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    13 Visitor Messages

    1. View Conversation
      Posting actively...being helpful to newbies, being knowledgeable of dreaming terms and techniques, and knowing the rules inside and out. You also have to put aside personal biased views when settling disputes, and spend a great deal of time on the site, and in chat.
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      Beast background. Im going to do something similar
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      Hi, thanks for the friend request
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      Wake > SP isn't so bad, its not really scary then but SP > wake is terrifying
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      That's OK xXxArtistxXx,

      He passed in 2007, so I've had time to come to terms with it. If you can, sit down with your dad and enjoy a cup of coffee with him. Just talk. There is nothing more awesome. I mean, going on vacation or whatever is "more awesome," but what do you do then? Yes, you may enjoy a show or the beach or whatever, but sitting down and being still allows you to just be. Enjoy that moment. You can't get it back unless it is a memory. Toss a ball. Do simple things. Money is something to strive for, but you can't buy the time you could have a simple cup of coffee and talk...or not.
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      Yes, you type in your dream and click post. I believe you have to give your dream/s a title. I title my dreams by separating them with a semicolon like this. Dream 1; Dream 2; Dream 3.

      Journaling does not make my dreams more vivid. Perhaps for others it does. I believe that by journaling your dreams, you practice remembering your dreams. You need to journal right when you wake up. If you are too tired, write down key words to your dream. If you are too tired for that, repeat key words in your mind so that if you could just remember those concepts, you'll remember much of your dream.

      Try to tether dream memories to something you will definitely see in the morning, like your pants, or your car keys. This will hopefully make you say, "Wait, I had a dream last night!" It's amazing how you can completely forget not only your dream, but that you even had the dream. Journaling is said to help you identify dream signs also.

      I hope this helps.

      The Sandman
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      I think that both scribbling in my journal in the middle of the night and then formally re-writing the dreams here helps the vividness of the dream. When I write in the middle of the night, I'm doing more short-term memory, but when I write the dreams here, I'm relying on more long-term memory, perhaps?
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      Another thing I noticed is that my long, curly hair which I let grow this past year dangles in front of my eyes in reality but not in my dreams. It's a fun and easy reality check.
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      I usually wake up to go to the restroom a few times in the middle of the night (I'm a lot like my father.) When I do, I write down my dream, while I'm in the bathroom. I have found that if I read my dream journal from the previous night(s) right before I go to sleep, it does help improve my chances of having better dreams and dream recall.
      I post on here because using the images and dream tags are an easy way to help trigger dream recall. I'm starting to notice a clear pattern in my dreams regarding the subjects and themes of my dreams.
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      It doesn't always work for everyone. Maybe take a higher dose. But keep it under control, they quickly lose their effect. 50-150mg is ok.
      Limit these attempts to 2-3 times per week. Try it once again. Why forget pills and the nerve damage they cause, Yes, Apple Juice and Bananas.
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    1. xXxArtistxXx
      xXxArtistxXx liked blog post by TheSheepCounter On : Puppies
      I'm not sure if I actually dreamed this but.... A bunch of puppies are eating a big pile of bones.
      Liked On: 08-22-2013, 12:29 AM
    2. xXxArtistxXx
      xXxArtistxXx liked post by JoannaB On thread : I keep having dreams about the end of the world
      I would agree: it's not that the end of the world is really coming I think (though of course can't know that), but rather that you are experiencing emotions as if your world is about to end. yes, I...
      Liked On: 08-21-2013, 08:53 PM
    3. xXxArtistxXx
      xXxArtistxXx liked post by OpheliaBlue On thread : Sleep Paralysis Explained
      How I WILD, by OpheliaBlue When I have the privilege of inducing a lucid dream directly from a waking state (WILD), the transition isn't very long or particularly eventful. There are some things...
      Liked On: 03-13-2013, 02:43 PM
    4. xXxArtistxXx
      xXxArtistxXx liked post by melanieb On thread : Sleep Paralysis Explained
      Final Summary This thread about Sleep Paralysis evolved from a long debate and discussion on the experience of people attempting a Wake Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD). It was recognized that REM...
      Liked On: 03-11-2013, 02:58 AM
    5. xXxArtistxXx
      xXxArtistxXx liked post by Sivason On thread : Sleep Paralysis Explained
      Explaining Sleep Paralysis (SP) Some of the staff and long-term DreamViews members believe that a serious misunderstanding regarding Sleep Paralysis (SP) has become a huge stumbling block...
      Liked On: 03-11-2013, 02:49 AM
    6. xXxArtistxXx
      xXxArtistxXx liked post by Sivason On thread : Sleep Paralysis Explained
      What is SP (Sleep Paralysis)? The simplified version: The true meaning of the term is a medical condition which affects the ability to wake up or go to sleep properly. People with this condition...
      Liked On: 03-10-2013, 09:40 PM
    7. xXxArtistxXx
      xXxArtistxXx liked post by GangsterPanda On thread : o___o just something weird about dreams i 've been noticing...
      Well that sounds quite scary, I believe the reason why you can't hear your scream is just natural, I believe that generally speaking is difficult because when I was lucid in my earlier dreams, I...
      Liked On: 12-27-2012, 03:50 PM
    8. xXxArtistxXx
      xXxArtistxXx liked post by Drift On thread : Vivid dreams with Vitamin B6
      I've never used vitamin b6 before, I'm going to take 300mg tonight mixed with some nachos made of cheddar cheese. I will be sure to record my result tomorrow. I am aware of the risks of taking to...
      Liked On: 11-18-2012, 06:51 AM
    9. xXxArtistxXx
      xXxArtistxXx liked post by Alyzarin On thread : Mangoes Increasing Dream Vividness and Lucidity
      Hmm, maybe.... Probably not directly though. Myrcene has opioid properties, which suppress REM. Helping things cross the blood-brain barrier also has no implications on dreaming. Because of...
      Liked On: 11-17-2012, 12:35 PM
    10. xXxArtistxXx
      xXxArtistxXx liked post by paigeyemps On thread : Crying in Dream, Waking up still crying!
      Hi Shennae. When we dream, the part in our brain that controls emotion is more uninhibited, that is why we tend to feel more intensely in dreams. It is completely normal to have an emotionally...
      Liked On: 11-17-2012, 07:30 AM
    View xXxArtistxXx's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Running Away + Rocket and Getting Flipped

