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    Cities in the Astral

    30 minute long Sex and the Tropics

    by , 10-13-2016 at 03:49 AM (399 Views)
    10-12-16 Very long. Stabilized about 12 times. Starts with a bus ride in Hawaii. Went to a beach and saw people fishing. Interesting lures and odd things make me RC. Became lucid. The fish down in the water are very pretty and abundant. The waters are gorgeous. Eventually go flying down some city streets. Se a woman who is in a red dress. Land near her and control the DC like a puppet. I have her drop the top part her red dress,,, well you can imagine most. What I will say is that I really worked on the exact shape of breasts and so on to make it most appealing. The graphics were good and the sense of touch was pretty spot on. I had her (censored) and needed to stabilize 3 or 4 times to keep it going. Done with that I wandered the city. I found an area of walls and fences and could see the beach beyond. I spider-climbed the obstacles when a feeling makes me look and some silver serpent glowing with energy is coming out. A female voice says I must defeat him to move on. Sorry voice, my dream, going to the beach, keep your snaky thingy. I scaled the walls and found an opening quickly as I knew I would. More time at the beach, but it is evening and the fishermen are gone. Now it is more body surfers. I go into the waves, but basically I am walking on them. Later, I go flying into the city again. I have a small adventure with DCs of old friends that ends in a house. I gather 12 young women in the room and try to have an orgy with them (productive, but again must stabilize over and over). I have sampled 4 of the girls when I seem to be waking up. I am now waking on the couch with the ladies. One tells me she will take me to a bed where I can sleep, but that the next day I am in trouble because one girl was underage and someone turned me in. I tell her that I do not actually know any of them or recognize the house and am 99+% sure this is a dream. So no worries there. I notice weed joints tied under my shoe laces, but do not try to do anything with that. Well, back to the beach. Strange wall is in the way. I climb through with no snake showing up. Nothing note worthy went on after that just random lucid stuff. Eventually I would have needed a 12th or 13th stabilization, and just decided to let the dream end. After spanning say 3 REM periods together the mental effort can be too much. Dur~30 minutes
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    Updated 10-13-2016 at 03:54 AM by 12783



    1. Occipitalred's Avatar
      Impressive. That just reminds me how much potential there is left for me to improve.