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    1st shared dream with kaomea

    by , 10-11-2010 at 02:50 AM (996 Views)
    My dream:

    Stop that

    I'm at a dream version of Tracks pub. sipping a beer pondering my recent turn of events. "is this really happening... ... is the really real... ...what does this mean... ... how will it turn out exactly..." I sip some more and notice bob marley on the jukebox is singing the lyric, "...every little thing, is gonna be alright"
    "Thanks bob" I mutter. Tupac is rapping on the tv screen about how life is just a dream. Pretty soon I'm lost in my chaotic train of thoughts again. Then the numbers 333 start circling around my head, confirming my thoughts. They turn into flies and fly around my head more buzzing "333,333,333" at me.
    "ahhh buzz off." I said. I look down in my beer and see M's face in the bottle end. "what the..." I say as she purses her lips which become a portal and suck me into the bottle.

    Nomad the big bad friendly vampire

    I emerge from the portal in some dark room. There's a door slightly open so I peer through. In the next room I see M surrounded by vampires. Nomad is there too in his vampire form.
    "there's nothing to be afraid of deary!" Nomad says, "I'm a big bad, but friendly vampire." He morphs into a mexican vampire witha big mustache and fedora hat. He has shakers and salsa music begins playing. He dances around going "friendly vampire cha cha cha! Friendly vampire cha cha cha!" I giggle a bit. M is still surrounded by menacing vampires, she's stimbling around the room holding onto various objects trying to get away. Nomad uses the music as a spell and mind controls all the vampires, they all start dancing and dance right through a portal to somewhere.
    Nomad cuts his wrist, and morphs into vampire Ben Stiller. "No one makes me bleed my own blood! Nobody! except me of course!" Then nomad starts sucking on his wrist. blood is getting all over his face and he wipes his face off with his hands. "always wanted to do that in a dream".
    I can see M in the corner cowering at the site. I put my head in my palm.
    "Nomad," I roar jumping through the door as a werewolf. "What are you doing? She's terrified stop that." His eyes slowly fill with blackness, he seems slightly aware and pushes the blackness away as if on reflex.
    "Sorry," he says. I just have to know if she's the real deal.
    "Well ok, Remember when we rescued asuka from the Reptilian alien that was inhabiting Lujan? Weren't you there when walms ate the reptilian, and asuka was so grossed out that she threw up?"
    "oh yeah," Well isn't M's reaction here similar?
    "I have to know for sure!" he said morphing into a dark demon. A dark aura emerged that he could no longer contain. He ws drunk with rage.
    "All this waking life shit is killing my dreams, and now she comes along. and look at her, already in distress. AEONA!" he roared at her. "ARE YOU IN THERE? You better not being trying to lead Mosh astray again."
    "That's not Aeona." I said. "Trust me I would know." M fainted from the dream but left a silhouette of her dream body which turned cartoonish.
    "I knew it." Nomad said and walked toward M. I shot astral tentacles out of my hand which wrapped around nomad likea web. I thrased him around the room. Now he was a jaguar cub yelping. i looked into the web. He looked like and innocent jaguar cub. then a dark aura emerged from him and tried to attack me. I opened a portal to the healing glen and through the jaguar cub through.

    I sighed and noticed a beer bottle in my hand. I went to take a sip. M, who was still there, Shot a spider silk from her hand and snatched the botle away from me.
    "STOP THAT" she yelled. She was angry, her background changed to a garden at night time with gargoyles. She grew 20ft tall and towered over me. She was like a dark witch.
    "OMG," I said, "It's her shadow self."

    Her dream:

    Annoying Vampires

    I had a dream last night and I’m almost certain it was Nomad or MoSh. Before I went to bed my main focus was ‘find Asuka’. The dream started pretty normal, in a three story log cabin, saw some living relatives, read their thoughts, everything seemed pretty normal. Then some bell rang or the environment changed and vampirish/zombie things came out from the woodwork so to speak. I was in some type of lift, trying to get a motorcycle to a different level (wtf moment there). I gave up, tried to find one of the three levels that offered the best hiding place or escape, realized there were none. Went to the basement/first level, kitchen setting, I was standing on a counter, with vampires looking at me, I finally got fed up and realized it wasn’t fair. I looked at one of them and said, “Hey, would you stop, I have nowhere to hide, nowhere to escape, this sucks.” I then got off the counter and just started walking around. Another ‘human’ was there and wanted to prove the vamps were peaceful, he drew his own blood, I was looking at the idiot and thought ‘they may be peaceful but they aren’t perfect’. I backed myself into a corner trying to get as far from him as I could, I know things were going to get ugly, so did he, he bolted for the sliding door and right before he got to it, someone popped into my dream bubble. I figured at that point if I wasn't lucid already, I sure was then. I was standing by the fridge, scared shitless, had the door to the fridge opened, looking for I don’t know what … the food was spoiled. But the moment the person showed up, I recognized his energy for the first time that I can remember in my waking state. My impression was he was looking for me, and finally found me, you were about to ask me something but I got pulled from the dream and woke up. At first I thought it was Nomad but thinking it over more, I could have been confused if it was Nomad or MoSh.

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    Tags: shared dream


    1. Baron Samedi's Avatar
      crazy. the dark aura thing was my symbiote. I have to communicate with it better more maybe... hmm...
    2. Baron Samedi's Avatar
      This is weird:

      Since you two had this dream:

      I have grown out my moustache, and I now have a Stetson cowboy hat. I also recently bought a shaker that is made of seed pods. Last night, I wore my vampire costume to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Winter Solstice Drum circle. I also wore the cowboy hat.
    3. TheForgotten 's Avatar
      Haha, nice Nomad. The shakers, mustache, and hat all seem to fit with you. Very playful.