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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      05-14-2024, 08:45 AM
      LD #302 07:00 2024-05-14 "Mural" bedtime ~23:00 recall on 3rd waking at 04:30, 4 dreams MILD on scenes from the dreams, set intent (light,...
      566 replies | 82533 view(s)
    • FryingMan's Avatar
      05-05-2024, 08:46 AM
      LD #298 and #299 came on the same night at the end of April, 2024. LD #300 occurred the next night. (I guess I'm repeating myself here) LD #301 was...
      566 replies | 82533 view(s)
    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-29-2024, 11:09 AM
      FryingMan replied to a thread Maple's Workbook in DILD
      Keep it up! I'm seven week in to my renewed practice, and I had 3 LDs in the last 3 days (2 LDs 3 days ago, 1 LD yesterday). Consistency is...
      35 replies | 7741 view(s)
    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-29-2024, 11:07 AM
      LD #297 a couple weeks after #296, also a brief waking moment. I continue to practice the Four Foundational Practices of The Tibetan Yogas of...
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      I'm sorry for not responding to you sooner... DreamViews stopped sending me email notifications and I'd completely forgotten about visitor messages so I was never checking.

      I've never had much luck explaining shared dreaming. The best way I have to meet someone in a dream is to choose a place both of you know well and make it your intent to meet there in a dream. It helps if you know each other or yours and their perceptions of the place may be too far off to confirm it as a shared dream. Dream control and lucidity help, but a non-lucid dream can end up being shared. As for how long my lucid dreams are, they vary greatly. The ones where I'm semi-lucid (I know I can use my dream powers but I never think about it being a dream) are the most stable and last the longest. Sometimes when I get fully lucid the dream slips away sooner.

      Again, I'm sorry for not responding sooner, I had forgotten about visitor messages even since I've been posting dreams. I did not mean to be rude. 😔
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    A dream is not a lake, it's an ocean


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    1. Nefets
      Nefets liked post by Sensei On thread : Task of the Month for May 2017
      A tower and go to the deepest levels or highest levels? I like the idea, but am confused by the wording! Am I pressing up or down on this elevator?!?!? LOL
      Liked On: 05-03-2017, 03:21 PM
    2. Nefets
      Nefets liked post by PercyLucid On thread : Task of the Month for May 2017
      http://www.psychicfernando.com/DV/DV-May-2017.png NEW: Do you have a Task of the Month suggestion that you would love to get chosen? Now you have the chance to suggest new tasks of the month by...
      Liked On: 05-03-2017, 03:19 PM
    3. Nefets
      Nefets liked post by Sageous On thread : WILD According to Sageous Q & A
      ^^ I'm not sure I fully understand your question, but it seems that what you experienced was a connection to your waking-life body. Lucid dreams often happen when you are very close, physically,...
      Liked On: 04-09-2017, 11:48 AM
    4. Nefets
      Nefets liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Mutual Dreams... And how I believe to manifest them.
      Yes that is the hardest part for me. Is changing dreams. I've had multiple shared dreams, some weren't lucid, and in some cases many dreamers were pulled into the same dream.
      Liked On: 04-05-2017, 10:41 PM
    5. Nefets
      Nefets liked blog comment by Man of Shred On : Looking after my Dream Guide
      Cool. I've made some lucids longer by simply holding onto something. I had one where I was walking my dog on the leash and we walked for what seemed like 10 minutes.
      Liked On: 04-03-2017, 03:25 PM
    6. Nefets
      Nefets liked blog comment by Man of Shred On : I fired my new Dream Guide.
      Thanks! right now I'm just using melatonin. It doesn't really give me much recall,just wakes me up in the middle of the night for WBTB, during which I'll have a few sips of coffee. For recall I wake...
      Liked On: 04-02-2017, 03:02 PM
    7. Nefets
      Nefets liked post by Sageous On thread : WILD According to Sageous Q & A
      That's a good sign! Don't worry about whether you got lucid through WILD or not; what maters is that you got lucid, period... Many of my WILD attempts end in DILD's and I am quite content with...
      Liked On: 03-31-2017, 06:49 PM
    8. Nefets
      Nefets liked post by Sageous On thread : WILD According to Sageous Q & A
      Unfortunately, there's only one way: Practice, Practice, Practice! Eventually you will find a balance -- based on experimenting with timing...
      Liked On: 03-31-2017, 11:08 AM
    9. Nefets
      Nefets liked post by FryingMan On thread : WILD According to Sageous Q & A
      YES! This is the core truth. How many times have I been there myself, trying to decide: should I just give up and get up and start my day? Or dig deep and find that will to relax (don't let...
      Liked On: 03-30-2017, 10:12 PM
    10. Nefets
      Nefets liked post by Sageous On thread : WILD According to Sageous Q & A
      ^^ How to stay calm? That's a fairly vast question, given the number of answers available... but I'll give it a shot, of course! First, the part no one wants to hear: calming your mind, or...
      Liked On: 03-30-2017, 08:57 PM
    11. Nefets
      Nefets liked post by Sageous On thread : Failing to make the transition...
      What were you doing wrong? If you ask me, LeaoLouro, I would say that you were paying way too much attention to the noise...
      Liked On: 03-30-2017, 12:07 PM
    12. Nefets
      Nefets liked post by Zhaylin On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      :hug: no words of wisdom, Nefets, just gentle hugs. Hope you're feeling better today.
      Liked On: 02-13-2017, 12:20 PM
    13. Nefets
      Nefets liked post by Sensei On thread : Can't stabilize lucid dream for shish
      If you are worried about waking, then you are already losing. :/ The point is to not worry about waking, :P Teleporting can be hard. I recommend just laying down and going to sleep as the easiest...
      Liked On: 11-05-2016, 02:46 PM
    14. Nefets
      Nefets liked post by Cookino On thread : Can't stabilize lucid dream for shish
      Hey, welcome to Dreamviews. I sometimes have problems with becoming blind in some dreams. Whenever that happens, I've found that either imagining images of the dream can help. It's also a good idea...
      Liked On: 11-03-2016, 09:06 PM
    15. Nefets
      Nefets liked post by oneironautics On thread : Can't stabilize lucid dream for shish
      Hej Nefets Sverige här också ;-) Is it possible you get to excited when you get Lucid, basically your heart starts beating too fast and adrenaline gets going and immediately you would wake up?...
      Liked On: 11-03-2016, 09:06 PM
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    View Nefets's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Short lucid, testing things out

