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      Merry Christmas MrDreamsX.
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      Sorry about your dream recall. Are you stressed--school or work?
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      Hey MrDreamsX,

      It was good to see your name pop up in my e-mail. How are you?
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      Below your avatar it says, "This is a Dream!"

      I like that. Instead of checking if you are in a dream, just state that you are! Frankly, right now I know I am not dreaming, but that's not really the point. We have to state that it is a dream to get it into our subconscious for later. I think we all understand that.

      Very good!
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    1. MrDreamsX
      MrDreamsX liked blog comment by Matte87 On : Class Warfare: A Violent Future
      Haha awesome dream! I got the feeling of reading about an apocalypse world, and I acted out just like I would have! :) Those darn rich overconsumers haha.
      Liked On: 04-06-2011, 06:33 AM
    2. MrDreamsX
      MrDreamsX liked blog comment by The Sandman On : Unpleasant: Dream Fragments
      Yesterday I saw an incorrectly drawn spider with a three segmented body like an ant. :) Lot's of insects and stuff (snake) in this dream. Kind of thematic. Holes and trap doors too.
      Liked On: 04-06-2011, 06:33 AM
    3. MrDreamsX
      MrDreamsX liked blog comment by The Sandman On : Neighborhood: Magic Garden
      I have a friend on DV that calls it "dream logic." LOL! You can cut a green growth from a Weeping Willow, put it in water, and it will root. The water will then contain a natural rooting hormone...
      Liked On: 04-06-2011, 06:33 AM
    4. MrDreamsX
      MrDreamsX liked post by Tara On thread : Hitting a Roadblock? - Help needed
      This happens to a lot of people during WILDs. It's called a hypnic jerk. I get them too when I begin to fall asleep during that technique. There's no way to stop them really, besides simply staying...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    5. MrDreamsX
      MrDreamsX liked post by J.D. On thread : JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal
      Fooooock I've been away a while... This new job is an absolute timekiller. My recall isn't what it used to be, but I've still been having quite a few lucid dreams in the mornings. The hours I'm...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    6. MrDreamsX
      MrDreamsX liked post by Mud On thread : Study: Playing video games beneficial for lucid dreaming
      I was once able to type in Grand Theft Auto cheat codes, into my dreams. That rocked. I'd also see my ammo, health, wanted level and stuff. Video games also enabled me to "spawn" vehicles behind...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    7. MrDreamsX
      MrDreamsX liked post by Tornado Joe On thread : Galantamine + Choline
      Hey all, I've been using Galantamine for almost a year now - not every night or anything like that though - so I figured I'd join the thread. I first heard of the pill when I attended LaBerge's...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    8. MrDreamsX
      MrDreamsX liked post by srgschultz On thread : Recurring attacks by demons from upstairs
      Hi, For the last couple years I've been having recurring dream symbols. These dreams started with me moving into an abandoned house. The houses main floor was a very open floor plan so you could...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    9. MrDreamsX
      MrDreamsX liked post by Vex Kitten On thread : Your Worst Nightmares
      Same here. Used to have zombie nightmares alot, from as far back as I can remember. Not anymore though. Kind of miss the undead, brain sucking bastards. The other thing that showed up in...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    10. MrDreamsX
      MrDreamsX liked post by ray On thread : recurring dream themes
      so i know people have recurring dreams and i know themes may be more common sometimes. i was just wondering why like for a month or a couple weeks you may not nessesarily have the same dream but have...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    11. MrDreamsX
      MrDreamsX liked post by DV Paperboy On thread : `Diff'rent Strokes' star Gary Coleman dies
      PROVO, Utah (AP) -- Gary Coleman, the adorable, pint-sized child star of the smash 1970s TV sitcom "Diff'rent Strokes" who spent the rest of his life struggling on Hollywood's D-list, died Friday...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    12. MrDreamsX
      MrDreamsX liked post by BillyBob On thread : The Infinite Universes of Lucid Dreaming
      Much of what I'm about to tell you is conceptual -- a way of viewing lucid dreams. Take it in any way you please. _________________ The Stuff of Dreams
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    13. MrDreamsX
      MrDreamsX liked post by Clyde Machine On thread : Clyde Machine's Dream Journal
      18.05.2010 98: 5.18.10; 12:15PM Part 7: Fun with Revolvers, Computer Incompetency, and a Shared Dream Attempt. Sorta. (DEILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Coming out of a dream once more, I went back...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    14. MrDreamsX
      MrDreamsX liked post by J.D. On thread : JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal
      13.03.2010 Sprinting (WILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID It's weird typing this now. A minute ago I was sprinting continuously for about ten minutes. I can't actually believe I managed to WILD this...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    15. MrDreamsX
      MrDreamsX liked post by lord soth On thread : Vitamin B6
      User Tutorials Everything You Need To Know About Vitamin B6 What B6 does: Vitamin B6 is important for the brain and nerves to function normally. It also helps the body break down proteins and...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
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    View MrDreamsX's Dream Journal

