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    International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal

    29th Shared Dreaming Attempt - BiscuitHappyz's Dream

    by , 09-11-2011 at 03:32 AM (567 Views)
    BiscuitHappyz's Dream

    I seem to be having a recall dry spell, and I do not have a clue why that could be. Hopefully I find out and/or recover from it soon. But I did manage to remember one fragment from last night;

    I was lying in my bed, on my back, with my current book, The Black Lung Captain, propped up on my chest. My black reading lamp, perched on the arch of the end of my bed behind me, lit the room with a warm, yellow light. I was paying little attention to the other details of my room, as I was actually reading the book.

    The text was strangely coherent, yet all the the things the booked described contradicted what it described earlier. It was as though I were reading the dream.

    The only thing I remember reading clearly was close the bottom of the left page of the book;

    'Frey moved into the engine room and shoved Matt aside.'

    Of course this make no sense out of context, so in context, that would be;

    'Frey, the impolite captain, moved into his ship's engine room, and shoved Matt, the assistant engineer that is not actually in the book but instead my mind put there, into a pipe, possibly hurting his spine.'

    It is also notable that Matt is the name of a character in another series of books much like the Black Lung Captain.

    That's all I remember. Interesting, methinks.

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