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Quote Originally Posted by ThAtaInTmE View Post
Does WILD feel the same toward the end as DIELD does? I know what a DEILD feels like but not a WILD, and i just cant seem to understand it. I think if it was possible to describe exactly what the state of mind feels like, the tutorial parts would even be needed.
DEILD is a form of WILD, so yes, WILD will feel the same toward the end as DEILD; that could actually be a nice bit of info to hold onto as you progress through your WILD.

For myself, could you tell me if im on the right track. Sometimes, ill hear voices. Only for a short time, as in one words length. I heard my mom shout "Chris!" to me once. HI probably. If i can keep going in that direction, is that good? What is the cue for you that lets you know you're almost done? Come on, there must be something.
As a matter of fact, when I was first starting all this, and long before I even knew there were terms like HI, I used what I called "my little voices" as a roadmark toward the dream. I would hear conversations spoken audibly but just quiet enough to be unintelligible, and that would encourage me to renew my focus and remember my intentions. And yes, I tried more than once to understand what these voices were saying, but when I noticed those efforts were ending my chances of being awake in a dream, I stopped.

What is the cue for me now? In truth, it's different every time, dependent on variables like my mood, level of tiredness, focus, and even what I ate that day. I think the only consistent cue for me is the beginning of the dream forming -- when things start appearing that are not HI, but images "trying to be real," I know the dream is seconds away. I know that wasn't much help, and may not have made sense at all, but it is true: if your self-awareness is strong enough, you will not need cues; only patience.