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    Dragon Bridge - Encounter

    by MrDreamsX on 05-28-2014 at 09:23 AM
    In all my life, I can recall two dreams about dragons. The first was in childhood and the dragon was something more like Godzilla. The second is the following dream I had a few months ago and neglected to post to Dream Views.

    I was walking across an abandoned bridge. It was clearly abandoned as there were broken down cars and a number of makeshift shanty homes on it. It was day light and the sky was bright but completely overcast. I didn't see a single person on the bridge. As I walked along the bridge I looked over the edge. Below, on the shore was a forest and more shack-like homes. I saw this rouge-ish looking woman with red hair standing with a rugged looking man.

    They spotted me and started anxiously motioning to something in the woods behind them. Out from the woods, crawling on all fours was an enormous gray dragon. Around its neck was a frill of flesh like a lizard. It was around the size of a full sized bus. As soon as I got a clear view of it, I took off running further down the bridge.

    I recall thinking, "I doubt it can make it up here quickly." It looked too massive for much speed and it wasn't walking particularly fast. I got to section of the bridge that actually had multi-story apartment-like buildings. I ran to it, turned the corner, and hid behind a cement support column. I thought I lost it. I waited a few moments and peaked around the column.

    Rounding the corner, completely silently was the dragon. It was opening its mouth, which looked like an enormous black beak. Its eyes were black with some white showing and it looked intelligent. An enormous burst of flames came steaming out of its mouth directly at me. It was a furious fire filled with wind. The wind generated by the breath, apart from the fire seemed dangerous and absurdly powerful.

    I pulled back in time to avoid the flames but the cement column I was standing behind was breaking apart like cheap plaster.

    I suddenly had the sense that I was not just confronting a dragon. But something very evil. Perhaps even the devil. The fire was still blasting past me. Some strength started building inside me. I felt the power to strike back even though I was unarmed.

    I looked into my right hand and concentrated. A black energy started to draw inward to a single point in the center of my palm. An energetic black sphere started to form. It grew to about the size of baseball.

    As soon as the fire stopped, I leaned out from around the corner and threw the black fireball as hard as I could directly at the dragons face. It exploded with such force the dragons head violently flung backwards and it made an expression of shock. I took off running into the apartment complex. I came to a wood door which I entered and locked behind me. The door lock was very old fashioned, and weak. I looked around and was in a run down bathroom. I could hear the dragon forcing its way into the hall way. The flimsy wooden door trembled with its footsteps. I recall thinking, if it can smell me in here I am caught for sure.

    -Then I woke up.

    Updated 03-26-2015 at 09:22 AM by MrDreamsX

    side notes , memorable

    Horror: Cthulhu Bugs

    by MrDreamsX on 11-14-2013 at 04:30 AM
    I almost forgot this dream. I had the impression I had dreamed about grotesque insects. I was tempted to not remember it. Somehow, something I saw while driving refreshed the memory.

    I was in my spare room. It is mostly empty and looked like it does in real life. -Expect for two piles of dirty laundry in front of the closet door. They looked like piles of dirty oily rags. Something you would use on a car. Sitting plain as could be between the piles are two plastic cylinders filled with clear water. One was almost empty, the other was mostly full.