    by xXxArtistxXx on 04-23-2013 at 09:01 PM
    I was thinkig about being an astronaut, then I asked a guy "How does a rocket land"? He didn't answer because I didn't know. (I forgot) Then all of a sudden, I appeared in a rocket. Before I can do anything, the rocket launched. It went so fast, I looked up, everything I saw was red. When I woke up, my head hurt..

    I was walking down a stone built floor, then all of a sudden some person with dirty blond hair asks me: "Are you stupid"? I replied "586" and ran off... I ran into my schools gym but I stopped cause there were parents swarming everywhere, sonI ran into some other part of my school and I saw my mom just standing there.

    I was standing in the school yard with some girl I for some reason didn't recognize her face, she grabbed my hand and just flipped me. I was lying on the floor, I looked up at her and she was just smiling at me.
    non-lucid , memorable

    ALIENS!!! + Meh -50%

    by xXxArtistxXx on 04-19-2013 at 01:12 PM
    Aliens aliens!! I ran inside scared out of my physical body. I slammed the door shut, but before I closed it, some girl ran inside and just vanished. I ignored it and closed the door. I looked out the window, a swarm of Aliens walking around, I was terrified... It was scary. Then all of a sudden I ran behind the couch to hide, staring at the door, the door opened, an alien came inside, then I woke up. (I'm not sure if it was a real awakening). Then I went back to sleep, the dream continued/repeated!
    I was sitting in my seat at school, this girl that sits infront of me had to move. So she just moved somewhere else (I have no idea where) then I said "I just lost 50% of my interest sitting here...."



    by xXxArtistxXx on 04-17-2013 at 12:49 PM
    [B]I was walking downstairs to go on the computer, (Mainly to play Minecraft) but the weirdest thing happened. As I sat down in the chair, the chair started to ride and float in mid-air, a screaming and crying ghost was screaming at me, "BOOO!!!!", then my sister randomly just spawns on the floating chair beside me. But then everything just shuts down, like a power-outage. The chairs both fall and hit the floor. I ran upstairs to hide but then I suddenly just stopped and went back downstairs, I had a view of the other computer room, their were these two hands, just two hands, no arms or anything, the hands were wearing orange gloves, but the weirdest thing they were doing, they were sharpening a pencil... Using a scanner...[/B]
    [B]I was downstairs for some reason trying to install[/B] [B][I][U][COLOR="#FF0000"]ROBLOX[/COLOR][/U][/I][/B][B] I have no idea why, because I quit that game and moved to Minecraft, but then I was gonna download a new driver, the computer crashed, a huge window opened and a crap-load of files just popped up and it said files from the new graphics driver were gonna be installed, it was crazy, they were downloading faster then anything I've ever seen in my life. But after all of this downloaded I opened ROBLOX and right as the window opened. I woke up.[/B]

    :P Weird dreams huh?
    memorable , non-lucid

    Arrow Run

    by xXxArtistxXx on 04-06-2013 at 11:38 PM
    Me and my friends were standing outside of the school on a bright non-cloudy day. We were talking about Minecraft mods and then my friend said there was a "knife mod" for Minecraft PC. So then all of a sudden my friend chases me with an arrow in his hand. But for some reason, I knew he was gonna try to stab it in my shoulder. So he was about to jab it in my shoulder but I caught the arrow and whipped it. :P

    THE HUNGER GAMES (In my house lol)

    by xXxArtistxXx on 03-26-2013 at 01:04 PM
    So I was standing their at a party in my house not aware of what I was wearing... So all of a sudden some guy yells "PARTY!!!!!!!" and all the lights in the entire house just flashed and came off, it was amazing, then I ran around in the dark finding somewhere to hide. Then I finally found a place to hide, so I hid there for a while and then came out, some guy told me to hide in this hideout but I said, NO. So then I ran and then I jumped on my sister and strangled her, the creepiest thing about that, I saw myself do it. I had no eyeballs, my eye sockets were darkness black and I had grey skin and I was wearing a chain around my neck and I also had long black pants and a short black shirt. Then I went over to turn back on the lights, then one of my friends (wearing the same exact clothing as me) said "I RE SPAWNED" and he put his arms out like he was some kind of monster. Then I woke up happy because I had such an awesome dream. :cheeky: