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    • Box77's Avatar
      04-14-2024, 04:27 PM
      I’m sorry, dropped my activity from 2 to 5 because of house hold problems :( Anyway, some points for the ice team: Day 4 Meditation - 0,5...
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    1. View Conversation
      Good Job in the comp, Steph!
      Keep up the good work!
    2. Uuui - thank you Maxis - I'll check it out instantly!!
    3. View Conversation
      Hope you're up for a dare, 'cause I lucid dare you. Check the thread!
    4. View Conversation
      Hey, thanks for the compliment! Looking forward to reading more stuff from you!
    5. Yeah - there are sometimes people who need to be warned that the timeline in the beginning of Anathem is something to look stuff up with, while reading and getting confused or interested deeper, and not a history lesson over thousands years to read up front - I guess, that's rather something you will enjoy having than crying - WTF - am I supposed to learn that by heart?!

      Tell me when you come to "fly bat worm" - I wanted to do something with it for in here maybe!
    6. View Conversation
      Aha brilliant, I have a lot to look forward too.
      Don't worry about bricks of books, the commonwealth saga Im re-reading is pretty much just a 2000 page book split in two.
    7. Ah - you are right of course! But it's a huge scope as well - various species of aliens, which are well worked out - damn - how could I mix this up - been a while...
      They are both fantastic, the ones of Stephenson - I really can't imagine that you won't like them! Anathem is a brick of a book, but I started reading it right again after I was through.
      Diamond Age is shorter, but great as well!
      I hope, they won't disappoint you.
      Stephenson has also written a great historical trilogy about the natural philosophers of the 17th and 18th century - 'Quicksilver' is one of them - but if I should recommend a book, just one - Anathem!
    8. View Conversation
      Are you sure? In the wiki entry for the algrebraist it states "It was his third science fiction novel not to be based or set in The Culture, and the first not to be potentially in the same universe"

      I'll probably give it a try sometime. I've never read anathem, or snow crash but from what I'm seeing neal stephenson looks like a great author. And of course, my favourite sci-fis are the longer ones, so Im inclined twoards anathem, though the diamond age sounds really cool as well.
    9. Hm - well - The Algebraist is culture series as well and there's no problem with a bland story-line in that one, I would say! I can't recall what Matter was about, but I guess, I read it. Having forgotten about it doesn't bode well for its content... Yeah - go for it - I would really be surprised if you found it bland - it does the universe justice in terms of characters - "funny" villain, too. But maybe you just don't like Banks after all - shame I can't tell you from the top of my head what I thought of Matter.
      Do you know my favourite of all authors, Neill Stephenson? Anathem for example? Or Snow Crash or The Diamond Age? No shoddy writing from that man - he ranks above Banks for me in terms of literary quality, no doubt, but it's really so that I love the Culture universe and its beings in a special way, too.
    10. View Conversation
      Hey steph, I just finished reading "matter", one of the later entries in ian m banks culture series. His descriptions and truly imaginative worlds are wonderful, what let me down was his ability to build characters and manage a story.
      It could be because matter is like his 12 entry in the series. I was quite dissappointed because the story was bland in comparison to the world it was set in. Especially since he hinted at the book being extremely complex, jumping between story arcs. Yet it doesn't hold up at all to the bigger space operas by peter f hamilton.

      Would you recommend the algebraist, compared to the culture novels (If you've ever read them)?.
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    some fragments

    by StephL on 05-05-2015 at 10:55 AM
    Waited too long to journal, almost everything is gone by now (noon), but I thought why not write that down anyways:

    I was going across country, had some goal in mind to go to, but I forgot what that was.
    But - the way led through a stall with pigs. And the guys working there and even me only traversing were rendered naked upon entrance, but not for any frivolities, but because one could afterwards easily get clean again by hosing down with a water tube.
    Seemed entirely logical in the dream and the pigs were nice...

    Another snippet - I went with a friend to a cafe and she found out they have a theater attached and also that taking part there, and generally going into theater would be her new goal in life and she went right ahead and started rehearsals with them.

    First ever WILD - Hukif's Galaxy Collision Dare - Oh My - What a Ride!!

    by StephL on 02-10-2015 at 08:21 PM
    First time WILD!!

    This was the most spectacular LD of my life!!

    And it was so easy that I almost wondered if it was a WILD, but it was. And I took my bed with me!

    Being tired, I lay down for an afternoon nap and got quite lively HHs. Just been watching them, and from time to time imagining doing something physical in the scenery, but I did not get to feel that or enter these HHs, so I just watched dispassionately. When I started to do some mantra self-suggestions twice, the HHs went away, so I stayed without words. It felt as if I could look through my eyelids couple of times, seeing my room, but upon trying to see if it's a dream, I opened them for real, closed them disappointedly and continued.

    Suddenly* I still lie on my bed with nose dug in blanket but in space! *(sorry, if that isn't very informative, I know it no better...)

    It "stands" there in the midst of nothing, like a cosy theatre balcony for galactical audiences - and before my eyes stars are roiling and surging every which way, uncountably many, so dense from time to time as if they were spray, foam on the waters of vacuum.