    Escaping the mostly empty 'tank' was something like a giant albino pill bug mixed with a silverfish. Except slimey and fleshy. They scattered when I spotted them.

    For some reason, I felt more worried about the inhabitant of the second cylinder tank...

    I picked it up using both hands and held it up to get a close look. Floating up the surface was something very difficult to describe. It was elongated, lopsided snail-like thing fused with a clam. It had a tiny human-like face with dull black eyes. It was mostly snail brown with darker blurry stripes, and a slightly translucent shell. I had the impression two lived the tank. But only saw the one.

    I recently started looking through HP Lovecraft writings. The monsters described in the lore are notoriously difficult to depict or comprehend.

    Updated 11-14-2013 at 06:15 AM by MrDreamsX

    nightmare , memorable , dream fragment , side notes

    Nightmare: Evil Monsterous Party Crashers

    by MrDreamsX on 10-15-2013 at 11:47 AM
    The visuals were realistic and colorful. The beginning of this dream is lost, as usual..

    I was at some sort of garage party... This was a garage made up of various garages and garage parties I've attended. At the party were a few people I know in real life, and other random dream characters. The place was complex and dingy. In real life I wouldn't have been thrilled to be at this party. I barely recall interacting with anyone.

    At one point I decided to step outside for a change of scenery. Outside looked like the backwoods of some remote county. There was a healthy green lawn, tall white-bark leafless trees, and only one neighboring house, which was really more shack than house. (*Recall gets hazy at this point*)

    Out of the shack, come the next door neighbors. Three men who looked like sinister cast members on the show Swamp People. (A show I've not watched a single episode of yet.) They were big, and glaring at me with absolute hatred. I realized that disdain for their appearance might be showing on my face, and fueling mutual repulsion..

    I looked one of them up and down for something to compliment him on. I thought it would lighten the mood. He was wearing dirty jeans. Muddy boots. A stained and ripped jean jacket. A very old darkened flannel shirt, and a vest that looked like it was made in the 1950's. He had wild hair. Yellow teeth and dirt on his face with very blood shot eyes.

    I said "I like that vest."

    He looked at it, somewhat taken off guard by my remark. He didn't thank me, but when he looked back up at me he had this half puckered expression that revealed his rotten teeth. It wasn't a smile, but it was better than the 'I want to kill you right now' look on his face before. I started to walk back towards the party, the three men followed me a ways.

    I said "We're having a party, you guys can probably come for a few beers." They seemed slightly curious, but not impressed.

    I walked back to the house, opened the side door and walked back in to the dark garage. The guy with the vest leaned inside to have a look. There was now blood everywhere, and no sign of the party goers. I felt very uneasy. I ignored the neighbors and bolted inside to see what happened..

    Near the back, there was trough filled with water about a foot deep. There were a number of people in the trough standing and fighting off what appeared to be something like skinless gremlins about 3ft tall. And the people were losing. Blood was splashing. Lights were flashing. Music was playing. It was like a twisted dance floor. As I watched in disbelief, a more powerful looking skinless gremlin with a bulging oblong brain leaped from a rafter and sliced another gremlin in dozens of of pieces with its steel straight edged elongated claws.

    I was fighting off being horrified. It turned and faced me directly. It was hideous. About 3.5 feet tall. Humanoid. It had yellow cats eyes. Wicked snaggle-tooth fangs and a huge visible brain. No hair. No fir. Just exposed. Bloody. Densely packed muscles. It looked agile and a little bit stocky.

    I said "Why did you kill one of your own?"

    It said in a raspy voice "He was going to die soon anyway."

    I pulled out a pocket knife and said "What happens if I stab you in the brain?!"

    It said "Try it."

    I stabbed it in the brain. He rolled his eyes up to look at me. I pulled out the knife and stabbed it again further back and with more force. It acted disoriented by the second attack. I staggered back reeling with disgust. After another moment, he regained composure and started to climb out of the pool to follow me. Now, I ran. Strangely into a small room with a TV. I looked at the TV remote.

    I said
    "I want to change the channel. I don't want to see these things anymore." --Then I woke up.

    I have not had a nightmare since I last posted one on Dream Views. When I woke up, I felt perfectly calm and well rested. This is the most complex dream I clearly recall in about the past year.

    Updated 10-15-2013 at 01:08 PM by MrDreamsX

    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable

    Dreamland: Hot Sex with my Ex-Ex-GF

    by MrDreamsX on 10-15-2013 at 03:55 AM
    Auto-hypnotic suggestion is almost as good as any other recall technique for me. Showing up at Dream Views and reading a few dreams has numerous times helped my recall and lucidity. Last night, I also woke up for about an hour partly due to lower back pain. The dream was very realistic, but I wouldn't say hyper realistic. I've only experienced a handful of dreams I consider to be hyper realistic here on Dream Views. I don't usually post dreams with sexual content, but this was a good one. I rarely recall dreams about sex when I'm in a relationship, but I've been single for the past month.

    As usual, exactly how this dream started is lost...

    I was in a very nice apartment or large central bedroom. It could be described as a bedroom setup in the middle of a sunken living room. There were bookshelves with various items. Several open doors leading to other rooms. The decor was fun but matured looking. Gray carpet. There were shafts of light coming in from various places, so it appeared to be broad daylight outside.

    I was with my ex, ex GF. She looked well adjusted and emotionally and physically healthy. She was dressed in soft indoor looking clothes. Her hair, skin, and textured white shirt were very vivid. I don't recall exactly what we were talking about by I know it turned to us. We were both single. She was casually admitting her head was not on straight when we were together. I recall explaining that I had grown a lot since that time and wasn't proud of how I handled things either. There was a very warm, almost glowing feeling between us. I remember feeling like, we don't know a better place to put our hands but on each other.

    We started touching each other on the bed. Her skin, like before was incredibly smooth and tan. She seemed to be in slightly better shape, and she was in good shape to begin with. We melted into each other. I remember she was wearing loose fitting white shorts. She was not wearing anything underneath. I kissed her naval and slid off her shorts with no hesitation. I went down on her. She made the most sensual sounds. I was in a trance. She started to orgasm after a few more moments. She didn't want to yet. She resisted by saying a few words I don't recall. She did not move away or push me.

    I sat up and so did she. She looked at me filled ecstasy. She said something to me like, that was no fair. She slid her head down to my crotch. I was like stone. She put her mouth on me in a way that can be described as both filled with lust and hunger. Almost reckless, but shy of that. I was ready to come almost instantly. This felt real. She pulled away with a strikingly beautiful smile. I recall feeling slightly frustrated when she stopped. We snapped ourselves out of the trance and laid down together embracing. There was a strong feeling of agreement that we shouldn't jump into relationship mode again too soon.

    We fell asleep together. This was a dreamed sleep. I seemed to wake up later and the room was dark. I figured I just woke up in real life and lamented at the missed chance to have such an intense physical encounter. I stood up out of bed and looked back. There she was besides me, wrapped in a blanket, and sound asleep. I thought wow, this really is happening again.
    --Then I woke.

    Oddly, I had a very different dream about her almost exactly one year ago today: Dreamland: Lucid Corner & Ex-Ghost Fragment #2 I have not had feelings for her since 2007, and the dream a year ago reflects more the typical sort of dream she pops up in. This dream had an impact on my day. One of the most sensual dreams I recall having in many years.

    This dream falls into an old motif of my dreams: Bizarre Apartment

    Updated 10-15-2013 at 01:17 PM by MrDreamsX

    memorable , dream fragment , side notes , false awakening

    A Tiny Robin

    by MrDreamsX on 10-12-2013 at 06:33 AM
    I have been meaning to record numerous dream fragments over the past 6-months. If I had even one full-length dream, I would have posted it here. The best dream fragment I clearly recall:

    I was in my living room with a baby bird on my finger. It was facing me and chirping an adorable melody. It looked like a (thin) miniature Robin. I walked around a little watching it intently. I remember feeling filled with joy. -Then I woke up.

    One of my most vivid lucid dreams also featured a bird Super Lucid: Blackbird Flying

    Updated 10-12-2013 at 06:42 AM by MrDreamsX

    non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment