my friend cuts the string that has been binding the bird.
    lucid , memorable

    LD #37 Party Time!

    by KonchogTashi on 05-05-2015 at 01:32 PM
    At a Bar/Halloween Monster Attack!
    I am at a bar with my father and wife. I get in line for drinks, and comment how amazing long the line is. My wife goes off to mingle, and repeatedly brings me drinks, despite the fact that I am waiting in line for drinks. I warn her that I will be drunk if she brings me many more, and jokingly act intoxicated. This makes the woman in front of me laugh and we start talking, she is a very attractive brunette with shoulder length hair and green eyes, mid 30's by appearance. She asks me "What do you do?" I explain my job to her and ask her what she does. She tells me about some outdoor adventure camp she works at. My wife comes back and we all leave the bar, but now my father has become a generic dude and the woman just kind of vanishes. We step outside into the parking lot, it is nighttime and there are various people in what appear to be halloween costumes walking around. I see our truck, it is a white silverado, and we start to walk towards it, the generic dude with us gets in first. I look off to the right and see a guy jokingly lay down on what appears to be a prop grave. He says "hey, look at this!" and laughs to his friends. Zombie like hands pop out of the piled dirt and start to drag him down, he screams and I realize all of the monsters wandering around are real! I open the door to the truck and in the driver seat is an ugly woman, she has eaten the generic dude and all that remains is a purple bag of goo. I yell at her and push her out of the truck and slide over into the driver's seat. I lean out of the door and yell to my wife "get the fuck into the car....now!!! we have to get out of here!!"

    LD #37 Party Time!

    I am at a party, and walking into the kitchen I pass a man leaning against the doorway, I pass him and turn around, and instantly know I am dreaming. I say aloud "I am dreaming, this is a dream!" I walk out into the other room and see a young man standing in the middle of the room, I narrate "I am going to slap his face." My narration comes out a beautiful, perfect pitch falsetto singing. I approach the man and slap his face 3 times, he just stares at me blankly. I look around the room and marvel at the perfect, crisp detail. I look at some beautifully carved chairs, there is a full set of 4 around a dark wood table. I think how amazing and realistic they look. I remember "this is a perfect rendition of my aunt's living room" (this is a false memory, although there is some resemblance) I turn around and continue to sing "I am going to walk through this wall and appear in another place!" I confidently push through the wall on my right and cleanly pass right through. I appear in a galley kitchen. The floor is white tile and the ceiling is low and there are fluorescent lights in the middle of the ceiling. The walls are light blue with white trim near the floor. I walk through this room and into another living room type area. I decide I am going to take a psychedelic substance (Harvard dream researcher Alan Hobson mentions this in his book and I thought it interesting) I find a candy dish and intend it to be psychedelic candy. I pick up a piece, knocking several on the floor in the process. The candy is white and red peppermint. I unwrap it and it turns blue in my hands. I put it in my mouth and swallow it, no taste. I walk around singing "the visuals will start soon, I have taken psychedelic candy", again in a beautiful, perfect voice. I walk out into another room and marvel at the perfectly detailed rock wall, thinking again "this is so vivid and realistic!!" I look and see a group of guys sitting and playing cards at a round white table. I decide that I will roundhouse kick the man nearest me. He is wearing all black, with a black "mugger hat", and impossibly dark stubble on this face. As I get ready to kick him he stands up and walks away. I notice the environment has faded and is "shaky" I start to rub my hands together, but the dream fades and I wake up.

    This was my longest and most vivid LD yet, surprising in light of my recent slump.
    lucid , memorable

    Lucid #32

    by KonchogTashi on 03-13-2015 at 02:06 PM
    TOTM report

    I become lucid in total darkness. I say "more light!" but the darkness remains. I try this several times, but it makes no discernible difference. I try to "remove the dark glasses" that are preventing me from seeing. I can feel myself scratching at my eyes, but no visual elements appear. I think about the sun coming up and at first this makes no difference, but gradually I see shrubbery forming in a grey/black mist. Trees start to form. I am in the air above a wooded landscape. I fly around, looking down at all the trees below me. I decide I will fly to my childhood home, "the farm." It appears below me to my right. I see the swimming pool pump house and remember the basic TOTM is to enter a house. I swoop down and pass through the roof of the pump house as if it were not there. I am standing on the floor of the room, i see pipes and tubing, just as it really looked in my youth, if a bit larger than real life. There are some strange cylindrical objects on the floor. I pick one up, it is black and has a WWII "Flying Tiger" face painted on it. There are some strange indentations on the sides that give the appearance of arms. I loose lucidity and the dream fades.

    This dream was strange as it was in the 4th hour of sleep. It was not very clear/vivid. I had no memory or thought to access memory of waking life. I had difficulty thinking clearly. Lucidity lasted perhaps 2 minutes. The flying around before arriving at the house continued for a bit.
    lucid , task of the month

    Lucid #31

    by KonchogTashi on 03-04-2015 at 05:05 PM
    I am outside in a nice wooded area, there is a large clearing with a nursing home? in the distance. I am talking to my oldest friend. We are discussing going to the Grateful Dead reunion shows this summer in Chicago. I am unhappy because I didn't get tickets. I tell him I think that I can get tickets but then will have a transportation and accommodations problem. He tells me that he has done this before, he just caught a plane to Chicago and then took a taxi to the shows and back. I say "You seriously just took a taxi from the airport to Soldier Field and back, even after the show with traffic??" "YES!" he replies, "It was easy!" I find this difficult to believe.
    The conversation topic changes to something about dogs. At that moment my brother comes up on the sidewalk to our right, he is walking a dog. We greet him and he walks on by, without stopping to talk. I find this a bit strange and mention it to my friend.
    Next I am driving in a car away from the place where I was talking to my friend. I am driving a beat up blue Astro van. I am driving on a wooded road up a rather steep hill. The trees around me are all without leaves. The road turns around a corner and there is a fork, with the turn to the right leading downward, and the turn to the left leading up another hill. I take the left turn and go up the hill, a drive along the wooded road continues.
    I go up and around a corner and the road turns sharply down. I am worried that if I follow the road I will be unable to get the old van back up the hill. I go down anyways. I can see that there are piles of logs blocking the road in several places. I go around or pass through them. At the bottom of the hill I can see a fence and what appears to be a neighborhood beyond it. I make it down to the bottom of the hill. Next I am outside of the van looking at the fence.
    I turn around and the van is gone, there is a dilapidated but once beautiful house situated in the middle of the road. I decide it must be park headquarters, but it is obviously abandoned. I decide i will enter, thinking to myself "It will probably be pretty scary inside." I walk up onto the porch and notice there is a light on inside through one of the windows. I enter the house. I immediately realize that I am dreaming. Upon realizing this, I float up to the ceiling. The interior of the house is in good repair. The walls are white and there is very beautiful dark woodwork all around. I can see down the hallway I am in, there are several rooms branching off on both sides. There are tables with papers and boxes on them pushed up against the walls. I think that I should remain calm. The hallway starts to blur. I clap my hands twice and everything becomes vivid and very clearly defined. I rub my hands together. I try to think about what I should do, but I have difficulty thinking of what to do next. I decide I will explore the house by entering the room on my right. The dream starts to fade and I wake up.

    Galantamine #5

    by KonchogTashi on 02-28-2015 at 01:56 PM
    I went to sleep at 10:40 and woke up a 4:00. I took 8mg galantamine and .75mg melatonin dissolved in water. I used this mixture to wash down 500mg choline bitartrate. I went back to bed, laid on my back and put my attention on my breath for about 15 minutes. I then rolled over onto my right side and slowly counted myself to sleep.. "1...i'm dreaming......2....i'm dreaming." I let this go after getting to about 25 and fell asleep.

    1.I am in my paternal grandmothers kitchen. I am looking out of a window at a hummingbird feeder. There is a little ruby-throated hummingbird zooming around drinking from the little plastic flowers. I admire him for a little while. I turn and look around the kitchen, noting that it is my grandmother's. I look back out the window and the hummingbird is back. I reach up to the window for some reason and notice that my hand has only 4 fingers (including thumb). I check again and realize I am dreaming. I do a nose-pinch to confirm and it fails, I am certainly dreaming. The dream promptly fades.

    2.Next I am standing in a blue tiled room. I am in front of a folding table at which a colleague is seated. I am telling her about the hummingbird dream I just had. I explain to her I realized i was dreaming when I noticed that my hand had only 3 fingers and a thumb. I hold up my hand to show her and it is again short fingers, this time I have 2 fingers and a thumb. I realize I am dreaming. I immediately thank her for all her hard work at our job. I turn and look around the room and see a man standing on the other side of the room. i instruct my colleague and the man "please observe this!" I walk up to the wall and push my hand cleanly through the blue ceramic tile. I fell no sensation, my hand just disappears up to the wrist as I push against the wall. I look at the two dcs and they have no reaction. I decide to go talk to the man and the space between us instantly closes. I am immediately standing right next to him. His face changes slowly into that of a woman. The dream fades.

    I am completely in the dark, but I know that I am dreaming. I do a nose pinch test and confirm this. I rub my hands together and pat my body down to reinforce the embodied feeling, hoping for some visuals. I remember that I can take off the dark glasses, so i reach up to do so, but when I do this my real body's hand comes up and touches my forehead. I wake up.

    3. I am sitting in a parked car with my wife. It is early morning or nighttime. we are in a parking lot near a rural intersection. There is a cornfield across the street. A car zooms past us on the road and fails to make a turn at the intersection. It speeds through the cornfield and plunges into a forest. I ask my wife if she saw it, and she replies 'yes that was crazy." I do a nose pinch and realize I am dreaming....details omitted.

    Although Galantamine obviously works I am unsure how I feel about this method. It is somehow not as satisfying for me to get lucid in this manner when I compare it to non supplement induced LDs. I plan on giving it 5 more attempts (that will be 10 total) to see collect enough experience to enable me to reach an informed conclusion.

    Updated 02-28-2015 at 02:04 PM by KonchogTashi