    A black hole comes rolling through, swirling and drawing in my space and sweeping up my stars, but it passes the bed by and disappears to the left side of infinity.

    Checking data for Sageous' memory thread, all accessible, without effort. I know I am in the bed, I am in for real, where it actually stands and when, that I took it for a ride into my lucid dream, blanket and all. I also knew what I did before lying down - also in hindsight this was satisfactory - correct actually. But I was of a fuzzy, dreamy mind anyway, like when not sober, you can anyway remember who you are. Usually.
    Then I imagine two galaxies like on the pictures I have, but my dream has other ideas for a while.

    Instead windows open in space to other space, star-density reducing to a realistical view. And then another window and another and another, and I fly my bed through them all, clutching my blanket.

    And so I enter a space with distant round disks rotating slowly and sparkling with colour and I "brake" my bed.
    A huge tornado of space clouds appears to my left, spiralling around a centre of black with alarming speed. Looking very much like this:

    Ah I think, this is the action I'm here for! Now where is the other one?
    I get drawn closer and closer and lose my bed and start to race around the centre myself until I feel dizzy with dream-vertigo! Like an unbidden joke it comes to my mind, that one shouldn't throw up in space, if at all avoidable, even without a spacesuit, but it does not come to that.

    Again I draw on the pictures I have, like this one:

    My galaxy is all black and white, and it seems to understand me wrongly. I want another galaxy, so what it does is parting into two - it sprouts something like a feeler made of stars and births another smaller galaxy, like running the above with the arrow of time pointing in the wrong direction.

    Well - I admit it wasn't as spectacularly beautiful as the real thing above, but I was and still am blown away anyway and definitely.

    I think, this is no good, beautiful but wrong way round. I leave it happening, but once the baby galaxy dislodges itself - I draw it back in, meanwhile I am the swirl myself, I lose my human body and become star-cloud, sprouting out another feeler, this time I actually feel the draw of gravity I have and thus catch my baby back into the fold. With a plop. Hukif's call, but I guess this was the same as two different galaxies colliding, mechanism-wise.

    Then I get drawn out of being the plane and see my galaxy from above and fading out and I wake up.
    The only thing, which could have possibly topped this amazing trip would have been colour in birth and collision.


    Updated 02-10-2015 at 09:54 PM by StephL


    My little house in the mountains...

    by StephL on 02-06-2015 at 12:52 AM
    Just for doing any journalling at all:
    I keep dreaming of knowing a place in the Bavarian mountains where a half-overgrown old ruin of a wooden house stands, forgotten and far off and I move in and sort it out a bit, make it beautiful, tend to the plants around.
    And live there secretly, often in a kind of escape from something else.

    I wonder how much congruence there really is from dream to dream about this house, it evolves I would say. And I love it.

    Two Opportunities Untaken...

    by StephL on 11-23-2014 at 04:51 PM
    While I'm very busy irl, I've not been giving much thought to LDing at all, but yesterday something spectacular happened - just for two seconds, unfortunately.

    I got lucid when the relatively vague normal "dream-scape" suddenly exploded at me into a real place.
    Full sensory immersion, like my very first adult lucid, such tangibility and mental clarity as well.
    But I got over-excited, that didn't happen for a long while actually, but usually I have to "work" on getting the dream truly realistic, and I almost never fully succeed - so this overwhelmed me.
    Nothing special in terms of scenery - me on a summer meadow.

    Then this night again, I noticed an inconsistency, but couldn't vocalize to a DC, I wanted to tell it to.
    Optics were rather vague and I made a stupid mistake - I tried to open my dream-eyes a bit wider - bam - seeing my room, wide awake.

    Maybe now with journalling I'm a bit more prepared for if it comes again tonight.

    Updated 11-23-2014 at 04:59 PM by StephL


    Shocked into Lucidity by Four Meter Faun

    by StephL on 10-27-2014 at 01:33 PM
    Veery strange. What I remember is being in a huge flat, very high ceilings, and there stood a maybe three/four meter big faun about. He didn't do something at first, was just there, like a huge devil, but in brown and not making an evil impression at all. Rather like being some sort of prehistoric faun, megalo-faun or something.
    Huge brown-furred legs...

    I asked a woman, what he would be doing there and she said, he belongs to the story, we would be filming. Instantly I was also in the know, ah - riight - that faun from the story. Meanwhile I was only surprised, why it would be in this specific scene, where I thought he wouldn't be. Instant explanation from her: yeah - but the audience loves him, we put in more material with him.

    Some this and that and then the faun suddenly comes up to me, and grabs me, and seems to want to take a closer look at me, lifts me up into the air, and I get really afraid all of a sudden, and loose optics, and then I get lucid.

    I guess it was fear, what had eradicated all optics - I just hung in the void. Tried all the pretty tips for optics, wipe my eyes, pretend to take a hood away and put glasses on - nope. Woke up from that.

    Shame I hadn't really prepared myself for a DEILD re-entry - might have worked nicely...

    Updated 10-27-2014 at 01:36 PM by StephL