    by Nefets on 01-14-2024 at 11:05 PM
    I had a lucid dream. It was fairly vivid.
    I was in the middle of a dream when it started to shift and I realized whats up. Then It shifted and now I was infront of my house, late evening. It was getting dark, I looked around asking questions for some reason.
    I looked back, the buildings looked a bit different as I expected, I couldnt see clearly.
    Anyhow, I tried to manipulate the dream and tested this invisible keyboard, cause I theorized that associations are the best sources to manipulate dreams, but it didnt work, I wanted to make it daytime again I think.
    Then I tried to fix my vision, it was like I had no glasses on, so I tried another association, I imagined there is a focuser on the side of my head, and turned it and I almost got a good focus, but then it also stopped working and reverted to glassless focus.
    And then I woke up.

    So I theorized that associations are the best sources to manipulate dreams. Which partly worked, the first attempt didnt, then the second one kinda did, but then it stopped working.
    I'd like to look more into it, come up with new experiments.
    lucid , side notes

    Escaping from feral beasts

    by Nefets on 01-14-2024 at 10:58 PM
    Another wild dream
    Me and my dad were in some suburbs trying to escape, it was some kind of survival world, overcast weather.
    But the danger were animals, like they got wilder and changed even, they were a lot more aggressive, I've seen whole lot of breeds of dogs that would tear apart anyone on sight.
    Somehow we could outrun them, or just go past them by pretending to be relaxed, then once I saw a pack of dogs tearing away one dog behind fences.
    It was night, and we got followed by a pack too and we pretended to be relaxed so they followed us but didn't attack.
    Then I saw a small way between two fences to an open field and I started to walk there but dad wandered off, idk why...
    Anyways I started to pick up the pace when I saw wild squirrels but now they were darker, and has messier fur and were more aggressive and could jump up like 2 meters or so.
    And those started to get on me too but then I started to levitate and evade those things.
    Then once I got to the open field I started to fly and I was really good at it, and now it was daytime. Sunny weather.
    I flew to the other side of the open field where a safe camp was in a forest, then flew back to dad somehow I knew his location.
    He just made out to the open field but was being followed , I speed at him and take him up a high hill and drop there I almost fell off .
    We were in front of a hospital, I saw parents carrying their kids here and there...
    non-lucid , memorable

    Busride, tornados, a weird guys house

    by Nefets on 01-04-2024 at 11:41 PM
    It was me and a few other people and someone lets call her F, idk what she was doing there, traveling like all of us probably
    We were in one of those travel buses have this big spacious entry where you walk up to the long row of seats
    We were somewhere in germany, going between hills and villages, when suddenly the weather got pretty stormy, and suddenly abnormally fast and violent tornadoes popped up randomly, sized randomly, I saw one that was a whole lot faster than our bus, but we havent got any serious ones near us, just little dust devil like ones that only nudged the bus a bit
    Driver got really panicked, we barely ran out the violent tornadoes that seemed to be mostly behind us, we got to a shopping centre of some sort in middle of the plains, the driver wanted to park there and think things through
    but it kept coming, the driver moved the bus around back to the road, I told him where to go to guide him, soon we got out of it somehow....but now apparently, it was of a survival setup, we werent travelling, we were surviving, the whole set up of the dream was of a survival one... anyhow while we were fooling around on the bus, F started to look like man so I was like dude you look like a man, then she shifted back to her original form but this time had a different hairstyle... then the bus stopped near a neighborhood, we continued the road on karts with engines, that had an odd shape, basically it was fully covered, like a car, but kart sized...
    actual cars were all over the place, we were avoiding them, then some sort of situation happened again, and we looked for a house to break into, and there was a house that was barricaded by cars stacked on eachtoher by the road, we got past that with some maneuvering, then got in to the door, we got in with ease, I went in first, there didnt seem to be anyone, I went in the living room, thats where i met the owner of the house
    this guy was odd, had this strong blue facepaint or mask on him and these funky sunglasses that had this red-purple chrome reflection, he took of the mask and introduced himself
    so I was like we came running away from storms and stuff, and he was like he saw us but let us in since we werent careful enough to inspect the place, almost like he set us up
    I was like oh no, I shouldve been careful, this couldve been a big mistake to make, anyhow
    he seemed to be friendly, didnt attack us from the start, but something was off about him, his looks and his manners, he clearly didnt mean good for us in the long run, was kind devious
    then he went to take a look at the team, F was fiddling with something in the other room, then the guy was like I'm gonna beat you up
    then I got mad I warned him if he does anything I'll see him be dealt with, and thats when I woke up
    non-lucid , memorable

