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    Hopeless Wanderings

    Titanic 2

    by , 07-28-2010 at 05:23 PM (446 Views)
    regular dream: 7-28-10

    I woke up several times during this dream but wanted to continue it so I fell back asleep and landed right back into the scene. Some of this is filled with useless details, but I wanted to remember as much of this as possible.

    At some point during this dream, I put some money into a gambling maching type thing and out came 200$. I was like "yay! with this money combined with my other saved money, I now have enough money to buy myself a nice camera!" .... darn.

    Titanic 2

    Me, my mom, my dad, my sister, and pretty much all of my friends went on this huge boat, I think we were taking a vacation or something because I had three bags with me, one to carry all my clothes, one backpack, and one other bag, maybe a purse. The boat was split into two. The one we were on was currently on the water and it was about 1 story tall, while the other one was on an island close by and it was like 10 stories tall. Even though we were only on the first story, the boat was huge. The floor seemed to go on for miles. There were big red comfy chairs everywhere that people would sit/lounge on. If you walked further down the halls you would find all the bedrooms. It was pretty much like a standard hotel, only bigger. There were tons of people too, all on the first story out in the ocean.

    During some of the journey I was hanging out with my friends on the red chairs. Some of the people there included Aub, Britt, Rach, and there were more but I can’t remember. We were all having a jolly good time (: . At one point I had to use the bathroom so I got up and went into this room and sat down on the toilet but when I looked up, I saw three other people sitting there around me, including my sister, just talking. I was so embarrassed, I was the only one who actually had their pants down… so I got up and decided to go later.

    If you’ve ever seen Titanic(if you haven’t then whats wrong with you?), then you should know what happens in this dream. It was now lunch time, and everyone was gathering by the tables and pulling out their lunches. Something didn’t feel right. I think I realized that I was in the Titanic… or a boat that was similar to it. Sure enough, Water started pouring in through one of the halls. I don’t know where it came from, but later found out it was raining really hard outside and everything was flooding. It was like Noah’s Ark, but the boat we were on sprung a leak. The water was slowly coming up through the hall at one end of the boat. I was getting scared now. I wanted to leave right now and go to the other part of the boat on the island and go to the top story.

    But my mom insisted that we finish lunch first. I though she was crazy at first, but then I saw everyone else doing the exact same thing. I sat down at a picnic table with my dad and some other people and got out my lunch, which was some meat, I think turkey, in a bag along with carrots and watermelon. I wasn’t really in the mood to eat, but I forced the food down and asked my dad if he wanted the leftover watermelon but he said no. I think I might have thrown away the rest. I just wanted to finish up and get out of there. After lunch I went over by my friends who were sitting in the red chairs. I sat with them awhile until my parents finished eating.

    Finally, it was time to leave. I went back to the picnic tables to get my stuff, but the water had already reached them. It wasn’t that deep yet, so I grabbed 2 outfits of clothes, my backpack, and something else. There was now a different family sitting at the table and they had a baby. They seemed calm though, like there was nothing going on. They just sat there and started eating. I hurried back to my parents and we started walking down the opposite hall from where the water was coming in. At one point, I looked back and the water and wondered why I didn’t see anyone coming from those halls. Had they died? Didn’t they know about the water? Where were they?

    I don’t remember how we got off the boat and onto the island, but that’s what happened next. The water would be soon flooding the island, so we went into the second part of the boat, which was like 10 stories. There was almost no one in this boat, and the first story was just as big as the other boat out in the sea. I still had to go to the bathroom so I went down one of the hallways and found a bathroom. It was a toilet and sink that was right out in the open. I found a shade type of door that I pulled around like a curtain. It was like a one-way window. I could still see out but no one could see me. I could hear everything too. I looked through the window and saw a door to a room open and a person standing by the bed, talking to someone else in a different room by me. I could hear them loud and clear and this made me uncomfortable. Then I saw my mom standing outside the door waiting to use the bathroom. I got up and left, still not able to go to the bathroom.

    I went back to the main area, where their where more red chairs. I saw my dad standing next to them, looking kind of guilty. I think he might of hugged-or kissed another woman. My friend Aub came by and my dad greeted her, even though they had already met before. Aub looked kind of annoyed and said “uhh.. we already met.” It was kind of weird. But I ignored that and started to look for a way to get to the next story of the boat. There was an elevator but I didn’t want to use it for fear that it would get stuck. I saw my sister standing on top of a bed out in the open, reaching up to the ceiling. She had taken the ceiling tile down and was trying to find a way to get up to the next level. She said something like “I found Skully!” I didn’t think she was serious, but she then pulled out a skull from the ceiling. I was really grossed out and mad that my sister was making fun of the dead like that.

    Then my phone alarm went off and woke me up. I turned it off and returned to the dream.

    I was now stacking beds on top of one another so I could reach the ceiling, but I just couldn’t seem to stand on them because they were either too small or too wobbly.

    This time my phone rang, and I woke up for good.

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    Updated 07-28-2010 at 06:10 PM by 23237

    Tags: scary, titanic