    A weird dream with its own world and history

    by Nefets on 12-26-2023 at 07:57 PM
    It felt like I'm in the middle of a Konami game, think resident evil
    I remember we were preparing for Christmas when we got warned that some sort of paranormal army of zombie like monsters emerged due to a catastrophy of some sort and we only have just ten minutes left to hide, somehow censuring any sort of human information mattered, somehow this isn't the first time it happened, at a point I chosed a character, it was a brunette woman with mid-short hair but halfway I was still me, kinda like in a different body as a player idk, some chaos ensued in the streets while some characters of a crew of some kind came to help me and my family prepare,, they had weapons too, so i grabbed my boots, and coat, when i started to hear one of the enemy approaching having some sort of evil monologue about how they will find all of us and we can't hide and about the event in the world that made things the way they are, regarding the catastrophy
    So we bolted for an attic some sort, my house and street was different this time there were some sky reaching structures there, so we entered an attic a very big and tall one basically a tower, in there it was dark, on a large wall of weird wooden ladders we started to climb up just when the enemy came in it was scary as shit, somehow we had fleshlights, as we went up I started to see all kinds of weird murals , dragons and idk what kind of entities on a large rug holding something with many colours that pours water out idk, and I saw little notes on the walls hanging too and I thought those are the stories of the life of others, or at least pieces of them, then i remembered that the catastrophy somehow affected the stories of everything, hence the world setting, then we eventually got up on top of a tower that's pretty much s skyscraper , then i got separated from my character again, i just looked around, more there were guns, it was like i was on the tutorial part, but then my supposed character started to argue about the right for a normal life with the crew, it didn't lead anywhere, she cried, and then i guess we started to get used to the new way of things,
    At this point idk what happened but a little bit later everyone returned for Christmas shopping but this time the main information on pretty much everything was blanked out with white paper, I was in Tesco, it was dimly lit now which have the whole place even more of a Christmas vibe, I got in a talk with a woman there about the whole event, how they shouldn't let us in after this recent event and how blanking out "human information" really does nothing, which supposedly makes raids like this less likely to occur and that's basic procedure made by the gov for safety,
    And then I woke up
    non-lucid , memorable

    Gory dreams again

    by Nefets on 11-25-2023 at 10:10 PM
    I dreamt I was in the middle of some crazy military chaos in some densely populated city
    Spoiler for gory:

    but it was really fucked up, hard to watch, idk how I didnt wake up then

    Then I was in some sort of band , me and a 3-4 others , we were friends sort of
    we got out of somewhere, a brawl or something, I only had a hammer, each of the dudes had different similarly not too good weaponry
    my shirt was teared apart...
    It was night, were were walking somewhere on a road, in the middle of nowhere, plains, trees and lots of bushes and grass, only the moon lit up the scene and maybe a few lamps
    I was singing a viking song , we talked about the lifestyle
    suddenly we were ambushed by 4 or so similar guys, one of them had a spear, the others idk
    I fought one or two off, got them on the head with the hammer, the spear guy came, tried to stab me but couldnt, I deflected it with a hammer somehow, always missing only by inches
    the other guys were killing the rest of the enemy, I was trying to make an opening
    then I made distance , and he threw the spear, he missed, then ran towards the other guys, he apparently had a sword, I picked up the spear and ran
    just before he could cut them down I pierced him hard , he fell
    one of us took out his phone and turned on the flashlight on it
    apparently two of my friends were cut, one was already dead, the other was bleeding out fast but I couldnt see where,
    while one hooded guy, the enemy was writhing in pain on top of them,
    idk how I felt, but I wanted to do something for these two, honor the dead, with the blood of the enemy
    Spoiler for gory:

    I tried ask my friend where was he hurt, maybe he could be saved, but I couldnt see, but he said it's ok,he seemed to be smiling...
    and I just had to watch him starting to fade out
    and then I woke up
    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable